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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm trying to get changes in twig file on web page. There is some cache problem with symfony2. Cache is not being clear unless deleting app/cache folder.
Please help to solve my problem. Thanks
Disable twig cache, edit config.yml:
cache: false
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Closed 8 days ago.
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wordpress error image
My server uses Fastpanel which makes use of Nginx for the static content and then Apache for the dynamic content.
After enabling statistics caching to keep for 24hours
Then i noticed some weird behavior
Then i decided to disable that's how the error above in the image appear
I can't access admin area
I can't edit any post
But the website: is loading
. please help me
I tried to disable nginx cache
Then website stop loading... then I turn it back it started loading but the admin Area I still can't access it and i can't edit or create new pos
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm trying to deploy a laravel application, but I'm keep getting this error:
My views are not found
I used cPanel for deployment. I tried every solution I could find on the internet.
In fact, this is not a missing route error, just the view file was not found.
Checks that you have uploaded all the project files correctly, and that the view name is correct, these are the possible causes of the error.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm working on a VPS from OVH with php Symfony 4. I use twig for my view and always work. And a couple days ago all my template is blocked on my old version.
I tried to change some other files like robots.txt, it's work fine. But when I change the HTML of my base.html.twig nothing was change. Futhermore, I tried to restart my VPS and twig still not working. I have no error message, it's working correctly on my dev env but not on my prod env. I have no error message and no clues.
I'm little bit confused, if anyone would have an idea.
Thank you in advance for your help !
Maybe it's cache. Try with:
./bin/console cache:clear
or with
rm -rf var/cache/**
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am new to OctoberCMS,
here I face the one issue, that's assets files and folder not showing in backend. I didn't know this was default feature or I made a mistake here while installing files.
For quick understand, I attached the images.
cms/assests in backend
assets folder file structure:
Please suggest to retrieve the assets in backend or please let me know the reason why its not showing in backend?
Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am working on a PHP project on the localhost using CodeIgniter/XAMPP and have encountered this as soon as I try get into one of my controllers.
I have worked on other computers and have had no problems like this.
The issue appears to be with your permissions. You need to change the permssions of the '/var/www' on Apache2 or if you're using Apache change the permission of 'Htdocs'.