Extension Modules disappeared - php

I don't have any error logs or other info that I can figure out what's the issue, is not the first time that it happens. In my case is when I installed an extension, basically I do what is recommended after uploading the extension, clean cache and login again on admin, and everything is ok when I installed, the only problem is that sometimes the module disappeares has nothing was installed, and only shows again if a go and "clean Cache" on the admin panel.

If you use multiple web-nodes, separate admin nodes then it can be possible that the new codes might have not deployed to one of your servers and the old xmls are cached.
And I understand that you are using redis as your caching layer, so sometimes flushing the cache from magento admin panel doesnt flush the entire redis cache.
So you would need to try to connect to the redis server using redis-cli command then issue 'flushall' there.


Code changes to laravel blade views not updating cache

To start, I’m a noob with Laravel and I’m having an issue with my view cache.
Upon updating code within views, I am not seeing any of the corresponding changes on local host.
I’ve tried everything suggested within forums:
Clear cache on views, cache, and config.
Cleared Browser cache, Refreshed Browser.
Chmod to storage folder.
I’ve confirmed opcache settings within in php.ini are correct.
I’ve even switched code from windows platform to Ubuntu. And changes still haven’t updated.
I’ve even manually deleted the cache files with in the view folder, but upon refreshing browser, old code still populates in the view cache directory.
I’m running this with Apache,laravel 6, and php7.2. I’ve also served the application through artisan and I still receive same issue.
Please provide assistance whenever possible. Thank you.

Magento plugins disable/enable problems?

I am noticing really weird problems after installing plugins.
Sometimes the plugins get disappeared in the backend when we refresh the backend and sometimes it appears in the backend.
I haven''t used magento connect for installing the plugins.
Can this be a caching problems, even though we are using AWS for hosting, we have redis cache.
Also after this whatever plugins we installed also has the configuration in the frontend, So once it has disappeared in the backend, this thing also gets disappeared in the frontend as well.
This problem is really gettting more weird and losing conversion very drastically.
Please someone let me know what can be the issue?
Switch off your Redis and Magento cache then check first.
if this problems does not persist( Try with Magento cache on but redis off ) then you need to check your cache configuration.
Generally it has been observed that on times redis configuration goes wrong resulting in such issues.
Before extension installation is always highly recommended to turn off all cache (magento cache, redis, apc, etc.) and compilation. After installation is recommended to flush magento cache storage.

Troubleshooting Joomla 3.3.4 Cache

This is the first time I've had this problem with Joomla cache on v3.3.4. What issues I'm having is when I enable cache under Joomla configuration either with conservative or progressive caching using "file", "apc" or "memcache" I keep getting the same results when I load my pages I start losing display modules then I loss the home page scrolling, so if you were to try scrolling down you can't scroll. This usually happens 2 to 5 minutes after you enable cache. I don't have "Joomla - Cache" or "Jotcache" enabled to get this situation.
It's very frustrating because I've run out of check list.
If I disable and clear cache I get everything back.
I checked all folder properties for right, all correct.
I've tried xcache, memcache, memcached and apc but issue still exists.
I installed from a previous backup and still nothing
I check php open_basedir for restrictions but it's setup correct.
I have all settings and configuration as specified from Joomla documenation
I've browsed with ipad, iphone and PC firefox, chrome, opera and same issue on all
When I tested cache with memcache, apc, xcache I uninstalled memory cache method as listed "memcache, apc, xcache" to avoid cache conflicts.
I did read everything I found from internet searches and nothing has resolved this issue.
I've even monitored cache and checked each file for issues thinking it might be php memory_limits with watch -n 2 ls -ahl and found nothing.
The template is compatible and working correctly without cache.
When I turn cache off completely it continues caching for about 5 minutes then I can clear cache and I get scrolling and modules back.
I do have sh404sef which is caching URLs and I've disabled/uninstall sh404sef without fixing issue.
I disable modules one by one to figure out the problem of cache but still nothing.
I have checked logs but on apache, php, and other daemon logs but no errors
Apache is v2 and running php5-fpm
I have RSFirewall installed but uninstalled and even disabled and still having cache issue.
I do have system cache plugins disabled during these tests so it's not assignments to end of system-cache plugins.
I have tried different modules and plugin assignments in Joomla but still nothing
I don't have any other cache plugins during my testing.
All cache plugins have been disabled during my tests.
The only thing I can think of is when the cache re-writes during a refresh it doesn't correctly write the data to cache again.
Any help would be appreciated
Problem was the template issued - Template has scrolling effects for Jomsocial which needs to be disabled but not documented in Joomla template. The non-scrolling pages resolved the caching issues as well.
Problem resolved.

Magento caching new file

I have created a php file and uploaded it to my Magento server but it's being cached. It's a standard .php file, but whenever I amend it, nothing changes. This has only just started happening.
Any ideas how I can stop this from happening?
Sounds like your server hosts have installed APC or another "opcode" cache. I'd start with clearing the APC cache, and if that doesn't help then escalate to your server host's support system. Being able to deploy new code is a reasonable feature to want in a server.

Magento: Page won't stop loading in admin/system_config/edit/section/design

I was using Magento 1.4.1 and upgrade gracefully to 1.4.2. After testing if the upgrade was Ok, I made some modification in order to have a new home page layout for a store using these instruction. The modifications have been tested on a local version (Ubuntu 10.04, php 5.3.2), and worked great.
When I upload the files to the pre-prod server (Centos 5.5, php 5.2.14), and access the System->Configuration->design tab in the admin backend, my browser seems to keep loading indefinitly.
What I have done:
I copied the app/code/core/Mage/Page/* directory to the app/code/local/Mage/Page/;
I created the app/etc/modules/Mage_Page.xml, and defined the codePool to local;
What I have already checked:
I got no errors in /var/log/httpd/*.log;
I got no errors in magento's var/log/system.log;
The frontend works fine;
The backend can be accessed, except the System->Configuration->design tab;
I tried to revert my modifications to a revision before the modification were made (using svn);
I cleaned up the cache using rm -fr var/cache/mage* var/session/* directly on the server;
I restarted the server multiple time;
I even tried to get a dump of the db in production on the preprod server, with no effect. I still got the same issue.
If someone could point out anything I could have forgot.
I am ready to try anything to make it work, since it would not affect the production server for now.
After a lot of searching, we finally tried to reboot the apache server (we had to force it to reboot, I don't know why?). When we retried, everything was working as expected.
There probably was a corruption on the server that made crash only this tag.
Hope this could help someone.
