I want to take input from user and save that into other file while keepping current data.
I want to take below details from user
server type : cpanel , FTP , windows , other (drop down)
And save that in backup.php file. In backup php file I already have format
include xmlapi.php
$hostname= "";
$username = "";
$password = " ";
I want details provided by user in this file. I can generare php file to ask these details but not sure how to insert data in backup.php while keeping existing data
can I get some help on it ?
Using this config :
include xmlapi.php
$hostname = "";
$username = "";
$password = "";
This will write user submitted data to that file :
$filename = "backup.php";
$user_data = $_POST; // contains $_POST['hostname'], $_POST['username'], etc
$error_line = '';
foreach ($user_data as $config_name => $new_value)
$out = '';
$file = fopen($filename,'r+');
$line = fgets($file);
$pattern_open = preg_match('/\$'.$config_name.'[ ]*=\s/i', $line, $matches_open);
$pattern_close = preg_match('/;.*\n/i', $line, $matches_close);
$out .= $matches_open != FALSE ? $matches_open[0] . "'" . $new_value . "'" . $matches_close[0] : $line;
if (!file_put_contents($filename, $out))
if ($config_name === key($user_data))
$error_line .= "$config_name";
$error_line .= "$config_name, ";
if ($error_line != NULL)
echo 'Error at line : ' . $error_line;
echo 'Config saved';
echo 'File not found!';
Hello Guys i want to ask about a php script that should Open the file normally it's downloaded to my application automatically to a file named " \home\exactarget\offers\suppression " but sometimes some problems happens within the Automatic Donwload so i have to download the file and upload to a that Folder what i doesn't know is How that File Must be , this is hwo the file is when it's been auto-downloaded ( sp5-10-2182-MD5.txt ) so thsi Code IS where the app must read what is in that file it's Called Check Suppression
Thank You very much !
$requete = $bdd->query('select id_offer,suppressionFile_Offer,TypeSuppressionFile_Offer from offer');
while($row = $requete->fetch())
$idOffer = $row['id_offer'];
$suppressionFile = $row['suppressionFile_Offer'];
$typeSuppression = $row['TypeSuppressionFile_Offer'];
if($typeSuppression =='text')
$subRequete = $bdd->query('select id_Email , email_Email from email');
while($subRow = $subRequete->fetch())
$file = fopen('Suppression/'.$suppressionFile,'a+');
$idEmail = $subRow['id_Email'];
$email = $subRow['email_Email'];
while($emailSuppression = fgets($file))
if(trim($email) == trim($emailSuppression))
$requeteSuppression = $bdd->prepare('insert into unsuboffer values(?,?)');
echo $email.'<br/>';
$subRequete = $bdd->query('select id_Email , md5(email_Email) from email');
while($subRow = $subRequete->fetch())
$file = fopen('Suppression/'.$suppressionFile,'a+');
$idEmail = $subRow['id_Email'];
$email = $subRow[1];
while($emailSuppression = fgets($file))
if(trim($email) == trim($emailSuppression))
$requeteSuppression = $bdd->prepare('insert into unsuboffer values(?,?)');
echo $email.'<br/>';
I'm getting the error message when uploading a form in php.
"You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near"
I've followed instructions from other posts as follows, to no avail:
1-Wrapped the column heading names in backticks.
2-Made sure all strings were passed as strings, and ints as ints.
3-Cleaned up any strings before sending out.
4-Made sure the connection to the database works and we can query from it.
5-Checked and re-checked my html code.
Here's my php code:
// Redirect browser if the upload form WAS NOT submited.
if (!isset($_POST['submit_upload']))
header("location: upload.html");
// Continue if the upload form WAS SUBMITED
// Set the upload directory path
$target_path = realpath( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . "/uploads/audio/";
// Array to store validation errors
$error_msg = array();
// Validation error flag, if this becomes true we won't upload
$error_flag = false;
// We get the data from the upload form
$filename = $_FILES['file']['name'];
$temp_filename = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
$filesize = $_FILES['file']['size'];
$mimetype = $_FILES['file']['type'];
// Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities
$filename = htmlentities($filename);
$mimetype = htmlentities($mimetype);
// Check for empty file
if ($filename == "")
$error_msg[] = 'No file selected!';
$error_flag = true;
// Check the mimetype of the file
if ($mimetype != "audio/x-mp3" && $mimetype != "audio/mp3")
$error_msg[] = 'The file you are trying to upload does not contain expected data.
Are you sure that the file is an MP3 one?';
$error_flag = true;
// Get the file extension, an honest file should have one
$ext = substr(strrchr($filename, '.') , 1);
if ($ext != 'mp3')
$error_msg[] = 'The file type or extention you are trying to upload is not allowed!
You can only upload MP3 files to the server!';
$error_flag = true;
// Check that the file really is an MP3 file by reading the first few characters of the file
$open = #fopen($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], 'r');
$read = #fread($open, 3);
if ($read != "ID3")
$error_msg[] = "The file you are trying to upload does not seem to be an MP3 file.";
$error_flag = true;
// Now we check the filesize.
// The file size shouldn't include any other type of character than numbers
if (!is_numeric($filesize))
$error_msg[] = 'Bad filesize!';
$error_flag = true;
// If it is too big or too small then we reject it
// MP3 files should be at least 1MB and no more than 10 MB
// Check if the file is too large
if ($filesize > 10485760)
$error_msg[] = 'The file you are trying to upload is too large!
Please upload a smaller MP3 file';
$error_flag = true;
// Check if the file is too small
if ($filesize < 1048600)
$error_msg[] = 'The file you are trying to upload is too small!
It is too small to be a valid MP3 file.';
$error_flag = true;
// Function to sanitize values received from the form. Prevents SQL injection
function clean($conn, $str)
$str = #trim($str);
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())
$str = stripslashes($str);
return mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $str);
// Sanitize the POST values
$title = clean($conn, $_POST['title']);
$context = clean($conn, $_POST['context']);
$source = clean($conn, $_POST['source']);
$interviewer = clean($conn, $_POST['interviewer']);
$interviewee = clean($conn, $_POST['interviewee']);
$intervieweeAge = (int)$_POST['intervieweeAge'];
$geoRegion = clean($conn, $_POST['geoRegion']);
$language = clean($conn, $_POST['language']);
$recDate = clean($conn,$_POST['recDate']);
$keywords = $_POST['keywords'];
if ($title == '')
$error_msg[] = 'Title is missing';
$error_flag = true;
if ($interviewee == '')
$error_msg[] = 'Interviewee name/anonymous is missing';
$error_flag = true;
// If there are input validations, show errors
if ($error_flag == true)
foreach($error_msg as $c => $p) echo "Error " . $c . ": " . $p . "<br />";
// Else, all checks are done, move the file.
if (is_uploaded_file($temp_filename))
// Generate an uniqid
$uniqfilename = $interviewee . '_' . str_replace("_", "", $recDate) . '.mp3';
$filePath = '/uploads/audio/' . $uniqfilename;
// If the file was moved, change the filename
if (move_uploaded_file($temp_filename, $target_path . $uniqfilename))
// Again check that the file exists in the target path
if (#file_exists($target_path . $uniqfilename))
// Assign upload date to a variable
$upload_date = date("Y-m-d");
// Create INSERT query
$qry = "INSERT INTO FDM177_AUDIO_CLIPS (title,context,source,interviewer,interviewee,intervieweeAge,geoRegion,language,recDate,fileName,filePath)
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $qry) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
if ($result)
$id = mysqli_insert_id($conn);
echo "File uploaded. Now it is called :" . $uniqfilename . "<br />" . $date . "<br />";
echo "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!";
if(1) {
//if (is_array($keywords) || is_object($keywords)) {
foreach($keywords as $k) {
// $idQuery = "SELECT keyword_ID from KEYWORDS WHERE keywordName=" . $k";
$idQuery = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM FDM177_KEYWORDS WHERE (`keywordName` LIKE '%".$k."%')") or die(mysql_error());
$matchingKArray = mysqli_fetch_array($idQuery);
$keyword_FK = $matchingKArray[keyword_ID];
// echo $kQuery;
echo $keyword_FK;
$qry = "INSERT INTO FDM177_JNCT_KWDS_CLIPS (keyword_FK, clip_FK)
VALUES ('$keyword_FK', '$id')";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $qry);
if ($result)
echo 'inserted with keyword.' . $k . ' <br />';
else {
echo "keywords are missing";
else {
echo "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!";
echo "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!";
The problem occurs at the first MYSQL query that starts as MYSQL query INSERT INTO FDM177_AUDIO_CLIPS...
What am I missing?
Thank you!
quotes breaking in one query '$interviewer',$interviewee',
(title, context, source,interviewer, interviewee,
('$title', '$context', '$source', '$interviewer', '$interviewee',
My login of admin panel and member panel both works fine on local server, But on Live server member panel doesn't work. As admin and member panel both use same connection file so it means connection file works fine. More over when we fill wrong user or password it says
Invalid User or Password
But when we login with correct user or password it returns back with no indication of error.
My login file upper php part is:
$user = trim($_POST['user']);
$pass = trim($_POST['pass']);
if(($user =='' )|| ($pass=='')){
$msg ='Please enter username & password';
$npass = ($pass);
$qry = mysql_query("select * from user where user ='$user'");
if(mysql_num_rows($qry)==0) {
$msg ='Invalid UserName';
} else {
$res = mysql_fetch_array($qry);
if($res['pass']==$npass) {
$_SESSION['USE_USER'] = $res['user'];
$_SESSION['SID'] = $res['id'];
$_SESSION['USE_NAME'] = $res['fname'];
$_SESSION['USE_SPONSOR'] = $res['sponsor'];
$_SESSION['PACKAGE_AMT'] = $res['package_amt'];
$_SESSION['ADDRESS'] = $res['address'];
$_SESSION['PHONE'] = $res['phone'];
$_SESSION['JOIN_DATE'] = $res['join_date'];
header('location: main.php');
} else {
$msg ='Invalid Password';
My header file main.php is
$dir ='../'.USER_PIC;
$sId = $_SESSION['SID'];
Session is started from another file called function.php
function logout($destinationPath)
foreach($_SESSION AS $key=>$value)
echo "<script language='javaScript' type='text/javascript'>
function validation_check($checkingVariable, $destinationPath)
if($checkingVariable == '')
echo "<script language='javaScript' type='text/javascript'>
function realStrip($input)
return mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes(trim($input)));
function no_of_record($table, $cond)
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS CNT FROM ".$table." WHERE ".$cond;
$qry = mysql_query($sql);
$rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry);
$count = $rec['CNT'];
return $count;
//drop down
function drop_down($required=null, $text_field, $table_name, $id, $name, $cond, $selected_id=null)
$qry = mysql_query("SELECT $id, $name FROM $table_name WHERE $cond ORDER BY $name ASC");
$var = '';
$var = '<select id="'.$text_field.'" name="'.$text_field.'" '.$required.'>';
$var .='<option value="">--Choose--</option>';
while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry))
$selected = '';
$selected = 'selected="selected"';
$var .='<option value="'.$r[$id].'" '.$selected.'>'.$r[$name].'</option>';
$var .='</select>';
echo $var;
function uploadResume($title,$uploaddoc,$txtpropimg)
$upload= $uploaddoc;
return $newfilename;
function fRecord($field, $table, $cond)
$fr = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT $field FROM $table WHERE $cond"));
return $fr[$field];
function get_values_for_keys($mapping, $keys) {
$output_arr = '';
$karr = explode(',',$keys);
foreach($karr as $key) {
$output_arr .= $mapping[$key].', ';
$output_arr = rtrim($output_arr, ', ');
return $output_arr;
function getBaseURL() {
$isHttps = ((array_key_exists('HTTPS', $_SERVER)
&& $_SERVER['HTTPS']) ||
(array_key_exists('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO', $_SERVER)
return 'http' . ($isHttps ? 's' : '') .'://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
function request_uri()
$p .= '?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
return $p;
preg_match ('`/'.FOLDER_NAME.'(.*)(.*)$`', request_uri(), $matches);
$tableType = (!empty ($matches[1]) ? ($matches[1]) : '');
Moreover I have created user id by words and time like LH1450429882 and column is verture type. I think this has no effect on login.
I think main errors come from function.php Sorry for a long code, but I tried to cover all parts of coding.
I am struggling with this code from a week. Thanks in advance for help.
This is probably a bug that error_reporting will show off. Always use it in development mode, to catch some carelessness errors and ensure the code's clarity.
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);
By implementing code ini_set('display_errors',1); error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); I got the error of header ploblem on line 6 in login php I have removed ?> and
Now my working code in login.php is
$user = trim($_POST['user']);
$pass = trim($_POST['pass']);
if(($user =='' )|| ($pass=='')){
$msg ='Please enter username & password';
$npass = ($pass);
$qry = mysql_query("select * from user where user ='$user'");
if(mysql_num_rows($qry)==0) {
$msg ='Invalid UserName';
} else {
$res = mysql_fetch_array($qry);
if($res['pass']==$npass) {
$_SESSION['USE_USER'] = $res['user'];
$_SESSION['SID'] = $res['id'];
$_SESSION['USE_NAME'] = $res['fname'];
$_SESSION['USE_SPONSOR'] = $res['sponsor'];
$_SESSION['PACKAGE_AMT'] = $res['package_amt'];
$_SESSION['ADDRESS'] = $res['address'];
$_SESSION['PHONE'] = $res['phone'];
$_SESSION['JOIN_DATE'] = $res['join_date'];
header('location: main.php');
} else {
$msg ='Invalid Password';
hello I am working on a project where i have to create a php login using a text file. I have the basic code laid out but when I put a username and password on file and try signing in, it does not work. I could really use some advise. thank you. The code below is my login php file.
$User = $_GET["user"];
$Pass = $_GET["password"];
if (!strpos($User,"#")) {
$User = $User . "#etown.edu";
$Validuser = false;
$_SESSION["user"] = $User;
$_SESSION["pass"] = $Pass;
$_SESSION["login"]= $Validuser;
<!DOCTYPE html>
print "<h2>Welcome $User</h2>";
$infile = fopen("account.txt","r");
$entry = fgets($infile);
while (!feof($infile)) {
$array = explode(" ",$entry);
if ($array[0] == $User){
$name = $array[0];
$code = $array[1];
$code = substr($code,0,strlen($code)-1);
$entry = fgets($infile);
print "Name: $name <br/>";
print "pass on file: $code <br />";
if ($name==$User && $code==$Pass)
$Validuser = true;
$_SESSION["login"] = $Validuser;
print "That's All!<br/>";
if ($Validuser) {
print "Welcome valid user<br/>";
else {
print "You are not a valid user. Go become one first!";
print '<script type="text/javascript">';
print ' //document.location = "register.html";';
print '</script>';
try adding this
$User = isset($_GET["user"]) ? $_GET["user"] : '';
$Pass = isset($_GET["user"]) ? $_GET["password"] : '';
$name ='';
i'm assuming your txt file is like this
ja#etown.edu 12345
ja2#etown.edu 12345
ja3#etown.edu 12345
I started on an ftp project and I'm having trouble getting the directory to reload. My code says that it successfully changed, but I am assume that it only changes server-side. I need the browser to change the directory as well.
PS: How can I download via FTP through the browser? When I test locally it writes the files to the root directory but when connected remotely I don't know where they go. There is no indication of files being downloaded.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! And please, if you have any tips for me that would be great. I'm still pretty new at this but I'm trying my best.
if (isset($_POST['connect']))
$_SESSION['port'] = $_POST['port'];
$_SESSION['server'] = $_POST['server'];
$_SESSION['user'] = $_POST['user'];
$_SESSION['password'] = $_POST['password'];
$port = $_SESSION['port'];
$server = $_SESSION['server'];
$user = $_SESSION['user'];
$pass = $_SESSION['password'];
$connection = ftp_connect($server)
or die("Couldn't connect!");
$logon = ftp_login($connection,$user,$pass)
or die("Couldn't login!" . $server ."<br>". $port);
$workingDir = ftp_pwd($connection);
echo "You are in $workingDir<br><br>";
$dirList = ftp_nlist($connection, ".");
foreach($dirList as $item)
$res = ftp_size($connection, $item);
if ($res != "-1")
echo "<a href='?download=$item'>$item</a><br>";
if (isset($_GET['download']))
if ($_GET['download'] == $item)
$directory = $item;
echo "<a href='?change=$directory'>$directory</a><br>";
if ($_GET['change'] == $directory)
if (ftp_chdir($connection, $directory))
echo "Changed to " . ftp_pwd($connection) . "!<br>";
$dirList = ftp_nlist($connection, ".");
echo "Failed to change to $directory";
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
Solved! Added a directory.php file with
$getChange = $_GET['change'];
if (ftp_chdir($connection, $getChange))
echo "Changed to " . ftp_pwd($connection) . "!<br>";
$dirList = ftp_nlist($connection, ".");
echo "Failed to change to $getChange";
$workingDir = ftp_pwd($connection);
echo "You are in $workingDir<br><br>";
$dirList = ftp_nlist($connection, ".");
foreach($dirList as $item)
$res = ftp_size($connection, $item);
if ($res != "-1")
echo "<a href='?download=$item'>$item</a><br>";
if (isset($_GET['download']))
if ($_GET['download'] == $item)
echo "<a href='directory.php?change=$item'>$item</a><br>";