I implemented a structure of API Rest with the models in Yii2. Everything works great for actions (index, create, update etc ...) and methods (GET, POST, PUT etc ..) but I have a problem with the ContentNegotiator class.
Specifically, if I pass as a parameter of GET the language in which the response is to be translated, this is ignored.
According to the documentation for setting the language of response we need to set allowed languages of ContentNegotiator (look at my behaviors()) and make a request like this:
But the response continues to be in English. Why??? Nothing against the English =)
This is my ActiveController child class that extend from yii\rest\Controller.
use yii\rest\ActiveController;
use yii\filters\VerbFilter;
class AActiveController extends ActiveController
public function behaviors()
$behaviors = parent::behaviors();
$behaviors['verbFilter'] = [
'class' => VerbFilter::className(),
'actions' => $this->verbs(),
$behaviors['contentNegotiator']['languages'] = [
return $behaviors;
N.B.: I debug through yii\filters\ContentNegotiator class of the framework and at this point the app language is set correctly but the response is always in English.
negotiate() public method
public function negotiate()
$request = $this->request ?: Yii::$app->getRequest();
$response = $this->response ?: Yii::$app->getResponse();
if (!empty($this->formats)) {
$this->negotiateContentType($request, $response);
if (!empty($this->languages)) {
Yii::$app->language = $this->negotiateLanguage($request);
debug(Yii::$app->language); // result OK!: it-IT
Looks like some build-in errors not translated, for example yii\rest\Action:103 throws throw new NotFoundHttpException("Object not found: $id") its not translated. You have different ways to solve this problem:
Good way. Extend this Action and throw correct exception with translate
Bad way. Edit framework file itself.
Best way. Create patch to framework and send to maintainers.
For more information about i18n see documentation.
I'm developing Prestashop module, it will export customer data and orders, it will contain hooks for customer synchronization, cart and order events - generally module which will be an integration with CRM-like service.
My module contains it's own views, made in vue.js - single page, async. There are register, login, settings, etc. pages. Communication with backend is made by GET/POST requests on {baseUrl}/mymodule/actionname routes and simple json responses which vue views depend on. Simply I need to create REST endpoints for my module, something like examples below.
Wordpress custom RestApi:
class RestApi
public function __construct()
add_action('rest_api_init', array(get_class($this),
public static function register_endpoints()
register_rest_route('mymodule', '/login', array(
'methods' => WP_REST_Server::CREATABLE,
'callback' => array('RestApi', 'login' ),
SugarCRM custom RestApi:
class ModuleRestApi extends SugarApi
public function registerApiRest()
return [
'moduleLogin' => [
'reqType' => 'POST',
'noLoginRequired' => true,
'path' => [
'mymodule', 'login'
'method' => 'login'
I cannot find similar solution in PrestaShop, there is no word about custom endpoints in presta docs, I tried to use FrontModuleControllers with friendly url's but it doesn't seem to work for me, it throws a lot of stuff in response which is useless for me and when I try to override init() method it requires a lot of stuff too to actually initiate the controller. I need simple REST solution where I can put logic for recieving data from my views, pass it to my CRM service and return json responses to my views. I don't need any more templates or views rendering, just routing for cummunication.
PrestaShop doesn't support this out of the box. You can however do it with a module and front controllers.
This is a basic example of doing it.
1. Module to register friendly URLs
class RestApiModule extends Module
public function __construct()
$this->name = 'restapimodule';
$this->tab = 'front_office_features';
$this->version = '1.0';
public function install()
return parent::install() && $this->registerHook('moduleRoutes');
public function hookModuleRoutes()
return [
'module-restapimodule-login' => [
'rule' => 'restapimodule/login',
'keywords' => [],
'controller' => 'login',
'params' => [
'fc' => 'module',
'module' => 'restapimodule'
2. Create an abstract REST controller
Create an abstract controller so that actual endpoints can extend from it. Create it in your module controllers folder lets name it AbstractRestController.php
abstract class AbstractRestController extends ModuleFrontController
public function init()
case 'GET':
case 'POST':
case 'PATCH': // you can also separate these into their own methods
case 'PUT':
case 'DELETE':
// throw some error or whatever
abstract protected function processGetRequest();
abstract protected function processPostRequest();
abstract protected function processPutRequest();
abstract protected function processDeleteRequest();
3. Create an actual front controller
Create the front controller in your module controllers/front folder and name it login.php.
require_once __DIR__ . '/../AbstractRestController.php';
class RestApiModuleLoginModuleFrontController extends AbstractRestController
protected function processGetRequest()
// do something then output the result
'success' => true,
'operation' => 'get'
protected function processPostRequest()
// do something then output the result
'success' => true,
'operation' => 'post'
protected function processPutRequest()
// do something then output the result
'success' => true,
'operation' => 'put'
protected function processDeleteRequest()
// do something then output the result
'success' => true,
'operation' => 'delete'
Install the module and now you can hit http://example.com/restapimodule/login and depending on the request type it's going to do whatever you want and you get back JSON response.
To add more endpoints add another module-restapimodule-endpointname entry into hookModuleRoutes array and a front controller that extends from AbstractRestController.
If you also want proper response codes etc. you're going to have to set headers with native php functions as PrestaShop afaik doesn't have any utilities to do it for you or use some kind of library.
Same goes for any other headers you might want to set such as content-type (by default it is text/html).
It is possible to use the Prestashop Webservice, that allows to add resources from modules. This solution could save some time in terms of standards and security.
The documentation regarding module resources in Prestashop Webservice is in this link:
I'm using Lumen (Laravel) to create an API for an online activity/campaign application which handles things like on-site registrations and gift redemptions for various events. Occasionally, there are certain events with very specific functionality required which need their own custom logic. I'm wondering how to best handle this custom code from an architecture/best practices standpoint.
Here's what I have: I have a route which calls a CustomCampaignController like so:
'prefix' => 'v1'
], function () use ($router) {
// ..... other routes for standard activities
$router->post('customCampaigns', 'CustomCampaignController#runController');
Under App\Http\Controllers I've opened a directory to store classes for all custom activities. The customCampaigns route takes an activityId parameter whose value matches one of the activity classes. For example if the client posts activityId="MyCustomActivity" to customCampaigns, I would instantiate the following class: App\Http\Controllers\Custom\MyExampleActivity.
// app/Http/Controllers/CampaignController.php
public function runController(Request $request) {
$className = 'App\\Http\\Controllers\\Custom\\' . $request->input('activityId');
$customController = new $className;
return $customController->run();
The custom controller would then do its thing and return the response
// app/Http/Controllers/Custom/MyCustomActivity.php
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Custom;
class MyCustomActivity
public function __construct()
public function run()
// Custom logic here
return response('Response');
Is this a good approach or could it be considered an anti-pattern? Please let me know if there is another pattern for this type of problem.
I would prefer put the custom activity as the part of url. So, you will have something like this
'namespace' => 'App\Http\Controllers\Custom',
'prefix' => 'v1/customCampaigns'
], function () use ($router) {
$router->post('myCustomActivity', 'MyCustomActivityController#methodName');
Using this format, you can map the endpoint directly into a specific controller.
I have been developing a set of rest APIs to be exposed for mobile apps. I am following the repository pattern for the development on the Laravel project. How do I implement a presenter and transformer for formatting a constant JSON output throughout the set of all my APIs?
For example I have the following controller for login
public function authenticate()
$request = Request::all();
try {
// If authenticated, issue JWT token
//Showing a dummy response
return $token;
} catch (ValidatorException $e) {
return Response::json([
'error' =>true,
'message' =>$e->getMessageBag()
Now where does a transformer and presenter come into the picture? I know that both are used to format the output by converting the db object and produce a formatted JSON so that it remains uniform across my APIs.
The dingo API and fractal or even the framework (L5 repository) don't provide detailed documentation and I can't find any tutorials on this.
I have created the following presenter and transformer for another API which gives the list of products
namespace App\Api\V1\Transformers;
use App\Entities\Product;
use League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract;
class UserTransformer extends TransformerAbstract {
public function transform(\Product $product)
return [
'id' => (int) $product->products_id
namespace App\Api\V1\Presenters;
use App\Api\V1\Transformers\ProductTransformer;
use Prettus\Repository\Presenter\FractalPresenter;
* Class ProductPresenter
* #package namespace App\Presenters;
class ProductPresenter extends FractalPresenter
* Transformer
* #return \League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract
public function getTransformer()
return new UserTransformer();
How will I set the presenter in the controller and respond back? Tried
But it doesn't seems to work and the doc doesn't shows the complete steps.
In the above example, how can I make a template for an error response which I can use throughout my APIs and how will I pass my error exceptions to it?
It seems like presenter and transformer can be used to convert database objects into presentable JSON and not anything else. Is that right?
How do you use a presenter and a transformer for a success response and an error response? By passing exceptions, instead of DB objects to the transformer?
I had the same exact problem and here is how I used dingo with transformer
public function update(Request $request)
$bus = new CommandBus([
$agency = $bus->handle(
new UpdateAgencyCommand($request->user()->getId(), $request->route('id'), $request->only('name'))
return $this->response->item($agency, new AgencyTransformer());
class AgencyTransformer extends TransformerAbstract
public function transform(AgencyEntity $agencyEntity)
return [
'id' => (int) $agencyEntity->getId(),
'name' => $agencyEntity->getName(),
and this is how I handle errors:
throw new UpdateResourceFailedException('Could not update agency.', $this->agencyUpdateValidator->errors());
I just now see your similar question here as well. So see my answer on your other question here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/34430595/429719.
From the other question I derived you're using Dingo, so use that as a structured response class. Make sure you're controller extends from Dingo and then you can just return items and collections in a structured way like:
return $this->response->item($user, new UserTransformer);
return $this->response->collection($users, new UserTransformer);
If you want a nice error handling look for the docs here: https://github.com/dingo/api/wiki/Errors-And-Error-Responses
Basically you can throw any of the core exceptions or a few custom Dingo ones. The Dingo layer will catch them and returns a structured JSON response.
As per the Dingo docs:
throw new Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\AccessDeniedHttpException('Nope, no entry today!');
Will generate:
"message": "Nope, no entry today!",
"status_code": 403
You can try use,[Midresapi]: https://github.com/oktorino/midresapi. this will return consistens success or failled response, work in laravel 7 & 8 , Handling validation response, handling 500 response:
return response($users);
return fractal()
->transformWith(new \App\Transformers\UserTransformer)
Response :
"status_code": 200,
"success": true,
"message": "ok",
"data": [
"username": "dany",
"email": "jancuk#sabarbanget.com"
"username": "scc-client-5150",
"email": "dancuk#gmail.com"
Fractal is fully documented here: http://fractal.thephpleague.com/
There is an excellent book that I regularly read from the Phil Sturgeon https://leanpub.com/build-apis-you-wont-hate You can find most of the books code available in github https://github.com/philsturgeon/build-apis-you-wont-hate. You can find really nice examples of Fractal in there.
I would create an Api Controller and extend it from my Controllers.In there there should be all the respond functions (respondWithError, respondWithArray etc.)
Tranformers are transforming objects in a consistent json format so that all your endpoints return the same thing for each entity.
Dont really have an answer on this
There are enough examples in Fractal documentation.
I'm having trouble implementing Fractal includes. I am trying to include posts with a particular user.
All goes well when I add 'posts' to $defaultIncludes at the top of my UserItemTransformer. Posts are included as expected.
However, posts are NOT included in my json output when I change $defaultIncludes to $availableIncludes, even after calling $fractal->parseIncludes('posts');
The problem seems to lie the fact that the method that includes the posts is only called when I use $defaultIncludes. it is never called when I use $availableIncludes.
I'm probably missing something obvious here. Can you help me find out what it is?
This works:
// [...] Class UserItemTransformer
protected $defaultIncludes = [
This does not work:
// [...] Class UserItemTransformer
protected $availableIncludes = [
// [...] Class PostsController
// $fractal is injected in the method (Laravel 5 style)
Got it!
When I called parseIncludes('posts'), this was on a new Fractal instance, injected into the controller method. Of course I should have called parseIncludes() on the Fractal instance that that did the actual parsing (and that I injected somewhere else, into an Api class).
public function postsWithUser($user_id, Manager $fractal, UserRepositoryInterface $userRepository)
$api = new \App\Services\Api();
$user = $userRepository->findById($user_id);
if ( ! $user) {
return $api->errorNotFound();
$params = [
'offset' => $api->getOffset(),
'limit' => $api->getLimit()
$user->posts = $this->postRepository->findWithUser($user_id, $params);
// It used to be this, using $fractal, that I injected as method parameter
// I can now also remove the injected Manager $fractal from this method
// $fractal->parseIncludes('posts');
// I created a new getFractal() method on my Api class, that gives me the proper Fractal instance
return $api->respondWithItem($user, new UserItemTransformer());
I'll just go sit in a corner and be really quit for a while, now.
I'm trying to learn ZF2. I have a page that uses Ajax to get some data. The ZF2 function should return an JSON string.
namespace Application\Controller;
use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;
use Zend\View\Model\ViewModel;
use Zend\View\Model\JsonModel;
class DocumentsController extends AbstractActionController {
public function indexAction() {
public function getTreeDataAction() {
$json = new JsonModel(array(
'title' => 'Some Title'
return $json;
But I keep getting this Fatal Error:
( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend\View\Exception\RuntimeException' with message 'Zend\View\Renderer\PhpRenderer::render: Unable to render template "application/documents/get-tree-data"; resolver could not resolve to a file' in ../vendor/ZF2/library/Zend/View/Renderer/PhpRenderer.php on line 451
I have been searching around for this error and the best way to make ajax calls in ZF2, however results for ZF1 or ZF2 betas keep coming up and do not work. Thank you for any advice you can give.
Hmm, that error pretty much implies that it tries to access the default rendering strategy, which is quite weird... Have you added the JsonStrategy to your view_manager?
return array(
'view_manager' => array(
'strategies' => array(
Furthermore it's a good idea to set the correct accept header for within you ajax calls to only accept application/json content type. With this set, it should actually work. Out of curiousity though, does modules/__NAMESPACE__/view/__namespace__/documents/get-tree-data.phtml exist?
Try something like this...
$response = $this->getResponse();
$jsonArray = {.....}
return $response;
And make sure you add ViewJsonStrategy to your module config as well.