I have a scoring system for a online game, that is based on people creating teams out of a list of a players.
once the player score fields are entered, the below script should calculate the points based on predefined points multiplier and update the data across 3 tables
players table (where i update the player score1 and score2 and his points)
score table (where i add the new scores for each player "same fields")
update all teams score1, score2 and points where this player id exists
to have an idea about my db structure here it is briefly
players table
score table
teams table
score1 (this is the sum of all score1 scored by all 4 players)
score2 (this is the sum of all score2 scored by all 4 players)
total (this is the sum of all calculates scores by all 4 players)
the problem
surprisingly step 1 and step 2 works perfectly, scores are added and players are added correctly but when i get to step3 some of the teams gets updated correctly some of them don't update with the correct scores
my code
//predefined points multiplier
define("points1", 7);
define("points2", 8);
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$id = $_POST['id'];
$score1= $_POST['score1'];
$score2 = $_POST['score2'];
foreach($id as $key=>$player){
//calculate the total points based on their predefined multipliers
$totalpoints = 0;
$totalpoints += $score1[$key] * points1;
$totalpoints += $score2[$key] * points2;
//update player table
#send a request to api to update this player data
//add scores
#send a request to api to add the new scores to the score table
//update teams (updates the teams for users)
$raw = [
'id' => $id,
'score1' => $score1[$key],
'score2' => $score2[$key],
'total' => $totalpoints
$data = http_build_query ($raw);
$result = file_get_contents(
BASE_URL . 'update',
PROTOCOL => array(
'method' => 'PUT',
'header' => array(
'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data),
'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'
'content' => $data
$response = json_decode($result, false);
}//end foreach
echo $response->notice->message;
The way you're doing it now $totalpoints will always be 0.
the players get updated correctly because the value for the scores is being set inside the foreach loop
$totalpoints = 0;
$totalpoints += $score1[$key] * points1; // <- $key does not exist result will be 0
$totalpoints += $score2[$key] * points2; // <- $key does not exist result will be 0
foreach($id as $key=>$player){
$raw = [
'id' => $id,
'score1' => $score1[$key], // <- $key has a value
'score2' => $score2[$key], // <- $key has a value
'total' => $totalpoints // <- result is always 0
try changing it into
foreach($id as $key=>$player){
$totalpoints = 0;
$totalpoints += $score1[$key] * points1; // <- $key has a value
$totalpoints += $score2[$key] * points2; // <- $key has a value
$raw = [
'id' => $id,
'score1' => $score1[$key], // <- $key has a value
'score2' => $score2[$key], // <- $key has a value
'total' => $totalpoints // now does have a chance to be other then just 0
So I have a
student model,
subject model,
marks model, which has the total score field
what I am trying to do is get the total score in an exam for each student in a class and then retrieve the results according to the highest score in the class and then position those scores as 1,2,3...
then finally get the position a single student and store it in an exam record table.
so far I was able to achieve getting the total score in an exam for each student, stored them in an array, sorted them according to the highest score,
the only issue now giving me a headache is getting the position of those scores from the array, my question is how can I get the position of a score for a student, or is there a way to add the positions to the scores and then retrieve the position for a student
For example
1 student_id => 2, total_score => 500
2 student_id => 3, total_score => 455
3 student_id => 5, total_score => 345
here is my code below, Please anyone with an idea how to solve this I need your help.
function (Closure $set) {
// Get all students from class
$studentsInClass = $this->class->students;
//empty array to store student's total_score
$totalScore = [];
// loop through students get all their total_score on all subjects from mark table and sum it, then store it
in totalScore array.
foreach ($studentsInClass as $key => $student) {
$totalScore[] = array('student_id' => $student->id, 'total_score' => $student->marks->sum('total_score') );
// Sort scores from highest to lowest
$sortedScores= array_values(array_reverse(Arr::sort($totalScore, function ($value) {
return $value['total_score'];
// get the current student Id
$id = $this->student->id;
// find a student in the array that matches the current student id and return his score.
//so this is where I would like to return the score and position of the student
$filteredArray = Arr::where($sortedScores, function ($value, $key) use ($id) {
return $value['student_id'] == $id;
if you dd($sortedScores)
You have a two-dimensional array.
$sortedScores = [
['student_id' => 2, 'total_score' => 443],
['student_id' => 4, 'total_score' => 410],
['student_id' => 1, 'total_score' => 371],
['student_id' => 3, 'total_score' => 170],
The index of each row is already consecutive from 0-3. I think you want to add a rank to the rows.
foreach($sortedScores as $idx => $row)
$sortedScores[$idx]['rank'] = $idx+1;
//test output
array (
0 =>
array (
'student_id' => 2,
'total_score' => 443,
'rank' => 1,
1 =>
array (
'student_id' => 4,
'total_score' => 410,
'rank' => 2,
2 =>
array (
'student_id' => 1,
'total_score' => 371,
'rank' => 3,
3 =>
array (
'student_id' => 3,
'total_score' => 170,
'rank' => 4,
If you want rank to start at 0, just assign $idx.
Try on https://3v4l.org/9Dv7D
I hope this helps and that I understood your problem correctly.
To find the key for a specific value in a multidimensional array see 'PHP Multidimensional Array Searching (Find key by specific value)'
You can use the array_search() function. This will either return the key of the value you are looking for or false if it is not in the array.
$letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
$key = array_search('b', $letters);
//In this case $key will equal to 2.
Presuming that $filteredArray contains a single item, then the first key should be the student's position in the sorted array.
$position = array_keys($filteredArray)[0];
I am writing products stock script. I have a MySQL table "products_stock":
id zid pid amount
1 123 321 1
2 124 321 5
4 124 566 7
3 125 321 10
So, total amount of product id = 321 in stock is 16. Somebody makes order with pid=321 and qty = 7. I need some php-function, which will minus 7 from column amount starting from the first zid, and update records in table products_stock so that it lookes after like this:
id zid pid amount
1 123 321 0
2 124 321 0
4 124 566 7
3 125 321 9
I am stucked from this point.
Thank you for answers!
I don't use codeigniter but going through the documentation on how to perform a select operation and batch update. The main issue is getting your logic right... You select all the product entry for that particular item and you iterate through and subtract the amount of each from the ordered product.
//your order
$orders = [
['id' => 321, 'qty' => 7],
['id' => 501, 'qty' => 20],
$data = [];
foreach($orders as $order) {
$items = $this->db->where('pid', $order['id']);
$order_qty = $order['qty'];
foreach($items as $item){
$item_qty = $item->amount - $order_qty;
if ($item_qty <= 0) {
// set amount to 0 because it is less than order quantity
$data[] = ['id' => $item->id, 'amount' => 0];
// Subtract amount from order quantity to get the remaining order
$order_qty = $order_qty - $item->amount;
} else {
//If amount is more than order quantity set to calculated amount
$data[] = ['id' => $item->id, 'amount' => $item_qty];
// update order to 0
$order_qty = 0;
//exit if order quantity is 0
if ($order_qty === 0 ){
$this->db->update_batch('product_stock', $data, pid');
You can do so by selecting all the relevent rows from the products_stock table and subtract/update the values one by one in loop until your required quantity gets over.
Example code
// These are the inputs you will be getting.
$pid = 321;
$qty = 7;
// Fetch all the relevent rows using the below query statement.
$select_sql = "select * from products_stock where pid = {$pid} and amount > 0";
// This will return the below array.
$data = [
'id' => 1,
'zid' => 123,
'pid' => 321,
'amount' => 1,
'id' => 1,
'zid' => 124,
'pid' => 321,
'amount' => 5,
'id' => 1,
'zid' => 125,
'pid' => 321,
'amount' => 10,
$update_data = [];
// You can then loop through your rows to perform your logic
foreach ($data as $row) {
// Exit loop if qty is 0
if ($qty == 0) {
$id = $row['id'];
$amount = $row['amount'];
// Subtract the required amount from qty.
$qty -= $amount;
$amount = 0;
// If extra qty was consumed, add back to the amount.
if ($qty < 0) {
$amount =+ ($qty * -1);
$qty = 0;
// Update you data here or the best practice would be to avoid sql in a loop and do a bulk update.
// You can do this based on your requirement.
// $update_sql = "update products_stock set amount = {$amount} where id = {$id}";
// Prepare date for bulk update
$update_data []= [
'id' => $id,
'amount' => $amount,
echo "Qty {$qty} | Amt {$amount} \n";
echo "--------\n";
// Bulk update all your rows
if (count($update_data) > 0) {
$this->db->update_batch('products_stock', $update_data, 'id');
echo "\n";
echo "Balance Qty ". $qty . "\n";
Qty 6 | Amt 0
Qty 1 | Amt 0
Qty 0 | Amt 9
Balance Qty 0
Refer https://eval.in/920847 for output.
You can try running the same code with different qty.
This is the rough logic for your use case which will work as expected. Still there may be better ways to do this in an optimal way.
Glad if it helps you.
I have 2 tables. The first table is an equipment table. A query from this table looks like this:
id name user_id
1 equip1 1001
2 equip2 1002
The seconde table is an users table. A query from this table looks like this:
id username
1001 user1
1002 user2
I want to achieve something like this:
id name user_id username
1 equip1 1001 user1
2 equip2 1002 user2
Is there a way to join both arrays like doing a join query? I can't use JOIN in my query, because the tables are on different databases (I know there is a way to do JOIN on different databases, but I'm not allowed to use that).
I'm adding the structure of these arrays.
$equipment = array(
[0] => array(
['id'] => 1,
['name'] => 'equip1',
['user_id'] => 1001
[1] => array(
['id'] => 2,
['name'] => 'equip2',
['user_id'] => 1002
$users= array(
[0] => array(
['id'] => 1001,
['username'] => 'user1'
[1] => array(
['id'] => 1002,
['username'] => 'user2'
You would likely have to join the queries yourself. I don't believe there is a built in function (not counting walk or map with a callback). This is what I would do
//empty array for indexing users under their id for faster loopups
$users = array();
//loop over the users result
foreach($usersResult as $row){
//index users under their id.
$users[$row['id']] = $row['username'];
//now loop over the equipment to join the arrays together
foreach($equipmentResult as $key=>$row){
//add the username column
$row['username'] = isset($users[$row['user_id']])?$users[$row['user_id']]:null;
//save back into the equipment row
$equipmentResult[$key] = $row;
This could easily be turned into a function where you pass arguments that would build the "ON" portion for the column names.
Edit: Made it a function.
* Joins two arrays as if they were joined in a query
* #param Array $arrayA The base (left) array to join into
* #param Array $arrayB The right array to join into A
* #param String $colA The column name to join on for arrayA
* #param String $colB [optional] The column name to join on for arrayB. If
* blank, then it is assumed the same column name as colA
* #param boolean $leftJoin [optional] Should this be a left join and include rows
* from A where no value exists in B?
* #return void
function array_join($arrayA, $arrayB, $colA, $colB=null, $leftJoin=false){
//if no value was passed for colB, assume it is the same value as colA
$colB = $colA;
//output data
$out = array();
//create an index for array B for faster lookups
$idxB = array();
$colsB = array();
foreach($arrayB as $row){
//get the value from B
$valB = $row[$colB];
//if the column doesn't exist in the index, add it
$idxB[$colB] = array();
//index the value
$idxB[$valB][] = $row;
//store the known column to an array for use below
$colsB = array_keys($row);
//loop over array A
foreach($arrayA as $rowA){
//get the value for the column
$valA = $rowA[$colA];
//does the value from A exist in B
$rowB = isset($idxB[$valA])?$idxB[$valA]:null;
//join the rows
//add blank columns if left join
if($leftJoin && is_null($rowB)){
$rowBJoin = array_combine($colsB, array_fill(0, count($colsB), null));
//add the row to our output
$out[] = $rowA + $rowBJoin;
} else {
//inner join or value is not null
//loop over all the rows from the B index that we are joining on
foreach($rowB as $rowBJoin){
//add the row to our output
$out[] = $rowA + $rowBJoin;
return $out;
I'm using jsTree to view hierarchical data that is stored in a mySQL database as a nested set (left, right, level, etc.). This is working fine, but I need to allow users to import data by uploading a CSV file. When they do so, any existing data in the table will be removed so I don't have to worry about updating the left/right fields.
The data they will be uploading will be in this format:
"100","Unit 100"
"200","Unit 200"
"101","Task 101: This is a task"
"102","Task 102: Another task"
"201","Task 201: Yet another"
"300","Unit 300"
"301","Task 301: Another one"
Everything will be a child of a main "Group" that is a level 1 node. All of the "codes" divisible by 100 (ie. 100, 200, 300) will be level 2 (parent nodes.. children of "Group"). All others will be level 3 (child) nodes of their respective parent nodes (ie. 101 and 102 are children of 100, 201 is a child of 200, etc.)
The resulting table in mySQL should look like this:
id parent_id position left right level title
1 0 0 1 18 0 ROOT
2 1 0 2 17 1 Group
3 2 0 3 8 2 Unit 100
4 2 1 9 12 2 Unit 200
5 3 0 4 5 3 Task 101: This is a task
6 3 1 6 7 3 Task 102: Another task
7 4 0 10 11 3 Task 201: Yet another
8 2 2 13 16 2 Unit 300
9 8 0 14 15 3 Task 301: Another one
The tree would then look like this:
My question is: using PHP, what is the best method to accomplish this? I already have code in place that pulls the data contained in the uploaded CSV file and stores it in an array, but I'm not sure what the logic to convert this to a nested set should look like.
Right now, the data is stored in a 2-dimensional array called $data (in the format $data[$col][$row]):
$data[0][0] = "Code";
$data[0][1] = "100";
$data[0][2] = "200";
$data[0][3] = "101";
$data[0][4] = "102";
$data[0][5] = "201";
$data[0][6] = "300";
$data[0][7] = "301";
$data[1][0] = "Title";
$data[1][1] = "Unit 100";
$data[1][2] = "Unit 200";
$data[1][3] = "Task 101: This is a task";
$data[1][4] = "Task 102: Another task";
$data[1][5] = "Task 201: Yet another";
$data[1][6] = "Unit 300";
$data[1][7] = "Task 301: Another one";
Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Code [1] => 100 [2] => 200 [3] => 101 [4] => 102 [5] => 201 [6] => 300 [7] => 301 ) [1] => Array ( [0] => Title [1] => Unit 100 [2] => Unit 200 [3] => Task 101: This is a task [4] => Task 102: Another task [5] => Task 201: Yet another [6] => Unit 300 [7] => Task 301: Another one ) )
Any help would be very much appreciated. I now have the parent_id, position, and level being calculated correctly... I just need to figure out the left/right part. Here is the code I'm currently using (thanks for getting me started Matteo):
$rows = array();
// insert ROOT row
$rows[] = array(
'id' => 1,
'parent_id' => 0,
'position' => 0,
'left' => 1,
'right' => 10000, // just a guess, will need updated later
'level' => 0,
'title' => 'ROOT',
echo "<br>";
// insert group row
$rows[] = array(
'id' => 2,
'parent_id' => 1,
'position' => 0,
'left' => 2,
'right' => 9999, // just a guess, will need updated later
'level' => 1,
'title' => 'Group',
echo "<br>";
// next ID to be used
$id = 3;
// keep track of code => ID correspondence
$map = array();
// parse data
for ($i = 1, $c = count($data[0]); $i < $c; ++$i) {
// save ID in the map
$map[$data[0][$i]] = $id;
// initialize the current row
$row = array(
'id' => $id,
'parent_id' => 1,
'position' => 0,
'left' => 0,
'right' => 0,
'level' => 1,
'title' => $data[1][$i],
// if the code is multiple of 100
if ($data[0][$i] % 100 == 0) {
$row['parent_id'] = 2;
$row['level'] = 2;
$row['position'] = (floor($data[0][$i] / 100)) - 1;
} else {
// get parent id from map
$row['parent_id'] = $map[floor($data[0][$i] / 100) * 100];
$row['level'] = 3;
$row['position'] = $data[0][$i] % 100;
// add the row
$rows[] = $row;
echo "<br>";
Given your $data array, you could parse it like this:
// this will contain all the rows to be inserted in your DB
$rows = array();
// insert ROOT row
$rows[0] = array(
'id' => 1,
'parent_id' => 0,
'position' => 0,
'level' => 0,
'left' => 1,
'right' => 10000,
'title' => 'ROOT',
// insert group row
$rows[1] = array(
'id' => 2,
'parent_id' => 1,
'position' => 0,
'level' => 1,
'left' => 2,
'right' => 9999,
'title' => 'Group',
// keep trace of code => ID correspondence
$map = array();
// next ID to be used
$id = 3;
// keep father => sons relationship
$tree = array();
// keep trace of code => row index correspondence
$indexes = array();
// next row index
$index = 2;
// parse your data
for ($i = 1, $c = count($data[0]); $i < $c; ++$i) {
// current code
$code = $data[0][$i];
// save ID in the map
$map[$code] = $id;
// update the indexes map
$indexes[$code] = $index;
// prepare the current row
$row = array(
'id' => $id,
'title' => $data[1][$i],
// get the value of code mod 100
$mod = $code % 100;
// if the code is multiple of 100
if ($mod == 0) {
// the parent_id is 2
$row['parent_id'] = 2;
// it is level two
$row['level'] = 2;
// compute position
$row['position'] = floor($code / 100) - 1;
else {
// get the parent code
$parent = floor($code / 100) * 100;
// get parent id from map using parent code
$row['parent_id'] = $map[$parent];
// it is level three
$row['level'] = 3;
// save position
$row['position'] = $mod;
// save in relationship tree
$tree[$parent][] = $code;
// add the row
$rows[$index] = $row;
// prepare next id
// update row index
// sort the relationship tree base on the parent code (key)
ksort($tree, SORT_NUMERIC);
// next left value
$left = 3;
// now, using the relationship tree, assign left and right
foreach ($tree as $parent => $sons) {
// calculate parent left value
$parentLeft = $left;
// prepare next left value
// to be sure that the sons are in order
sort($sons, SORT_NUMERIC);
// assign values to sons
foreach ($sons as $son) {
// index in the rows array
$index = $indexes[$son];
// set left value
$rows[$index]['left'] = $left;
// set right value
$rows[$index]['right'] = $left + 1;
// increment left value
$left += 2;
// calculate parent right value
$parentRight = $left;
// prepare next left value
// index of parent in the rows array
$index = $indexes[$parent];
// set the values
$rows[$index]['left'] = $parentLeft;
$rows[$index]['right'] = $parentRight;
// update group row right value
$rows[1]['right'] = $left;
// prepare next left value
// update root row right value
$rows[0]['right'] = $left;
At this point, you can insert all the rows one at a time.
EDIT: now the script should handle all the required values correctly.
I would use Doctrine2 with a Nested Set Extension. You could use a nice and convenient API and don't have to worry about the nested set implementation:
or http://wildlyinaccurate.com/simple-nested-sets-in-doctrine-2
There are several extensions on github. Actually, i don't know which one is best.
List item
If your data is flat, you could parse for keywords like 'Unit' or 'Task' to arrange your elements to the needed hierarchical order.
I have banners advertising with number of views, like CPM system.
And for example :
i have 3 banner:
banner1 with 20.000 nr of views
banner2 with 10.000 nr of views
banner3 with 5.000 nr of views
and on my website the banner must to appear in this position (when the page is reloaded) :
banner1 banner2 banner1 banner2 banner3
if the number of views is higher then the probability of apparition is higher
how can i do this in php?
First of all, your system is just... stupid. It perpetuates banners with lots of views while newly created banners with 0 or few views will never get a chance to be picked and thus will never be actually seen...
That being said, if you have an array that looks like this:
$banners = array
'banner1' => 1,
'banner2' => 2,
'banner3' => 4,
'banner4' => 8,
'banner5' => 16,
You can use a function like this one to weightily pick one banner:
function Probability($data)
if (is_array($data) === true) {
$result = 0;
$probability = mt_rand(1, array_sum($data));
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$result += $value;
if ($result >= $probability) {
return $key;
return false;
Usage (test it # CodePad.org or # IDEOne):
echo Probability($banners); // banner5
Sample from 100 executions:
[banner5] => 41
[banner4] => 38
[banner3] => 10
[banner2] => 8
[banner1] => 3
Here's a php way to do it
I'm imagining your array will look something like this...
$banners = array(
array (
'name' => 'banner1',
'views' => 20
array (
'name' => 'banner2',
'views' => 10
array (
'name' => 'banner3',
'views' => 5
This function basically loops through the banners and however many views a banner has, that many items of its array index are added to an array. Then a random one is chosen. Items with more views have a better chance of being chosen.
function getWeightedRandom( $array ) {
$universe_array = array();
foreach ( $array as $k => $b ) {
$universe += $b['views'];
$universe_array = array_pad( $universe_array, $universe, $k );
$rand = mt_rand( 0, count( $universe_array ) -1 );
return $array[ $universe_array[ $rand ] ];
$r = getWeightedRandom($banners);
A simple mysql option is:
select * from banners order by rand() * views desc limit 1
banners with more views will have a higher chance of being the top result