I have a Part Management system I've created in PHP with MySQL. What I'm trying to create is something that will generate the next Part Number for me. All part numbers start with a 3 letter prefix (which is determined by the product family/category) followed by their number.
For example 'ABC001'
What I have below is something that I'd like to use to determine what the next number is having already 'ABC001', 'ABC002' & 'ABC003' so I would like it to recognize what the next number is by querying until the query comes back false because that product number doesn't exist yet.
$abc_query = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE id LIKE 'ABC%'";
$abc_result = $mysqli2->query($abc_query);
while($row = $abc_result->fetch_assoc()) {
$rowid = $row["id"];
$pnumber = substr($rowid, 3, 3);
echo $pnumber. '<br/>';
$int = (int)$pnumber;
$abc_query2 = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE id 'ABC" . sprintf('%03s', $int);
for ($abc_query2 = true; $abc_query2 = false; $int++){
echo $int;
}$abc_nextnumber = $int +1;
$abc_newnumber = 'ABC' . sprintf('%03s', $abc_nextnumber);
echo $abc_newnumber;
The result I get is
However the result should be..
code update I've updated the code but it doesn't seem to stop at ABC004 if I have an 005. It will go to 006.
You should have the db do this instead of your app:
select t.id_prfx, max(t.id_num) as latest_num from
(select substring(id, 1, 3) as id_prfx,
cast(substring(id,4) as integer) as id_num) t
group by id_prfx
This will give you a result table where you get the highest part number for each prefix.
If you really really only want prefixes of 'ABC' then:
select max(cast(substring(id,4) as integer)) as max_num from table
where id LIKE 'ABC%'
Could you try this query?
SELECT MAX(SUBSTR(id, 4)) as last_id FROM products WHERE SUBSTR(id, 1, 3)='ABC'
products TABLE
We want to find 4 in products table.
FROM products t1
FROM products t2
WHERE SUBSTR(id, 1, 3)='ABC' AND SUBSTR(t2.id, 4) = SUBSTR(t1.id, 4) + 1
If anyone knows how I can have it add automatic zeros to the into the query (as it will be different amount of 0s once it gets to 'ABC011') instead of typing them in that would also be very helpful.
Here's how to automatically handle the prepended zeroes.
$sql3 = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE id 'ABC" . sprintf('%03s', $int);
I am trying to make a function where the following should happen:
Retrieve the ID value of all users in database.
Retrieve all numbers belonging to each user from an other table in the same database.
Add all the numbers belonging to each user together.
By using my code (see below), step 1 and 3 is working. At step 2, it is looping the correct amount of times but in every loop it retrieves the numbers belonging to the first ID from step 1.
Step 1 finds the following IDs: 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Step 2 loops 4 times, but retrieves the numbers belonging to ID 1 every time instead of retrieving the numbers to ID 1 in the first loop, ID 2 in the second etc.
$users_get = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT id FROM users");
$users_num = mysqli_num_rows($users_get);
$users_list = array();
while($users_row = mysqli_fetch_array($users_get)){
$users_list[] = $users_row;
foreach($users_list as $users_row){
$users_items[] = array(
'id' => $users_row['id']
for($loop1 = 0; $loop1 < $users_num; $loop1++){
$numbers_get = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT number FROM users_numbers WHERE userid = '".$users_items[$loop1]['id']."'");
$numbers_num = mysqli_num_rows($numbers_get);
$numbers_list = array();
while($numbers_row = mysqli_fetch_array($numbers_get)){
$numbers_list[] = $numbers_row;
foreach($numbers_list as $numbers_row){
$numbers_items[] = array(
'number' => $numbers_row['number']
$numbers_added = 0;
for($loop2 = 0; $loop2 < $numbers_num; $loop2++){
$numbers_added = $numbers_added + $numbers_items[$loop2]['number'];
I later added som echos to display the IDs and numbers that is retrieved and got the following result:
User ID: 1
Amount of numbers: 4
4 (Belonging to ID 1)
7 (Belonging to ID 1)
5 (Belonging to ID 1)
2 (Belonging to ID 1)
Total: 18
User ID: 2
Amount of numbers: 0
User ID: 3
Amount of numbers: 3
4 (Belonging to ID 1)
7 (Belonging to ID 1)
5 (Belonging to ID 1)
Total: 16
The amount of numbers for ID 3 is correct, however the 3 retrieved numbers belongs to ID 1.
Another observation I made was if I edit the SELECT query inside loop 1:
"SELECT number FROM users_numbers WHERE userid = '".$users_items[$loop1]['id']."'"
And manually selects an ID, example:
"SELECT number FROM users_numbers WHERE userid = '3'"
Then it retrieves the correct numbers belonging to ID 3.
After hours of trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong I still haven't found anything, so any help is really appreciated! Is there something I can do with my current code to fix it, or maybe there is some other ways to achieve the desired function?
Based on the comments on my question, I ended up with the following code:
$users_get = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT a.id, SUM(b.number) AS number FROM users AS a INNER JOIN users_numbers AS b ON a.id = b.userid GROUP BY a.id ASC");
$loop1 = 0;
while($users_items[] = mysqli_fetch_array($users_get){
echo "ID: ".$users_items[$loop1]['id']." - Num total: ".$users_items[$loop1]['number']."<br />";
The echo inside the while is only for testing purposes. When I run this, it displays a nice list with all the user IDs and the sum of each users numbers.
I've been banging my head hard over this problem for the last 2-3 days trying to see the problem from as many different angles as possible but to no avail. I'm turning to the SO community for extra perspectives. Below is the code I have which prints all 9 product plans. I'm wanting to find and print the plan with pricing equals or closest to a given user input. How can I do this?
//arrays of productnames
//arrays of productlevels
//Get The Length of Product Name Array
//Get The Length of Product Level Array
for ($prn=1; $prn <= $planname_array_length; $prn++) {//loop to create plan name indicators
for ($prl=1; $prl <= $planlevel_array_length; $prl++) {//loop to create plan level indicators
$getpoductsql = " SELECT name, level,productNameId,productLevelId,finalProductPrice
SELECT wspn.productName AS name, wspl.productLevel AS level, wsp.productNameId AS productNameId, wsp.productPlanLevel AS productLevelId,
ROUND(SUM(`Price`) * 1.12) AS finalProductPrice,
FROM `products` ws
left join product_plan wsp on wsp.productId = ws.wsid
left join product_plan_level wspl on wsp.productPlanLevel = wspl.wsplid
left join product_plan_name wspn on wspn.wspnid = wsp.productNameId
WHERE wspn.productName = '$planname_array_length[$pn]' AND wspl.productLevel = '$planlevel_array_length[$pl]'
AS x ORDER BY ABS(finalProductPrice - $compareprice)"
$resultproducts = $conn->query($getpoductsql);
$prodArray = mysqli_fetch_array($resultproducts);
//print array of each plan
$resultArr = array('planNameID' => $prodArray['planNameId'],
'planName' => $prodArray['name'],
'planLevelID' => $prodArray['planLevelId'],
'planLevelName' => $prodArray['level'],
'planPrice' => $prodArray['finalProductPrice'];
//print arrays of products
echo json_encode($resultArr);
This will output 9 plans as follow :
Rather than performing a separate query for each product name and product level, do them all in one query, and let MySQL find the one with the closest price.
$getpoductsql = " SELECT name, level,productNameId,productLevelId,finalProductPrice
SELECT wspn.productName AS name, wspl.productLevel AS level, wsp.productNameId AS productNameId, wsp.productPlanLevel AS productLevelId,
ROUND(SUM(`Price`) * 1.12) AS finalProductPrice,
FROM `products` ws
left join product_plan wsp on wsp.productId = ws.wsid
left join product_plan_level wspl on wsp.productPlanLevel = wspl.wsplid
left join product_plan_name wspn on wspn.wspnid = wsp.productNameId
WHERE wspn.productName IN ('Beginner', 'Advanced', 'Expert') AND wspl.productLevel IN ('Bronze', 'Silver', 'Gold')
GROUP BY productNameId, productLevelId
AS x ORDER BY ABS(finalProductPrice - $compareprice)"
forgive my formatting, I'm on mobile
Like Amr Berag said above, your result should be the first row returned from your query.
If you have a table like this:
ID value
---- ------
A 7
B 12
C 23
You can then SELECT from this table to find the closest to some value, like so:
(Assume your desired value is $VALUE)
SELECT id, value, ABS(value - $VALUE) AS diff
FROM your_table
This will return something like this (say $VALUE is 10):
id value diff
-- ------ ----
B 12 2
A 7 3
C 23 13
You can just pick the first row.
You may also be able to add a WHERE clause to only select the row with the least difference using the MIN function:
SELECT id, value, ABS(value - $VALUE) AS diff
FROM your_table
WHERE diff = MIN(diff)
The way you are doing it will produce invalid json, do it like this:
for ($prn=1; $prn <= $planname_array_length; $prn++) {
for ($prl=1; $prl <= $planlevel_array_length; $prl++) {
. . . // the other code
//print array of each plan
$resultArr = array('planNameID' => $prodArray['planNameId'],
'planName' => $prodArray['name'], 'planLevelID' => $prodArray['planLevelId'],
'planLevelName' => $prodArray['level'],
'planPrice' => $prodArray['finalProductPrice'];
//print arrays of products
echo json_encode($result);
you should also add the limit 1 and do the rest in JS in the front end
Ok, so I have some MySQL tables as follows:
Building-ID Building-Name
1 Building-1
2 Building-2
3 Building-3
4 Building-4
Mroom State
1 Booked
2 Empty
3 Empty
4 Empty
Mroom State
1 Booked
2 Empty
3 Empty
4 Empty
And a query in PHP as follows (Ignore the hard coded while, I've simplified the code a bit):
$sql = "select * from Buildings";
$result = mysql_query ($sql) or die(mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$building[] = $row['ward_name'];
$v1 = 0;
while ($v1 < 4)
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `$building[$v1]` WHERE state = 'Empty'";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$count = mysql_result($result, 00);
$v1 = $v1 + 1;
To my way of thinking this should create an array of the buildings contained in the "Buildings" table, start a loop, load the building name from the array and provide a row count for the table of how many rows contain "Empty" in the state column. What it actually does is provide a count for the first table and then provides "NULL" for the rest.
I'd appreciate any help you can give me.
What about changing your data model?
Table buldings can be kept as is:
Building-ID Building-Name
1 Building-1
2 Building-2
3 Building-3
4 Building-4
New table:
Building-ID Mroom State
1 1 1
1 2 0
2 1 0
State 0 = Empty, State 1 = Booked
Then use a join with group by:
select count(*) from buildings b inner join rooms r on r.bid = b.id where r.state = 0 group by b.id;
Then you will get a row for each building with the count of empty rooms. You won't need a table for each building.
This does noit make sense:
$count = mysql_result($result, 00);
you mean to write:
$count[$v1] = mysql_result($result, 00);
Also do not use several tables with names matching columns of other tables.
You can use one table with a primary key that spans two columns instead, for example create primary key on($buildingid,$roomid)
so that the table has columns $buildingid,$roomid, and $state.
mysql_result() returns a string, not an array.
Modify the code and check that now it works as expected.
I hope this question isn't redundant. What I am trying to accomplish is have a user select a bunch of checkboxes on a page and return the closest matching records if there are no matching rows. For example:
A person checks off [x]Apples [x]Oranges [x]Pears [x]Bananas
But the table looks like this:
Apples Oranges Pears Bananas
1 1 1 null
1 1 null 1
1 1 null null
(Obviously I missed the id column here, but you get the point I think.) So, the desired result is to have those three rows still be returned in order of most matches, so pretty much the order they are in now. I'm just not sure what the best approach to take on something like this. I've considered a full text search, the levenshtein function, but I really like the idea of returning the exact match if it exists. No need for you to go at length with code if not needed. I'm just hoping to be sent in the right direction. I HAVE seen other questions sort of like this, but I still am unsure about which way to go.
Write a query that adds up the number of columns that matched, and sorts the rows by this total. E.g.
FROM mytable
ORDER BY COALESCE(Apples, 0) = $apples + COALESCE(Oranges, 0) = $oranges + ... DESC
It's easy to sort by a score...
SELECT fb.ID, fb.Apples, fb.Oranges, fb.Pears, fb.Bananas
FROM FruitBasket fb
CASE WHEN #Apples = fb.Apples THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
+ CASE WHEN #Oranges = fb.Oranges THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
+ CASE WHEN #Pears = fb.Pears THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
+ CASE WHEN #Bananas = fb.Bananas THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
However, this leads to a table-scan (even with TOP). The last record may be a better match than the records found so far, so every record must be read.
You could consider a tagging system, like this
Content --< ContentTag >-- Tag
Which would be queried this way:
FROM ContentTag
WHERE TagID in (334, 338, 342)
An index on ContentTag.TagId would be used by this query.
This is fairly simple, but you can just use IFNULL() (MySQL, or your DB's equivalent) to return a sum of matches and use that in your ORDER BY
// columns and weighting score
$types = array("oranges"=>1, "apples"=>1, "bananas"=>1, "pears"=>1);
$where = array();
// loop through the columns
foreach ($types as $key=>&$weight){
// if there is a match in $_REQUEST at it to $where and increase the weight
if (isset($_REQUEST[$key])){
$where[] = $key . " = 1";
$weight = 2;
// build the WHERE clause
$where_str = (count($where)>0)? "WHERE " . implode(" OR ", $where) : "";
// build the SQL - non-null matches from the WHERE will be weighted higher
$sql = "SELECT apples, oranges, pears, bananas, ";
foreach ($types as $key=>$weight){
$sql .= "IFNULL({$key}, 0, {$weight}) + ";
$sql .= "0 AS score FROM `table` {$where_str} ORDER BY score DESC";
Assuming that "oranges" and "apples" are selection, your SQL will be:
SELECT apples, oranges, pears, bananas,
IFNULL(apples, 0, 2) + IFNULL(oranges, 0, 2) + IFNULL(pears, 0, 1) + IFNULL(bananas, 0, 1) + 0 AS score
FROM `table`
WHERE oranges = 1 OR apples = 1
Order descending by the sum of checkbox/data matches
ORDER BY (COALESE(Apple,0) * #apple) + (COALESE(Orange,0) * #orange) ..... DESC
where #apple / #orange represents users selection: 1 = checked, 0 = unchecked
I have 2 tables I want to connect in a strange / dangerous / non-dynamic way. I don't have control over these tables. I'm trying to pull the summary from one table that contains event id but not category id but I need to reference another table to make sure that said event is in said category. This table contains both event id and cat id. I'm trying to join them but I keep getting returned nothing.
I know this is dangerous, but I also have control over the categories so I know that my category ID's will not change unless I specify. Since it auto-increments - my categories will be 1, 2, 3.
The Gist of my Tables
- ev_id
- catid
- evdet_id
- summary
My Code
$data = array();
for($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++){
$summary = array();
$query_summary = mysql_query("SELECT events_vevdetail.summary FROM
events_vevdetail, events_vevent
WHERE 'events_vevent.evdet_id = $i' LIMIT 5")
or die(mysql_error());
while(($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_summary)))
$summary[] = $row[0];
case 0:
$data['cat1'] = $summary;
case 1:
$data['cat2'] = $summary;
case 2:
$data['cat3'] = $summary;
echo json_encode($data);
so what I'm trying to do is: Since I know category 1 will always have an ID of 0, I want to pull the most recent 5 posts, but only posts in category ID 0. Same for cateogry2 and 3. Right now I'm getting empty arrays. I feel like I need 2 mysql queries (one for each table) and then compare but I'm not 100% sure and would rather do this the right way than the long way.
tl;dr is my MYSQL right?
This query will return top most 5 records from each category.
SELECT e1 . *
FROM events_vevent e1
LEFT OUTER JOIN events_vevent e2 ON
( e1.catid = e2.catid AND e1.ev_id < e2.ev_id )
GROUP BY e1.ev_id
ORDER BY catid, ev_id DESC