How can I assert that a new tab with pdf was opened? - php

I'm using Behat and Mink to test an application and I have this function:
* #Then é gerado o PDF do cupom selecionado
public function eGeradoOPdfDoCupomSelecionado()
$session = $this->getSession();
$windowNames = $session->getWindowNames();
if (sizeof($windowNames) < 2) {
throw new \ErrorException("2 Janelas deveriam estar abertas");
//You can even switch to that window
I want to assert that the new tab have a pdf file. How can I do that?

Check the url contains .pdf and if you know the name of the file also check that, additionally you see what libraries are available for reading the file and add a check for the content of the file.


Using the mikehaertl\php-pdftk library for manipulating PDFs, chaining commands fails when getDataFields is called first

I'm attempting to create a wrapper class around the mikehaertl\php-pdftk\pdf object for the purposes of populating PDF form fields. When trying to chain commands via the documentation the pdf fails to correctly execute the second command (or any after the first). It looks as though this is an issue with the underlying temp file handling and the tmep file not being written out as I watch my temp folder. As I debug, the temp file is there, but of 0 size.
Sample code demonstrating the issue
use mikehaertl\pdftk\Pdf;
class PDFTKTest extends TestCase
public function testPdfTkOperations()
$cmdPath = 'D:\PDFtk\bin\pdftk.exe';
$formPath = 'D:\test\sample_files\test.pdf';
$options = ['command' => $cmdPath];
$pdf = new Pdf($formPath, $options);
//Get fields from PDF
$fields = $pdf->getDataFields();
//Set some field Values
$values = ['full_name' => 'John Q. Programmer'];
$pdf2 = new Pdf($pdf, $options); //chaining broken
//$pdf2 = new Pdf($formPath, $options); //works fine creating a new Pdf object
$res = $pdf2->fillForm($values)->execute();
//Next assertion fails using chaining
$this->assertTrue($res, "Execute failed: \n". $pdf2->getError());
//Get fields with the updates
$fields = $pdf2->getDataFields();
//Next assertion fails, getDataFields fails on a chained command
$this->assertGreaterThan(0, count($fields));
I've got a work around where I use separate \Pdf objects for each action and manage my own temp file, I was just hoping to take advantage of the classes functionality a bit more and not have to do so much of the mundane. Is this functionality broken, or am I using it incorrectly?
After looking deeper in to the PDFTK library which mikehaertl\php-pdftk\pdf wraps and reading the documentation on the dump_data_fields option I came up with the folowing observations:
PDFTK doesn't produce an output file for the dump_data_fields command
The php-pdftk class does create the underlying temp file when calling getDataFields, but it is empty and remains that way.
When chaining another Pdf object, it references the empty temp file from the previous command. Here lies the rub.
When I call getFieldData I create a new Pdf object and chain it to the previous, however I don't save a reference to that. I only save the newly chained object if it is form a command that creates actual output.
Here's an exmaple to demonstate:
use mikehaertl\pdftk\Pdf;
class PDFTKFormService
protected $pdf = null;
* #return array|bool|\mikehaertl\pdftk\DataFields
public function getDataFields()
//get data fields doesn't output a new file
//so we need to use the existing instance or create a new one and
$pdf = $this->getNextPdf();
$fields = $pdf->getDataFields();
if ($fields === false)
return [];
return $fields;
* #param array $data
* #return resource The stream resource
public function setDataFieldValues($data = [])
$this->pdf = $this->getNextPdf();
protected function getNextPdf()
$options = ['command' => 'Path\To\PDFTK\binary'];
if ($this->pdf === null) {
return new Pdf($this->getTemplatePath(), $options);
} else {
return new Pdf($this->pdf, $options);
Hopefully this can help someone else.

Dropbox account as Wordpress uploads folder

As I'm developing a site with the potential of holding a huge number of images I'm wondering if I can set the standard WordPress uploads folder to a Dropbox account?
And if so, how do I do that?
It would be great when I can implement it in a maner that even WordPress don't know it is a 'remote' folder. Media upload should work the same way as in a native WordPress setup.
I've read about the possibility to use another folder instead of wp-content/uploads but I could not find any info about using Dropbox for this.
Yes, you can do it. As long as you keep the same structure on Dropbox and save Dropbox shareable links as meta data for both the original file and generated sizes, a simple yet fully working setup for it would be something like the following, by using thephpleague/flysystem with their Dropbox Adapter:
Step 1
Add a file called composer.json to the root of your theme with this content:
"require": {
"league/flysystem": "^1",
"league/flysystem-dropbox": "^1"
Step 2
Install Composer by following these instructions
Step 3
Using the command line on your terminal/console, go to your theme directory and run:
composer install -o
Step 4
Create Dropbox App here.
I suggest that you select "App folder" as the type of access.
A directory matching the name of you app will be created on the "Apps" directory at the root of your Dropbox account; This will be your "uploads" directory on Dropbox.
Step 5
Go to your app admin page and generate a new access token.
Save the access token somewhere and also copy the "App secret"
Step 6
Add the following to your functions.php:
use League\Flysystem\AdapterInterface;
use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local as LocalAdapter;
use League\Flysystem\Dropbox\DropboxAdapter;
use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\MountManager;
use Dropbox\Client as DropboxClient;
// Autoload vendors
require_once __DIR__ .'/vendor/autoload.php';
* Class that will handle uploading to Dropbox
class SO40950172Filesystem {
* Contains several mounted filesystems
* #var League\Flysystem\MountManager object
protected $filesystem;
* Contains Dropbox client
* We need this accessible to create shareable links
* #var Dropbox\Client object
protected $dropbox_client;
* Instantiates this class
public function __construct() {
// Get WordPress uploads directory info
$uploads_info = wp_upload_dir();
// Create Local filesystem
$local_adapter = new LocalAdapter($uploads_info['basedir']);
$local_fs = new Filesystem($local_adapter, [
'visibility' => AdapterInterface::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC
// Create Dropbox filesystem
$this->dropbox_client = new DropboxClient($app_access_token, $app_secret);
$dropbox_adapter = new DropboxAdapter($this->dropbox_client, '/');
$dropbox_fs = new Filesystem($dropbox_adapter, [
'visibility' => AdapterInterface::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC
// Set filesystem manager
$this->filesystem = new MountManager([
'local' => $local_fs,
'dropbox' => $dropbox_fs
* Uploads file to Dropbox
* #param string $path Path to file
* #return object Current object
public function uploadToDropbox($path)
// Normalize path
$path = static::getNormalizedPath($path);
// Get content from the local file
$content = $this->read("local://$path");
// Push file to Dropbox
$this->put("dropbox://$path", $content);
return $this;
* Deletes file from Dropbox
* #param string $path Path to file
* #return object Current object
public function deleteFromDropbox($path)
// Normalize path
$path = static::getNormalizedPath($path);
// Delete file from Dropbox
return $this;
* Returns the unique identifier path section of a Dropbox URL
* #param string $path Path to file
* #return string Dropbox URL unique identifier
public function getDropboxUrlID($path)
// Normalize path
$path = static::getNormalizedPath($path);
// Get unique link
$url = $this->dropbox_client->createShareableLink("/$path");
// Parse URL to retrive its path
$url_info = parse_url($url);
$url_path = $url_info['path'];
// Remove "s/" section and file name from the URL path
$id = str_replace(['s/', basename($path)], '', $url_path);
// Return Dropbox unique identifier for this file URL
return trim($id, '/');
* Returns clean & relative paths
* #param string $path Raw path
* #return string Parsed path
public static function getNormalizedPath($path)
// Get WordPress uploads directory info
$uploads_info = wp_upload_dir();
// Remove uploads base path so that we end up
// with the "/YYYY/MM/filename.extension" format
$path = str_replace($uploads_info['basedir'], '', $path);
// Remove uploads base url so that we end up
// with the "/YYYY/MM/filename.extension" format
$path = str_replace($uploads_info['baseurl'], '', $path);
// Remove forward slashes on both ends
$path = trim($path, '/');
// Return path
return $path;
* Making sure all calls go to $this->filesystem
* #param string $name Method name
* #param array $args Method arguments
* #return mixed
public function __call($name, array $args)
if (method_exists($this->filesystem, $name))
throw new \Exception("\League\Flysystem\MountManager doesn't have \"$name\" method");
return call_user_func_array([$this->filesystem, $name], $args);
// Manipulate media URLs sitewide
add_filter('wp_get_attachment_url', 'so_40950172_get_dropbox_url', 9, 2);
function so_40950172_get_dropbox_url($absolute_url, $post_id) {
// Get normalized path
$path = SO40950172Filesystem::getNormalizedPath($absolute_url);
// Get only the filename
$path = basename($path);
// Get Dropbox URL unique ID
$id = get_post_meta($post_id, 'dropbox_id_'. $path, true);
// Return absolute URL
return $id ? "$id/$path/?dl=0" : $path;
// Upload new and updated files to Dropbox
add_filter('wp_update_attachment_metadata', 'so_40950172_upload_to_dropbox', 9, 2);
function so_40950172_upload_to_dropbox($data, $post_id) {
// Get filesystem
$fs = new SO40950172Filesystem();
// Upload original file to Dropbox
// Add Dropbox URL unique ID to meta data
add_post_meta($post_id, 'dropbox_id_'. basename($data['file']), $fs->getDropboxUrlID($data['file']));
// Upload intermediate image sizes
if (isset($data['sizes']) && $data['sizes']) {
// Get year and month prefix (e.g /YYYY/MM) from original file
$base_path = dirname($data['file']);
// Loop through all sizes
foreach ($data['sizes'] as $size_name => $size_data) {
// Set path for current size
$size_path = $base_path .'/'. $size_data['file'];
// Upload size to Dropbox
// Add Dropbox URL unique ID to meta data
add_post_meta($post_id, 'dropbox_id_'. basename($size_path), $fs->getDropboxUrlID($size_path));
return $data;
// Delete Dropbox file
add_filter('wp_delete_file', 'so_40950172_delete_dropbox_file');
function so_40950172_delete_dropbox_file($absolute_path) {
// Get filesystem
$fs = new SO40950172Filesystem();
// Delete file from Dropbox
Step 7
On the code your just pasted into functions.php:
Replace $app_access_token with the Dropbox app access token you generated
Replace $app_secret with the Dropbox app secret
The original file and generated sizes will also be saved locally, but you don't need to worry about them. You can even delete the local file after confirmation of a successful upload, if you want and/or care about disk space.
I also tested the built-in image editor and it worked without any issues.
If you ever need to move things on the Dropbox side and since there is no info saved on the database (this is just fine), all you need to do is to update the functions above.
Apparently you can mirror the WordPress structure on Dropbox, but you can't simply link to them using a base URL and the WordPress uploads structure to get the URLs, you really need to get the shareable link for each original file and generated sizes and store something about them as metadata. On the code above I chose to only store the unique part of the URL as metadata, which really is the only unique thing about them.
I know this is off-topic, but I would recommend either AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage because you can access your files with the exact same file structure you have on Dropbox. No need to save anything as meta data.
that's an interesting idea, but WordPress uses DB relations in order to manage the uploaded images - so i think you must handle the images through the media uploader. TL:DR; - you can't.

Track folder using php and inotify

I need help to understand how i can make inotify work with PHP.
I have a main file where i call a instance of a inotify class i created.
This works for 30 seconds and then php throws a timeout error. In that time window it can in fact print information from new files and deleted ones. It kinda works but...
My questions for you guys are:
how can i make it persistent and stable. I mean i can set timeout requests for unlimited time but that doesn't seem to be a good practice. How to deal with this?
It's supposed to work like this? I call the function and the php
hangs in that loop until a new change happens?
My index.php
$teste = new Inotify_service();
class Inotify_service
private $instance;
private $watch_id;
public function __construct()
$this->instance = inotify_init();
stream_set_blocking($this->instance, 0); # this is needed so inotify_read while operate in non blocking mode
* [add_watch Adds a new watch or modify an existing watch for the file or directory specified in pathname]
* #param [string] $pathname [description]
public function add_watch($pathname)
$this->watch_id = inotify_add_watch($this->instance, $pathname, IN_CREATE | IN_DELETE);
// read events
$events = inotify_read($this->instance);
// if the event is happening within our 'Files directory'
if ($events[0]['wd'] === $this->watch_id){
// a file was created
if($events[0]['mask'] === IN_CREATE){
printf("Created file: %s in Files directory\n", $events[0]['name']);
// a file was deleted
} else if ($events[0]['mask'] === IN_DELETE){
printf("Deleted file: %s in Files directory\n", $events[0]['name']);
// stop watching our directories
inotify_rm_watch($this->instance, $this->watch_id);
// close our inotify instance

Paste a PDF-file into another PDF with ZendPDF

Is it possible to "merge" or "paste" a PDF-file into antother PDF? Or must it be a image instead?
The PDF i want to to paste or merge, is a simple picture that is going to appear at the bottom of the finished PDF:
//Generate the "Original" PDF here..
function addReklam($reklamblad) //The PDF that should be merged into the PDF that is created above
//Count how many pages that has been created, and add it at the bottom of the PDF:
$this->active_page = $this->pdf->pages[2];
$this->active_page = $this->pdf->pages[3];
$this->active_page = $this->pdf->pages[4];
$this->active_page = $this->pdf->pages[5];
//$this->active_page = $this->pdf->pages[5]; // page 5 is the last
//Add it here???
My recommendation would be to use the Zend_Pdf::load() method to load the "Original" PDF file into a local instance of Zend_Pdf and then you can access the pages using the pages[] array as in your sample code and use the all the standard functions like drawImage() etc to make the needed modifications prior to saving the updated version.

How to use Minify PHP with YUI compressor?

I would like to use YUI compressor with minify PHP rather than the default JSmin. Does anyone have experience setting this up?
Right now I am using the groupsConfig.php to combine the JS.
return array(
'jsAll' => array('//contenido/themes/bam/assets/js/jquery.js', '//contenido/themes/bam/assets/js/modernizr.js','//contenido/themes/bam/assets/js/imgpreload.js', '//contenido/themes/bam/assets/js/imgpreload.js', '//contenido/themes/bam/assets/js/history.js','//contenido/themes/bam/assets/js/ajaxify.js', '//contenido/themes/bam/assets/js/isotope.js'),
'jsHome' => array('//contenido/themes/bam/assets/js/easing.js','//contenido/themes/bam/assets/js/scrollable.js', '//contenido/themes/bam/assets/js/home.js'),
'cssAll' => array('//contenido/themes/bam/bam.css'),
As it says on the homepage:
Uses an enhanced port of Douglas Crockford's JSMin library and custom classes to minify CSS and HTML
I have the following code in config.php, but I get a 500 error when trying to view the combined js file:
function yuiJs($js) {
require_once '/lib/Minify/YUICompressor.php';
Minify_YUICompressor::$jarFile = '/lib/yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar';
Minify_YUICompressor::$tempDir = '/temp';
return Minify_YUICompressor::minifyJs($js);
$min_serveOptions['minifiers']['application/x-javascript'] = 'yuiJs';
It also appears that there are several lines in lib/Minify/YUICompressor.php that need to be configured, and I'm not sure if I'm doing it right:
class Minify_YUICompressor {
* Filepath of the YUI Compressor jar file. This must be set before
* calling minifyJs() or minifyCss().
* #var string
public static $jarFile = '../yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar';
* Writable temp directory. This must be set before calling minifyJs()
* or minifyCss().
* #var string
public static $tempDir = '../../temp/';
* Filepath of "java" executable (may be needed if not in shell's PATH)
* #var string
public static $javaExecutable = 'java';
I had the same problem on windows. It seems jar file needs to be executable in order to run yui compressor. So, i have to remove excutable check from YUICompressor.php
private static function _prepare()
if (! is_file(self::$jarFile)) {
throw new Exception('Minify_YUICompressor : $jarFile('.self::$jarFile.') is not a valid file.');
// if (! is_executable(self::$jarFile)) {
// throw new Exception('Minify_YUICompressor : $jarFile('.self::$jarFile.') is not executable.');
// }
if (! is_dir(self::$tempDir)) {
throw new Exception('Minify_YUICompressor : $tempDir('.self::$tempDir.') is not a valid direcotry.');
if (! is_writable(self::$tempDir)) {
throw new Exception('Minify_YUICompressor : $tempDir('.self::$tempDir.') is not writable.');
and that works fine.
