Continue on PHP - php

Hi there i have some questions, how to continuing the data while the condition has reach 500 value on the new file and then create some random number beside the sitemap name. this is my script:
$rand = rand(1,9);
$open1 = fopen("sitemap-$rand.txt", 'w');
$web = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'/';
$i = 1;
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$hasil = home_base_url().strtolower($value).'.html'."\n";
fwrite($open1, $hasil);
if (++$i == 500) {
Thanks for your help

You mean that there are 500 lines, per random numbered sitemap?
if (++$i == 500) {
$value = rand(0,9);// set valuie to a new random value
$i = 0; // reset the counter
N.B.: It might be that the loop will pick the same random number twice. Either pick a larger number to decrease the odds, or create a small function which knows which names are used, so you must pick a new name.


Laravel store with number loop

How can I have same data stored as much as provided number?
Store abc, 10 times
both abc and 10 are coming from form request
nonuiqueAmount: 10
nonuiqueSerial: "abc"
if(!empty($request->input('nonuiqueSerial'))) {
foreach($request->input('nonuiqueAmount') as $item) { // this returns error
$barcode = new Barcode;
$barcode->serial_number = $request->input('nonuiqueSerial');
Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
You should use a for loop:
// nonuiqueAmount: 10
// nonuiqueSerial: "abc"
if (!empty($request->input('nonuiqueSerial'))) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $request->input('nonuiqueAmount', 0); ++$i) { // I've added the zero as a default value to prevent unnecessary loops
$barcode = new Barcode;
$barcode->serial_number = $request->input('nonuiqueSerial');
The foreach loop works only on arrays, and is used to loop through each key/value pair in an array. w3schools docs
Your nonuiqueAmount is an int. I would suggest simply stick with basic for loop
for ($x = 0; $x < $request->input('nonuiqueAmount'); $x++) {
$barcode = new Barcode;
$barcode->serial_number = $request->input('nonuiqueSerial');

looping through txt file to use specific part of a string

I am new to Php and can't seem to figure this out no matter how much I've googled.
So I've opened the txt file (which consists of multiple lines of this type of string unique Identifier IMEI in bold:
Rx:00:39:54 06/09/2015:+RESP:GTEPS,210101,863286020022449,,8296,01,1,3,0.0,0,1031.1,29.367950,-30.799161,20150906003710,,,,,,2857.9,20150906003710,8038$) There are different strings with different IMEIs but i only want to use a specific one.
My question is, how do I extract/only use the string with the same Unique identifier and then loop through those to use in another function?
My function has different cases and each case has different calculations, so I'll need to loop through the txt file (with e.g. 863286020022449 as Identifier, ignoring other identifiers/IMEIs) in order to use the string in my function as below:
This is my starter function:
function GetParam($unknownFunction, $numberCommas) {
$returnString = "";
$foundSting = 0;
$numberFound = 0;
$len = strlen($unknownFunction);
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
if ($Rawline[$i] == ",") {
if ($numberFound > $numberCommas)
if ($numberFound == $numberCommas)
$foundSting = 1;
else if ($foundSting == 1) {
$returnString .= $unknownFunction[$i];
return $returnString;
echo $returnString;
$i = strpos($unknownFunction, ":GT");
$p = substr($unknownFunction, $i+3,3);
$Protocol = GetParam($unknownFunction, 1);
//this switch reads the differences in the message types (e.g. HBD- in this case is a heartbeat message type and would thus have a different amount of commas in the string and has different definitions of the characters within the commas)
switch ($p) {
case 'HBD':
//This is an example of an HBD message
$result2["Type"] = 'Heart beat';
$IMEI = GetParam($unknownFunction, 2);
$mDate = GetParam($unknownFunction, 4);
$mDate = substr($mDate,0,4).'-'.substr($mDate,4,2).'-
This is the biggest problem I am facing at the moment and when I print the different lines, it indicates the correct IMEI but it does not loop through the whole file to use each string that belongs to that IMEI.
Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much.
Example of input file:
Rx:00:00:00 28/02/2018:+RESP:GTFRI,3C0103,862045030241360,,14067,11,1,1,29.7,320,151.1,30.949307,-29.819685,20180227235959,0655,0001,013A,87B6,00,35484.1,01500:51:31,,,100,220101,,,,20180228000000,3461$
Rx:00:00:01 28/02/2018:+RESP:GTERI,380201,869606020047340,gv65,00000002,14076,10,1,1,119.0,119,24.3,18.668516,-34.016808,20180227235955,0655,0001,00F7,2DC9,00,98912.0,02235:20:25,0,100,220101,0,0,20180227235958,FF20$
Rx:00:00:03 28/02/2018:+RESP:GTERI,380201,869606020162990,,00000002,12912,10,1,1,0.0,230,1127.3,30.846671,-27.674206,20180227235956,0655,0001,013E,88B0,00,106651.1,03546:44:42,0,100,210101,0,0,20180227235959,6190$
Rx:00:00:03 28/02/2018:+ACK:GTHBD,450102,865084030005340,gb100,20180228000003,CC61$
Rx:00:00:03 28/02/2018:+RESP:GTERI,380201,869606020115980,,00000002,13640,10,1,1,12.1,353,1663.1,28.580726,-28.162208,20180227235957,,,,,,37599.6,02422:07:24,0,100,220101,0,0,20180228000000,1937$
Rx:00:00:04 28/02/2018:+RESP:GTERI,380502,869606020276840,gv65,00000002,12723,10,1,1,0.0,106,1232.8,22.878013,-27.951762,20180227235952,0655,0001,0204,63C5,00,13808.9,00778:32:20,0,100,210100,0,0,20180228000002,2C50$
Rx:00:00:04 28/02/2018:+RESP:GTERI,380502,869606020274530,gv65,00000002,12683,10,1,1,0.0,91,1213.7,24.863444,-28.174319,20180227235956,0655,0001,0203,69F1,00,9753.2,00673:49:21,0,100,210100,0,0,20180228000003,8AC7$
Rx:00:00:05 28/02/2018:+ACK:GTHBD,380201,863286023083810,,20180228000003,0D87$
Rx:00:00:06 28/02/2018:+RESP:GTFRI,3C0103,862045030241360,,14086,10,1,1,34.0,327,152.0,30.949152,-29.819501,20180228000002,0655,0001,013A,87B6,00,35484.1,01500:51:36,,,100,220101,,,,20180228000005,3462$
Rx:00:00:06 28/02/2018:+ACK:GTHBD,060228,862894021626380,,20180228000007,F9A5$
Rx:00:00:07 28/02/2018:+RESP:GTERI,380201,869606020019430,,00000002,12653,10,1,1,0.0,219,1338.7,26.882063,-28.138099,20180228000002,,,,,,86473.7,05645:48:34,0,93,210101,0,0,20180228000003,0FA5$
Rx:00:00:09 28/02/2018:+ACK:GTHBD,380502,869606020233940,gv65,20180228000008,7416$
Rx:00:00:10 28/02/2018:+RESP:GTAIS,380201,869606020171710,,11,11,1,1,0.0,95,281.2,30.855164,-29.896575,20180228000009,0655,0001,0156,9A9F,00,156073.7,20180228000008,F9A4$
Each GT message means something which is why i need to extract only one specific IMEI and use the result in my function as a breakdown of what every set of numbers between the commas actually mean. The end result needs to be populated in an excel spreadsheet but that's a different issue.
Nested foreach, keeping tracking of the IMEIs you've already gone through. Or something like this.
$filename = 'info.txt';
$contents = file($filename);
foreach ($contents as $line) {
$doneAlreadyArray = array();
$IMEI = GetParam($line, 2);
foreach ($contents as $IMEIline){
$thisIMEI = GetParam($IMEIline,2);
//check if already done the IMEI previously
if (!in_array($thisIMEI, $doneAlreadyArray)){
//matching IMEIs?
if ($thisIMEI == $IMEI){
//run new function with entire $IMEIline
//add IMEI to doneAlreadyArray
If I've understood your question right and you want to extract the string(line) with the same Unique identifier, this may be useful for your needs as a strating point.
The example is very basic, and use data from your question:
// Read the file.
$filename = 'input.txt';
// Each item of $output will contain an array of lines:
$output = array();
foreach ($file as $row) {
$a = explode(',', $row);
$imei = $a[2];
if (!array_key_exists($imei, $output)) {
$output[$imei] = array();
$output[$imei][] = $row;
// Then do what you want ...
foreach ($output as $key=>$value) {
echo 'IMEI: '.$key.'</br>';
foreach($value as $row) {
// Here you can call your functions. I just echo the row:
echo $row.'</br>';
thank you for the feedback.
Ryan Dewberry ended up helping me.
The fix was simpler than I thought too :)
//Unknownfunction is now $line
function GetParam($line, $numberCommas) {
$returnString = "";
$foundSting = 0;
$numberFound = 0;
$len = strlen($line);
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
if ($line[$i] == ",") {
if ($numberFound > $numberCommas)
if ($numberFound == $numberCommas)
$foundSting = 1;
else if ($foundSting == 1) {
$returnString .= $line[$i];
return $returnString;
// print $returnString;
//this is new - makes sure I use the correct IMEI
$contents = file($fileName);
foreach ($contents as $line){
$haveData = 0;
$IMEI = GetParam($line, 2);
if ($IMEI == $gprsid){
$i = strpos($line, ":GT");
$p = substr($line, $i+3,3);
$Protocol = GetParam($line, 1);
//this is the part I struggled with as well - This is an array of all of my
//results and in printing it out I can see that everything is working
$superResult = array();
Much appreciated. Thank you!

PHP CSVImporter

I had a script called CSVimporter V3 for PHP that I used to run on a website and it worked fine. A couple of years later I've now dug out the same script to use on another project, all works okay except the CSV files are being read as one long line, as opposed to header row and multiple lines.
Here is part of the script.
Any ideas why it would be being read as a long line?
// Reference session variable for short-hand
$f = &$_SESSION['csv_file'];
// Open file - fp = file pointer
if (!$fp = #fopen($f, 'r')) {
} else {
// Array to store each row to be inserted
$batch = array();
// Row counter
$rc = 0;
// Work out starting row
switch ($_SESSION['csv_first_row']) {
case 'data':
$start_row = 0;
$start_row = 1;
// Get contents, while below preview limit and there's data to be read
while ($data = fgetcsv($fp, 1024, delimiter_to_char($_SESSION['csv_delimiter']))) {
if ($rc < $start_row) {
// Incremement counter
// Go to next loop
} else {
// Array to store data to be inputted
$values = array();
// Loop data
for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
// If data is wanted, put data into array
if (array_key_exists($i, $column_index)) {
$values[$column_index[$i]] = $data[$i];
// Sort array into correct order by index
// Join values together and store in array
$batch[] = '("' . implode('", "', str_replace('"', '\"', $values)) . '","'.$accti.'","'.$impt.'")';
// Close the file
I added this at the top of the code and it all works now!
ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true);

Find intersection/frequency of a word in multiple file

$wordFrequencyArray = array();
function countWordsfrequency($filename) {
global $wordFrequencyArray;
$contentoffile = (file_get_contents($filename));
$wordArray = preg_split('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', $contentoffile, -1, NO_EMPTY);
foreach (array_count_values($wordArray) as $word => $count) {
if (!isset($wordFrequencyArray[$word])) $wordFrequencyArray[$word] = 0;
$wordFrequencyArray[$word] += $count;
$filenames = array('file1.txt', 'file2.txt','file3.txt','file4.txt');
foreach ($filenames as $filename) {
This is the my code to find the frequency of each word in multiple files and print them.Now what i want to do is check find intersection that which word occurs in which files .For example if there is a word "stack" i want to print in which files it occurs and its frequency which i think i have already calculated.
Final result should be like the frequency followed by in which files that word occurs.
How should i proceed with it? Should i check it in the for loop in the countWords function itself.
You will have to save a little more information. I am going to shy away from using classes because it seems like you do not need anything too robust.
$wordFrequencies = array();
function countWordsFrequency($filename) {
global $wordFrequencies;
$contentoffile = (file_get_contents($filename));
$wordArray = preg_split('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', $contentoffile, -1, NO_EMPTY);
foreach (array_count_values($wordArray) as $word => $count) {
$wordFreqInfo = $wordFrequencies[$word];
if (!isset($wordFreqInfo)) {
$wordFreqInfo = array();
$wordFreqInfo['total'] = 0;
$wordFreqInfo['files'] = array();
$wordFrequencies[$word] = $wordFreqInfo;
// If this is the first occurence of this word in the file, start a count.
if (!isset($wordFreqInfo['files'][$filename]))
$wordFreqInfo['files'][$filename] = 0;
// Increment counts for both the total and the file.
$wordFreqInfo['total'] += $count;
$wordFreqInfo['files'][$filename] += $count;
$filenames = array('file1.txt', 'file2.txt','file3.txt','file4.txt');
foreach ($filenames as $filename) {

PHP random set of images

I'm using a php script to randomly show images. I've duplicated this script three times because I wanted to show three random images at once - I'm unsure of how to change the php code to show 3 images.
The problem is, I don't want to run into the chance of all three scripts showing the same images at once. Is there something that I could add to this code to make sure that each image displayed is always different?
$random = "random.txt";
$fp = file($random);
$rl = $fp[array_rand($fp)];
echo $rl;
the html:
<?php include("rotate.php"); ?>
<?php include("rotate.php"); ?>
<?php include("rotate.php"); ?>
*the random.txt just has a list of filenames with links.
Simple solution...
Get the array of random images (you already did this)
Shuffle the array
Pop an image off the end of the array whenever you need one
$random = "random.txt";
$fp = file($random);
shuffle($fb); //randomize the images
in your code
<?php include('rotate.php') ?>
Whenever you need an image
<?php echo array_pop( $fb ) ?>
function GetRandomItems($arr, $count)
$result = array();
$rcount = 0;
$arrsize = sizeof($arr);
for ($i = 0; ($i < $count) && ($i < $arrsize); $i++) {
$idx = mt_rand($rcount, $arrsize);
$result[$rcount] = trim($arr[$idx]);
$arr[$idx] = $arr[$rcount];
return $result;
$listname = "random.txt";
$list = file($listname);
$random = GetRandomItems($list, 3);
echo implode("<BR>", $list);
P.S. Actually, Galen's answer is better. For some reason I forgot about shuffle xD
You can use array_rand() to select more than one random key at a time, like this:
$random = "random.txt";
$fp = file($random);
// You don't need this. The array_rand() function
// is automatically seeded as of 4.2.0
// srand((double)microtime()*1000000);
$keys = array_rand($fp, 3);
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++):
$rl = $fp[$keys[$i]];
echo $rl;
This would eliminate the need for including the file multiple times. It can all be done at once.
You could write a recursive function to check if the array ID has already been printed, and if it has, call itself again. Just put that in a for loop to print three times :)
Though keep in mind that truly random images could overlap!
$beenDisplayed = array();
function dispRand($id) {
if (in_array($id, $beenDisplayed)) {
//generate random number
else {
array_push($beenDisplayed, $id);
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
