How to configure WP Mail SMTP plugin for localhost - php

I am struggle for 2 days with this problem.
I am going to send email from my localhost using WordPress.
I am using wp_mail() function so I decided to use WP Mail SMTP plugin.
But I have a problem while configuring it.
This is screen shot of my configuration.
When I try to send test email, it fails.
Anyone please help me

From the plugins list, I've noticed you are using Postman SMTP plugin, which causes conflict with the WP Mail SMTP plugin. If you disable that plugin, it will work correctly.

Try with following SMTP setting for gmail to configure on localhost with your plugin :
PORT : 587
USERNAME : Your_gmail_ID
PASSWORD : Your_gamil_Password
Encryption : TLS
NOTE : Make sure your gmail account must be Allow less secure apps: ON. You can turn on less secure apps for your account using THIS URL
As discussed please use following setting in your plugin :
WP Mail SMTP Settings
From Email : Your_gmail_EmailID
From Name : Your_name
Mailer : Send all WordPress emails via SMTP.
Return Path : checked
After that Click on Save Changes
Now under SMTP Options
SMTP Host :
SMTP Port : 587
Encryption : Use TLS encryption.
Authentication : Yes: Use SMTP authentication.
Username : Your_gmail_EmailID
Password : Your_gamil_EmailPassword
After that Click on Save Changes

install plugin wp mail smtp
then in general settings
From Email:your email
mailer: other smtp
SMTP Username: your gmail address
SMTP Password: your gmail password
save settings
after that test email by sending one to
Send To: email that you want to receive email on
and make sure your SMTP Username(your gmail) account has turn on less secure apps
hope i helped.


Hide Received information from Email when using SwiftMailer and SMTP

I have a VPS hosting and I am using SwiftMailer to send emails using an smtp from another hosting.
When I send an email to the user the source mail contains my VPS ip address and domain in headers, like the following below:
Received: from [ip.ip.ip.ip] (port=•port• by ....
I was able to hide the domain from swiftmailer using setLocalDomain, but wasn't able to change the IP address even when using setSourceIp on SwiftMailer.
Hint: I don't have access to smtp hosting, I have just my VPS and smtp credentials.

Opencart email configure error

I am using Opencart
I have added the following details under system/settings/mail
Mail Protocol: smtp
Mail Parameters:
SMTP Hostname : ssl://
SMTP Username :
SMTP Password : my email password
SMTP Port : 465
SMTP Timeout : 5
But Still I am not able to receive the email alert and get the following error
"Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to ssl:// (Network is unreachable) in ..../store/system/library/mail.php on line 167" when i try to send the enquiry through contact form.
Could anybody please help me.
Try the below settings in Opencart
SMTP Hostname: tls://
SMTP Port: 587
If the above doesn't work try doing below with your existing settings.
Go to Gmail and login to the account that you used for your SMTP configuration.
Once logged in, go to “”
Give it access to use GMail. Go back & try again submitting the contact form.

moodle email confirmation not working

I'm configuring Moodle for a school project and there is a problem in email confirmation process.
following are my configurations:
outgoing mail confirmations
SMTP hosts:
STMP security:TLS
SMTP username:**** [*admin e-mail*]
SMTP password:****
SMTP session limit:1
no-reply domain
no-reply address:*** [*admin e-mail*]
Allowed email domains :
Email display settings
Character set : UTF-8
Allow user to select character set :no
Allow attachments: yes
Email via information: always
when user signed up; admin gets a notification that new user required access but the new user wont get any confirmation email.[before and after confirmation from site admin]
no email can be found in spam or inbox.
please help!!!
For the outgoing mail configuration you should just leave all the settings blank or revert them to their defaults. Unless you have a dedicated SMTP server (i.e. one that is hosted within your organisation and is specifically configured to relay outgoing mail from your Moodle server) then you should just let Moodle use PHP's own mail libraries to send mail.
Hope this helps.

GMail SMTP test mail sending failed

This image above shows the error: SMTP ERROR: Failed to connect to server: (0)
But my GMail SMTP settings are correct and working. How is this possible?
Gmail SMTP ( use the port 587 and need a secured connection.
Otherwise it seems Google SMTP has restricted its use to Google G Suite subscriber.
You have these information and a test tool at
I have tested myself with my G Suite mail, the test tool works great.

Send emails from localhost?

im kinda stuck, i have read some threads where they use google smtp to send mails from localhost.
Im using xampp right now and im trying to use google smtp but it doesn't work what have i done wrong ?
Warning: mail(): Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\page.php on line 48
My Code in php.ini:
sendmail_from = T***
Gmail SMTP server address:
Gmail SMTP user name: T***
Gmail SMTP password: ****
Gmail SMTP port: 465
Gmail SMTP TLS/SSL required: yes
You have to set the SMTP-Server, Port and authentication credentials in your php.ini.
But for this it's much easier to use the wonderful PHPMailer class.
It's very easy to implement and to use.
You can easily send complex emails (HTML, Attachments) and it has a good support for external SMTP server, including e.g. encryption.
Just take a look at the examples in the "examples" folder or scroll down at the linked page where is an example using SMTP auth in the first code-block.
