I am creating a table that displays a list of customers and their information. I have a few filters that, when selected, modify the table as needed and do so automatically. But when I click the Filter button underneath to save the filters selected and add them to the URL, the URL changes to the correct address but the table returns to the original table. Any ideas how to have the filters not reset when clicking the filter button?
I have a multiple select list $("#myField").select2(); that works fine.
I get the values from the database and with a foreach loop i add all the options to the list.
I want to ask if there is any option that when a user clicks the field to select, to show no results, only the search field. The results must show after the user writes at least 1 character
I have one Category List user will select a category from the list if user didn't find a category in the list, then he will select "other" option and it will display a text box there user will enter a new category name. This newly added category will go for approval to Site Admin till then it should be mentioned as "Uncategorised".
So my question is how to achieve this using a mysql table should I create a new table as uncategorized category or should I add one extra column to category table as "isApproved". As the solution should be for both add and edit of new category.
As you described
Admin must approve newly added category.
To acheive that you definitely will have a field status or something like that to check if this category is approved or not. You can simply use that field. If it is not active, it is "Uncategorized.
A more flexible way than adding one isApproved (or rather a more generic name like status) column to your table is to create a whole new temporary table. There are number of reasons why this is the better approach:
You can save diagnostical information like who created this category, when did he create it, and so on.
You separate your logic: An unapproved entry is, simply put, a temporary one. Approving it is nothing more than moving it over to your categories table and thus making it permanent.
Your categories table doesn't get clustered with unnecessary entries.
I have a search form that the user uses to find persons from the database, the results are displayed on a table, then the user can choose persons from the results table and add them or remove them from another table (the CGridView) and this last table will be saved to the database when the user clicks save button. My problem is that I'm adding and removing the persons (the rows) with jQuery, so when I use the sort function of the CGridView, clicking any header, the rows that were added with jQuery are lost. Also, when I remove rows from the last table I want to refresh the table so the zebra style rearranges. How can I do this without losing the data added with jQuery?
i currently have a problem with my admin section. I'd like to add some infos about my users and display these infos in the array.
Here a screenshot : view of table
You can see i've added some columns.
When you click on user account the fieds corresponding to these columns are present and filled.
The info is in the sql base too. But nothing displayed in the table :(
You have to use the User Meta to be Wordpress friendly
Here is how to add a user meta : http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_user_meta
But if you prefer you can use a meta manager like this one: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/user-meta-manager/
I want to edit/update, multiple rows together in Yii CGridView.
Say, each row has a checkbox and a single edit/update button, I select multiple rows and by clicking on edit/update button all selected rows are opened for editing and update.
Is this possible with Yii CGridView..??
Use the selectableRows property of the CGridView.
According to Yii Documentation for CGridView
public integer $selectableRows;
the number of table body rows that can be selected. If 0, it means rows cannot be selected. If 1, only one row can be selected. If 2 or any other number, it means multiple rows can be selected. A selected row will have a CSS class named 'selected'.
You can use the the $.fn.yiiGridView.getSelection(containerID) to retrieve the key values of the selected rows.
Add some more buttons either at the top or bottom of the gridview with actions for edit, delete or whatever action you need to take and pass the key values retrieved above.
If you want to edit rows in-line you can use extension phaActiveColumn which I messed up to support multiple rows (the whole table if desired).
EDIT: well, the extension basically creates an input field replacing the grid cell when user clicks on the cell. The field will have the cell's value for starters and it then sends an ajax call to controller, as soon as the user presses enter, asking to save the value of the field, which will be the user's input.
My addition was to create one such field for every cell in the row and store user input in javascript objects which then get send all at once with one ajax call to the controller. Multiple row updates are supported (creating adequate number of javascript objetcs).
If anyone has any interest in this there it is.