issues with IMAP functions php - php

I am facing some problem with imap function. Basically What I need to do is to read unseen mails. There will be a url in all the mails, i should fetch that URL and store.
$inbox = imap_open($hostname,$username,$password);
if($inbox)//if **1
/* grab emails */
$emails = imap_search($inbox,'UNSEEN');
/* if emails are returned, cycle through each... */
if($emails) //if **2
/* put the newest emails on top */
/* for every email... */
foreach($emails as $email_number) //for loop **1
$ids [] = $email_number;
foreach($varients as $cur_varient) //for loop **2
echo "\n\nstarting with imap function number ". $cur_varient."\n\n";
$overview = imap_fetch_overview($inbox,$email_number,0);//all varients of like subject, date etc.
$from = addslashes(trim($overview[0]->from));
$inboxed_time = addslashes(trim(strtotime($overview[0]->date)));
$message = (imap_body($inbox,$email_number,$cur_varient));
print addslashes(trim($overview[0]->subject));break;
preg_match_all('#\bhttp?://[^,\s()<>]+(?:\([\w\d]+\)|([^,[:punct:]\s]|/))#', $message, $match);
$link_matched = $match[0];
$input = 'unsubscribe.php';
$linkexists = false;
foreach($link_matched as $curlink)
if(stripos($curlink, $input) !== false)
$linkexists = true;
$unsublink = $curlink;
$unsublink = str_replace('href="', '', $unsublink);
$unsublink = str_replace('"', '', $unsublink);
$unsublink = addslashes(trim(($unsublink)));
$thread = 1;
$time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$iQry = " INSERT INTO `SPAMS`.url_queue VALUES(";
$iQry .= " 'default','".$unsublink."','".$thread."','";
$iQry .= "".$from."','".$inboxed_time."',UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".$time."'))";
print $iQry;
}//closing for loop **2
}//closing for loop **1
} //closing if **2
// Setting flag from un-seen email to seen on emails ID.
imap_setflag_full($inbox,implode(",", $ids), "\\Seen \\Flagged"); //IMPORTANT
// colse the connection
}//closing if **1
I have used all different varients of imap to make sure it will read different types of mails. Now issue is, sometime the URL matched is broken. Only half URL will be fetched(I printed the entire message, saw that half URL is coming to next line). The other issue is, sometimes, the body fetched will not be the one which the current mail contains. It fetched some other mail content.
I am puzzled what to do, so putting my entire code, please help.

You will have to use a regex modifiers to match multiline texts too, or you can strip newlines and such from the body of the emails.
//m for multiline matches and i for case-insensitive matches
Your second issue is a bit different than you'd think, emails have multiple bodies, one for simple texts, one for html, some for attachments (and their order is different in apple products).
You are probably facing the issue of grabbing the wrong one. My recommendation would be to fetch all of the email bodies, like this:
$overview = imap_fetch_overview($this->connection, $email_number, 0);
$structure = imap_fetchstructure($this->connection, $email_number);
$message = "";
//$parts = [1, 1.1, 1.2, 2];
if (!$structure->parts)//simple email
$message .= "Simple: ". imap_fetchbody($this->connection, $email_number, 0). "<br/>";
else {
foreach ($structure->parts as $partNumber=>$part){
if ($partNumber != 0)
$message .= "Part ".$partNumber.": ". imap_fetchbody($this->connection, $email_number, $partNumber)."<br/>";


imap_setflag_full not working to change mail status

I am using below code to read my gmail inbox and it's working fine for reading.
But the issue is some of the mail are not set as seen so they comes every time.
As per my observation mails which do not change there flag from unseen to seen are the mails which contains some HTML in it.
Below is my code:
public function getMessages($type = 'text') {
$stream = $this->imapStream;
$emails = imap_search($stream, 'UNSEEN');
$messages = array();
if ($emails) {
$this->emails = $emails;
$i = 0;
foreach ($emails as $email_number) {
$this->attachments = array();
$uid = imap_uid($stream, $email_number);
$messages[] = $this->loadMessage($uid, $type);
if ($i == $this->limit) {
echo "seen status=>".imap_setflag_full($stream, $email_number, "\\Seen", ST_UID);
//echo "seen status=>".imap_clearflag_full($stream, $email_number, "\\Seen");
return $messages;
This is the line i am using to manually change status
echo "seen status=>".imap_setflag_full($stream, $email_number, "\\Seen", ST_UID);
seen status always return 1 as result but in inbox it shows as unread.
You are using Message Sequence Numbers (MSNs), but providing the ST_UID flag to your flag functions, changing them to use UIDs. Most MSNs will not generally be valid UIDs.
Either use UIDs everywhere (with FT_UID and ST_UID and the like to all functions) or MSNs everywhere (never use UID flags, and don't expunge anything while looping.)
imap_setflag_full($stream, $email_number, "\\Seen");
imap_setflag_full($stream, $uid, "\\Seen", ST_UID);
If you use the UID version of search, you don't need to call imap_uid.

imap_search() for unseen messages does not returning anything

I am currently trying to get the UNSEEN/UNREAD messages from my server. Currently, I have this:
$openmail = imap_open($dns, $email, $password) or die("Cannot Connect " . imap_last_error());
if ($openmail) {
/* grab emails */
$emails = imap_search($openmail, 'UNSEEN');
if ($emails) {
//For every e-mail.
$tot = imap_num_msg($openmail);
for ($i = $tot; $i > 0; $i--) {
$structure = imap_fetchstructure($openmail, $i);
if (isset($structure->parts) && is_array($structure->parts) && isset($structure->parts[1])) {
$part = $structure->parts[1];
$message = imap_fetchbody($openmail, $i, 2, FT_PEEK);
if ($part->encoding == 3) {
$message = imap_base64($message);
} else if ($part->encoding == 1) {
$message = imap_8bit($message);
} else {
$message = imap_qprint($message);
$header = imap_header($openmail, $i);
$from = imap_utf8($header->fromaddress);
$subject = $header->Subject;
$subject = substr($subject, 0, 150);
$date = $header->Date;
/* Print out the Unseen messages in here! */
} else {
/* No unseen messages */
echo "No unseen";
I've tried sending multiply emails to my mailserver, refreshed the page with the above script. But I keep getting the "No unseen".
I've tried to output the $emails but it's empty. It can't find anything.
If I try to just get ALL the messages (no unseen filter), I can see the emails I've sent to the mailbox, although, they're all marked as read.
Your code $message = imap_fetchbody($openmail, $i, 2, FT_PEEK); uses hardcoded part offsets, i.e. it assumes that a message is always multipart/alternative with text/plain and text/html. That's a very wrong assumption.
You have to look at the output of the BODYSTRUCTURE to see what the MIME structure of your mail is.
With that out of the way, be sure that none of your commands use the BODY fetch operation; you have to use BODY.PEEK. I have no idea how this is accessible within the PHP c-client bindings.

Can I stop imap_search from setting emails to READ

I have a function that connects to an imap email account (currently testing with gmail) to get emails that are UNSEEN. After getting the emails I loop through them and do imap_fetch_overview() and imap_fetchbody() on each email.
After running this function all the emails that have been searched get set to READ in the inbox.
Is there anyway to stop this happening? Ideally i'd like the email to remain UNSEEN.
Here is my function
function build_email_data(){
/* grab emails */
$emails = imap_search($this->inbox,'UNSEEN');
/* if emails are returned, cycle through each... */
if($emails) {
/* put the newest emails on top */
$data = array();
/* for every email... */
foreach($emails as $email_number) {
/* get information specific to this email */
$overview = imap_fetch_overview($this->inbox,$email_number,0);
$message = imap_fetchbody($this->inbox,$email_number,1);
$_data['subject'] = $overview[0]->subject;
$_data['from'] = $overview[0]->from;
$_data['body'] = $message;
$_data['owner_id'] = 1;
$_data['email_number'] = $email_number;
$_data['folder_id'] = 1;
$_data['created'] = timestamp_to_mysqldatetime();
$_data['updated'] = timestamp_to_mysqldatetime();
$_data['email_date'] = timestamp_to_mysqldatetime(strtotime($overview[0]->date));
$data[] = $_data;
return $data;
I figured out why they were getting set to READ and also how to stop it.
$message = imap_fetchbody($this->inbox,$email_number,1);
That code sets the message to READ. By adding FT_PEEK as an option it remains UNSEEN
$message = imap_fetchbody($this->inbox,$email_number,1, FT_PEEK);
or in case of using imap_body :
$message = imap_body($this->inbox,$email_number,1, FT_PEEK);
References: imap_body imap_fetchbody
Are you confusing UNSEEN and RECENT? Fetching messages will clear the RECENT flag, but only changing the flags (adding \Seen) should change the SEEN flag.

Find E-Mails with an exact e-mail address on an IMAP server using PHP

I want to connect to an IMAP-server and find all E-Mails that were sent to abc#server.tld. I tried:
$mbox = imap_open("{imap.server.tld/norsh}", "imap#server.tld", "5ecure3");
$result = imap_search($mbox, "TO \"abc#server.tld\"", SE_UID);
but this also listed e-Mails that were sent e.g. to 123abc#server.tld. Is it somehow possible to do a search for exact matches?
Short answer: you can't. I didn't find anything in RFC 2060 - Internet Message Access Protocol - Version 4rev1 saying that it can be done.
But, there is a workaround. First fetch all emails that contain abc#server.tld, then iterate through the results and select only the exact matches.
$searchEmail = "abc#server.tld";
$emails = imap_search($mbox, "TO $searchEmail");
$exactMatches = array();
foreach ($emails as $email) {
// get email headers
$info = imap_headerinfo($mbox, $email);
// fetch all emails in the TO: header
$toAddresses = array();
foreach ($info->to as $to) {
$toAddresses[] = $to->mailbox . '#' . $to->host;
// is there a match?
if (in_array($searchEmail, $toAddresses)) {
$exactMatches[] = $email;
Now you have all emails matching abc#server.tld in $exactMatches

Retrieve the 3 most recent email using imap and php

I'm trying to figure out how to get the latest 3 emails (SEEN and UNSEEN) using imap and php. It need to be ressource-efficient since the mailbox as 1 000 emails inside. Getting all header may need too much ressources I think.
I just need the sender, the subject and the date...
Any idea? Thanks for any syggestion/help/explaination/hint...
I did it like that:
$mbox = imap_open("{}INBOX", "username", "password");
// get information about the current mailbox (INBOX in this case)
$mboxCheck = imap_check($mbox);
// get the total amount of messages
$totalMessages = $mboxCheck->Nmsgs;
// select how many messages you want to see
$showMessages = 5;
// get those messages
$result = array_reverse(imap_fetch_overview($mbox,($totalMessages-$showMessages+1).":".$totalMessages));
// iterate trough those messages
foreach ($result as $mail) {
// if you want the mail body as well, do it like that. Note: the '1.1' is the section, if a email is a multi-part message in MIME format, you'll get plain text with 1.1
$mailBody = imap_fetchbody($mbox, $mail->msgno, '1.1');
// but if the email is not a multi-part message, you get the plain text in '1'
if(trim($mailBody)=="") {
$mailBody = imap_fetchbody($mbox, $mail->msgno, '1');
// just an example output to view it - this fit for me very nice
echo nl2br(htmlentities(quoted_printable_decode($mailBody)));
What about
imap_search($res, 'RECENT');
$msgnos = imap_search($mbox, "UNSEEN", SE_UID);
foreach($msgnos as $msgUID) {
$msgNo = imap_msgno($mbox, $msgUID);
$head = imap_headerinfo($mbox, $msgNo);
$mail[$i][] = $msgUID;
$mail[$i][] = $head->Recent;
$mail[$i][] = $head->Unseen;
$mail[$i][] = $head->from[0]->mailbox."#".$head->from[0]->host;
$mail[$i][] = utf8_decode(imap_utf8($head->subject));
$mail[$i][] = $head->udate;
return $mail;
Will do the job.
