Redirect Loop when logged out only - php

I wrote a function that runs with the 'wp' hook and redirects if certain conditions are met (using Advanced Custom Fields), but it only works if I am logged in. When logged out, it spits out a too many redirects error
function swa_wc_product_redirect_to_post(){
if ( is_product() ) :
if ( get_field( 'redirect_to_post' ) == 1 ) :
$redirect_post_url = get_permalink( get_field( 'redirect_post_id' ) ) ;
wp_redirect( $redirect_post_url , 301 );
any ideas as to why it loops when logged out only? Perhaps I am missing something simple.

Wow - need a break on this project ;-)
Turns out that the post it was trying to redirect to was set to private - hence the loop.


WordPress: Redirecting a drafted post

I'm trying to set up a redirect for drafted posts of the post type "Personnel", as we'd rather show a page with a custom message than a 404 page in this instance. I have added the following to functions.php (adopted from this older thread) which for some reason only works for logged-in users- otherwise, the general 404 page shows. I've also tried adding the redirect to the single-personnel.php template, but it has no effect. I'm wondering how to get this redirect working for all users (logged in or not) and/or if there's a better way to implement the redirect? Thanks for any insight here.
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'inactive_personnel_redirect', 0 );
function inactive_personnel_redirect() {
global $post;
if( ( $post->post_status == 'draft' ) && ( is_singular('personnel') ) ) {
wp_redirect( home_url() . '/about-us/inactive', 301 );

How to redirect to another page if referrer url is not a specific url in wordpress?

I'm using WordPress with Elementor, I want a certain page to be accessible only if it comes from a certain url. I saw from other answers in similar questions that I can use this:
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'wpse15677455_redirect' );
function wpse15677455_redirect() {
$value = ('') ;
if (!is_page(555) & wp_get_referer() !== $value ) {
wp_safe_redirect( get_home_url() );
I tried using this in the function.php of the theme but it returns the error "Unable to communicate with server to check for fatal errors". I tried with all plugins deactivated except elementor but same result.
I tried without the add_action call but, despite not giving errors, it also does nothing. I can't seem to find the right place/way to use this function.
Trying out the code, I believe the problem is that you're missing a single ampersand(&) for the And operator. Also, if is_page is used to check for the "certain page", maybe the not(!) operator isn't necessary...
if (is_page(555) && wp_get_referer() !== $value ) {
function custom_redirects() {
if ( is_front_page() ) {
wp_redirect( home_url( '/dashboard/' ) );
if ( is_page('contact') ) {
wp_redirect( home_url( '/new-contact/' ) );
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'custom_redirects' );
is_page('contact') => 'contact' is page slug.
is_page(150) => '150' is page ID.
If the link that has to be redirected comes from a page, you could use a redirection plugin like this one:
Once activated you just edit the page you want to be redirected inserting the correct link in the page links to field.

Detect dashboard of WooCommerce "my account" pages

How can I detect if the "myaccount/my-account.php" template is used on the Dashboard.
Currently I use:
global $wp;
if ( !isset($wp->query_vars['page']) ) {
Back to my Account
<?php } ?>
<div class="myaccount_content">
do_action( 'woocommerce_account_content' );
But that feels kind of hacky. Isn't there something like a is_myaccount_dashboard() function?
Update: Detecting specifically the My account "Dashboard" page
global $wp;
$request = explode( '/', $wp->request );
// If NOT in My account dashboard page
if( ! ( end($request) == 'my-account' && is_account_page() ) ){
Back to my Account Dashboard
<div class="myaccount_content">
do_action( 'woocommerce_account_content' );
Tested and works.
Original answer:
Yes of course there is is_account_page() native WooCommerce conditional that returns true on the customer’s account pages.
Here is an example using is_account_page() and is_user_logged_in(). To get the my account link url you can use: get_permalink( get_option('woocommerce_myaccount_page_id') ).
if ( !is_account_page() ) { // User is NOT on my account pages
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { // Logged in user
// Link to "My Account pages dashboard".
<?php _e( 'My Account', 'woocommerce' ); ?>
<?php }
else { // User is NOT logged in
// Link to "Login / register page".
<?php _e( 'Login / Register', 'woocommerce' ); ?>
Official WooCommerce Conditional Tags
Display My Account link in a template file
After that you can Override WooCommerce Templates via a Theme using my account templates to fine tune even more WooCommerce behaviors…
To detect the exact page you're in, within the My Account area, (to allow you to determine which template is being used), I don't think Woocommerce provides a way.
I think you'll have to get the current URL, with vanilla PHP, and compare it to the URL of the page that is set to be the Dashboard/My Account Home page.
$current_url = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? "https" : "http") . "://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]";
$dashboard_url = get_permalink( get_option('woocommerce_myaccount_page_id'));
if($dashboard_url == $current_url){
// do your stuff here
Woocommerce's is_account_page() conditional function will return true for ALL the My Account sub pages, so can't be used to determine if you're specifically on the Dashboard page.
I had the same question (years later, lol). For people looking at the answer and wondering why it isn't helpful there are endpoint detecting functions available in woocommerce that do exactly what you're looking for. You can read the list of functions available here.
This is taken directly from the woocommerce docs. I am just copying it just incase the link is broken in the future
is_account_page() =>
Returns true on the customer’s account pages.
is_wc_endpoint_url() =>
Returns true when viewing any WooCommerce endpoint
is_wc_endpoint_url( 'order-pay' ) =>
When the endpoint page for order pay is being displayed.
is_wc_endpoint_url( 'order-received' ) =>
When the endpoint page for order received is being displayed.
is_wc_endpoint_url( 'view-order' ) =>
When the endpoint page for view order is being displayed.
is_wc_endpoint_url( 'edit-account' ) =>
When the endpoint page for edit account is being displayed.
is_wc_endpoint_url( 'edit-address' ) =>
When the endpoint page for edit address is being displayed.
is_wc_endpoint_url( 'lost-password' ) =>
When the endpoint page for lost password is being displayed.
is_wc_endpoint_url( 'customer-logout' ) =>
When the endpoint page for customer logout is being displayed.
is_wc_endpoint_url( 'add-payment-method' ) =>
When the endpoint page for add payment method is being displayed.
Actually I found out this condition that seems to work fine in order to detect the WC Dashboard page with native WC code only:
if (is_user_logged_in() && is_account_page() && !is_wc_endpoint_url()) {
echo 'WC Dashboard';
} else {
echo 'no WC Dashboard';
<?php if(is_page("account") && !is_wc_endpoint_url()) { ?>
Assuming your account page is at /account/, this will detect your dashboard.
If you were to only do is_page("account"), the conditional would trigger for all account pages. However, because the dashboard isn't considered a WC endpoint like 'view-order' or 'last-password' is, this simple check will do the job.
I also needed to identify the dashboard specifically and found this question but I didn't like any of the answers and WooCommerce still has no built-in tag to do this...
I have 2 issues with the answers, the first is using is_wc_endpoint_url() (not infallible) and the second is comparing URLs (personal taste I guess?)
is_wc_endpoint_url() can return false for endpoints which are
added by a theme or plugin so you can get a false negative. There's
a filter so you can add your own but you can't trust that a plugin
will do that.
Comparing URLs feels hacky to me. You can probably get
trustworthy results and it's pretty straightforward, so it's not
necessarily a bad way to do it. Although I would forgo hardcoding parts of the URL(s) or at least allow for translating.
Now if you think about it, WooCommerce itself knows without fail when to load dashboard.php so I just took that code and refactored it to simply identify the dashboard:
function is_dashboard(){
global $wp;
if( ! empty( $wp->query_vars ) ){
foreach ( $wp->query_vars as $key => $value ) {
// Ignore pagename param.
if ( 'pagename' === $key ) {
if ( has_action( 'woocommerce_account_' . $key . '_endpoint' ) ) {
return false;
return true;
For me, this is the most foolproof way to do it, although if done correctly, comparing URLs might be sufficient. You just can't trust is_wc_endpoint_url() for this issue.
Hope this helps anyone still looking for an is_dashboard() or is_account_page('dashboard')

Change page content based on condition Wordpress

I would like to change to homepage of a wordpress website depending on the role of the user who is logged in.
For the simple case ( i.e. whether a user is logged in or not ) I have tried using the function is_user_logged_in()
the code is as below:
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
// Include the page content template.
get_template_part( 'content', 'page' );
// If comments are open or we have at least one comment, load up the comment template.
if ( comments_open() || get_comments_number() ) {
echo "you are logged in";
But the problem is that it changes the content in the each and every page. I would like to do that for a particular page only.. ( i.e. homepage ). How do i do that? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
To do it you would have to add another condition(s), e.g. for the homepage:
if(!is_user_logged_in() && is_home()){
And similarly for the other type of the content: is_page(), is_category(), is_author(), etc. Check out the docs here.
check for the Id of the page and compare it to your wanted specific page
also you could set a category for the pages you want to alter and check for that

Redirect WordPress homepage to newest Article

I am trying to redirect my WordPress homepage to the newest article automatically.
At the moment I use a redirect suggested by Spencer Cameron
function redirect_homepage() {
if( ! is_home() && ! is_front_page() )
wp_redirect( '', 301 );
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'redirect_homepage' );
Now if I post article 2 I want the homepage to automatically connect to article 2 without me adjusting the functions.php.
I want no user to see the but only the article, so there is always a redirect to the newest article when visiting the page.
I want to have the possibility to still access (by manually typing the url) even if there is already
How could I achieve that goal?
The answer is in Get the ID of the latest post: do a simple query to get one post (ordered by latest by default), then grab its permalink and redirect.
Don't put this type of code in functions.php, create your own mini-plugins to do it. If you want to disable this, it's just a matter of disabling a plugin, and not of editing a file.
/* Plugin Name: Redirect Homepage */
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'redirect_homepage' );
function redirect_homepage()
if( ! is_home() && ! is_front_page() )
// Adjust to the desired post type
$latest = get_posts( "post_type=post&numberposts=1" );
$permalink = get_permalink( $latest[0]->ID );
wp_redirect( $permalink, 301 );
A solution from a friend:
Replace index.php in the template folder with the following:
<?php global $query_string; query_posts($query_string.'&posts_per_page=1'); ?>
<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<?php header('Location: '.get_permalink()); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
Thanks for helping me out
