I'm trying to get solution for this issue but can't find it out.
I'm developing a WordPress plugin using Woocommerce APIs, i.e trying to insert a product reading from external JSON source. So when I try to call
$woocommerce->get( 'products', $data );
I get a fatal error like that:
Fatal error: Uncaught Automattic\WooCommerce\HttpClient\HttpClientException: Error: Firma non valida - la firma fornita non corrisponde. [woocommerce_rest_authentication_error] in /Users/hal/Documents/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/.../vendor/automattic/woocommerce/src/WooCommerce/HttpClient/HttpClient.php:324
(StackTrace not reported here, not useful to find other informations).
Error reported is 401, about this most weird thing is that the same code on localhost does not work, if I upload & try same code it on production VPS ... it works. Searched on many topics about this, no clear responses until now so sorry for duplicate, if is this the case.
$woocommerce was previously instanced as:
$woocommerce = new Client(
'ck_...', // Your consumer key
'cs_...', // Your consumer secret
'wp_api' => true, // Enable the WP REST API integration
'version' => 'wc/v2' // WooCommerce WP REST API version
ck/cs pairs was just generated from wordpress, site url is obviously http://localhost/wordpress (and I tried without success i.e http://localhost/wordpress/, https://localhost/wordpress and so on)
If this could matter (...and I guess yes), I'm trying to debug this code on MAMP (apache on 80 port, mysql on 3306) running # localhost w/ basic installation, on MacOS Sierra 10.12.6.
Hope I was clear and anyone solved this problem, thanks in advance
If You are using http request then you have to user oauth for authorization for rest api
I'm currently trying to wrap my head around Wordpress and its relation to the REST API. All of theses issues are only occurring in the context of plugin development. So far I had setup my endpoint and written my callback which will be executed whenever someone is sending a GET-Request to said endpoint. However, my callback is never called. This is the file which I've written so far.
* Plugin Name: cola-learning
echo 'You cant access this ressource!';
function PrintRESTResponse()
return rest_ensure_response("student");
function SetupREST()
return register_rest_route("student/v1","/view/",[
'methods' => 'GET',
'callback' => 'PrintRESTResponse'
Perhaps it might also help, if I'll give some background information about my development machine:
- OS: Windows 10
- Server: Apache Web Server (included inside XAMPP)
- Wordpress Version: 5.3.2
- PHP Version: 7.4
- Development IDE: Eclipse 2019-12 CDT ( with PHP Plugin )
From my research, everything should work fine. However, it doesnt :/ Did I miss something crucial?
WordPress REST API Routing
WordPress is having a default route for all request which are directed to the REST API ( at least if you use XAMPP with the Bitnami WordPress application module). Now, if one wants to send a request to said REST API, the person needs to use an URL with the form of ip:port/wp-json/rest_route. ip ressembles the ip address of the server which is hosting wordpress. port is the port of said server. wp-json, however, is the portion which differs an ordinary request from a request to the REST API. Everything after this portion (rest_route) is the rest route which I've defined in the above source code.
What went wrong?
My request was pointed to the wrong endpoint. Therefore I used the URL 'localhost:wpPort/wordpress/student/v1/view/'. However, the 'wp-json/' portion is missing. Therefore WordPress will search for a page that doesn't exist in the first place. Instead I should have used the URL 'localhost:wpPort/wordpress/wp-json/student/v1/view/'.
After some troubleshooting it turns out the URL being used to test was missing a part of the endpoint path.
Here is the correct path to test the newly registered endpoint.
Here's some more reading on WP Rest API endpoints:
I'm currently developing a plugin for wordpress that uses recurly for subscription. I already uploaded it to our site and resume coding there. I'm already done with the checkout page and was in the middle of developing the accounts page when I run into an error:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Recurly_ConnectionError' with message 'Failed to connect to Recurly (Could not resolve host: xx-my-subdomain-xx.recurly.com)
xx-my-subdomain-xx is the placeholder for the subdomain
I already increased the connection timeout to 30 but my effort was futile. I tried testing it in my localhost and found out that it was working. I think i has something to do with the cURL but I can't point out what's causing the problem.
Any help would be appreciated.
Recurly_Client::$subdomain = 'your-subdomain-name'; // i.e devapp,myapp..etc
You don't need to write whole subdomain URL you just need to pass your subdomain name which is found in configuration -> site setting (Only the name of the subdomain).
I hope this will solve your issue as I also got the same error after this change its working fine for me.
Provide your subdomain as follows
Recurly_Client::$subdomain = "Your RECURLY_SUBDOMAIN";
Then add your API key and certificate path as follows
Recurly_Client::$apiKey = "Your RECURLY_API_KEY";
Recurly_Client::$CACertPath = "Your RECURLY_OPENSSL_CertificatePATH";
I hope this will work for you.
I've been trying for days to get Google's Calendar PHP API working on my local Laravel development site. Here's the problem:
I'm using a service account so I can perform functions on one calendar (the service accounts calendar). I'm not authenticating users and requesting access to their calendar.
I've verified everything from my client ID, the service email address, the key.P12 file, still nothing happens.
Here is my code:
$key = File::get($this->key);
$credentialObj = new \Google_Auth_AssertionCredentials(
$client = new \Google_Client();
$calendarServiceObj = new \Google_Service_Calendar($client);
$events = $calendarServiceObj->events->listEvents('mygmail#gmail.com');
I've even tried using Google's own example here:
No errors, nothing. Just a blank error page every single time. I've tried so many examples all over the internet, even here on stack overflow, and at the end, all I get is a 'This webpage is not available'. This happens on every browser.
Laravel is set to development mode so all errors are displayed, and I've even force set the ini using ini_set("display_errors", 1);.
I know everything works fine up until I request anything from the service object. All the calendar api's are set to on in my developer account. Does my local development domain need to have SSL enabled?
It be so nice if I could figure out at least what is going on, but with this obscure error, I have no idea.
If anyone has any tips, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!!
EDIT: I've scoured through googles API code, and this is exactly where the request fails:
Line 77 to 92:
public function sign($data)
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') < 0) {
throw new Google_Auth_Exception(
"PHP 5.3.0 or higher is required to use service accounts."
$hash = defined("OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256") ? OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256 : "sha256";
//If I die(); here, I receive the response
if (!openssl_sign($data, $signature, $this->privateKey, $hash)) {
//Something happens here, or inside the openssl_sign command, I never reach the exception
throw new Google_Auth_Exception("Unable to sign data");
//It never reaches here
return $signature;
In my PHP Info:
Solved by updating PHP. I was using Softaculous AMPPs 2.3 with PHP 5.4.27. Upgrading to AMPPs 2.6 fixed the issue. My Open SSL in my config is now:
Nothing was done to my code above since, and it now works. This was definitely an open ssl issue. Anyone receiving an ERR_CONNECTION_RESET must update their open_ssl version.
I hope this helps anyone trying to figure this out.
I am trying to connect to the google API from a localhost, but keep on receiving an exception (key changed - in text below).
Warning: file_get_contents(compress.zlib://https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=Henry+David+Thoreau&filter=free-ebooks&key=bItatTTTTT7amAHYSaROTTTTTbtttuuuuuuuu) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: operation failed in C:\zendProject\zf2\vendor\google\apiclient\src\Google\IO\Stream.php on line 115
The code I am using in my browser comes straight from the API Guide and reads:
$client = new \Google_Client();
$service = new \Google_Service_Books($client);
$optParams = array('filter' => 'free-ebooks');
$results = $service->volumes->listVolumes('Henry David Thoreau', $optParams);
I think my problems relate to the config file, and that fact I am working off the localhost development server.
'Google_Auth_OAuth2' => array(
'application_name' => 'www.example.com',
'client_id' => '4498xxxxx061-3333xxxx9pjcpkbqhoxxxxxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com',
'client_secret' => '8xxxxxxxxx333xxxxxxxxx',
'redirect_uri' => 'http://localhost',
'developer_key' => 'AxxxxxxzBjpxxxxxaxxxxxxZxxx1xxxxx',
In the new developer console I have created a new client ID for the project and inserted the "Client_id", "Client_secret", etc.
I have also enabled the relevant APIs for Calenders and Books.
I have tested my API key on the URL I found for google fonts - so I am sure I have the right developer key.
I suspect the issue may be around the local host in uri fields, what do I need to put in here?
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong.
UPDATE: I found a post that suggested getting the HTTP response code here:
The response from the server is 304 - not sure if this helps
UPDATE: #Carlos Roubles - was correct I was using the incorrect version. Just in case anyone else runs into this issue - the composer information on the google website appears to be incorrect.
I previously used "google/apiclient": "1.0." this appears in the google documentation. I have now tried "google/apiclient": "1." and this seems to have fixed the problem.
Thats a problem with file_get_contents rather that with the api.
Most people changes file_get_contents to CURL for accesing remote files.
Anyways, i was checking the library and i cannot find any call to file_get_contents in all the stream.php file
and in line 115, what we have is a commented line, so what comes to my mind is that yu are not using the last version of the library. Also, i see that in this version they make the request with fopen.
So you can try to update it, and probably this fixes the issue
I m new to use of facebook api after some googling i found facebook api from this link:
after download this package i try to execute example code from this package but it returns an error like:
Fatal error: Uncaught CurlException: 6: Could not resolve host: graph.facebook.com; Host not found thrown in D:\xampp\htdocs\testing\phpdemo\fb\src\base_facebook.php on line 994
to solve this problem i try too much googling but i doesnt get positive result from there.
If anybody know what kind of possibilities for this problem then please help.
here is may be two posibilities like:
1) Do you have any firewalls? The problem is not about configuration is just CURL can't do requests to graph.facebook.com and possible any website. Try disable any firewalls that may be blocking your CURL requests
2) From my experience you can't use facebook APi local, however they have a free host provider,Heroku, try it. Also don't forget to replace YOUR_APP_ID and YOUR_APP_SECRET with your app Data.
You can get help here,https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16294630
From my experience you can't use facebook APi local, however they have a free host provider,Heroku, try it.
Also don't forget to replace YOUR_APP_ID and YOUR_APP_SECRET with your app Data.