Debian 8 multiple PHP are these safe methods? - php

At work i want to upgrade our system to PHP7. It is currently at PHP5.6.
We have a different folder structure, as we have all our code in the /home/user directory.
I am not a server guy, i only code. But i know some linux basics.
I came across phpbrew. Is it safe for me to use? as we have a different folder structure then most have.
I dont want to mess up my development server, so it is important for me that i can switch back to 5.6. The server is running debian 8 and we use apache2.
I also came across this article:
Is this a safe way to do what i want?
Any other suggestions are also welcome!
Thanks in advance!

The process described in that link looks plausible. Possibly other online resources might confirm it. Why not make a quick VM and try it out?
Is your current dev server a VM? You could clone it, then make the changes and run both in parallel. If not, you could shut it down briefly, image it, and then use the image to build a VM or another physical box.
That way you've got any custom server setup copied across reliably with minimal effort, and you can test PHP7 along with that stuff, with no risk to the current environment. That would be my advice.


Is using Xampp/Wamp necessary or just a choice?

All the people I have seen working with php, were using Wamp or Xampp. And when I spoke with them as a fellow learner, their first question was which one I use(Wamp or Xampp).
Is Xampp/Wamp Server truly necessary to use or just my choice?
I first installed apache httpd server, then months later I installed Mysql community server and again months later php.I didn't plan to use them together, but now that I need to use them together, I am confused whether I should install Xampp/Wamp or it is fine without them.
Can serious and functional development can be done without using any of them?
I don't want to realize midway that I am going into wrong direction and it is not possible.I am not asking if it is recommended for ease of use or saving time. I have no trouble in learning to configure any of them and I have done so in past with very little trouble.
I would like to have an answer saying clearly whether I HAVE to use them, or they are just a matter of choice.
If you have done all the work of installing an AMP stack on Windows already then there is absolutely no reason to install WAMPServer or XAMPP.
These 2 products just make the process of installing a working AMP stack easier, they do not add anything over and above what you have managed to do all for yourself.
So when friends ask which product you use, all you need tell then is that you use a WAMP Stack that you installed and configured yourself.
I will add a couple of things though
WAMPServer does allow you to have multiple versions of Apache,MySQL and PHP installed in a way that makes it easy to switch versions of all 3 parts of the AMP stack very easily. In a development environment, I personally find this extremely useful. It means I can mimic a clients environment in a couple of seconds and at the touch of a couple menu items.
XAMPP does come with Perl.
If you want,you can download and integrate PHP in your invironment.
But if you want everything at one place then go for Wamp or Xampp.
Simple answer for the question is "it is just a choice". Because you can install all the software separately or all in one using WAMP/XAMPP

How to bundle a php application with 1 click run/install

I create php application for small businesses. Some of the clients may prefer running the app on a local server, therefore my requirement is to create/bundle an app with apache/mysql/php with all the necessary confirguration and one click executable (be it a batch file) such that when the user opens it, it runs the apache server on some port say localhost:1234 and mysql as well.
and opens up the application in the default web browser.
To be more exact, Im looking for something like, check their Simple Invoices for Windows which come budled with apache/php/mysql.
P.S - Im not sure if this question should be at SO or Superuser.
If you actually want to install a web server and a SQL server then Lars' solution would be a way to go. On windows you can generate a .msi installer containing the dependencies you need (like WAMP). An installer executable would be a cleaner solution than a batch file in my opinion, as it will also provide the user with an option to uninstall your software if they wish.
If you want to distribute your application in a standalone version, then you might also want to check a solution like NuSphere's PHPDock -
I had the same challenge and came across Uniform Server:
You download it, add your application to it, start it and everything runs. Lovely.
Superuser would have been better. But depending on your requirements, you should just create a package to install. On windows, package it with WAMP, on linux, package it with either one-click-install or creating packages for the two biggest systems, namely APT and RPM. With the dependency-system on all of them you can make sure, that your application runs right off the bat.
PHP Desktop is the best option I found when researching this.
PHP Nightrain is also an option:
Bitnami WAMP stack looks good as well:

could add GD support to php interrupt a website services?

For one website, I need to add a litle script who resize images in php. For that, I used the GD functions. That worked very well in the dev machine, the problem is that in production doesn't work because php GD support isn't installed.
The things is, I'am not expert in server configurations and maintenance (my experience is mostly develop, and in others jobs other people were in charge of the servers, but this company is very small, so...), and I have a little fear that, if simple I install php-gd support, something wrong could happens to the productions server.
Any advice would be greatly appreciate.
While there is the possibility of something going wrong during the install, this can be mitigated by backups. Only thing I could imagine on the php side is concerning method definition - if somebody defined a method with the exact same name of a predefined mod_gd one, it will break.
If you want to be really sure: get a full backup of the production server, install it in a VM and test adding the GD support to it. If it doesn't break the VM install, it won't break the production server either.

Developing a PHP/mySQL app on IIs

I am strictly a LAMP dev but an ad agency I work with is courting a government agency whose RFP requires that their site be delivered via a Windows server.
What advice do folks have on this? Are there specific pitfalls? It seems like I have heard that file uploads and folder permissions are very different on Windows servers.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
IME, IIS can behave very oddly at times.
The permissions model is primarily ACL based - so its certainly possible to design a system which mimics the way Unix works - but (just as with Unix) get the permissions model right - and don't tinker with permissions / ownership in your code.
And of course you'll get yourself tied in knots if you try to move up directory hierarchies and cross over 'drives'.
Add to that a complete absence of the services you might invoke via popen(), and the POSIX tools.
Yes, people keep telling me its a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there.
OTOH, a self-contained set of PHP files will run quite happily there.
PHP on a windows server is definitely trying on your patience. Problems that I've run into are making sure that IIS is configured to use the correct php.ini file, and as you said, writing to files on the server as well as folder permissions.
That being said, if you can get it working correctly, it's not a bad production environment.
I would suggest getting your dev environment as similar as possible to what production will look like. That way you run into as few problems as possible when you deploy.
I can see some pitfalls for using PHP on IIS
Since IIS is multithreaded unlike
linux which is multiprocess. Some
PHP scripts might be unsafe.
Because of this PHP should be installed and
run as a CGI extension. CGI is
slower than IIS's ISAPI and worse
when compared to Apache's mod_php.
Another pitfall I can think of is URL rewriting. IIS, versions below
v7 do not support url rewriting.
Configuration of PHP with IIS is really a pain. But when you do configure it, make sure you use the same configuration, exact mirror images everywhere you are developing because a lot can go wrong with just one glitch.

Using PHP and MySQL to develop website

I want to develop a professional website using PHP and MySQL. Can i do it in Windows 7 (64-bit) or i need to install linux based OS. How to go for it.
You can run an AMP Stack (Apache, mySQL, PHP) on Windows no problem. I have been doing this for ten years now. Running on Windows 7 64-bit is also no problem.
There are several pre-packaged installers available. My favourite is XAMPP. They usually allow full customization where needed.
You can also download the stand-alone binaries of each product and install them manually. Makes for very, very good learning but is more work.
Yes, you can.
Though a platform is the least thing you will need...
As mentioned it is possible to develop Php and MySQL sites quite happily on Windows using something like XAMPP, even if they are later to be deployed on a Linux web server and I know a lot of people do this and it works great for them.
However I have found in the past you can run into problems later on this way. For example, a lot of people who have only used Windows in the past can get caught out by case-sensitivity in Linux. So your site runs great locally but then you start getting lots of 404 errors when you go live because for example, mypage.php is not the same as myPage.php any more.
At the other end of the development spectrum, you can achieve some really powerful functionality when you start to work the server a bit more - things like video encoding or audio conversion are possible using PHP (with a bit of help from some other apps) on both Windows and Linux but the ways that you would do it are different therefore your development environment becomes much less useful and again you run the risk of putting something live that doesn't work, even tho it runs fine when you test it locally.
Personally, I think it is always best to develop on as close an environment to the intended production server as you can to avoid any nasty surprises when you go live.
Develop on the same platform you are going to be deploying to (if possible). It'll make it extremely easy to deploy with less room for possible error.
Installing the 64-bit versions Apache/PHP/MySQL on Windows 7 is a bit of a pain, but you can easily install the 32-bit versions using XAMPP (as mentioned by Pekka) from
For Windows you can use a light package, which content php, apache, mysql, pear. link text
