Couldn't enter the data to mysql using php - php

It couldn't store the data to mysql. What to do? All variable and file name are correct.
require 'connection.php';
$conn = Connect();
$id =$conn->real_escape_string ($_POST['id']);
$name = $conn->real_escape_string ($_POST['name']);
$phone = $conn->real_escape_string ($_POST['phone']);
$address = $conn->real_escape_string ($_POST['address']);
$city = $conn->real_escape_string ($_POST['city']);
$zip = $conn->real_escape_string ($_POST['zip']);
$state = $conn->real_escape_string ($_POST['state']);
$item = $conn->real_escape_string ($_POST['item']);
$status = $conn->real_escape_string ($_POST['status']);
$enquiry_date = $conn->real_escape_string ($_POST['enquiry_date']);
$enquiry_user = $conn->real_escape_string ($_POST['enquiry_user']);
$query = "INSERT into enquiry
(id, name, phone, address, city, zip, state, item, status, enquiry_date, enquiry_user)
VALUES('" . $id . "','" . $name . "','" . $phone . "','" . $address . "','" . $city . "','" . $zip . "','" . $state . "','" . $item . "','" . $status . "','" . $enquiry_date . "')";
$success = $conn->query($query);
if (!$success) {
die("Couldn't enter data: ".$conn->error);
echo "Thank You For Contacting Us <br>";

As #Jeff said:
$query = "INSERT into enquiry
(id, name, phone, address, city,
zip, state, item, status, enquiry_date, enquiry_user)
VALUES('" . $id . "','" . $name . "','" . $phone . "','" . $address . "','"
. $city . "','" . $zip . "','" . $state . "','" . $item . "','"
$status . "','" . $enquiry_date . "','" . $enquiry_user . "')";
You were missing . "','" . $enquiry_user


How to set charset in import CSV file to mysql database?

I wrote a code that imports data from a CSV file into the database. However, I have a problem with setting charset on cp1250. When I use Polish characters in the database I see strange characters. I tried to use the SET NAMES function, but it does not work - any ideas?
$conn = mysqli_connect("localhost", "b", "c", "d");
if (isset($_POST["import"])) {
$fileName = $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"];
if ($_FILES["file"]["size"] > 0) {
$file = fopen($fileName, "r");
while (($column = fgetcsv($file, 10000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
$sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO evdb_Historia_Aktualizacja(ID,Imie_I_Nazwisko,Suma_Brutto_Przejazdy,Suma_Netto_Przejazdy,Gotowka_Przejazdy_Uber,Brutto_UberEats,Netto_UberEats,VAT_UberEats,Netto_Gotowka,Bonusy_Dodatki,Napiwki_Brutto,Napiwek_18,Napiwek,Dodatki_UberEats,Ilosc_Dni,Prowizja_Evelstar,Kwota_Po_Prowizji_Evelstar,VAT_Przejazdy,Faktury_Brutto,Faktury_Netto,VAT_Faktury,VAT_Nalezny,Suma_Bez_Skladek,Rodzaj_Umowy,Kwota_Skladek,Potracenia_Reczne,Potracenia_Stale,Przelew_Przewoz,Przelew_UberEats,Data_Od,Data_Do,Login)
values ('" . $column[0] . "','" . $column[1] . "','" . $column[2] . "','" . $column[3] . "','" . $column[4] . "','" . $column[5] . "','" . $column[6] . "','" . $column[7] . "','" . $column[8] . "','" . $column[9] . "','" . $column[10] . "','" . $column[11] . "','" . $column[12] . "','" . $column[13] . "','" . $column[14] . "','" . $column[15] . "','" . $column[16] . "','" . $column[17] . "','" . $column[18] . "','" . $column[19] . "','" . $column[20] . "','" . $column[21] . "','" . $column[22] . "','" . $column[23] . "','" . $column[24] . "','" . $column[25] . "','" . $column[26] . "','" . $column[27] . "','" . $column[28] . "','" . $column[29] . "','" . $column[30] . "','" . $column[31] . "')";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlInsert);
if (! empty($result)) {
$type = "success";
$message = "CSV Data Imported into the Database";
} else {
$type = "error";
$message = "Problem in Importing CSV Data";

I am unable to increament id

I searched many stackoverflow questions it didn't help
I want to increment id by fetching last id from MySQL table.
I don't want to do auto increment in MySQL table because already one column is auto incremented.
include 'db.php';
$created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
//$json_data = array();
$message = array();
$error = array();
if ($_GET['vendor_id'] == "") {
$message[] = array("message" => "Values Empty");
} else {
$result = mysqli_query("SELECT loo_id FROM loo_list ORDER BY loo_id DESC LIMIT 1");
if ($result) {
$order_array = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result) or die(mysqli_error());
//echo $order_array['loo_id'];
$loo_id = $order_array['loo_id'] + 1;
$sql = "insert into loo_list(loo_id,name,address,geolocation,price,facility_category,facilities,count,accessbility,image,type,category,created_vendor,days,timings,terms_conditions,vendor_approval,created,warning,url,user_ids,overall,admin_approval,updated)values('" . $loo_id . "','" . $_GET['loo_name'] . "','" . $_GET['address'] . "','" . $_GET['loo_location'] . "','" . $_GET['price'] . "','" . $_GET['facility_category'] . "','" . $_GET['facilities'] . "','" . $_GET['count'] . "','" . $_GET['accessbility'] . "','" . $_GET['image'] . "','Offerers','" . $_GET['category'] . "','" . $_GET['vendor_id'] . "','" . $_GET['days'] . "','" . $_GET['timings'] . "','" . $_GET['terms_conditions'] . "','1','" . $created . "','0','','" . $_GET['user_ids'] . "','" . $_GET['overall'] . "','1','" . $created . "')";
$res1 = mysqli_query($db, $sql) or die(mysqli_error());
$message[] = array("message" => "success");
$json_data = array("result" => $message);
echo json_encode($json_data);
Try this code.
if(trim($order_array['loo_id']) === ''){
$loo_id = 1;
$loo_id = intval($order_array['loo_id']) + 1;

PHP MySQL INSERT query not inserting all values

I have this variables :
$cliente = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, htmlentities($_GET["cliente"]));
$metatickt = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, htmlentities($_GET["metatickt"]));
$metaext = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, htmlentities($_GET["metaext"]));
$metaenc = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, htmlentities($_GET["metaenc"]));
$uf = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, htmlentities($_GET["estado"]));
And I'm trying to do this query :
$queryInst = "INSERT meta_control (mes,cliente,meta_exit,meta_tickt,meta_enc,uf)"
. " VALUES (MONTH(NOW()),'" . $cliente . "','" . $metaext . "','" . $metatickt . "','" . $metaenc . "','" . $uf . "')";
mysqli_query($conn, $queryInst);
But when I check my db the only column that is not NULL is mes. What could be the cause to this?
You should have to use proper query. INSERT INTO
$queryInst = "INSERT INTO meta_control (mes,cliente,meta_exit,meta_tickt,meta_enc,uf)"
. " VALUES (MONTH(NOW()),'" . $cliente . "','" . $metaext . "','" . $metatickt . "','" . $metaenc . "','" . $uf . "')";
mysqli_query($conn, $queryInst);
You are probably getting an SQL error.
You should check for such errors using mysqli_error($conn) - In this case you probably have an error caused by the absence of the INTO keyword in your SQL query, which should be INSERT INTO ....

Query runs but does not insert data to the db

i am trying to insert details to the db. it runs a success message but doesnt insert any data to the db. tried different ways but still no data is inserted to the db.
i have updated my code to show the whole process.
$con = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","the_official_one");
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
$prod_name = strtoupper($_POST['prod_name']);
$prod_brand = $_POST['prod_brand'];
$prod_cat = $_POST['prod_model'];
$prod_price = $_POST['prod_price'];
$prod_desc = $_POST['prod_desc'];
$prod_qty = $_POST['prod_qty'];
$d = date("Y-m-d");
mysqli_query($con,"INSERT into products(product_cat, product_brand, product_title, product_price, product_desc, product_qty, product_image, date)
VALUES ('" . $prod_cat . "','" . $prod_brand . "','" . $prod_name . "','" .$prod_price . "','" . $prod_desc . "','" . $prod_qty . "', '" . $prod_name . "', '" . $d . "')");
$uniq_id = mysqli_insert_id($con);
echo $uniq_id." ";
foreach($_FILES['product_image']['tmp_name'] as $key => $tmp_name){
$name = $_FILES['product_image']['name'][$key];
$tmpname = $_FILES['product_image']['tmp_name'][$key];
$type = $_FILES['product_image']['type'][$key];
$size = $_FILES['product_image']['size'][$key];
$dir = "product_images/$prod_name/";
$move = move_uploaded_file($tmpname, $dir.$name);
$path = "$prod_name/".$_FILES['product_image']['name'][$key];
$img = $_FILES['product_image']['name'][$key];
if($move) {
$sql = mysqli_query($con,"INSERT into product_images(prod_id, image) VALUES ('".$uniq_id."', '".$img."')");
$query = mysqli_query($con,"update products set product_image_1='$path' where product_title='$prod_name'");
if($query) {
header('location: add_prods.php?message=success');
} else {
header('location: add_prods.php?message=failed');
} else {
echo '<hr>Picture upload failed<br /><hr />';
the code with error is:
mysqli_query($con,"INSERT into products(product_cat, product_brand, product_title, product_price, product_desc, product_qty, product_image, date)
VALUES ('" . $prod_cat . "','" . $prod_brand . "','" . $prod_name . "','" .$prod_price . "','" . $prod_desc . "','" . $prod_qty . "', '" . $prod_name . "', '" . $d . "')");
mysqli_query($con,"INSERT into products(product_cat, product_brand, product_title, product_price, product_desc, product_qty, product_image, date)
VALUES ('" . $prod_cat . "','" . $prod_brand . "','" . $prod_name . "','" .$prod_price . "','" . $prod_desc . "','" . $prod_qty . "', '" . $prod_name . "', '" . $d . "')");
Either way you should think about closing the connection when you are done.
if neither of those work, try outputting the content of
mysqli_query($con,"INSERT into products(product_cat, product_brand, product_title, product_price, product_desc, product_qty, product_image, date)
VALUES ('" . $prod_cat . "','" . $prod_brand . "','" . $prod_name . "','" .$prod_price . "','" . $prod_desc . "','" . $prod_qty . "', '" . $prod_name . "', '" . $d . "')"
to see what is going wrong.
Either way Escape the variables if you havent before building that query to prevent SQL Injection.

parse csv and input to mysql

while(($data = fgetcsv($handle,0,",")) !== FALSE){
$num = count($data);
$sql = "INSERT INTO `calendar` (`service_id`, `sunday`, `monday`, `tuesday`, `wednesday`, `thursday`, `friday`, `saturday`, `start_date`, `end_date`) VALUES ('" . $data[0] . "','" . $data[1] . "','" . $data[2] . "','" . $data[3] . "','" . $data[4] . "','" . $data[5] . "','" . $data[6] . "','" . $data[7] . "','" . $data[8] . "','" . $data[9] . "');";
$collect .= $sql;
$count = count(explode(";",$collect));
if($count > 500){
$collect = '';
$count = 0;
i'm parsing a csv and collecting queries and if it's more then 500 submitting to sql server
but the multi_query run only once why?
