Symfony there are no commands defined in the "make" namespace - php

Following the documentation found here I enter php bin/console make:entity Product in Terminal and get the following error:
There are no commands defined in the "make" namespace.

Maybe you were using the prod environment?
The website-skeleton puts the Maker Bundle in the require-dev section of your composer.json by default:
"require-dev": {
"symfony/maker-bundle": "^1.0",
If you've set APP_ENV=prod in your .env file and ran bin/console it would ignore all dev requirements and thus wouldn't enable the Maker Bundle.
Simply enabling the dev environment again (APP_ENV=dev) would do the trick then.

make is a command of doctrine component. Just add doctrine maker.
composer require doctrine maker

You need Symfony 3.4 or higher. For Symfony 3.4 you will need to add it to the registerBundles function in config/AppKernerl():
if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
// [...]
$bundles[] = new \Symfony\Bundle\MakerBundle\MakerBundle();
Bear in mind that the environment where it is installed is 'dev'.

composer remove maker
composer require maker --dev
and then
php bin/console make:entity Product

You must define the "dev" env in the command line :
php bin/console --env dev
php bin/console make:entity Product --env dev

The problem just happend to me.
I was in test environment.
You have to be in dev environment.
Check APP_ENV value in .env file. It must be the following :

I think you are in prod environment. Check if your the value of APP_ENV inside .env file is not equals to prod.
In case you generate a .env.local file, you have to delete it in your dev environment.

You can use composer for installer maker bundle, you have install a light version of symfony.
composer require symfony/maker-bundle
but if you have this problem surely need composer doctrine and security
composer require doctrine/orm
require doctrine/doctrine-bundle
composer require symfony/security-bundle
composer require doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle
Now you have this with php bin/console !
make make:auth Creates a Guard authenticator of
different flavors
make:command Creates a new console command class
make:controller Creates a new controller class
make:crud Creates CRUD for Doctrine entity class
make:docker:database Adds a database container to your
docker-compose.yaml file
make:entity Creates or updates a Doctrine entity
class, and optionally an API Platform resource
make:fixtures Creates a new class to load Doctrine
make:form Creates a new form class
make:message Creates a new message and handler
make:messenger-middleware Creates a new messenger middleware
make:migration Creates a new migration based on
database changes
make:registration-form Creates a new registration form system
make:reset-password Create controller, entity, and
repositories for use with symfonycasts/reset-password-bundle
make:serializer:encoder Creates a new serializer encoder class
make:serializer:normalizer Creates a new serializer normalizer
make:stimulus-controller Creates a new Stimulus controller
make:subscriber Creates a new event subscriber class
make:test [make:unit-test|make:functional-test]
Creates a new test class
make:twig-extension Creates a new Twig extension class
make:user Creates a new security user class
make:validator Creates a new validator and constraint
make:voter Creates a new security voter class

If you have installed symfony / maker-bundle for the dev mode you will only be able to use it for this mode. If you are in
prod mode then go to dev mode and try again

Try composer require symfony/maker-bundle --dev it work for me.

composer require symfony/maker-bundle --dev

To fix the problem you just create new project with (full properties), here is command for create a project:
symfony new --full project-name
after you create project like the command above, you now can able to use (make).


How to make an existing Symfony project --full?

I've made a Symfony app without the option --full inside the command line.
Further in the time, I realize that I need it.
symfony new codeOfTest
How to include required packages to add --full in an existing Symfony project ?
There is no way to do that automatically.
You could create a new bogus project with the --full option and just copy the dependancies from it's composer.json to your composer.json, then run composer install, that should be all you need !

Symfony - can't run created console command

I've created a file called GenerateRandomUserCommand.php inside vendor/symfony/console/Command. Its namespace is set to: Symfony\Component\Console\Command it extends Command aswell. Clean composer and Symfony installation. The problem is, I can't make command working. I write: php bin/console mycommand (it is set of course in class) and I have a message: Command "mycommand" is not defined.
What's the problem? I did nothing in kernel or config, everything is default.
It's need to see that not working command file. But I can suggest to you use symfony maker bundle.
First, require bundle for dev env: composer require maker --dev
Then simply type in console bin/console make:command. After typing name it was generate command skeleton with some simple example. And I beleive that's all you need =)
The problem was, I must register command. Despite of autoregistering provided by Symfony...

The Symfone "doctrine:fixtures:load" command missing

I have Symfony 3.1 project with Doctrine and
doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle and
doctrine/data-fixtures installed.
However, when i run a console command
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
i get a message saying that there are no commands defined in the doctrine:fixtures namespace.
The class Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\Command\LoadDataFixturesDoctrineCommand exists.
Please suggest how to fix that.
Run first php bin/console and see if the command appear in the list.
If it doesn't, then you have to load the bundle in the AppKernel.php
$bundles[] = new Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\DoctrineFixturesBundle();
php bin/console default environment is PROD
and fixtures proper installation is require-dev
so proper function call is:
php bin/console --env=dev doctrine:fixtures:load
Also rm -rf var/cache worked for me (after the bundle registration)
Data Fixtures Mechanism requires a special bundle. It is not included in Sf by default.
and install it.
Bundle called DoctrineFixturesBundle. You can also find there many useful information how to use fixtures.
So that why you've got message "Command is not defined".

symfony2 tutorial - generate bundle

I am new to symfony2 but not to symfony. I am currently doing the symblog tutorial. Its going ok so far however I have come a little stuck on the generate bundle?
The tutorial says to run the following command
php app/console generate:bundle --namespace=Blogger/BlogBundle --format=yml
After completing that it should add reference/generate code to the bundle in the
However it has not added anything?... I'm a bit confused? The console outputs the following but the code references to the bundle have not been generated in the files
Welcome to the Symfony2 bundle generator
Your application code must be written in bundles. This command helps
you generate them easily.
Each bundle is hosted under a namespace (like Acme/Bundle/BlogBundle).
The namespace should begin with a "vendor" name like your company name, your
project name, or your client name, followed by one or more optional category
sub-namespaces, and it should end with the bundle name itself
(which must have Bundle as a suffix).
See for more
details on bundle naming conventions.
Use / instead of \ for the namespace delimiter to avoid any problem.
Bundle namespace [Blogger/BlogBundle]:
You can use this without interaction . then it won't ask you anything
php app/console generate:bundle --namespace=Blogger/BlogBundle --format=yml --no-interaction
From generate:bundle --help
If you want to disable any user interaction, use --no-interaction but don't forget to pass all needed options:
php app/console generate:bundle --namespace=Acme/BlogBundle --dir=src [--bundle-name=...] --no-interaction
I have bash functions for these long commands.
genbundle () {
php app/console generate:bundle --namespace=$1/$2Bundle --bundle-name=$2Bundle --dir=src/ --format=yml
You can use it like this: "genbundle Acme Blog", It'll create a BlogBundle in the Acme app.
If I understood what's going on correctly, you have to go on the process. It's step-by-step where you answer the questions. Keep answering everything asked, and then the console will tell when it created the bundle.
Note: the value in [...] are the default value if you just press enter when the console asks you something.
Old Command:
php app/console generate:bundle --namespace=Blogger/BlogBundle --format=yml --no-interaction
In new symfony version 3.1.4, "app/console" is no more working.
Instead add "bin/console" in above command
So the New command will be
php bin/console generate:bundle --namespace=Blogger/BlogBundle --format=yml --no-interaction

Symfony 2.1 configuration of FOSUserBundle 'Class 'FOS\UserBundle\FOSUserBundle' not found in app/AppKernel.php

I am using symfony on Windows and I tried to configure FOSUserBundle as described in the official documentation
When I run php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force I get this message:
Class 'FOS\UserBundle\FOSUserBundle' not found in app/AppKernel.php line 24;
I configured the AppKernel.php as I should:
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// The rest
new FOS\UserBundle\FOSUserBundle(),
return $bundles;
MyFOSUserBundle.php file is located at vendor/friendsofsymfony/user-bundle/FOS/UserBundle
I think that you need to register a namespace also in autoload ex.:
//all the rest
'FOS' => $vendor_dir . '/bundles',
It should be done by composer here. So run php composer update. If you're using cache like APC remember to restart the apache.
But remember that the APC is loaded from bootstrap.php.cache witch is generated by php composer update.
I had the same problem. I found out that the FOSUserBundle was not properly installed. You should delete your /vendor/friendsofsymfony/ directory and then run the update the bundle using:
php composer.phar update friendsofsymfony/user-bundle
This worked for me. I hope it helps someone else having the same problem.
