MySql alternative to PHP date interval - php

I'm trying to create a report which is kinda complicated(at least to me) because it will allow the user to choose an interval for the report, and group by smaller intervals e.g. every day, every week, every two weeks, every month, every quarter and so on. I found how I can generate interval table columns using PHP DatePeriod and and DateInterval functions, but now I'm stuck to convert to MySql in order to match the db columns with html table columns generated by PHP.
<select class="form-control" id="columns" name="columns" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">
<option value="1 day" selected="">Each day</option>
<option value="1 week">Each week</option>
<option value="1 month">Each month</option>
<option value="3 months">Each quarter</option>
<option value="1 year">Each year</option>
This is the select option for choosing how the report is gonna be grouped and:
$cols = array();
$colsIdentifiers = array();
$start_date = \Carbon\Carbon::parse(request('start_date'));
$end_date = \Carbon\Carbon::parse(request('end_date'));
$interval = DateInterval::createFromDateString(request('columns'));
$period = new DatePeriod($start_date, $interval, $end_date);
foreach ($period as $dt) {
$cols[] = $dt->format("d-m-Y");
$colsIdentifiers [] = $dt->format("dmY");
This is the php code to generate the cols.
How can do the same but in Mysql??

I think that you can only use the BETWEEN SQL command to solve your problem. Your database don't need to know what are these importants dates, but only persists these data.
Try do it:
$sql = "SELECT id, name, something";
$sql .= "FROM table";
$sql .= "WHERE datefield BETWEEN :minvalue AND :maxvalue";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
$stmt->execute([':minvalue' => $minLimit, ':maxvalue' => $maxLimit]);
$data = $stmt->fetchAll();
foreach($data as $item) {
// do something with your new set.
Hope that help you.


How to re-format number to time in php?

I am creating a room booking system with some information like End-user needs to select in difference inputs
Date booking
Time booking (custom fixed value (08:00, 08:30,... ...17:30) store into database as number (800,830 ...n)
End-user need to tell how many hours need to book.( 1hr, 1hr 30, 2hr ...8hr) per day/date (The hour here will calculate in minute like 1hre = 60min, 2hrs = 120min ...n)
Base on above information, I would like to dynamic calculate the end time of the meeting. Let said, end user select booking date= 2022-02-05, start-time = 08:30 and select duration = 1hr 30min. Of course the end time is 10:00 but how to calculate the end time?
Here is my html code
<input type="date" class="form-control" id="bookingdate" name="bookingdate" placeholder="dd/mm/yyyy" required>
<select id="selecttime" name="selecttime" style="width: 130px !important;" class="rounded-right text-center bd-outline" required data-header="Select a dept" onfocus="document.getElementById('errtxt').innerText='';">
<option disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Start time</option>
<option value="08:00">08:00</option>
<option value="08:00">08:30</option>
<option value="09:00">09:00</option>
<option value="09:30">09:30</option>
<option value="17:30">17:30</option>
<select id="duration" name="duration" style="width: 120px !important;" class="rounded-right text-center bd-outline" required ">
<option disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Select</option>
<option class="text-start text-secondary" value="30">30 min</option>
<option class="text-start" value="60">1 hr</option>
<option class="text-start text-secondary" value="90">1hr 30min</option>
<option class="text-start" value="120">2 hrs</option>
<option class="text-start text-secondary" value="510">8hrs 30min</option>
And here is my php code after post the html form
$Booking_Date = $_POST["bookingdate"];//let said val = 2022-02-05
$Booking_Time = $_POST["selecttime"];//val like 08:00, 08:30 ...
$Duration = $_POST["duration"]; //val like 30min, 60min, 90min,....450min
As of this code I have no idea to capture end time of the meeting
I tried this but I think it will have something better because I will store each value separately into database and I think PHP will have other function/choice that I don't know ....
$StartTime = new DateTime($Booking_Date . $Booking_Time);
$minutesToAdd = $Duration;
echo "Start time " . $StartTime->format('Y-m-d H:i');
$StartTime->modify("+{$minutesToAdd} minutes");
echo "<br />End time " . $StartTime->format('H:i');
Could anyone suggest me other better idea?
Thank you in advance.
You can use strtotime like so:
$Booking_Date = "2022-02-05";
$Booking_Time = "08:30";
$Duration = "30min";
$Duration_minutes = str_replace("min", "", $Duration); // Removes "min"
// Store this value in your database
$booking_datetime = $Booking_Date . " " . $Booking_Time; // Assumes 24h format
// Store this value in your database under DATETIME format
$meeting_end_timestamp = strtotime($booking_datetime) + $Duration_minutes * 60; // Adds duration in seconds
$meeting_end = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $meeting_end_timestamp); // Convert timestamp to formatted date
echo $meeting_end; // Outputs "2022-02-05 09:00:00"
If you want to change the output's format: see documentation.

Subtracting hours and minutes from input fields

I have a form that has five input fields:
name="MultiRoomFromDate" //outputs the date in the following format "d-m-Y"
name="MultiRoomFromTimeH" // has a dropdown of "00" to "23"
name="MultiRoomFromTimeM" // has a dropdown of "00" to "59"
<select name="MultiFromDisplayTimeH" id="MultiFromDisplayTimeH" class="FormTime">
<option value="0">0</option>
<option value="3600">1</option>
<option value="7220">2</option>
<option value="10800">3</option>
<option value="14400">4</option>
<select name="MultiFromDisplayTimeM" id="MultiFromDisplayTimeM" class="FormTime">
<option value="0">0</option>
<option value="900">15</option>
<option value="1800">30</option>
<option value="2700">45</option>
If I select the "MultiRoomFromDate" as 26-01-2020" and the MultiRoomFromTimeH as "09" and the MultiRoomFromTimeM as "00" and the select the "MultiFromDisplayTimeH" as "01"and the "MultiFromDisplayTimeM" as "00" and submit the form the output is:
FromDate = MultiRoomFromDate; //26-1-2020
FromHours = MultiRoomFromTimeH; //09
FromMins = MultiRoomFromTimeM; //00
DisplayHours = MultiFromDisplayTimeH; //3600
DisplayMins = MultiFromDisplayTimeM; //0
What I need to do is output the "FromDate, FromHours, FromMins" MINUS the "DisplayHours" and "DisplayMins" as Y-m-d H:i.
This is what I have been working with:
$MultiRoomFromDate = trim($_POST['MultiRoomFromDate']);
$MultiFromDisplayTimeH = trim($_POST['MultiFromDisplayTimeH']);
$MultiFromDisplayTimeM = trim($_POST['MultiFromDisplayTimeM']);
$FromdateStamp = strtotime($MultiRoomFromDate);
$TodateStamp = strtotime($MultiRoomToDate );
$DisplayTime = $FromTimeStamp - $FromDisplayHours - $FromDisplayMins;
$DisplayDateTime = date("Y-m-d H:i", $DisplayTime);
$RoomFromTime = $MultiRoomFromTimeH.":".$MultiRoomFromTimeM;
if(!empty($MultiFromDisplayTimeH)) {
$DisplayTime1 = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("-". $MultiFromDisplayTimeH." hours", strtotime($MultiRoomFromDate." ". $RoomFromTime)));
if(!empty($MultiFromDisplayTimeM)) {
$DisplayTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("-". $MultiFromDisplayTimeM." minutes", strtotime($DisplayTime1)));
if(empty($MultiFromDisplayTimeH) && empty($MultiFromDisplayTimeM)){
$DisplayTime = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime($DisplayDateTime));
Also tried:
$t = $MultiFromDisplayTimeH + $MultiFromDisplayTimeM;
$RoomFromTimeStamp = strtotime($MultiRoomFromDate);
$h = $RoomFromTimeStamp - $t;
$DisplayTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$h);
First, simplify your select option syntax by removing the value attributes -- it only makes your markup harder to comprehend at a glance and it will not be necessary for the datetime calculation that I will later demonstrate. I also think simpler field names would be beneficial.
<select name="subtractHours" class="FormTime">
<select name="subtractMinutes" class="FormTime">
Then, use PHP's datetime class to:
Initialize a datetime object from your date/time values
Subtract the submitted amount of time
Adjusted datetime string into the desired format.
Code: (Demo)
$fromDate = '26-1-2020';
$fromHours = '09';
$fromMins = '00';
$subtractHours = '1';
$subtractMins = '0';
$format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat('d-m-Y H:i:s', "{$fromDate} {$fromHours}:{$fromMins}:00");
$date->sub(new DateInterval("PT{$subtractHours}H{$subtractMins}M"));
echo $date->format('Y-m-d H:i');
2020-01-26 08:00
I added the :00 as seconds to the object for stability/consistency in case you wanted to insert the full datetime stamp into your database (which will require Y-m-d H:i:s format).
The above will process just as well when the time subtraction results in losing a day. (Demo)
$fromDate = '25-1-2020';
$fromHours = '01';
$fromMins = '30';
$subtractHours = '6'; // don't bother with 3600 precalculation
$subtractMins = '45';
// Output: 2020-01-24 18:45
I completely rewrote my code and I have now resolved the issue by using the following code:
$DisplayTime = $FromTimeStamp - $FromDisplayHours - $FromDisplayMins;
echo "DISPLAYTIME 1 ".$DisplayTime."<br/>";
$DisplayDateTime = date("Y-m-d H:i", $DisplayTime);

How Display Month which is Start with Current Month Using PHP?

I want to display all month with current year but it must be start with current month like below.
I need like if current month October and year 2019 then option list should be start with 2019-10 then all renaming month with current year like below.
<option value="">SELECT MONTH</option>
<option value="2019-10">October-2019</option>
<option value="2019-11">November-2019</option>
<option value="2019-12">December-2019</option>
<option value="2019-01">January-2019</option>
<option value="2019-02">February-2019</option>
<option value="2019-03">March-2019</option>
<option value="2019-04">April-2019</option>
<option value="2019-05">May-2019</option>
<option value="2019-06">June-2019</option>
<option value="2019-07">July-2019</option>
<option value="2019-08">August-2019</option>
<option value="2019-09">September-2019</option>
It's Working and give me exact output as i want.
<option value="">SELECT MONTH</option>
for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++)
$getMonth = strtotime(sprintf('%d months', $i));
$monthLabel = date('F', $getMonth)."-".date("Y");
$monthval = date("Y")."-".date('m', $getMonth); ?>
<option value="<?php echo $monthval; ?>"><?php echo $monthLabel; ?></option>
<?php }
With this PHP code you can get current_month
$month= date('Y-m', time());
Then you simply need to fill your 'select' tag with options in the correct order
Use the DateTime class. Create an array as follows:
$dt = date_create('first Day of this Month 00:00'); //start
$valueCaption = [];
$numberOptions = 5;
$valueCaption[$dt->format('Y-m')] = $dt->format('F-Y');
$dt->modify('+1 Month');
returns a array $valueCaption how
array (
'2019-10' => "October-2019",
'2019-11' => "November-2019",
'2019-12' => "December-2019",
'2020-01' => "January-2020",
'2020-02' => "February-2020",
You use this array when outputting with a foreach ($valueCaption as $value => $caption) to create your options.

PHP Loop for Year Dropdown

I am trying to create a HTML select input based on months/years and I am not sure the best approach for it.
While creating a standard loop of years was the first place I started, I wasn't sure how to get the last days of each of the month/years in order to create the values.
Is there any built in PHP functions that can accomplish something close to what I am looking for?
Must be able to provide a starting year (ex. 2014).
Must start at the starting year and go 1 year past the current year (ex. If Start = 2014, it will show 2014, 2015, 2016.
The value of the option must be the last day of the month in date format (ex. <option value="01/31/2015">January 2015</option>
<select class="s2 span4" name="desiredCompletion" placeholder="Select a Desired Completion Date">
<optgroup label="2016">
<option value="01/31/2016">Janurary 2016</option>
<option value="02/28/2016">Feburary 2016</option>
<option value="03/31/2016">March 2016</option>
<optgroup label="2015">
<option value="01/31/2015">Janurary 2015</option>
<option value="02/28/2015">Feburary 2015</option>
<option value="03/31/2015">March 2015</option>
<optgroup label="2014">
<option value="01/31/2014">Janurary 2014</option>
<option value="02/28/2014">Feburary 2014</option>
<option value="03/31/2014">March 2014</option>
This function should do:
function createYearSelect($from) {
// open select
echo "<select class=\"s2 span4\" name=\"desiredCompletion\" placeholder=\"Select a Desired Completion Date\">";
// for each year from the one specified to the one after current
foreach(range($from, date('Y') + 1) as $year) {
// open optgroup for year
echo "<optgroup label=\"$year\">";
// foreach month
foreach (range(1, 12) as $month) {
// timestamp of first day
$time = strtotime("$year-$month-01");
// create option with date() formatting
echo "<option value=\"".date("m/t/Y", $time)."\">".date("F Y", $time)."</option>";
// close optgroup for year
echo "</optgroup>";
// close select
echo "</select>";
Here's a bit more elegant way
foreach(range(2014, 2015) as $year){
foreach(range(1, 12) as $month){
echo date('Y.m.d', strtotime('Last day of ' . date('F', strtotime($year . '-' . $month . '-01')) . $year)) . PHP_EOL;
This outputs the list of the last days of months for the years in specified range.
Using the DateTime class you can create dates using natural language.
$date = new DateTime("-1 Year");
echo $date->format('F Y'); // Prints 'December 2014'
You can use a decrementing for loop to create many dates going back in time.
Check for the function below which gives the total number of days in a month
Further details are available at

PHP - Displaying multiple years from the current year

I was wondering if someone could help me.
I want to display a dropdown ( select ) box with 10 years starting with the current year.
I know displaying the year is done by using
But im not sure how to display the 10 years after that automatically.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
echo('<select name="year">');
for ( $i = date("Y"); $i < date("Y")+11; $i++ )
echo('<option value="'.$i.'">'.$i.'</option>');
See result here
PHP has a slew of Date/Time functions.
One you have instantiated a DateTime Object, you'll be able to manipulate any date or time using simple date_add or date_sub functions...
However, for your situation, it would be possible and a lot simpler to simply iterate over the number of years you want in the dropdown and simply increase the value for each option.
$yearSpan = 10;
$currentYear = date("Y");
$html = '<select id="foobar">';
for($i = $currentYear; $i<=$yearSpan; $i++) {
$html .= "<option value='".$i."'>".$i."</option>";
$html .= '</select>';
That should populate $html with content similar to this -
<select id="foobar">
<option value="2012">2012</option>
<option value="2013">2013</option>
<option value="2014">2014</option>
<option value="2021">2021</option>
<option value="2022">2022</option>
You can try with this:
<option>Select One</option>
$year = date("Y");
$yearto = date("Y")+10;
while ($year <= $yearto)
echo "<option value='".$year."'>".$year."</option>";
