PHP Simplexml iterator - php

How to elaborate an array reflecting the structure of the following xml ?
Thanks in advance.
XML source :
<section type="group" width="100">
<section type="list" width"50"/>
<style>classe1 {color:red}</style>
<section type="text" height="25">azerty</section>
Please note the three tags ('section', 'style' then 'section') embedded in the first level 'section'
Example of desired generated array should reflecting this embedding, attributes and tags order :
[content]=>classe1 {color:red}
I tried without success whith this code :
function xml2array($fName)
$sxi = new SimpleXmlIterator($fName, null, true);
return sxiToArray($sxi);
function sxiToArray($sxi)
$a = array();
for( $sxi->rewind(); $sxi->valid(); $sxi->next() )
if(!array_key_exists($sxi->key(), $a))
$a[$sxi->key()] = array();
$a[$sxi->key()][] = sxiToArray($sxi->current());
$a[$sxi->key() ]['attributs'] = $sxi->attributes();
$a[$sxi->key()][] = strval($sxi->current());
return $a;
$catArray = xml2array("temp.xml");
echo '<pre>'.print_r($catArray,true);
catch(Exception $e)
echo 'ERREUR : '.$e->getMessage();

I've updated the code to achieve what I think your after. There are a few bits where I've managed the arrays differently. Especially with attributes - I've added them one at a time to allow me to create the key/value setup.
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
function xml2array($fName)
$sxi = new SimpleXmlIterator($fName, null, true);
return sxiToArray($sxi)[0];
function sxiToArray($sxi)
$a = array();
for( $sxi->rewind(); $sxi->valid(); $sxi->next() )
$newData = [];
$newData['key'] = $sxi->key();
foreach ( $sxi->current()->attributes() as $key=>$attribute) {
$newData['attributes'][(string)$key] = (string)$attribute;
if($sxi->hasChildren()) {
$newData = array_merge( $newData, sxiToArray($sxi->current()));
if ( strlen(strval($sxi->current())) > 0 ) {
$newData['content'] = strval($sxi->current());
$a[] = $newData;
return $a;
$catArray = xml2array("t1.xml");
echo '<pre>'.print_r($catArray,true);
catch(Exception $e)
echo 'ERREUR : '.$e->getMessage();
echo 'ERREUR : '.$e->getMessage();
I also had to correct the XML as
<section type="list" width"50"/>
should be
<section type="list" width="50"/>
(missing =)


I want to display results outside of the function

I want to display results outside of the function
By sending the discount value outside the function
function product_discount($price)
echo "ส่วนลดที่ได้::". $dis."บาท"."</br>";
echo "ราคาสุทธิ::". $total."บาท"."</br>";
function product_discount($price)
return $dis;
$price = 5000;
$discount = product_discount($price);
$total = $price-$discount;
echo "ส่วนลดที่ได้::". $discount."บาท"."</br>";
echo "ราคาสุทธิ::". $total."บาท"."</br>";
A function can only return 1 variable.
If you want to return multiple values ​​from a function, you can use an array.
function product_discount($price):array
return ['dis' => $dis, 'total' => $total];
$arr = product_discount(1000);
echo "dis:". $arr['dis']."</br>";
echo "total:". $arr['total']."</br>";
// alternatively
$price2 = product_discount(5000)['total'];

PHP get link from txtfile, unset this link inside the array and get random array value

I'm trying to load a website url from a textfile, then unset this string from an array and pick a random website from the array.
But once I try to access the array from my function the array would return NULL, does someone know where my mistake is located at?
My current code looks like the following:
$activeFile = 'activeSite.txt';
$sites = array(
function getActiveSite($file)
$activeSite = file_get_contents($file, true);
return $activeSite;
function unsetActiveSite($activeSite)
if(($key = array_search($activeSite, $sites)) !== false)
return true;
return false;
function updateActiveSite($activeFile)
$activeWebsite = getActiveSite($activeFile);
$unsetActive = unsetActiveSite($activeWebsite);
if($unsetActive == true)
$randomSite = $sites[array_rand($sites)];
return $randomSite;
echo 'Could not unset the active website.';
echo $activeWebsite . ' did not contain any active website.';
$result = updateActiveSite($activeFile);
echo $result;
$sites is not avaliable in unsetActiveSite function you need to create a function called "getSites" which return the $sites array and use it in unsetActiveSite
function getSites(){
$sites = [
return $sites;
function unsetActiveSite($activeSite)
$sites = getSites();
if(($key = array_search($activeSite, $sites)) !== false)
return true;
return false;

Template engine {var} doesnt work

I have made a template system but the {var} doesnt output the worth.
It just output {var}.
Here is my template class:
class Template {
public $assignedValues = array();
public $tpl;
function __construct($_path = '')
$this->tpl = file_get_contents($_path);
echo 'Error: No template found. (code 25)';
function assign($_searchString, $_replaceString)
$this->assignedValues[strtoupper($_searchString)] = $_replaceString;
function show()
if(count($this->assignedValues) > 0)
foreach ($this->assignedValues as $key => $value)
$this->tpl = str_replace('{'.$key.'}', $value, $this->tpl);
echo $this->tpl;
And here is what I execute on the index:
define('PATH', 'tpl');
//new object
$template = new Template(PATH.'/test.tpl.html');
//assign values
$template->assign('title', 'Yupa');
$template->assign('about', 'Hello!');
//show the page
I really need some help, if you can help I'd would be very grateful.
Instead of line:
$this->assignedValues[strtoupper($_searchString)] = $_replaceString;
You should have:
$this->assignedValues[$_searchString] = $_replaceString;
and it will work.
Of course I assume that inside your template file you have content:
{title} {about}
You should change
$this->assignedValues[strtoupper($_searchString)] = $_replaceString;
to this:
$this->assignedValues["{".$_searchString . "}"] = $_replaceString ;
this will only replace your keywords with values.

RSS Parser to include Categories

I recently inherited a RSS/XML parser, and while it seems to work really good, I'm finding some things are missing.
For instance, pulling in a RSS feed from a blog. It's missing all the categories in the items. It shows as each item having only one category when in reality it should show as having a multitude of categories.
Link to Demo:
Link to Actual Feed:
You can see how the first item in the feed itself has 8 total categories in the first item. (may need to view source)
However, in the Demo you can see that it only shows 1 category
Here is my entire code for the class:
class o7thRssFeedPuller{
public $FeedUrl = ''; // URL of the feed to pull in
public $ReturnJson = false; // Return the array as a JSON encoded string instead?
public $MaxItems = 0; // 0 = unlimited (except by feed), only applicable to GetItems
// Internal holders
private $document;
private $channel;
private $items;
// Get the full RSS feed
public function GetRSS($includeAttributes = false) {
// Pull in our feed
$this->loadParser(file_get_contents($this->FeedUrl, false, $this->randomContext()));
if($includeAttributes) {
// only if we are including attributes
return ($this->ReturnJson) ? json_encode($this->document) : $this->document;
// Return either an array or a json encoded string
return ($this->ReturnJson) ? json_encode($this->valueReturner()) : $this->valueReturner();
// Get the channel data
public function GetChannel($includeAttributes = false) {
// Pull in our feed
$this->loadParser(file_get_contents($this->FeedUrl, false, $this->randomContext()));
if($includeAttributes) {
// only if we are including attributes
return ($this->ReturnJson) ? json_encode($this->channel) : $this->channel;
// Return either an array or a json encoded string
return ($this->ReturnJson) ? json_encode($this->valueReturner($this->channel)) : $this->valueReturner($this->channel);
// Get the items
public function GetItems($includeAttributes=false) {
// Pull in our feed
$this->loadParser(file_get_contents($this->FeedUrl, false, $this->randomContext()));
if($includeAttributes) {
// only if we are including attributes
$arr = ($this->MaxItems == 0) ? $this->items : array_slice($this->items, 0, $this->MaxItems);
return ($this->ReturnJson) ? json_encode($arr) : $arr;
// Return either an array or a json encoded string
$arr = ($this->MaxItems == 0) ? $this->valueReturner($this->items) : array_slice($this->valueReturner($this->items), 0, $this->MaxItems);
return ($this->ReturnJson) ? json_encode($arr) : $arr;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal Methods
private function loadParser($rss=false) {
if($rss) {
$this->document = array();
$this->channel = array();
$this->items = array();
$DOMDocument = new DOMDocument;
$DOMDocument->strictErrorChecking = false;
$this->document = $this->extractDOM($DOMDocument->childNodes);
private function valueReturner($valueBlock=false) {
if(!$valueBlock) {
$valueBlock = $this->document;
foreach($valueBlock as $valueName => $values) {
if(isset($values['value'])) {
$values = $values['value'];
if(is_array($values)) {
$valueBlock[$valueName] = $this->valueReturner($values);
} else {
$valueBlock[$valueName] = $values;
return $valueBlock;
private function extractDOM($nodeList,$parentNodeName=false) {
$itemCounter = 0;
foreach($nodeList as $values) {
if(substr($values->nodeName,0,1) != '#') {
if($values->nodeName == 'item') {
$nodeName = $values->nodeName.':'.$itemCounter;
} else {
$nodeName = $values->nodeName;
$tempNode[$nodeName] = array();
if($values->attributes) {
for($i=0;$values->attributes->item($i);$i++) {
$tempNode[$nodeName]['properties'][$values->attributes->item($i)->nodeName] = $values->attributes->item($i)->nodeValue;
if(!$values->firstChild) {
$tempNode[$nodeName]['value'] = $values->textContent;
} else {
$tempNode[$nodeName]['value'] = $this->extractDOM($values->childNodes, $values->nodeName);
if(in_array($parentNodeName, array('channel','rdf:RDF'))) {
if($values->nodeName == 'item') {
$this->items[] = $tempNode[$nodeName]['value'];
} elseif(!in_array($values->nodeName, array('rss','channel'))) {
$this->channel[$values->nodeName] = $tempNode[$nodeName];
} elseif(substr($values->nodeName,1) == 'text') {
$tempValue = trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/',' ',str_replace("\n",' ', $values->textContent)));
if($tempValue) {
$tempNode = $tempValue;
} elseif(substr($values->nodeName,1) == 'cdata-section'){
$tempNode = $values->textContent;
return (!isset($tempNode)) ? null : $tempNode;
// Load in a random header to pass
private function randomContext() {
$headerstrings = array();
$headerstrings['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.'.rand(0,2).'; en-US; rv:1.'.rand(2,9).'.'.rand(0,4).'.'.rand(1,9).') Gecko/2007'.rand(10,12).rand(10,30).' Firefox/2.0.'.rand(0,1).'.'.rand(1,9);
$headerstrings['Accept-Charset'] = rand(0,1) ? 'en-gb,en;q=0.'.rand(3,8) : 'en-us,en;q=0.'.rand(3,8);
$headerstrings['Accept-Language'] = 'en-us,en;q=0.'.rand(4,6);
$setHeaders = 'Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5'."\r\n".
'Accept-Charset: '.$headerstrings['Accept-Charset']."\r\n".
'Accept-Language: '.$headerstrings['Accept-Language']."\r\n".
'User-Agent: '.$headerstrings['User-Agent']."\r\n";
$contextOptions = array(
return stream_context_create($contextOptions);
And for the demo page:
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/rss/o7th.rss.feed.puller.php');
$fp = new o7thRssFeedPuller();
$fp->FeedUrl = '';
$fp->MaxItems = 2;
echo '<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';
echo ' <tr>';
echo ' <td>';
echo ' <textarea cols="120" rows="30">';
echo ' </textarea>';
echo ' </td>';
echo ' </tr>';
echo '</table>';
So, I assume that the issue lies somewhere in either the valueReturner method or the extractDOM method, but I am just not sure where, nor what I can do to get all the categories in the returned array.
Can you help?
I would suggest using SimpleXML to parse the feed.
Here is how you can do it:
$feed_url = '';
$feed = simplexml_load_file($feed_url, null, LIBXML_NOCDATA);
$channel = $feed->channel;
echo "<h1>{$channel->title}</h1>\n";
echo "{$channel->description}\n";
echo "<dl>\n";
foreach ($channel->item as $item) {
echo "<dt>{$item->title}</dt>\n"
. "<dd style=\"margin-bottom: 30px;\"><div style=\"font-size: small;\">{$item->pubDate}</div>\n"
. "<div>{$item->description}</div>\n"
. "Categories: <strong>".implode('</strong>, <strong>', (array) $item->category) . "</strong>\n</dd>";
echo "</dl>\n";
Above shows you all categories.
You have written a custom parser for what you can do simply with one line of code!
$feed = (array) simplexml_load_file('', null, LIBXML_NOCDATA);

How to convert PHP to XML output

I have a php code. this code outputs an HTML. I need to modify this code to output an XML.
ANy ideas as to how shall I go about doing this. Is there any XML library available that directly does the job or do i have to manually create each node.?
My php code is:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
a {text-decoration:none; color:black;}
preg_match_all('/<div id="main">\n(No results.)/', $d,$nore);
preg_match_all('#<img src="(.*)"#Us', $d, $img);//image
preg_match_all('/<a\s*href="\/title\/tt[0-9]*\/">((?:[a-z]*(?:&*[.]*)?\s*-*[a-z]*[0-9]*[^<])+)/i',$d,$tit); //title
preg_match_all('/<span\sclass="year_type">\s*\(([\d]*)/',$d,$ye); //movie year working fine
preg_match_all('#<span class="credit">\n Dir: (.*)\n(?: With:)?#Us',$d,$dir); //director
preg_match_all('/<span class="rating-rating"><span class="value">([\w]*.[\w]*)/i',$d,$rat); //rating
preg_match_all('/<a\shref="(\/title\/tt[0-9]*\/)"\s*[title]+/i',$d,$lin); //link
if (#$rat[1][$i]=="-")
echo"<center><b>Search Result</b></center>";
echo "<br/>";
echo "<center><b>\"$a\"of type\"$b\":</b></center>";
if(#$nore[1][0]=="No results.")
echo "<center><b>No movies found!</b></center>";
echo "<center><table border=1><tr><td><center>Image</center></td><td><center>Title</center></td><td><center>Year</center></td><td><center>Director</center></td><td><center>Rating(10)</center></td><td><center>Link to Movie</center></td></tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>".#$img[0][$j+2]."</td>";
echo "<td><center>".#$tit[1][$j]."</center></td>";
echo "<td><center>".#$ye[1][$j]."</center></td>";
echo "<td><center>".#$dir[1][$j]."</center></td>";
echo "<td><center>".#$rat[1][$j]."</center></td>";
echo '<td><center><a style="text-decoration:underline; color:blue;" href="'.#$lin[1][$j].'">Details</a></center></td>';
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table></center>";
Expected XML output:
<result cover="
CR0,0,54,74_.jpg" title="The Amazing Spider-Man(2012)"year="2012"
director="Marc Webb" rating="7.5"
<result cover="http://ia.mediaimdb.
0,54,74_.jpg" title="Spider-Man(2002)" year="2002"director="Sam Raimi"
rating="7.3" details=""/>
<result cover="http://ia.mediaimdb.
CR0,0,54,74_.jpg" title="Spider-Man 3 (2007)" year="2007" director="Sam
Raimi" rating="6.3" details=""/>
<result cover="http://i.mediaimdb.
com/images/SF1f0a42ee1aa08d477a576fbbf7562eed/realm/feature.gif" title="
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)" year="2014" director="Sam Raimi"
rating="6.3" details=""/>
<result cover="http://ia.mediaimdb.
CR0,0,54,74_.jpg" title="Spider-Man 2 (2004)" year="2004" director="Sam
Raimi" rating="7.5" details=""/>
First thing, you're parsing your html result with regex which is inefficient, unnecessary, and... well, you're answering to the cthulhu call!
Second, parsing IMDB HTML to retrieve results, although valid, might be unnecessary. There are some neat 3rd party APIs that do the job for you, like
If you don't want to use any 3rd party API though, IMHO, you should, instead, parse the HTML using a DOM parser/manipulator, like DOMDocument, for instance, which is safer, better and, at the same time, can solve your HTML to XML problem.
Here's the bit you asked (build XML and HTML from results):
function resultsToHTML($results)
$doc = new DOMDocumet();
$table = $doc->createElement('table');
foreach ($results as $r) {
$row = $doc->createElement('tr');
$title = $doc->createElement('td', $r['title']);
$year = $doc->createElement('td', $r['year']);
$rating = $doc->createElement('td', $r['rating']);
$imgTD = $doc->createElement('td');
//Creating a img tag (use only on)
$img = $doc->createElement('img');
$img->setAttribute('src', $r['img_src']);
$imgTD = $doc->createElement('td');
//Importing directly from the old document
$fauxDoc = new DOMDocument();
$img = $fauxDoc->getElementsByTagName('img')->index(0);
$importedImg = $doc->importNode('$img', true);
return $doc;
function resultsToXML($results)
$doc = new DOMDocumet();
$root = $doc->createElement('results');
foreach ($results as $r) {
$element = $root->createElement('result');
$element->setAttribute('cover', $r['img_src']);
$element->setAttribute('title', $r['title']);
$element->setAttribute('year', $r['year']);
$element->setAttribute('rating', $r['rating']);
return $doc;
to print them you just need to
$xml = resultsToXML($results);
print $xml->saveXML();
Same thing with html
Here's a refactor of your code with DOMDocument, based on your post:
//Mock IMDB Link
$a = 'The Amazing Spider-Man';
$b = 'title';
$c = "".urlencode($a)."&title_type=".urlencode($b);
// HTML might be malformed so we want DOMDocument to be quiet
//Initialize DOMDocument parser
$doc = new DOMDocument();
//Load previously downloaded document
//initialize array to store results
$results = array();
// get table of results and extract a list of rows
$listOfTables = $doc->getElementsByTagName('table');
$rows = getResultRows($listOfTables);
$i = 0;
//loop through all rows to retrieve information
foreach ($rows as $row) {
if ($title = getTitle($row)) {
$results[$i]['title'] = $title;
if (!is_null($year = getYear($row)) && $year) {
$results[$i]['year'] = $year;
if (!is_null($rating = getRating($row)) && $rating) {
$results[$i]['rating'] = $rating;
if ($img = getImage($row)) {
$results[$i]['img'] = $img;
if ($src = getImageSrc($row)) {
$results[$i]['img_src'] = $src;
//the first result can be a false positive due to the
// results' table header, so we remove it
if (isset($results[0])) {
function getResultRows($listOfTables)
foreach ($listOfTables as $table) {
if ($table->getAttribute('class') === 'results') {
return $table->getElementsByTagName('tr');
function getImageSrc($row)
$img = $row->getElementsByTagName('img')->item(0);
if (!is_null($img)) {
return $img->getAttribute('src');
} else {
return false;
function getImage($row, $doc)
$img = $row->getElementsByTagName('img')->item(0);
if (!is_null($img)) {
return $doc->saveHTML($img);
} else {
return false;
function getTitle($row)
$tdInfo = getTDInfo($row->getElementsByTagName('td'));
if (!is_null($tdInfo) && !is_null($as = $tdInfo->getElementsByTagName('a'))) {
return $as->item(0)->nodeValue;
} else {
return false;
function getYear($row)
$tdInfo = getTDInfo($row->getElementsByTagName('td'));
if (!is_null($tdInfo) && !is_null($spans = $tdInfo->getElementsByTagName('span'))) {
foreach ($spans as $span) {
if ($span->getAttribute('class') === 'year_type') {
return str_replace(')', '', str_replace('(', '', $span->nodeValue));
function getRating($row)
$tdInfo = getTDInfo($row->getElementsByTagName('td'));
if (!is_null($tdInfo) && !is_null($spans = $tdInfo->getElementsByTagName('span'))) {
foreach ($spans as $span) {
if ($span->getAttribute('class') === 'rating-rating') {
return $span->nodeValue;
function getTDInfo($tds)
foreach ($tds as $td) {
if ($td->getAttribute('class') == 'title') {
return $td;
