php7 display document stored in mongodb 3.4 - php

I am very new to php and mongodb. I have installed php7.0 and mongo 3.4.10 on Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS.
I can display desired document by entering mongo cli command:
It gives me this result:
{ "_id" : "superid", "record" : "whatever" }
But I am tryig to display document from mongodb collection with this php script:
$mongo = new \MongoDB\Driver\Manager();
$filter = ['_id' => 'superid'];
$options = [];
$query = new \MongoDB\Driver\Query($filter, $options);
$rows = $mongo->executeQuery('db.testcollection', $query);
foreach ($rows as $document) {
echo $document;
echo "The END"
This only display "The END".
What I am missing in my php script to display mongo query result similarly as cli command?

The problem was:
I have created new databse called test using this commands in mongo shell:
use test;
db.testcollection.insert({ "_id" : "superid", "record" : "whatever"});
So path to db was test.testcollection not db.testcollection.
When I correct appropriate line like this:
$rows = $mongo->executeQuery('test.testcollection', $query);
It works as expected.
I was confused by mongo shell (cli) that gives me right result without need to specify database name (even after logoff mongo shell and login again).
On the other hand you must specify dbname.collectionname in php (what makes sense) :)


Using PHP For Each to save individual results to Redis

I have some code running on my website that uses API calls to pull events from a calendar and show them on my website. The code is fairly simple overall, and works well, however to prevent the code from running every time the page loads, I'm using PHP Redis to save the key data to a Redis List, then a cronjob to run the php code that uses the Redis List to fetch the information from the calendar API, and save the information to Redis.
Everything works fine, except I am using foreach to run through each instance of the Redis List; and it keeps running through all the entries but saving only the last one. What can I do to fix this?
My code:
function redis_calendar_fetch() {
$redisObj1 = new Redis();
$redisObj1 -> connect('localhost', 6379, 2.5, NULL, 150 );
$fetcharray = $redisObj1-> smembers('fetch_list');
$effectiveDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+12 months'));
$application_id = "REDACTED";
$secret = "REDACTED";
$fafull = array();
foreach($fetcharray as $faraw) {
$fa1 = json_decode($faraw);
$fa2 = json_decode(json_encode($fa1), true);
$fafull[] = $fa2;
$redisObj1 -> close(); // This code all works perfectly, and returns the Redis List results in an array that can be used by foreach
foreach($fafull as $fa) {
$redisObj = new Redis();
$redisObj -> connect('localhost', 6379, 2.5, NULL, 150 );
// After this, I run through all the array data, pull data & process it properly. I have omitted this from this question because it is long and arduous, and runs perfectly fine.
// Right before this, an array called $redisarray is created that contains all the relevant event data //
$redisarrayfixed = json_encode($redisarray);
$redisObj->set($key, $redisarrayfixed);
$redisObj -> close();
// If I put a line here saying 'return = $redisarrayfixed', the code runs only the first instance of the array and stops. If I omit this, it runs through all of them, but only saves the last one
As mentioned, I then use a cronjob to run this code every 30 minutes, and I have a separate piece of php code that handles the shortcode & fetches the proper saved events for the proper page.
My concern solely is with the foreach($fafull as $fa), which only saves the final result to Redis. Is there a better way to force each array instance to save?
For performance, you might want to keep just one instance of a redis connection active.
Secondly, it's only going to save the final result because on each iteration, you are using the same $key. It seems like what you want to do is iterate and push to an array, then at the end, save it entirely.
Example of how I'm understanding this;
$redisObj = new Redis();
$redisObj -> connect('localhost', 6379, 2.5, NULL, 150 );
$someArray = array();
foreach($fafull as $fa) {
$redisarrayfixed = json_encode($redisarray);
array_push($someArray, $redisarrayfixed);
$redisObj->set($key, $someArray);
$redisObj -> close();

Read Windows Installer (MSI file) attributes from PHP

I have a Windows MSI file, that I need to programmatically read the version number from. The only place I can see this version is within the Subject of the file details:
If I somehow can read the entire content of Subject this would be fine but is there any way to get this from PHP? The PHP is running in an IIS web server, if this helps ;-)
stat is of no help for this.
I considered doing a checksum of the file, and can do that, but I really need the real version.
For now I am unable to find a native PHP solution for this, so I have temporarily solved this by calling a Powershell script as it seems easier to do in there.
I am now having this PHP code:
$version = exec("powershell.exe -file GetMsiVersion.ps1 MyFile.msi);
With my above picture then $version will contain 1.5.9, so I will not even require to interpret the data from Subject.
The GetMsiVersion.ps1 Powershell script has this code:
function Get-Property ($Object, $PropertyName, [object[]]$ArgumentList) {
return $Object.GetType().InvokeMember($PropertyName, 'Public, Instance, GetProperty', $null, $Object, $ArgumentList)
function Invoke-Method ($Object, $MethodName, $ArgumentList) {
return $Object.GetType().InvokeMember($MethodName, 'Public, Instance, InvokeMethod', $null, $Object, $ArgumentList)
$Path = $args[0]
$msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly = 0
$Installer = New-Object -ComObject WindowsInstaller.Installer
$Database = Invoke-Method $Installer OpenDatabase #($Path, $msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly)
$View = Invoke-Method $Database OpenView #("SELECT Value FROM Property WHERE Property='ProductVersion'")
Invoke-Method $View Execute
$Record = Invoke-Method $View Fetch
if ($Record) {
Write-Output (Get-Property $Record StringData 1)
Invoke-Method $View Close #()
I will accept this as the best solution here-and-now but, I hope this can be archieved natively from PHP as I see this as a better and more clean solution - and by then I will accept that as the best answer (or at least unaccept my own temporary solution).
Doing an exec is a little evil ;-)
Two things first:
I have never accessed COM from PHP, but below are some VBScript samples of getting information from MSI files by using MSI API - COM automation. There are also Win32 functions.
That field you refer to is not a version field, but a text field from the MSI's "Summary Stream" - a special part of the MSI file with "meta information" of various kinds. Summary Information Stream (the full name).
Here is how you can get the REAL version of an MSI file. This is stored in the property "ProductVersion" in the MSI file. There are at least two different ways to retrieve it - by opening the MSI file as a session or just access the property table via SQL query:
Access version via Session object:
Const msiUILevelNone = 2
Dim installer : Set installer = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
installer.UILevel = msiUILevelNone
Set s = installer.OpenPackage("C:\MySetup.msi",1)
MsgBox CStr(s.ProductProperty("ProductVersion"))
Accessing version via SQL agains MSI database (property table):
Dim installer : Set installer = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
' Open MSI database in read-only mode (0)
Set db = installer.OpenDatabase("C:\MySetup.msi", 0)
Set view = db.OpenView("SELECT `Value` FROM `Property` WHERE `Property`='ProductVersion'")
Set record = view.Fetch
MsgBox CStr(record.StringData(1))
Then there is the issue of accessing the SummaryStream - which is what you are really asking by the looks of it - here is a simple smoke test with some hints as to what properties you can retrieve - be careful with the summary stream - corruption is possible in various ways (I don't recall the details, but it should be safe to access read-only):
Dim installer : Set installer = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
' Open MSI database in read-only mode (0)
Set db = installer.OpenDatabase("C:\MySetup.msi", 0)
MsgBox CStr(db.SummaryInformation.Property(3))
' 1 = "Codepage"
' 2 = "Title"
' 3 = "Subject"
' 4 = "Author"
' 5 = "Keywords"
' 6 = "Comments"
' 7 = "Template"
' 8 = "LastAuthor"
' 9 = "Revision"
' 11 = "Printed"
' 12 = "Created"
' 13 = "Saved"
' 14 = "Pages"
' 15 = "Words"
' 16 = "Characters"
' 18 = "Application"
' 19 = "Security"
Modify an MSI using MSI SQL VBScript WiRunSQL.vbs
List tables in MSI file using VBScript

How to get length of find() results with MongoDB\Driver query in PHP?

I have a MongoDB server with a collection counting hundreds of thousands of documents.
I need to get only the number of documents matching the query filter condition using MongoDB\Driver in PHP.
In mongo-shell I would simply do the following:
db.samples.find({"location": {$geoWithin: {$geometry: ...reference_polygon... }}}).length
The below query in PHP would return a cursor with the full list of the documents (could be thousands of docs) which I don't need, I'm only looking for the number of the samples within a specified polygon:
$query = new MongoDB\Driver\Query(
["location" => ['$geoWithin' => ['$geometry' => $reference_polygon]]],
$cursor = $dbm->executeQuery("test.samples", $query);
Even reducing projection to return a single field as _id would significantly increase the calculation time.
Is there any way to get just a scalar number of documents and avoid loading cursor results and then counting it like count($cursor->toArray())?
MongoDB Server: 4.4.1
PHP version: 7.4
OS: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
So, finally, I found a way to do it using MongoDB\Driver\Command.
The code is below, would someone have a better proposal, please feel free to comment.
$database_name = "test";
$collection_name = "samples";
$query = new MongoDB\Driver\Query(
["location" => ['$geoWithin' => ['$geometry' => $reference_polygon]]],
$dbc = new MongoDB\Driver\Command(
['count' => $collection_name, "query" => (object)$query]
$cursor = $dbm->executeCommand($database_name, $dbc);
$n = (isset($cursor->toArray()[0]->n)) ? $cursor->toArray()[0]->n : 0;

Modify PHP config arrays from bash

I am writing my first BASH script to automate configuration of my (Laravel) web projects.
I have some config files (app/config/local/database.php,app/config/app.php) with PHP arrays that I need to access and modify. For example ...
'providers' => array(
/** Append new service provider value, if it does not exist already */
// ...
... or ...
'mysql' => array(
/** Replace value under key "database" to "test_db" */
'database' => 'homestead',
'username' => 'homestead',
So far I was using sed expressions like this:
gsed -i "s/'database' .*/'database' => '$LV_DB_NAME',/g" $LV_FILE_DB_CONFIG
This feels a little messy to me, especially in the case of example 1.
What would be awesome
Is there any way to get PHP arrays to BASH arrays and work with like you would in PHP?
Example 1
if (!in_array($new_provider, $providers)) {
$providers[] = $new_provider;
Example 2
$config['mysql']['database'] = $database_name
Update: What would also be awesome
If there is any other common way how to modify PHP arrays using terminal, I would be glad if you point me to it! I'm sure I'm not the only one who needs to modify PHP configuration arrays using terminal.
mTorres was actually right. If your machine has php cli installed (which is probable), You can easily jump into PHP from your bash scripts. There are multiple ways to do so, I finally settled with this:
print_s "Putting data to file \"$PATH\" ... "
export PATH=$PATH
/usr/bin/php << 'EOF'
$path = getenv("PATH");
$data = getenv("DATA_JSON");
$data = json_decode($data);
$config = (file_exists($path) && is_array($config_data = require($path))) ? $config_data : array();
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
$config[$k] = $v;
file_put_contents($path, "<?php \n \n return ".var_export($config,true).";");
There are some gotchas with passing associative arrays in BASH, check my other question: Pass BASH associative arrays to PHP script

Is there a PHP library for looking up vendor from MAC address?

I have a list of MAC addresses coming from a database. I would like to lookup the vendor for each MAC address and then have a count of devices on network by vendor in the end.
I believe I could do it the dirty way which would be to parse the vendor prefixes from the file available here
But I'm wondering if there is a better way ?
There is a library in Pear, but it does have substantial overhead involved in that the vendor lookup requires a relational database that's been loaded with the vendor data. However, considering the alternative this might be worth exploring.
The package provides a loader for the list maintained by wireshark:;a=blob_plain;f=manuf
If all you care about is getting the manufacturer of the device based on the mac address then you can simply copy and paste the list on this website here (unto 200 at a time). It's very quick:
But I'm wondering if there is a better way ?
If you can use other languages like ruby, there's a gem called macvendors
There is no need to use an external api or get stopped by rate limit.
You can use it from your command line:
gem install macvendors
macvendors find 98:e0:d9:a5:61:eb
Apple, Inc.
You can use it in your ruby code:
require 'macvendors'
MacVendors.setup #for the first time
puts MacVendors.find("98:e0:d9:a5:61:eb")
I have made an SQlite (Macvendors.db) from the Wireshark manuf source. I use it via PDO with a simple query.
Here is a method I write to show you how you could use it:
public function getAllCompaniesFromMacs($macs)
try {
// connect to the SQLite file
$conn = new \PDO("sqlite:/path/to/sqlite/Macvendors.db");
// aux vars
$macsParaBuscar = array();
$macsIN = "";
// output vars
$salida = array();
// Clean repeated MACs and remove the ":" chars
foreach ($macs as $unaMac) {
$unaMac = str_replace(":", "", $unaMac);
$firstChars = substr($unaMac, 0, 6);
$macsParaBuscar[$firstChars] = $firstChars;
// Create a IN statment for the WHERE
$macsIN = "( 'HOLA'";
foreach ($macsParaBuscar as $unaMacBuscar) {
$macsIN .= ", '" . $unaMacBuscar . "'";
$macsIN .= ")";
// Prepare and execute the query
$stm = $conn->prepare("SELECT mac, vendor FROM macvendor WHERE mac IN " . $macsIN);
// Put results in output var
while( $row = $stm->fetch() ) {
$auxMac = $row["mac"];
$salida[$auxMac] = $row["vendor"];
return $salida;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \Exception("Ha ocurrido un error", 1);
Sorry about the unbeauty example code.
Have fun!
There is another library that doesn't depend on any API but the XML file database which is Cisco vendorMacs.xml
The package is hosted here
Yes here is one I wrote, it depends on the online API of Mac address vendor website
Here is the repository with examples
