Differences between query and input - php

What are differences between
$request->input() in Laravel?
Both of them return the same result.

It's mentioned directly in the official documentation:
While the input method retrieves values from entire request payload
(including the query string), the query method will only retrieve
values from the query string:

One important part of this two methods,
$request->input() :: Can work with any HTTP verb( Ex. GET,POST,..)
$request->query() :: Can only retrieve data passed from query string( GET method )
If you use only query string to pass data, you will get the same result for both the methods, but if you use any other HTTP method(May be with Query String values), you will find the difference.

in native PHP coding.
$request->input() is the equivalent of $_REQUEST //this is either querystring or form-data submission.
$request->query() is just a straight forward $_GET //this is querystring


Laravel pagination: Append query parameter without value

I have a pagination-instance where I want to append all query parameter from the request to the next_page_url attribute.
I have query parameter with a value like &name=chris but I also have single parameter without a value like &xyz.
However, when I append all query parameters to the pagination instance, like so:
only parameters with a value are getting appended.
How can I append all parameters to the next_page_url?
I want to append query parameters to get the next chunk of requested data.
If I don't, it always gives back "next_page_url":"http://vue.dev/contacts?page=2". What I want is "next_page_url":"http://vue.dev/contacts?name&page=2"
Take URL http://vue.dev/contacts?page=2&name for example. Although perfectly valid, it's still quite ambiguous. Do we mean to include name? Do we mean to exclude name?
So I'd suggest you to use this URL instead http://vue.dev/contacts?page=2&select=name. If you decide to select more stuff you can just do http://vue.dev/contacts?page=2&select=name,age,gender.
Later in your code just use explode to use the value as an array:
$attributes = explode(',', $request->select);
Useful reading: http://www.vinaysahni.com/best-practices-for-a-pragmatic-restful-api
Even though Fahmis solution is possible as well, I end up using the approach from this so-question. This has the advantage that php reads the parameter as an array automatically. My url end up looking like this:

How to send and receive "&" with $_GET and $_POST? [duplicate]

If I have a URL like asdf.com/index.php?a=0&b=2, then using $_GET for a would be 0 and for b would be 2. However, the term I put into a single $_GET function has an ampersand in it already, like a=Steak&Cheese. Is there a way to make ampersands work without the $_GET variable thinking its job ends when the ampersand shows up (therefore not pulling the entire term)?
urlencode() it so & turns into %26.
If you need to make a query string out of some parameters, you can use http_build_query() instead and it will URL encode your parameters for you.
On the receiving end, your $_GET values will be decoded for you by PHP, so the query string a=Steak%26Cheese corresponds to $_GET = array('a' => 'Steak&Cheese').
Yes, you must URL Encode before request URL. Read this http://www.w3schools.com/TAGS/ref_urlencode.asp
Here is a previous post covering this in jquery AJAX requests, but to summarize you have to encoded the uri. This will convert the ampersand value to a ascii value.
Ampersand in GET, PHP

How to get query string values in YII without PATH format?

I am having following url,
I need to get title and url which are query string parameters.
Has anyone worked on getting values in query string in Yii?
There is also the getParam() method in CHttpRequest.
I've found it a valuable shortcut, since it checks both $_POST and $_GET and gives priority to $_GET, so you can use it to override post variables in the address URL. It also performs null checks and you can provide a default value in the second parameter.
The drawbacks are that you can't use it for arrays and maybe it's a little bit verbose (compared to $_GET['title']).
Look the function parse_str, it would worked and if not, look parse_url but it's not necessary for what you want to do.
They'll automatically be available in your action as $_GET variables. Yii handles parsing them for you as part of the CHttpRequest object

Why does Symfony escape & characters when using url_for()?

With this Symfony page, I am passing $_GET parameters in the URI like this:
Once in my layout, there are certain links in the page that need to have the same query string in them.
Anyways, using Symfony's url_for() command I'm making URLs like so:
$url = url_for('article/index?.http_build_query($_GET));
That way it makes a new url using the $_GET variables. For some of the links I'm changing the $_GET values ahead of time, like $_GET['sort']=0; before generating the url. That's why I'm using this method.
Anyways, when I look at the generated URL, it now looks like this:
The &amp%3B is the encoded form of & which is just an & character.
So the problem is that when I check for my $_GET parameters in my controller now, there is no longer a sort parameter that is passed. It's now called &amp%3Bsort... It's causing all sorts of issues.
Two questions:
How do I avoid this problem? Can I decode the $_GET parameter key values in my controller or something?
Why is symfony encoding a & character in the first place? It's a perfectly acceptable URI character. Heck, even the encoded value, &amp%3B contains a & !!!
I believe, it is because of output escaping is ON in your application. As a result, $_GET array is wrapped inside sfOutputEscaperArrayDecorator class. You can get a raw value using this: $_GET->getRawValue().
$url = url_for('article/index?.http_build_query($_GET->getRawValue()))
Or you can decode the result query using sfOutputEscaper::unescape
$url = url_for('article/index?.sfOutputEscaper::unescape(http_build_query($_GET)));
Hope this will be useful.
Best if you use Symfony's own method for getting the request parameters. For example, in templates, use:
If you must use $_GET, maybe try:
((( $sf_data->getRaw('_GET') )))
... to get past the output escaping. Not totally sure if that'll work as is.

PHP - Data after "?" in URL displays different information

I know the title isn't very clear. I'm new to PHP, so there might be name for this kind of thing, I'll try to explain as best as I can. Sometimes in a URL, when using PHP, there will be a question mark, followed by data. I'm sorry, I know this is very noobish, but I'm not sure what it's called to look for a tutorial or anything. Here is what I mean:
How do you configure it to display different text depending on what the number is (in this example it's a number)
Could somebody please tell me what this is called and how I could do this? I've been working with PHP for a couple days and I'm lost. Thank you so very much for understanding that I am very new at this.
That "data" is the URL querystring, and it encodes the GET variables of that HTTP request.
Here's more info on query strings: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Query_string
In PHP you access these with the $_GET "super-global" variable:
// http://www.website.com/error%5Fmessages.php?error%5Fid=0
// %5F is a urlencoded '_' character, which your webserver will most likely
// decode before it gets to PHP.
// So ?error%5Fid=0 reaches PHP as the 'error_id' GET variable
$error_id = $_GET['error_id'];
echo $error_id; // this will be 0
The querystring can encode multiple GET variables by separating them with the & character. For example:
error_id => "0"
error_message => "Something bad happened"
In that example you can also see that spaces are encoded as %20.
Here's more info on "percent encoding": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding
The data after the question mark is called the "query string". It usually contains data in the following format:
Ie, it is a list of key-value pairs, each pair separated with the ampersand character (&). In order to pass special characters in the values, they have to be encoded using URL-encoding format: Using the percent sign (%) followed by two hexadecimal characters representing the character code.
In PHP, parameters passed via the query string are automatically propagated to your script using the super-global variable $_GET:
echo $_GET['param1']; // will produce "value1" for the example above.
The raw, unprocessed query string can be retrieved by the QUERY_STRING server variable:
It's called the query string.
In PHP you can access its data via the superglobal $_GET
For example:
// Use htmlspecialchars to prevent cross-site scripting attacks (XSS)
echo htmlspecialchars($_GET['hello']);
If you want to create a query string to append to a URL you can use http_build_query():
$str = http_build_query(array('hello' => 'world'));
As previously described, the data after the ? is the querystring (or GET data), and is accessed using the $_GET variable. The $_GET variable is an array containing the name=value pairs in the querystring.
Here is a breif description of $_GET and an example of it's usage:
Data can also be submited to a PHP script as POST data (found in the $_POST variable), which is used for passwords, etc, and is not stored in the URL. The $_REQUEST variable contains both POST and GET data. POST and GET data usually originates from being entered into a web form by a user (but GET data can also come directly from a link to an address, like in your example). More info about using web forms in PHP can be found here:
its called "query string"
and you can retrieve it via $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]
or you can loop through $_GET
in this case the error_id, you can check it by something like this
echo $_GET['error_id'];
The term you are looking for is GET. So in php you need to access the GET variables in $_GET['variable_name'], e.g. in the example you gave $_GET['error_id'] will contain the value 0. You can then use this in your logic to echo back different information.
The bit after the question mark is called a Query String. The format is typically, although not necessarily always, key-value pairs, where the pairs are separated by an ampersand (&) and the value is separated from the name by an equals sign (=): ?var1=value1&var2=value2&.... Most web programming environments provide an easy way to access name-value pairs in this format. For example, in PHP, there is a superglobal, which is an associative array of these key-value-pairs. In your example, error_id would be accessible via:
The reason for the name "GET" is that query string variables are typically associated with a HTTP GET request. POST requests can contain GET variables too, whereas GET requests can't contain POST variables.
As to the rest of your question, you could approach the text issue in a number of ways, the simplest being switching on the error id:
$error_id = isset($_GET['error_id']) ? $_GET['error_id'] : 0;
switch($error_id) {
case 1:
echo "Error 1";
echo "Unknown Error";
and more complex ways involve looking up the error message from a file, database or what have you.
