Since 2 days we have problems with Google API Maps Geocode.
We don't have response with this PHP call:
$xml = simplexml_load_file($base_url);
PHP Warning: simplexml_load_file(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "
The call works when we call it from another IP.
We don't have made change on the PHP code since a lot of month...
Have you an idea from the problem?
Can Google blacklist IPs? There is no indication in Google Cloud Platform about a problem.
Thanks a lot.
I'm in discussion with Google support....
It seems to be an IPV6 problem.
When i made a "wget" to, i have a timout but if I have to use an ip v4, it works.
I will put the result when I have the solution...
My live, staging and localhost had a page where it had a map and store finder.
6 months down the line this now does not work and havent touched the code. I have renewed my API key and still no luck. Now i know the API V2 is now not in use and im wondering if i am using the wrong code (confused myself). In my store finder i have this url:
$url = "".urlencode($this->input->post('postcode'))."&output=json&key=MYKEY";
Now reading this page ( ) this has changed but i just cant seem to get a valid url working!
The error i get is: Message: file_get_contents( failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden
And when i type the url string into google i get this message:
We're sorry...
... but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now.
If someone can guide me to if my url string is wrong above OR if this is another issue i would appreciate it.
According to the upgrade guide this endpoint URL:
Is using the v2 geocoding API.
Developers switching from v2 may be using a legacy hostname — either, or if
using SSL. You should migrate to the new hostname:
This URL based on the information in the update guide works for me:
I m new to use of facebook api after some googling i found facebook api from this link:
after download this package i try to execute example code from this package but it returns an error like:
Fatal error: Uncaught CurlException: 6: Could not resolve host:; Host not found thrown in D:\xampp\htdocs\testing\phpdemo\fb\src\base_facebook.php on line 994
to solve this problem i try too much googling but i doesnt get positive result from there.
If anybody know what kind of possibilities for this problem then please help.
here is may be two posibilities like:
1) Do you have any firewalls? The problem is not about configuration is just CURL can't do requests to and possible any website. Try disable any firewalls that may be blocking your CURL requests
2) From my experience you can't use facebook APi local, however they have a free host provider,Heroku, try it. Also don't forget to replace YOUR_APP_ID and YOUR_APP_SECRET with your app Data.
You can get help here,
From my experience you can't use facebook APi local, however they have a free host provider,Heroku, try it.
Also don't forget to replace YOUR_APP_ID and YOUR_APP_SECRET with your app Data.
I am trying to get the content of WSDL from HTTPS Server
echo file_get_contents("https://zendsoap.lan/Zend_Soap_Server.php?wsdl");
It Return:
Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:1408E0F4:SSL routines:func(142):reason(244) in /Applications/AMPPS/www/zendSoap.lan/Zend_Soap_Client.php on line 4
Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: Failed to enable crypto in /Applications/AMPPS/www/zendSoap.lan/Zend_Soap_Client.php on line 4
Warning: file_get_contents(https://zendsoap.lan/Zend_Soap_Server.php?wsdl) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: operation failed in /Applications/AMPPS/www/zendSoap.lan/Zend_Soap_Client.php on line 4
AND when I can goto the WSDL Location (https://zendsoap.lan/Zend_Soap_Server.php?wsdl): Everything looks fine.
P.S: Can anybody tell me how can I share the WSDL file
I agree with RockyFord regarding it being an SSL issue (I'm pretty sure you will have a self signed certificate in place and due to using SSL there are a few steps you will need to take in order to minimise security concerns). Regarding the immediate issue you could try fixing it with code similar to this:
$url = 'https://zendsoap.lan/Zend_Soap_Server.php?wsdl';
$contextOptions = array(
'ssl' => array(
'verify_peer' => true,
'CN_match' => 'zendsoap.lan' // assuming zendsoap.lan is the CN used in the certificate
$sslContext = stream_context_create($contextOptions);
$wsdlContent = file_get_contents($url, NULL, $sslContext);
(UPDATE: It might seem like an easy solution to change the code above to
'verify_peer' => false
while it may be ok for basic development it's not really a good idea and definitely shouldn't be used in a production environment as it introduces serious security concerns - see this excellent article on How to properly secure remote API calls over SSL from PHP code by Artur Ejsmont for more on this subject as well as the Transport Layer Security Cheat Sheet and Securing Web Services by OWASP)
To pick up on your point regarding sharing a WSDL from within a Zend Framework application you could do something like this to get started:
// go to application/configs/application.ini
// if your APPLICATION_ENV is development then add the following line in the development section:
phpSettings.soap.wsdl_cache_enabled = 0
The line above will prevent your wsdl being cached during development. Next you might want to create a SoapController and add this action like this:
public function serverAction()
$baseUrl = 'http://zendsoap.lan/soap/server';
if( isset( $_GET['wdsl'] ) ) {
$strategy = new Zend_Soap_Wsdl_Strategy_AnyType();
$server = new Zend_Soap_AutoDiscover($strategy);
} else {
$server = new Zend_Soap_Server($baseUrl . '?wsdl');
The nice thing about the approach above is the WSDL will be generated for you on the fly. You will have noticed the setClass() method is going to be called with 'Application_Model_Web_Service' passed as the only parameter. To test your configuration I recommend you create that class and insert the method below. Testing your configuration with a simple service containing a single method will help you with troubleshooting before you make the service more complex. Here is the example method:
// Note: you should definitely comment your methods correctly in the class so
// the WSDL will be generated correctly - by that I mean use #param and #return
// so the correct input and output types can be determined and added to the WSDL
// when the the ZF component generates it for you
* #return string
public function getMessage()
return 'ok';
(UPDATE: Also in response to the question you asked regarding using Zend_Soap_Client to access the web service, since it looks like you're intending to make it a secure service I'd suggest you raise a separate question regarding setting up secure soap services with php. If you explain more about what you're trying to do in that question you may get some good input from a range of experts on best practices :-)
I know you're new to SO so if you're happy with the answer you can accept it, also generally it's best to just reply to an answer rather than add another answer to reply. Easy when you know how of course and even easier when someone tells you ;-)
I tried your way of defining The Soap Server, only thing was I used my custom class instead of using Application_Model_Web_Service. I am using single files for Client & Server. When I run https://zendsoap.lan/Zend_Soap_Server.php without ?wsdl it result in this:
<faultstring>SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 'https://zendsoap.lan/Zend_Soap_Server.php?wsdl' : failed to load external entity "https://zendsoap.lan/Zend_Soap_Server.php?wsdl"
And When I try file_get_contents() the way you told, I get this:
Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:14090086:SSL routines:func(144):reason(134) in /Applications/AMPPS/www/zendSoap.lan/https_soap_test.php on line 16
Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: Failed to enable crypto in /Applications/AMPPS/www/zendSoap.lan/https_soap_test.php on line 16
Warning: file_get_contents(https://zendsoap.lan/Zend_Soap_Server.php?wsdl) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: operation failed in /Applications/AMPPS/www/zendSoap.lan/https_soap_test.php on line 16
Here is link to screenshot of My Certificate:
Loads of thanks for your help.
Problem solved By changing 'verify_peer' => false
Can you (#dkcwd) please tell me what should be the code if I use Zend_Soap_Client without file_get_contents(). I mean is there any option which i can't find on internet to do something similar to 'verify_peer' => false.
Loads of Thanks to #dkcwd
UPDATE: Let me summarise what exactly I am doing, I am trying to create a basic SOAP Server over SSL. Before making Web Services available on my Production website, I have to test it on Development system with has got Self Signed Certificate (Whose authentication is a problem right now).
Following are the problems I am facing in that regard:
When I try to call https://zendsoap.lan/Zend_Soap_server.php?wsdl its works fine I can view the wsdl.
But when I try https://zendsoap.lan/Zend_Soap_server.php, I get this:
SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 'https://zendsoap.lan/Zend_Soap_Server.php?wsdl' : failed to load external entity "https://zendsoap.lan/Zend_Soap_Server.php?wsdl"
Is that something I should be
The reason I made verify_peer=>false as I am running it on dev server so no need to verify my own created certificate, but obviously on production I want the Certificate to be verified.
This thing work fine with NuSoap but most of the stuff in NuSoap is deprecated for our server which is running PHP 5.4.6, So the most reliable solution for me using PHP's SOAP extension. And the reason for me using Zend is we're in process of moving our system from some third party framework to Zend Framework and everyday I get requests from client to add this & that new components, I assumed if I develop every new request from Client using Zend libraries then it will be easy for me in later stages to move to Zend Framework.
I hope I made some sense there.
Many Thanks in advance...
i keep getting an stupid error in PHP related to SOAP which i can't solve. I've searched quite much via Google and in the official manual, but there is nothing helpful for me.
This is my problem: I got an official endpoint adress: $wsdl =, which i need to use for an soap request. The problem is that there is an proxy at my university trying to destroy all my work. So in general i need to get past my proxy, then access the wsdl file successfully and then authenticate at the web service.
What i have tried:
$wsdl = "";
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl,array('user' => 'username','password' => 'password'));
This throws the error:
"SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from ... : failed to load external entity"
I also tried to cache the external wsdl file via file_get_contents by creating an valid stream with stream_context_create() which also resulted in the same error message.
How can i access this thing now? What am i doing wrong?
I am looking for help with this problem and I hope someone give me that help. The error is the following:
Fatal error: SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '' : failed to load external entity "" in
/var/www/presentacion/app/code/local/Pengo/Extension/Model/Something.php on line 28
And the code that I'm using to connect to it is something like this:
$this->_soap = new SoapClient(;
and there is where it says is the error.
I have been serching in Google, PHP forums, here in StackOverflow and Magento itself but I don't find the solution anywhere.
What I had seen is that the WSDL is never get parsed or loaded as the error says and none of its functions.
I tried connecting like this:
$options['location'] =;
$options['uri'] = 'urn:Magento';
$this->_soap = new SoapClient(null, $options);
like this it doesn't dispatch any error like the others but there aren't functions to use, like in the other case it doesnt' load and parse the WSDL.
I am a bit frustrated because I have been developing this like 1 month and now that I am making some tests it shows this message, I had test it when it was really empty and new and it worked fine.
So any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Nine times out of ten this error is Magento is telling you it can't load the WSDL file. Magento is telling you this. It's not your local client code that's complaining.
Magento uses the PHP SoapServer object to create its SOAP API. The SoapServer object needs to access the WSDL as well. Try running the following from your server's command line
If I'm right, the above will timeout/fail.
Because of some quirks in DNS, it's surprisingly common that a server won't be able to access itself via its domain name. If this is the case, the quickest fix is adding an entry to the server's hosts file. (Talk to your server admin if none of that made sense)
Well after all the things that I test the only one that worked for me, I don't know why but it worked, was doing this in two separate machines. I tried that because I read that somewhere and I just do it and my Magento and Webservice now works perfectly. Whenever I try to do this local it dispatch the same error.
I hope this can help someone in the future and they don't have to knock their head on the wall because of this problem.
Thank you all for your answers and comments.
Alan Storm is right on the Money here!
Make sure that you check your server Hosts File, and that it includes an entry for both domain and www.domain. Espicialy important if you are doing server rewrites.