Pusher add CSRF token to form data - php

I'm trying to implement private channel authorization with Pusher and Laravel.
The forms require a CSRF input field (randomized input name and value). Normally I use twig to insert them into the forms I put on the page.
How can I insert the csrf fields into the form data that Pusher sends when it tries to connect to the auth endpoint? It isn't present in the form data (but is present in the request header), so it's getting rejected by the laravel CSRF middleware.

If you're using Laravel, this isn't necessary, you shouldn't implement your auth endpoint like this. Your auth endpoint should be defined inside channels.php in the routes folder. For example
// routes/channels.php
Broadcast::channel('chat', function ($user) {
return Auth::check();
CSRF not necessary.


Laravel API verification/protection on subsequent requests: no login / logout and no "users" table

TLDR; see image below 3 - is that possible and how?
I read about API protection - Sanctum & Passport, but none of these seems what I can accomplish with my app since it's a little specific and simplified in a way.
For example, Sanctum's way of authenticating sounds like something I'd like, but without the /login part (i have a custom /auth part, see below.): https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/sanctum#spa-authenticating.
If the login request is successful, you will be authenticated and
subsequent requests to your API routes will automatically be
authenticated via the session cookie that the Laravel backend issued
to your client.
My app has no login per se - we log-in the user if they have a specified cookie token verified by the 3rd party API (i know token-auth is not the best way to go, but it is quite a specific application/use). It's on /auth, so Sanctum's description above could work, I guess if I knew where to fiddle with it. Our logic:
VueJS: a mobile device sends an encrypted cookie token - app reads it in JS, sends it to my Laravel API for verification.
Get the token in Laravel API, decrypt, send to 2nd API (not in my control), verifying the token, and sends back an OK or NOT OK response with some data.
If the response was OK, the user is "logged-in."
The user can navigate the app, and additional API responses occur - how do I verify it's him and not an imposter or some1 accessing the API directly in the browser?
I guess the session could work for that, but it's my 1st time using Laravel, and nothing seemed to work as expected. Also, sessions stored in files or DB are not something I'm looking forward to if required.
For example, I tried setting a simple session parameter when step 3 above happened and sending it back, but the session store was not set up, yet it seemed at that point. Then I could check that session value to make sure he's the same user that was just verified.
For an easier understanding of what I'm trying to accomplish and if it's even feasible:
The main question is, what is the easiest way to have basic API protection/authentication/verification whilst sending the token for authentication to 3rd party API only on 1st request (and if the app is reopened/refreshed of course) - keeping in mind, that no actual users exist on my Laravel API.
Or would it be best to do the token-auth to the 3rd party API on each request?
If I understand your case correctly there's no real User model involved, right? If so, you'll not be able to use any of Laravel's built-in authentication methods as they all rely on the existence of such a model.
In that case you'll need one endpoint and a custom authentication Middleware that you'll need to create yourself in Laravel in order to handle everything:
The endpoint definition:
Route::post('authenticate', [TokenController::class, 'login']);
The controller:
class TokenController extends Controller
public function login(Request $request)
// First read the token and decrypt it.
// Here you'll need to replace "some_decryption()" with the required decrypter based on how your VueJS app encrypts the token.
$token = some_decryption( $request->input('token') );
// Then make the request to the verification API, for example using Guzzle.
$isTokenOk = Http::post('http://your-endpoint.net', [
'token' => $token,
// Now issue a Laravel API token only if the verification succeeded.
if (! $isTokenOk) {
abort(400, 'Verification failed');
// In order to not store any token in a database, I've chosen something arbitrary and reversibly encrypted.
return response()->json([
'api-token' => Crypt::encrypt('authenticated'),
Subsequent requests should pass the api token in the Authorization header as a Bearer token. And then in the Middleware you'll check for Bearer token and check if it matches our expected value:
class AuthTokenAuthenticationMiddleware
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$authToken = $request->bearerToken();
if (! $authToken || ! Crypt::decrypt($authToken) === 'authenticated') {
abort(401, 'Unauthenticated');
return $next($request);
The Middleware needs to be registered in app/Http/Kernel.php:
protected $routeMiddleware = [
'auth-token' => AuthTokenAuthenticationMiddleware::class,
And finally apply this new middleware to any of your routes that should be authenticated:
Route::middleware('auth-token')->get('some/api/route', SomeController::class);
Warning: this authentication mechanism relies on reversible encryption. Anyone able to decrypt or in possession of your APP_KEY will ultimately be able to access your protected endpoints!
Of course this is one way to deal with custom userless authentication and there are many more. You could for example insert an expiration date in the encrypted token instead of the string "authenticated" and verify if it's expired in the middleware. But you get the gist of the steps to be followed...
If you do have a User model in place, then you could use Laravel Sanctum and issue an API token after User retrieval instead of forging a custom encrypted token. See https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/sanctum#issuing-mobile-api-tokens
// Fetch the corresponding user...
$user = User::where('token', $request->input('token'))->first();
return $user->createToken('vuejs_app')->plainTextToken;
Subsequent requests should pass the token in the Authorization header as a Bearer token.
Protect routes using the middleware provided by Sanctum:
Route::middleware('auth:sanctum')->get('some/api/route', SomeController::class);

CakePHP 3 Security component and Form Fields using VueJS

I'm creating an application using Vue.js and CakePHP 3.6.
When POST, security component throws a 400 error because the _Token fields are missing. I don't have problems with CSRF token, just form security validation.
I don't wanna disable the component in the whole application.
I found a non-solution: Expose _buildFieldToken from the Cake\View\Helper\SecureFieldTokenTrait but I think this will avoid the SecurityComponent purpose.
Any help are really welcome and appriciated.
The action in the controller (example: ajaxRequest) that you need access by fetch or axios, could be unlocked, in the controller:
if you have generated the form with the cake helpers, the _CSRFTOKEN is in the form label or hidden input (sorry inspect the Form element in the browser), when you have localized the token, add this in the data of .$post().
ajax request cakephp
public function beforeFilter(Event $event)
//this line is not necessary if you pass the _csrfToken
$this->Security->setConfig('unlockedActions', ['ajaxRequest']);

Handle SAML POST and still maintaining CSRF in Laravel 5

I use this package = https://github.com/aacotroneo/laravel-saml2
I configured everything in the SP and iDP sections in saml2_settings.php as instructed.
I go to : /admin/login
I got redirected and landed on my iDP log-in page immediately, it is a correct behavior.
I log-in with the proper username and password.
After successfully authenticated by my iDP, I got the SAML Response from my iDP like this sample
"SAMLResponse": "PHNhbWxwOlJlc3BvbnNlIHhtbG5zOnNhbWxwPSJ1cm46b2FzaXM6bmFtZXM6dGM6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\r\nZ2R3VVNBTlZ0LzFpc2RrUzhmbGcrclBOUXl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"RelayState": "https://testserver.benunets.com/admin/login"
I can only see this response only because I comment out my CFRF token on my app/Http/kernel.php
// \App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken::class,
Route::post('admin/secure/dashboard', 'SAMLController#post');
public function post(){
return Input::all();
What is the best practice to deal with SAML POST and still maintaining CSRF protection ?
Should I create a middleware or anything similar to that ?
You may exclude your endpoint by adding it to the $except property of the VerifyCsrfToken middleware.
After that you may want to add your own middleware to check if the post request came from an origin you explicitly accept.
The documentation of the package also states that you should configure a middleware group in te config which at least needs the StartSession middleware. So you can make a special middleware-group which excludes the VerifyCsrfToken middleware. However, I do believe it would be better to exclude the endpoint, and add your own middleware check.
Also, you are referencing the url admin/secure/dashboard. Are you using this for debugging the POST request? Because I believe the actual endpoint for iDP needs to be https://your-url.com/saml2/acs (unless you changed the default configuration). This page will use the post data to trigger an event with which you can login the appropriate user.

Laravel 5.1 + Vue.js - vue-router beforeEach AuthService

Say I want to create an AuthService in vue-router to validate the current session before proceeding to the next route, like the example on:
router.beforeEach(function ({ to, next }) {
if (to.path === '/auth-required') {
// return a Promise that resolves to true or false
return AuthService.isLoggedIn()
} else {
How would one approach this for Laravel 5.1 use without using JSON Web Tokens(JWT)?
Is there a "best-pratice" approach to SESSION_DRIVER in Laravel, ex. Redis, for this scenario?
I've searched around the web alot but never seen any attempt do authenticate a session with vue-router without JWT.
For your code, you want to move the isLoggedIn() auth check into the if statement. Your auth service should return a boolean if the user is logged in. Within the if, you would route the user to the appropriate path. beforeEach works like "What should we do before each route is processed?" so you do not need to return a truthy value inside the if statement.
router.beforeEach(function (transition) {
if (transition.to.auth && !AuthService.isLoggedIn()) {
// if route requires auth and user isn't authenticated
} else {
If you want to "validate the current session before proceeding to the next route" each time, your isLoggedIn() would need to call your login API each time. It's usually not best practice because once you login, why do you need to check again? That's why tokens and JWT exist. After you login, you're given a token, you remember this token and send the token in upcoming requests.
How would one approach this for Laravel 5.1 use without using JSON Web
Not technically JWTs, you can use API tokens. API tokens can be generated with Laravel's str_random() function. You'd associate 1 token per user and keep the tokens unique. You can put this token in 2 places: 1. in the URL for parameter ?api_token=XXX 2. in the header for "Authorization: Bearer XXX".
If you're going with headers, in Vue.js, you'd setup vue-resource as such:
Vue.http.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + token;
and then all your requests now contain the API token.
Is there a "best-pratice" approach to SESSION_DRIVER in Laravel, ex.
Redis, for this scenario?
Not 100% sure what you mean here, but tokens are considered one of the best practices when interacting with APIs. You exchange the token with each web request so that you do not need to send a username/password each time.

Using Goutte / Guzzle with Laravel to Submit Form with CSRF

I have two websites (both mine) and I am testing Guzzle.
I am trying to submit a search form. This search form has the standard Laravel CSRF token hidden field automatically generated "_token".
When submitting the field with goutte it gets an error. Checking my logs on the website I can see it is the Laravel "TokenMismatchException"
Do I need to do something special in goutte to make sure it is posting the auto generated "_token" hidden field?
As of Laravel 5.1, in app/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php you can disable CSRF protection by adding the concerned route to the $except array. Like so:
protected $except = [
'/api/v1/list', //This route won't have CSRF protection
You need to disable CSRF protection for that route.
In app/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php add this code to beginning of handle() method:
$openRoutes = ['free/route', 'free/too'];
foreach($openRoutes as $route) {
if ($request->is($route)) {
return $next($request);
