laravel 5.5 use model in command - php

I'm a newbie in Laravel5.5, and want to use model in my command ,
first php artisan make:model MyTest, then I use model to get data from mysql.
the command file:
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use App\Model\MyTest;
class UboxDataAnalysis extends Command
public function handle()
$this->line('Then start query');
$o = new App\Model\MyTest();
And the Model file is:
namespace App\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use DB;
class MyTest extends Model
function get_data(){
$uboxTest = DB::connection('mysql-test');
$res = $uboxTest::table('m_user')->where('user_id',166);
But the CLI output is:
Class 'App\Console\Commands\App\Model\MyTest' not found
And I googled and find something about laravel5.5 doc.
To get started, let's create an Eloquent model. Models typically live in the app directory, but you are free to place them anywhere that can be auto-loaded according to your composer.json file.
Is that to say, I need add some config in the composer.json?
Can anybody give me some advice? Thinks.

You've already imported the class with use App\Model\MyTest;, so you can just write $o = new MyTest();.
Instead of that you could remove the import statement and write $o = new \App\Model\MyTest(); (note the added backslash).


Laravel 4: Model Class not found

I am getting a Class 'App\Models\User' not found error when I try too use the User class inside a controller class method. I have looked everywhere and tried everything with no luck! Here's what I've tried:
Check that class exists and is in the right path (it works everywhere else)
Add use App\Models\User; to the top of the controller file and just use User
Tried: new \App\Models\User
Run: composer dump-autoload
Run: php artisan dump-autoload
Run: php artisan clear-compiled
When I do dd(class_exists('App\Models\User')), I get \vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Support\helpers.php:513:boolean false which confirms that the class really isn't accessible for some reason.
Any ideas?
You will find questions similar to this but not the same. Please read question carefully. I didn't say the controller class was missing. I said a model class (User) was not accessible from inside a particular controller class. And that the model class works everywhere else.
EDIT: Code Excerpt
use App\Models\User;
use App\Models\Role;
use App\Models\Advert;
use App\Models\AdvertPhoto;
use App\Models\AdvertMetum;
use App\Models\AdvertMetaDatum;
use App\Models\AdvertMetaCategory;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\View;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request;
class AdvertsController extends BaseController {
* Show the form for creating a new resource.
* GET /adverts/create
public function create()
// New user instance
// dd(class_exists('\App\Models\User')); // Outputs FALSE
$userx = new User; // Throws an Exception
return View::make('adverts.create');
I have managed to resolve this on my own. It turns out you have to tell Laravel what class and table will be used for authentication (a.k.a your 'User' class). I didn't know this (plus this is an inherited project). Apparently the User class was defined in the root namespace (i.e. \User) and Laravel was configured to look for \User. But sometimes I see \App\Models\User in the code and it gave me the impression that User was under the same namespace as the other models since they were ALL in the app/models/ folder. I have corrected this problem in config/auth.php by changing:
'model' => 'User'
'model' => App\Models\User::class
And adding namespace at the top of app/models/user.php:
namespace App\Models;
Finally I set an alias in config/app.php like this:
'User' => 'App\Models\User'
So that where ever I've been using User::blah will not break (forcing me to add use App\Models\User; everywhere!)

Laravel can't find class in namespace

I using Laravel, I have a Model class under App/Models
namespace App\Models;
class TodoList extends \Eloquent{
public function listItems(){
return $this->hasMany('TodoItem');
In my Controller I have included the namespace as follows:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Models\TodoItem;
use App\Models\TodoList;
class TodoListController extends Controller
My method looks like this:
public function show($id)
return \View::make('')->with('list', $todo_list);
but when I call to a request i get the error:
FatalErrorException in TodoListController.php line 75: Class
'App\Models\TodoList' not found
Trying running composer dump-autoload. Basically your classes become cached so you need to tell Laravel to look for newly added classes.
I'm not sure, just try this :
namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model as Eloquent;
class TodoList extends Eloquent{
public function listItems(){
return $this->hasMany('TodoItem');
Here is the code from the docs, but for your example. Note the use Model:
namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class TodoList extends Model {
//insert public function listItems() here
Hope this is helpful!
Make sure the file is in the correct folder and has the same name caption as the Class you want to import.
If the caption of the file "TodoList" is not TodoList.php but Todolist.php for example, Laravel wont find it.
Depending on your setup running "composer dump" might help to refresh autoload files.

Laravel 5.1 nested controller class not found

The Laravel documentation clearly describes how to change your routes if you nest your controllers in folders. It seems REALLY simple, and yet I'm still getting an error. Here's the error:
"Class App\Http\Controllers\Input\InputController does not exist"
^That path looks 100% correct to me. What gives?
File Structure:
Route::get('input', 'Input\InputController#getInput');
<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Response;
class InputController extends Controller
public function getInput()
return response()->view('1_input.input_form');
Thanks for any help!
Change Controller namespace from
namespace App\Http\Controllers
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Input
namespace needs to be changed to the directory your controller is in 'App\Http\Input'
You need to pull in Controller with use App\Http\Controllers\Contoller so that you can extend it.
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Input;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; // need Controller to extend
use Illuminate\Http\Response;
class InputController extends Controller
public function getInput()
return response()->view('1_input.input_form');
you should try running a couple commands in your base dir from your terminal (shell/prompt):
composer dump-autoload
or if you don't have composer set as executable:
php composer dump-autoload
and then:
php artisan clear-compiled
This way your laravel would prepare everything again "from scratch" and should be able to find the missing controller class.
Basically laravel generates some additional files to boot up faster. If you define a new class it doesn't get included into that "compiled" file. This way your class should be "introduced" to the framework.

how to use include_once() with namespace in laravel

I am new in laravel and importing a existing php site.
I created a controller named "List" then i need to create a object of a class, coded in a file which is been include by include_once() as shown,
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
$INCLUDE_ROOT = 'path/to/file';
include_once($INCLUDE_ROOT . "ServiceDetails.class.php");
class Lists extends Controller
public function show()
$objServiceDetails= new ServiceDetails;
But i am getting an error like
Fatal error: Class 'App\Http\Controllers\ServiceDetails' not found
I dont have much idea of namespace "use" and "as".
May be that's why i am not able to solve this problem.
When creating a new object it is searching class in namespace location only, but it should also look in included files, i think.
If there's a namespace in current file, PHP will try to find class in current namespace and if it won't find it, you'll get fatal error. You should open ServiceDetails.class.php class to verify if there is namespace ...; at the beginning of the file (after <?php). If not you can simple add in your Lists file after:
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
the following line:
use ServiceDetails
and if it is, you should copy that namespace and add the following line:
use namespaceyoucopied\ServiceDetails;
of course in namespaceyoucopied place you need to put the correct copied namespace so it could look like this:
use A\B\C\ServiceDetails;
You can also look at How to use objects from other namespaces and how to import namespaces in PHP or PHP namespaces manual
You just need to add a use statement for that class so the class in the current file can "see" it.
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
$INCLUDE_ROOT = 'path/to/file';
include_once($INCLUDE_ROOT . "ServiceDetails.class.php");
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Namespace\To\ServiceDetails;
class Lists extends Controller
public function show()
$objServiceDetails= new ServiceDetails;
However, if you are using Laravel and doing this, then you are not using the autoloading feature to its fullest. I recommend you put this file in a namespaced directory in your application and have it follow PSR-4. Then Laravel will load this for you, and it will keep your class file looking clean.
Put the file in a path like the following: /path/to/projectRoot/app/Lib/ServiceDetails.php. Then make the file look like below so it follows PSR-4:
<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Lib\ServiceDetails;
class Lists extends Controller
public function show()
$objServiceDetails= new ServiceDetails;

Class not found, Laravel Observer

I'm in the process of switching from Laravel 4.2 to Laravel 5, not sure if that is relevant, but I am getting an error:
"Class 'library\observers\UserObserver' not found"
and I have no Idea what the problem is, as far as I can see ( through my frustration mind you ) is that everything is in its right place, name spaces, folders, class names etc.. and I've ran the artisan dump autoload command twice now. the class is an observer which modifies user input on save. here is my code:
<?php namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use library\observers\UserObserver;
use App\Models\User;
class UserObserverServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
User::observe( new UserObserver );
public function register(){}
<?php namespace library\observers;
use library\Facades\Geo;
use Geocode;
use State;
use City;
class UserObserver{ code for user observer }
app.php configuration for service provider:
All of these things were working together before the switch, what am I missing?
I left the App out of the namespace and path for use, works now, thanks!
