php doesn't get data from ajax - php

What I'm doing is I want to detect which reply button I click and send its index to php.
$(".reply").each(function (index5) {
$(".reply_button").each(function (index_b) {
$(this).on("click",function (e) {
var $this = $(this)
dataType: "json",
success:function (d) {
$n = $_POST['index'];
echo $n+1;
I want to pass the variable index_b to php the file, so that $_POST['index'] can get the value.
But the result on php page is 1, which means it doesn't get the value of index_b from ajax.
On the other hand, what is showed on console is, HOWEVER, correct number! Like, if I click the first reply button, it shows 1, if I click second, it shows 2, and so on...
result on php: always 1.
result on console: correct number.
I couldn't figure out how it happened!
so i changed console.log() to submit(), i want ajax would send the index to php first, and then another a form will send like 'text' i type to php. But, what's on php page is still 1.
$this.parent() is a form.
So what i really want to do is i want to send the variable index_b to php, and also, at the same time, send those input data to php. So i can use them both.
$(".reply_button").each(function (index_b) {
$(this).on("click",function (e) {
var $this = $(this)
success:function (d) {

Your PHP page doesn't store the $_POST value in any way - it receives the data through the ajax request (or other requests that send $_POST['index'] data).
When you go to form.php directly, it doesn't know what value $_POST['index'] has (because it's not set) so it uses zero (0) in the math formula. Thus, always outputs one (1).
If you wanted to be able to quickly test the form.php page directly, you could change $_POST['index'] to $_REQUEST['index'], which allows for POST and GET parameters. Meaning, you could test at form.php?index=17 and get output 18 (same output from your existing ajax).
Granted, that has it's own potential issues, so I'd recommend just continue as is with the knowledge that your code does work.


PHP: Assigning an AJAX response value into PHP Variable

I've read all the articles but cant seem to get my ajax response into a PHP variable. Please can you advice. I want to assign rowid to a PHP variable.
$(document).on('click', '#updateid', function() {
var vallab = $('#idval').val();
var rowid;
type: 'POST',
async: false,
data: {labid: vallab},
success: function(data){
// console.log(data);
rowid = data;
return rowid;
my a.php code is below
# Fetch the variable if it's set.
$lab_id = (isset($_POST["labid"])) ? $_POST["labid"] : null;
echo $lab_id;
I am getting the response back with the id, and want to use it on that page
I want to pass rowid into a PHP function so I need to get the value of rowid.
Please can you advice?
I cant seem to get my ajax response into a PHP variable
Well, the AJAX response came FROM a PHP file, right? So why don't you do whatever you need to do with the response right in that PHP file?
type: 'POST',
success: function(data){
console.log(data); //THIS IS THE RESPONSE YOU GET BACK
You can't use it. Javascript is a scripting language which run in browser when the dom is loaded and elements are visible.
PHP is a serverside language and run on server before the page is loaded.
You need to understand the lifecycle of your application. Your php code executes once, it runs the full script from top to bottom when the page loads. At the point the script starts if can only access the post that came with the request (e.g if you clicked submit on a form then the 'action' of the form receives the post). Any number of things can happen in your script, but once it's finished the php is gone, and so is the post (in basic terms). So you no longer have any access to the php which created this page.
Ajax allows you to update a section of your page - it sends a request to your sever and runs some php code - you must understand that this is a new and separate request, so the new post submission only exists in the lifecycle of this new execution and is in now way linked to the page that has already finished loading. Now you could ask Ajax to call your original script, but that wouldn't affect your page at all because the page does not reload. What you would get is a strange looking response which you (probably) couldn't do anything useful with.
Ajax allows small specific changes to the page, so when you get your response (which I assume you get in a format you want since you don't ask about it and you have a console.log) you then need to do something with jQuery/javascript. Instead of returning rowid write a javascript function like :
function printRowId(rowid) {
$('#your html div id here').text('Row id is ' + rowid);
and then call it in your response:
type: 'POST',
async: false,
data: {labid: vallab},
success: function(data){
// console.log(data);
rowid = data;
return rowid;
You can use Ajax to update your data, update your database and then reflect the changes on the current page, but you cannot use it to pass directly to the php that has already finished executing

Receive data on php file send by jquery function

I have the following function that is called when I click on a button to submit a form:
function dadosFormularios(preenchimentoForm){
//var path = document.location.pathname;
//window.location.href = 'wp-content/themes/template/index.php';
var qstringA = '';
//dados dos campos
var nome=document.getElementById("nome").value;
qstringA = 'nome='+ nome;
alert('Please correct the errors in the Form');
window.location.href = 'index.php?'+qstringA;
return false;
Since I'm using this way of processing the data, how can I alert my page index.php that the data sent by the function arrived on the index? I can't use a if (isset($_POST['button']..) since I send the information by the function and not through the button of the form, right?
window.location.href = 'index.php?'+qstringA;
This line is just redirecting to index.php with a query string ?nome=nome_value.
For example. index.php?nome=nome_value
So, in your index.php You can simply get everything posted with $_GET.
Check it by doing a print_r($_GET); there.
In index.php, you can simply check
//Nome is set
//Do something here
P.S. Although, without knowing the other circumstances or reasons behind usage of this function, it can be said that this function is just doing what a simple <form action=index.php> would have done.
P.P.S. Although you have mentioned jQuery in title and also tagged it, I am not sure this function is using any of the jQuery code. I think it is just a simple Javascript function.
If you're using jQuery, check out .ajax(). Just remember, it's asynchronous, so the results may not be what you think they are. You don't need to reload the whole page (which is what your window.location.href = 'index.php?'+qstringA; would do) just to submit information.
If you want to alert or something when the ajax call completes, you can define a function to call on a successful ajax call.
Use ajax() like :
type: 'POST',
url: url,
data: data,
success: success,
dataType: dataType

Getting a value from a variable , send to php to process and add that value to mysql database?

i am new to php and mysql.
How can i extract a VALUE from a JAVASCRIPT VARIABLE(i set) then send it to a PHP page that can read it and process it , the PHP will then insert the value into a table in MySQL database.
var A = "somevalue"
I have been researching but none of it give me a simple and direct answer . I saw some people uses JSON(which i am unfamiliar with) to do this.
Hopes someone can give me an example of the javascript/jquery , php code to this. Thanks!
You've asked for... a lot. But, this tutorial looks like it could help you.
(FYI -- I swapped out the original tutorial for one on It's better but far more wordy. The original tutorial can be found here)
I'm not pretty sure if it works but just try this. Your jQuery script shoul be like this:
var hello = "HELLO";
{varhello: hello},
function(response){ alert(response); }
and "posthere.php" is like this:
$varhello = $_POST['varhello'];
echo $varhello . ' is posted!';
you should then get an alert box saying "HELLO is posted!"
What you need is Ajax. This is an example jQuery to use:
function sendData(data) {
type: 'POST',
data: data,
url: "/some/url/which/gets/posts",
success: function(data) {
This will send post data to that url, in which you can use PHP to handle post data. Just like in forms.
If you have a form:
<form id="theformid">
<input type="text">
Then you can use jQuery to send the form submit data to that sendData function which then forwards it to the other page to handle. The return false stops the real form from submitting:
return false;
If you though want to send just a variable, you need to do it like this:
function sendData(data) {
type: 'POST',
data: {somekey: data},
url: "/some/url/which/gets/posts",
success: function(data) {
Then when you are reading $_POST variable in PHP, you can read that data from $_POST['somekey'].
Inside the success callback function you can do something with the data that the page returns. The whole data that the page returns is in the data variable for you to use. You can use this for example to check whether the ajax call was valid or not or if you need to something specific with that return data then you can do that aswell.

jQuery/Ajax SQL live update via PHP help

I have a table that outputs all my contacts via a while loop from my database.
my syntax is like this:
SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE id = $_SESSION['user_id'] ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT 5
that pulls out all my data and only gives me 5 results.
Now my goal is to have a little button that opens up a model box with jquery (this I can manage on my own) with a form asking the user to input a number then that number will be sent via post or get to $PHP_SELF and update a local variable with the number the user inputed, then that variable will be used to update the database to increase or decrease the LIMIT value.
I have looked all over the web (with google) to look for submitting a form using AJAX but all the examples i've found don't work for me.
When the user submits the number and the sql query is executed and updated for the outputed table to dynamically update according to the new LIMIT value all without ever refreshing the page to the user.
my jquery code is:
$("form#form").submit(function() {
// we want to store the values from the form input box, then send via ajax below
var val = $('input[name=new_value]').attr('value');
type: "post",
url: "process.php",
data: "val="+ val,
cache: false,
success: function(){
return false;
$(document).ready(function(){ $("form#form").submit(function() {
// we want to store the values from the form input box, then send via ajax below
var val = $('input[name=new_value]').attr('value');
$.ajax({ type: "post", url: "process.php", data: "val="+ val, cache: false, success:
} }); return false; }); });
then my php code is:
$new_val = $_POST['new_val'];
$_val = "UPDATE `settings` SET `display_limit` = {$new_val} WHERE `user_id` = {$_SESSION['user_id']}";
mysql_query($_val) or die(mysql_error());
and my form is simple:
any suggestions? I haven't come to how to have my outputed table dynamically update yet so if anyone can point me in the right direction or provide some help that would be awesome.
Here is an updated jquery script I was working on, I'm able to submit the form successfully! but my only problem is that I can't see the changes until the page is refreshed with defeats the purpose of the AJAX usage... sigh
how can I now have my #results div updated and refreshed with the form submission content?
$(document).ready(function() {
var options = {
url: 'process.php',
type: 'post',
//dataType: 'json',
target: '#last_five_sellers',
success: success
// bind to the form's submit event
$('#form').submit(function() {
// inside event callbacks 'this' is the DOM element so we first
// wrap it in a jQuery object and then invoke ajaxSubmit
// !!! Important !!!
// always return false to prevent standard browser submit and page navigation
return false;
function success(responseText, $form) {
In your php code where you do the update, You could echo your contacts in html-format. That would then return to your success function in jquery.
success: function(){
The function have a parameter data, which is the html-format you echoed in php.
success: function(data){
You need to understand the flow of a request. Once the php script runs, that is it, it is done. If you plan on submitting back to that same page, it'll be a new request and a new execution of that script. Now, you could add a special case to that script to return the necessary data to your jQuery code, but that's messy IMO. I would rather have a separate script to handle that functionality. This can be looked at as a web service.
So, when a you go to that page in a browser, it will intially display 5 contacts (or w/e the default you have in the LIMIT clause). When you click the icon to display more contacts, you employ jQuery to submit a GET request to that 'web service' page (it really should be GET, since you're retrieving data, not submitting new data). This would then be a list of contacts that you use to update the display on the page, using jQuery/JavaScript.
As noted by Codler, the output from that 'web service' can be HTML which you simply use to replace the existing HTML which displays the contacts. (This would be the preferred way. You almost always want do as much on the server as you reasonably can.)
It looks like your jQuery code is duplicated — there's no need to bind the form's submit event twice. Additionally, the first jQuery block is missing the opening dollar-sign ("$"). And as far as I know, .hide() does not support passing a callback through the first parameter. In the jQuery API documentation, it's written as .hide( duration, [ callback ] ).
I would write:
// we want to store the values from the form input box, then send via ajax below
type: "post",
url: "process.php",
data: "val=" + $("input[name=new_value]").val(),
cache: false,
success: function(){
return false;
Now, if you want to update your results table dynamically, the simplest way is just to replace the entire thing with the updated HTML. So for instance, if you modified your PHP script (process.php) so that, after updating display_limit, it outputted the new results table, you could then write something like (assuming your results table is table#results):
// we want to store the values from the form input box, then send via ajax below
type: "post",
url: "process.php",
data: "val=" + $("input[name=new_value]").val(),
cache: false,
success: function(data){
return false;
You just have to make sure your script only outputs HTML.
Contrary to what George answers above, HTML will definitely work for this purpose, but I think the ideal method is to send purely the data alone (minus structure/presentation) in either JSON or XML format, and then use JavaScript to build the HTML; you can save a lot of bandwidth this way, and ultimately build a much more responsive application.
Here's a mini JSON-based example.
var val = $("input[name=new_value]").val();
$.getJSON("process.php?val=" + val, function(data){
$("#results").append('<tr><td>' + this.column_a + '</td><td>' + this.columbn_b + '</td></tr>');
return false;
PHP (process.php):
[assuming you already have a result/rows called $result]
$json = array('rows' => array());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$json['rows'][] = $row;
echo json_encode($json);
Now, granted, I haven't tested this code at all, but it should give you the gist of it.

How to return value using ajax

I have Ajax file in which code has written to accept values form user and then these values are taken in a Ajax function as follows:
var name = $('#newsletter_name').val();
var email = $('#newsletter_email').val();
The function for passing values and getting values from other file:
function sendValue(str,name){
"newsletter/subscribe.php", //Ajax file
{ sendValue: str,
sendVal: name
//How you want the data formated when it is returned from the server.
and these values are passed to another file called "subscribe.php" in which insertion code to database is written and again I return the value to my first ajax function as follows:
echo json_encode(array("returnValue"=>$msg));
The msg is ging to contain my message to be displayed.
But now, this works fine on localhost, I get the return values nad message properly but when I upload it on server this gives me an error as:
data2 is null
[Break on this error] $('#display').html(data2.returnValue);
This only gives error for return value but insertion, sending mail functionality works fine.
Please provide me with a good solution wherein I can be able to get back the return values without any error.
Thanks in advance.
If it works on your development site, I suspect the error to be in your PHP script.
Your host might run an ancient php version which does not have json_encode().
Simply call the script manually to check its output. If it requires POST you could write a form or check the result to your ajax call with FireBug
Without additional explanation why this is happening, try this:
$('#Submit').click(function(e){ // added the e paramenter
var name = $('#newsletter_name').val();
var email = $('#newsletter_email').val();
e.stop(); // dont submit the form normaly
If you have firebug, write data2 to its console and see what it is:
function(data2) {
In addition, you can use firebug net panel to see your php file raw response (if it has error - you will see it there).
Use that:
var response = $.ajax({
type : "POST",
url : "newsletter/subscribe.php",
dataType : "json",
async : false,
data : "sendValue="+str+"&sendVal="+name
