error FacebookResponseException when use SDK PHP to post a link - php

i'm using sdk php to post a link. here is my function (
public function shareFB(Request $request, $slugify)
$petition = Petitions::where('slug', $slugify)->first();
// $access_token = auth()->user()->social_account->access_token;
$fb = new Facebook([
'app_id' => config("services.facebook.client_id"),
'app_secret' => config("services.facebook.client_secret"),
'default_graph_version' => 'v2.2',
$helper = $fb->getRedirectLoginHelper();
$accessToken = $helper->getAccessToken();
$linkData = [
'link' => route('petitions.index',$petition->slug),
'message' => $request->get('comment-fb'),
try {
$response = $fb->post('/me/feed', $linkData, '$access_token');
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
$share = $response->getGraphNode();
return redirect()->route('petitions.index',$petition->slug);
and error is Invalid OAuth access token, maybe i get wrong access token. Anyone help me solve that/ Thank u


how to post a link on facebook use sdk PHP

i'm creating function to share a post to facebook and i'm following docs : but it's not work.
This is my function
public function shareFB(Request $request, $slugify)
$petition = Petitions::where('slug', $slugify)->first();
$access_token = auth()->user()->social_account->access_token;
$fb = new Facebook\Facebook([
'app_id' => config("services.facebook.client_id"),
'app_secret' => config("services.facebook.client_secret"),
'default_graph_version' => 'v2.2',
$linkData = [
'link' => route('petitions.index',$petition->slug),
'message' => $request->get('shareFB'),
try {
$response = $fb->post('/me/feed','post', $linkData, $access_token);
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
$share = $response->getGraphNode();
and here is my route in laravel
When i clicked a button have href above, it's show MethodNotAllowedHttpException . somebody help me solve that!!!

prblem with post on page of facebook with api

I wrote a code for post a message on my page (not own timeline)
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$fb = new Facebook\Facebook([
'app_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'app_secret' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'default_graph_version' => 'v2.5',
$data = [
'message' => 'My awesome photo upload example.',
try {
// Returns a `Facebook\FacebookResponse` object
$response = $fb->post('/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/feed', $data, $_SESSION['facebook_access_token']);
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
$graphNode = $response->getGraphNode();
echo 'Photo ID: ' . $graphNode['id'];
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$app_id = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$app_secret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$fb = new Facebook\Facebook([
'app_id' => $app_id,
'app_secret' => $app_secret,
'default_graph_version' => 'v2.4',
'default_access_token' => isset($_SESSION['facebook_access_token']) ? $_SESSION['facebook_access_token'] : 'APP-ID|APP-SECRET'
try {
$response = $fb->get('/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx?fields=id,name');
$user = $response->getGraphUser();
echo 'Name: ' . $user['name'];
//exit; //redirect, or do whatever you want
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
$helper = $fb->getRedirectLoginHelper();
$permissions = ['email', 'user_likes', 'manage_pages', 'publish_actions'];
$loginUrl = $helper->getLoginUrl('http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/facebook/login-callback.php', $permissions);
echo 'Log in with Facebook!';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$app_id = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$app_secret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$fb = new Facebook\Facebook([
'app_id' => $app_id,
'app_secret' => $app_secret,
'default_graph_version' => 'v2.4',
'default_access_token' => 'APP-ID|APP-SECRET'
$helper = $fb->getRedirectLoginHelper();
try {
$accessToken = $helper->getAccessToken();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
// When Graph returns an error
//echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
// When validation fails or other local issues
//echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
if (isset($accessToken)) {
// Logged in!
$_SESSION['facebook_access_token'] = (string) $accessToken;
} elseif ($helper->getError()) {
// The user denied the request
header('Location: index.php');
It's just work when in file post.php use this code:
$response = $fb->post('/me/feed', $data, $_SESSION['facebook_access_token']);
And then post show on my timeline.
But when I want to post on page and use this:
$response = $fb->post('/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/feed', $data, $_SESSION['facebook_access_token']);
don't work and not appears anythings, and don't show my post on the page or timeline!

Access Token not retrieving data from Facebook PHP sdk

Here's my code to retrieve user's info from Facebook. I am using PHP SDK.
public function indexAction()
$fb = new Facebook\Facebook([
'app_id' => '934741473308351',
'app_secret' => 'de001d018a7769eb17eb11300e772a0c',
'default_graph_version' => 'v2.5',
'default_access_token' => isset($_SESSION['facebook_access_token']) ? $_SESSION['facebook_access_token'] : 'APP-ID|APP-SECRET'
try {
$response = $fb->get('/me');
$userNode = $response->getGraphUser();
// echo 'Name: ' . $user['first_name'];
//redirect, or do whatever you want
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
//echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
//echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
$helper = $fb->getRedirectLoginHelper();
$permissions = ['email', 'user_likes']; // optional
$loginUrl = $helper->getLoginUrl(Mage::getBaseUrl().'facebook/facebook/authenticate', $permissions);
echo $loginUrl;
public function authenticateAction(){
$fb = new Facebook\Facebook([
'app_id' => '934741473308351',
'app_secret' => 'de001d018a7769eb17eb11300e772a0c',
'default_graph_version' => 'v2.5',
$helper = $fb->getRedirectLoginHelper();
try {
$accessToken = $helper->getAccessToken();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
// When Graph returns an error
echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
// When validation fails or other local issues
echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
if (isset($accessToken)) {
// Logged in!
Mage::log("Access Token=================>".(string) $accessToken);
$oAuth2Client = $fb->getOAuth2Client();
// Exchanges a short-lived access token for a long-lived one
$fb->setDefaultAccessToken((string) $accessToken);
$_SESSION['facebook_access_token'] = (string) $accessToken;
try {
$response = $fb->get('/me');
$userNode = $response->getGraphUser();
$customer = $this->checkIfUserExists($userNode);
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
// When Graph returns an error
echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
// When validation fails or other local issues
echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
I got the result first, but I am not getting result after that. Is it due to access taken or something else. What am I doing wrong here
You are missing a new feature of v2.4 of the Graph API, it´s called "Declarative Fields". You now have to add a field parameter to specify the fields you want to get, else you will only get id and name:
Also, make sure your login works correctly and you get asked for the email permission when you authorize your App.

Facebook PHP SDK Graph returned an error: Invalid OAuth access token

I don't why I am getting this error.
My appid and secret id are all correct. Don't know what went wrong.
$fb = new Facebook\Facebook([
'app_id' => '',
'app_secret' => '',
'default_graph_version' => 'v2.5',
$data = [
'message' => 'My awesome photo upload example.',
'source' => $fb->fileToUpload('C:/xampp/htdocs/laravel5-learning/public/image/share/'.$name),
try {
// Returns a `Facebook\FacebookResponse` object
$response = $fb->post('/me/photos', $data, '{access-token}');
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
$graphNode = $response->getGraphNode();
echo 'Photo ID: ' . $graphNode['id'];
It is showing this error:
Graph returned an error: Invalid OAuth access token.

Facebook PHP SDK v5 Post to Fan Page

I would like to use the Facebook PHP SDK v5 to automatically post to a FAN PAGE. I have the code below which successfully posts to my own wall, but how do I alter the code to post to my fan page? From what I've read, I need to pass in the page id of the fan page?
$params["message"] = 'test';
$params["link"] = '';
$params["picture"] = '';
$params["description"] = 'testtt';
$access_token = $accessToken;
try {
$response = $fb->post('/me/feed', $params, $access_token);
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
$graphNode = $response->getGraphNode();
echo 'Posted with id: ' . $graphNode['id'];
I tried replacing this line:
$response = $fb->post('/me/feed', $params, $access_token);
with this to substitute in the fan page id:
$response = $fb->post('/229107363768165/feed', $params, $access_token);
and got the error:
Graph returned an error: Unsupported post request.
UPDATE: I also made the app "public" in an attempt to get past the "unsupported post request" error. No luck.
i think your $params is not right.
I use this:
$fb = new Facebook\Facebook([
'app_id' => '{app-id}',
'app_secret' => '{app-secret}',
'default_graph_version' => 'v2.2',
$params = [
'link' => '',
'photo' => '',
'message' => 'A test post!',
try {
// Returns a `Facebook\FacebookResponse` object
$response = $fb->post('/me/feed', $params, '{access-token}');
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
Post Links Using the Graph API
I assumes that you've already obtained an access token and the access token must have the publish_actions permission for this to work.
