Dynamic explosion with specific character - php

I am trying to extract a string in php and convert them to comma separated strings
Here are some sample string I am working with and the results I need:
input :
G1_C2_S3_T5 or G4_C5_S4_T7_I6_H3
Result must be :
Input length can be dynamic for comma separation
Is this correct :
$arr = explode("_", $string, 2);
$first = $arr[0];
How can i do that in php?

Something like this should work, $string is the string you are working with
//explode by underscore
$parts = explode('_', $string);
$c = [];
//do until nothing else to pop from array
while (!empty($parts)) {
$c[] = implode('_', $parts);
//will pop element from end of array
$c = array_reverse($c);
//glue it with comma
echo implode(',', $c);

You should notice that the number of underscore-separated values in your initial string e.g. G4_C5_S4_T7_I6_H3 (6) is equal to the number of comma-separated values in your desired string e.g. G4,G4_C5,G4_C5_S4,G4_C5_S4_T7,G4_C5_S4_T7_I6,G4_C5_S4_T7_I6_H3 (6). So we'll use this number in our first loop $end = count($parts).
$str = "G4_C5_S4_T7_I6_H3";
$newstr = '';
$parts = explode('_', $str);
$comma = '';
for ($i = 0, $end = count($parts); $i < $end; $i++) {
$newstr .= $comma;
$underscore = '';
// build underscore-separated value
// index i is used to indicate up which value to stop at for each iteration
for ($j = 0; $j <= $i; $j++) {
$newstr .= $underscore . $parts[$j];
// set underscore after the first iteration of the loop
$underscore = '_';
// set comma after the first iteration of the loop
$comma = ',';
echo $newstr; // G4,G4_C5,G4_C5_S4,G4_C5_S4_T7,G4_C5_S4_T7_I6,G4_C5_S4_T7_I6_H3

The explosion is easy:
$parts = explode('_', $string);
Now you get a $parts array like [ 'G1', 'C2', 'S3', 'T5' ].
You want to convert this to an array so that each item is the concatenation of that item and every other item before it:
$prev = [ ];
function(&$value) use (&$prev) {
$prev[] = $value;
$value = implode('_', $prev);
Now $parts holds the elements:
print implode(', ', $parts);
G1, G1_C2, G1_C2_S3, G1_C2_S3_T5


Find the two longest strings separated by dash in PHP

I want to define two new variables as the longest strings from a given string. if the string does not contain any dashes, just choose it for both.
$s1=`welcome` // order not important
$s2=`holiday`// order not important
Solution with explode and sorting result array by length of words:
$orig = 'welcome-to-your-world';
$parts = explode('-', $orig);
if (1 < count($parts)) {
usort($parts, function($a, $b) { return strlen($a) < strlen($b); });
$s1 = array_shift($parts);
$s2 = array_shift($parts);
} else {
$s1 = $s2 = $orig;
echo $s1 . PHP_EOL . $s2;
Fiddle here.
It seems like your string is in dash-case (words in lower case separated by dashes).
So, you can do the following:
// convert origin in an array
$origin_array = explode("-", $origin);
//retrivies the first element from array
$s1 = '';
$s2 = '';
// get the longest string
foreach($origin_array as $word) {
if(strlen($word) > strlen($s1)) {
$s1 = $word;
// remove the longest word from the array
$origin_array = array_diff($origin_array, [$s1]);
// get the second longest string
foreach($origin_array as $word) {
if(strlen($word) > strlen($s2)) {
$s2 = $word;
I think that solves your problem. Hope that helps!
Note: This method is not efficient because it runs foreach twice. The other answer is better if you care about performance.
$orig = 'welcome-to-your-world';
$array = explode('-', $orig);
$lengths = array_map('strlen', $array);
$s1key = array_search(max($lengths), $lengths);
$s1 = $array[$s1key];
unset ($array[$s1key], $lengths[$s1key]);
$s2key = array_search(max($lengths), $lengths);
$s2 = $array[$s2key];

Replace hyphenated range expressions with all values which exist in the range

I have string as following:
$str = "Q1-Q4,A3-A6,S9-S11";
I need to replace the hyphen-separated substrings with a comma-separated string containing all values that exist within the range.
Desired output is Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,A3,A4,A5,A6,S9,S10,S11
|---^^^---| |---^^^---| |---^^---|
Q1-Q4 A3-A6 S9-S11
This should get you going. This separates the sequences, adds in extra items and returns all of this as an array you can conveniently use.
$str = "Q1-Q4,A3-A6,S9-S11";
$ranges = explode (',', $str);
$output = [];
foreach ($ranges as $range) {
$items = explode ('-', $range );
$arr = [];
$fillin = [];
$letter = preg_replace('/[^A-Z]/', '', $items[0]);
$first = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $items[0]);
$last = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', end($items));
for($i = $first; $i-1 < $last; $i++) {
$fillin[] = $letter . $i;
$output[] = $fillin;
var_dump( $output );
This is the kind of task that preg_replace_callback() is perfect for.
Match the range expressions, then create an array of values that fall within the range, implode that temporary attay with commas, and finally use that new string to replace the original range expression.
Code: (Demo)
$str = "Q1-Q4,A3-A6,S9-S11";
echo preg_replace_callback(
fn($m) => implode(
fn($i) => $m[1] . $i,
range($m[2], $m[3])
// Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,A3,A4,A5,A6,S9,S10,S11

I want to filter a string and to make an array using php

This is my sample string (this one has five words; in practice, there may be more):
$str = "I want to filter it";
Output that I want:
$output[1] = array("I","want","to","filter","it");
$output[2] = array("I want","want to","to filter","filter it");
$output[3] = array("I want to","want to filter","to filter it");
$output[4] = array("I want to filter","want to filter it");
$output[5] = array("I want to filter it");
What I am trying:
$text = trim($str);
$text_exp = explode(' ',$str);
$len = count($text_exp);
$output[$len][] = $text; // last element
$output[1] = $text_exp; // first element
This gives me the first and the last arrays. How can I get all the middle arrays?
more generic solution that works with any length word:
$output = array();
$terms = explode(' ',$str);
for ($i = 1; $i <= count($terms); $i++ )
$round_output = array();
for ($j = 0; $j <= count($terms) - $i; $j++)
$round_output[] = implode(" ", array_slice($terms, $j, $i));
$output[] = $round_output;
You can do that easily with regular expressions that give you the most flexibility. See below for the way that supports dynamic string length and multiple white characters between words and also does only one loop which should make it more efficient for long strings..
$str = "I want to filter it";
$count = count(preg_split("/\s+/", $str));
$results = [];
for($i = 1; $i <= $count; ++$i) {
$expr = '/(?=((^|\s+)(' . implode('\s+', array_fill(0, $i, '[^\s]+')) . ')($|\s+)))/';
preg_match_all($expr, $str, $matches);
$results[$i] = $matches[3];
You can use a single for loop and if conditions to do
$str = "I want to filter it";
$text = trim($str);
$text_exp = explode(' ',$str);
$len = count($text_exp);
if($i+1<count($text_exp) && $text_exp[$i+1]!='')
$output2[]=$text_exp[$i].' '.$text_exp[$i+1];
if($i+2<count($text_exp) && $text_exp[$i+2]!='')
$output3[]=$text_exp[$i].' '.$text_exp[$i+1].' '.$text_exp[$i+2];
if($i+3<count($text_exp) && $text_exp[$i+3]!='')
$output4[]=$text_exp[$i].' '.$text_exp[$i+1].' '.$text_exp[$i+2].' '.$text_exp[$i+3];
if($i+4<count($text_exp) && $text_exp[$i+4]!='')
$output5[]=$text_exp[$i].' '.$text_exp[$i+1].' '.$text_exp[$i+2].' '.$text_exp[$i+3].' '.$text_exp[$i+4];

How to get substring of comma delimited string?

I have a comma delimited string and want the first 100 entries (not including the 100th comma) as a single string.
So for example if I had the string
And the problem was get the first 3 entries, the desired result string would be
Using explode/implode:
$str = 'a,b,c,d,e,f,g';
$temp1 = explode(',',$str);
$temp2 = array_slice($temp1, 0, 3);
$new_str = implode(',', $temp2);
Using regex:
$new_str = preg_replace('/^((?:[^,]+,){2}[^,]+).*$/','\1',$str);
try php's explode() function.
$string_array = explode(",",$string);
Loop through the array to get the values you want:
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($string_array); $i++)
echo $string_array[$i];//display values
You can do so by finding the 100th delimiter:
$delimiter = ',';
$count = 100;
$offset = 0;
while((FALSE !== ($r = strpos($subject, $delimiter, $offset))) && $count--)
$offset = $r + !!$count;
echo substr($subject, 0, $offset), "\n";
or similarly tokenize it:
$delimiter = ',';
$count = 100;
$len = 0;
$tok = strtok($subject, $delimiter);
while($tok !== FALSE && $count--)
$len += strlen($tok) + !!$count;
$tok = strtok($delimiter);
echo substr($subject, 0, $len), "\n";
One way is to split the string after a comma and put the first 100 indexes together (comma-separated).
Before this you have to check if count(array) is greater or smaller than 100.

Modify numbers inside a string PHP

I have a string like this:
$string = "1,4|2,64|3,0|4,18|";
Which is the easiest way to access a number after a comma?
For example, if I have:
$whichOne = 2;
If whichOne is equal to 2, then I want to put 64 in a string, and add a number to it, and then put it back again where it belongs (next to 2,)
Hope you understand!
genesis'es answer with modification
$search_for = 2;
$pairs = explode("|", $string);
foreach ($pairs as $index=>$pair)
$numbers = explode(',',$pair);
if ($numbers[0] == $search_for){
//do whatever you want here
//for example:
$numbers[1] += 100; // 100 + 64 = 164
$pairs[index] = implode(',',$numbers); //push them back
$new_string = implode('|',$pairs);
$numbers = explode("|", $string);
foreach ($numbers as $number)
$int[] = intval($number);
$string = "1,4|2,64|3,0|4,18|";
$coordinates = explode('|', $string);
foreach ($coordinates as $v) {
if ($v) {
$ex = explode(',', $v);
$values[$ex[0]] = $ex[1];
To find the value of say, 2, you can use $whichOne = $values[2];, which is 64
I think it is much better to use the foreach like everyone else has suggested, but you could do it like the below:
$string = "1,4|2,64|3,0|4,18|";
$whichOne = "2";
echo "Starting String: $string <br>";
$pos = strpos($string, $whichOne);
//Accomodates for the number 2 and the comma
$valuepos = substr($string, $pos + 2);
$tempstring = explode("|", $valuepos);
$value = $tempstring[0]; //This will ow be 64
$newValue = $value + 18;
//Ensures you only replace the index of 2, not any other values of 64
$replaceValue = "|".$whichOne.",".$value;
$newValue = "|".$whichOne.",".$newValue;
$string = str_replace($replaceValue, $newValue, $string);
echo "Ending String: $string";
This results in:
Starting String: 1,4|2,64|3,0|4,18|
Ending String: 1,4|2,82|3,0|4,18|
You could run into issues if there is more than one index of 2... this will only work with the first instance of 2.
Hope this helps!
I know this question is already answered, but I did one-line solution (and maybe it's faster, too):
$string = "1,4|2,64|3,0|4,18|";
$whichOne = 2;
$increment = 100;
echo preg_replace("/({$whichOne},)(\d+)/e", "'\\1'.(\\2+$increment)", $string);
Example run in a console:
noice-macbook:~/temp% php 6642400.php
See http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.preg-replace.php
