I need your help to build a query in Laravel either eloquent or DB query would do too.
My table name is Users
To see the DB structure, open the following link:
Every user row has 2 columns referral_code and referred_by_code which means every user can refer to someone and earn bonus similarly the same user was also been referred by some one.
I would like to return the information on page with loop in users details along with Username of the user who had referred him to this. To track the same I created those 2 columns in the same table i.e.: referral_code and referred_by_code.
I do not know how to write this in 1 query or how to combine 2 queries and get the desired results.
My controller code looks like below:
$obj_users = User::get();
$codes = [];
$referrers = [];
foreach( $obj_users as $referred_by_code )
//Following fetches all user's referred_by_code's code
$codes[] = $referred_by_code->referred_by_code;
foreach ($codes as $code)
//Following fetches usernames of the given referred_by_code's codes
$referrers[] = User::where('referral_code', $code)->first()->username;
return view('users.users', compact(['users', 'paginate', 'referrers']));
The returning $users variable provides me loop of users data but I do not know how to attach those referrer's username to that object.
I tried my level best to describe, please ask incase what I said doesn't make sense, will be happy to provide further clarification.
You can add into your User model the following relationship:
public function referredBy()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'referred_code', 'referral_code');
In your controller you can use:
$users = User::with('referredBy')->get();
return view('users.users', compact('users'));
and later in your view you can use:
#foreach ($users as $user)
{{ $user->username }} referred by {{ $user->referredBy ? $user->referredBy->username : '-' }}
I'm pretty new when it comes to Laravel & I've been trying to code this mini-account management system where I can insert accounts manually alongside their companies & salaries and delete them (pretty basic CRUD) - I'm showing these database entries in a table. Now I want to take things further by creating a button that'll re-fetch the table data and only show accounts with salary over $40,000 - and I'm kinda confused on how I approach something like this.
This is my AccountsController.php:
public function showsalary(Account $account)
$query = DB::table('accounts')->where('salary','>=','45000')->get();
$ordersalaries = $query;
return view ('accounts',compact('ordersalaries'));
Route::get('showsalary', 'AccountsController#showsalary')->name('accounts.showsalary');
And when I try to echo the rows in 'ordersalaries' variable, it says that it's not defined. Was hoping someone can show me how do I trigger the fetching on clicking a button and what am I doing wrong / missing here, thanks in advance..
in your controller
public function showsalary(Account $account)
$queries = DB::table('accounts')->where('salary','>=','45000')->get();
return view ('accounts',compact('queries'));
write this code in your view blade file.
#foreach ($queries as $query)
{{ $query->salary }}
I understand this might be really simple but I cannot get my head around it.
Say I am fetching all tickets
$tickets = Ticket::all();
And with a single line, I want to fetch all the users associated with each ticker, (every ticket has a field with user_id), is there a single line of code, which can do it in Laravel. I can do the old way to loop though each ticket and fecth the details for each user as below, but am just looking for best practices here.
foreach($tickets as $ticket):
$ticket->user = User::find($ticket->user_id);
i'm assuming you have defined a correct relationship in your models.
You can use eloquent relationship of laravel to get all tickets of users
$tickets = User::with('tickets')->get();
to get data if user has at least one ticket you can use the below code
$tickets = User::has('tickets')->get();
To get all tickets only:
$tickets = Ticket::all();
and then in your blade you can do:
#foreach($tickets as $ticket)
// getting user using relationship
{{ $ticket->user->name }}
or to get tickets associated with user you can use
$tickets = Ticket::whereHas('user', function ($q) {
to know more about relationships visit this
The first, you declare relation model Ticket with model User:
This is code in model Ticket:
public function user()
return $this->hasOne('App\Model\User', 'user_id', 'id'); //id is the primary key in User table
then fetching all tickets with user info
$tickets = Ticket::load('user')->all();
$tickets = Ticket::with('user')->all();
If you want to get the list of all tickets where has user, with the user associated with each ticket, try this:
$tickets = Ticket::whereHas('user', function ($query) {
If you are sure that all tickets have an associated user, use this:
$tickets = Ticket::with('user')->get();
I'm trying to make a simple "friends" system, by storing each friend id in a single column as a string separated with a comma.
I want to get the users by id and store them in an array:
public function getFriends() {
$friendids = explode(',', $this->friends);
$friends = [];
foreach ($friendids as $id) {
$friends[] = User::findOrFail($id);
return $friends;
So I can do this in my view:
#foreach ($user->getFriends() as $friend)
<p>Friend ID: {{ $friend->id }}</p>
<p>Friend Username: {{ $friend->username }}</p>
But I think I can't use findOrFail in the user model or what am I doing wrong?
To use the findOrFail($id) method, you should invoke the object type you want to get. Example:
foreach ($friendids as $id) {
$friends[] = User::findOrFail($id);
Although there's an existing answer, I wanted to provide an alternative solution that I personally feel is a better long-term solution.
Firstly, saving friends as an comma separated list isn't going to scale very well. It also massively limits the ability for you to do things such as 'friends of friends', and other more complex queries.
Really, you should have two tables, users and friends.
User model
public function acceptedFriends()
return $this->hasMany('App\Friend')->where('accepted', true);
public function pendingFriends()
return $this->hasMany('App\Friend')->where('accepted', false);
Now, when a friend request is rejected, you can simply delete the record in the Friends table.
Loading a user with their friends:
$user = User::find($id)->with('acceptedFriends')->firstOrFail();
Loading a user's friend requests:
$users = Friends::where('accepted', false)->where('target_user', $userId)->get();
You might want to also check out https://stackoverflow.com/a/25057320/972370. It's written by someone who is very well known in the Laravel community for advanced Eloquent usage.
I made 2 simple mistakes:
1) I removed User object from findOrFail()when looking for the mistake I made
2) I had specified user id's (friends) that did not exist in the databse, causing an error
I also improved the code a bit, by adding an optional parameter to get only x amount of users:
// App/User.php
public function getFriends($friends_to_get = null) {
$friendids = explode(',', $this->friends);
$friends = [];
$i = 0;
foreach ($friendids as $id) {
if (is_numeric($id)) {
$friends[] = User::findOrFail($id);
if (isset($friends_to_get) && $i < $friends_to_get) {
if (isset($friends_to_get) && $i == $friends_to_get) {
return $friends;
Now you can do something like this in your view:
#foreach ($user->getFriends() as $friend)
<p>Friend ID: {{ $friend->id }}</p>
<p>Friend Username: {{ $friend->username }}
Or if you want to get, for example, 6 friends only, you can do: $user->getFriends(6)
In my case, $user is the user of who's profile I'm currently viewing. If you want, you could also get your friends only, by doing Auth::user()->getFriends()
/Edit: Added is_numeric check in the foreach loop. This way you don't have to worry about first and last element in the column having an extra comma. Since explode adds an extra value to the array, if there's a comma in the end of the friends column. Now you can just add or remove x, from/to the column every time and not worry about fetching an object, that does not exist.
What is the Correct Way to retrieve a column value based on certain select filter on a Model variable availed by compact method inside the blade. (Larevl 5)
I read that Its a bad practice to query database staright from views, and hence i followed the convention to avail the required data with compact method to view
However, In a scenario where I need to query another table based on certain column value returned in foreach loop inside a blade from first table, I am unable to figure out correct Approach
Example: I have two Models User & Group
Schema User Table
Scheme Group Table
Here is the UserController -> compact method
$users = \App\User::all(array('id','name','email','group_id'));
$groups = \App\Group::all(array('id','group_name'));
return view('user.index', compact('users','groups'));
Here how the blade needs them
#foreach ($users as $user)
<!-- Here i need to run something like
select group_name from group where id = $user->id -->
{{$groups->where('id','=',$user->group_id) }}
I know this returns an array , and I'have two questions here
How to get the value for group_name column from the Group Model based on group.id = $user->id in a foreach loop
Since Its a bad practice to query db from blade, how would I avail the values from a model by passing data via compact from controller to blade, when the where clause parameter's are not yet known.
Edit 1:
I modified the last group query as
#foreach($groups as $group)
And I was able to get the result, however this again isn't a correct approach , so question remain unanswered
In User model
public function group()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Group');
In Group model
public function users()
return $this->hasMany('App\User');
In your controller
$users = \App\User::with('group')->get();
return view('user.index', compact('users'));
Now in your view you can do
I appreciate the fact that you know "It's bad practice to query from view".
Why don't you use join.
DB::table('users')->join('groups', 'users.group_id', '=', 'groups.id')->get();
Then pass the result to your view and loop through it.
Here you will have each user data associated with his group data.
This is what I want to do:
Display a checkbox for the tvshow field entry(from the tvshow table) only if that field entry doesn't match the entries for a given user id in the 'watchedtvshow' table
Table structure for 'tvshow':
id tvshow
Table structure for 'watchedtvshow'
id uid tvid(id of the tvshow)
Here is my controller method:
$tvshow = TVShow::with('watchedtvshow')->get();
return View::make('browse',['tvshow' => $tvshow]);
My View:
#foreach($tvshow as $show)
{{ $show->title }} {{ 'a checkbox' }}
What I tried:
In my controller method:
$tvshow = TVShow::with('watchedtvshow')->get();
$uid = NULL;
$uid = Auth::user()->id;
return View::make('browse',[
'tvshow' => $tvshow,
'uid' => $uid,
In my view:
#foreach($tvshow as $show)
{{ $show->title }}
#foreach($show->watchedtvshow as $watchedtvshow)
#if($watchedtvshow->uid == $uid)
{{'don't show checkbox'}}
{{'show checkbox'}}
The problem:
The thing is the second foreach loop executes only for the times it finds a watched tv show, otherwise it doesn't. So it just won't show any checkboxes.
I'm not an experienced coder, haven't really encountered anything like this before, I've spent three whole days trying to solve this, using count, for loops and what not, but I can't. Does anybody know how to achieve this?
First off a quick pointer: you can get the logged-in user's ID with Auth::id() rather than having to set it to null, then check if they're logged in then get the id directly off the model.
As for your problem, you're quite right that using the code you have you won't be getting the full story. What you need to do is get a list of all TV shows (regardless of user having it) and additionally a list of all TV shows the user has seen. Now, you can do this many ways, but the best 'Laravel way' is to model the relationship between User and TVShow. Your code doesn't mention this so I won't assume you have already done it. Your database is, of course, already set up for this so all you need to do is create the relationship. In this case, the relationship you need is a belongsToMany (a user can 'have' (have watched) many shows, and a show can 'have' (have been watched by) many users:
// in User.php
public function shows()
return $this->belongsToMany('TVShow', 'watchedtvshow', 'uid', 'tvid');
// in TVShow.php
public function users()
return $this->belongsToMany('User', 'watchedtvshow', 'tvid', 'uid');
Once you have this you can get a list of all users that have watched a show with:
Or you can get a list of all shows a user has watched with:
Now putting that all together you should use Laravel's collections to detect whether a given item if in both arrays:
// in the controller:
$shows = TVShow::all();
if (Auth::check()) {
$watched = Auth::user()->shows;
} else {
// just create an empty collection so we can assume a consistent API
$watched = new \Illuminate\Support\Collection;
return View::make('browse', compact('shows', 'watched'));
// in browse.blade.php
#foreach($shows as $show)
{{ $show->title }}
#if ($watched->contains($show)
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span>
Something like that?