When i use aggregatein PHP, i get error:
MongoResultException: localhost:27017: The 'cursor' option is
required, except for aggregate with the explain argument
I use mongoDB 3.6 and PHP 5.6
Please see the photo
My Code:
$dbconn = new MongoClient();
$c = $dbconn->selectDB("test")->selectCollection("users");
$ops = array(
'$lookup' => array(
'from' => 'news',
'localField' => '_id',
'foreignField' => 'user_id',
'as' => 'user_docs'
$results = $c->aggregate($ops);
For other people who may run into the same problem, here is the solution.
The aggregator command was modified in version 3.6, as indicated in the documentation:
Changed in version 3.4: MongoDB 3.6 removes the use of aggregate command without the cursor option unless the command includes the explain option. Unless you include the explain option, you must specify the cursor option.
In Mongo, you could just add the cursor option without specifying any parameter, as specified in the documentation:
cursor: {}
In PHP, you would need to specify the option like this, new stdClass()corresponding to an empty object '{}' in Mongo :
$results = $c->aggregate($ops, ['cursor' => new \stdClass()]);
Here's how to do it for your example :
$dbconn = new MongoClient();
$c = $dbconn->selectDB("test")->selectCollection("users");
$ops = array(
'$lookup' => array(
'from' => 'news',
'localField' => '_id',
'foreignField' => 'user_id',
'as' => 'user_docs'
$results = $c->aggregate($ops, ['cursor' => new \stdClass()]);
If you want to take advantage of calling 'cursor' to add parameters, such as batchSize, you can do it like this :
$results = $c->aggregate($ops, ['cursor' => ['batchSize' => 200]]);
All the parameters are listed in the documentation page linked above.
I'm trying to use the Firebase PHP API to update/append a document field's array with a map
I have the following code in Python that works fine
ref = db.collection(u'jobs').document(jobId)
u'messages': firestore.ArrayUnion([{
u'category': u'0',
u'message': u'TEST',
u'sender': u'TEAM',
Though when I try to replicate it in PHP, it doesn't work. I tried a lot of different ways to view the errors, but all I get is 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Google\Cloud\Firestore\FirestoreClient;
use Google\Cloud\Firestore\FieldValue;
$firestore = new FirestoreClient([
'projectId' => 'XXX-XX',
'credentials' => 'key.json'
$jobId = "XXXX";
$docRef = $firestore->collection('jobs')->document($jobId);
'messages' => FieldValue::arrayUnion([{
'category' : '0',
'message' : 'TEST',
'sender' : 'TEAM',
I looked up samples of Array Union in PHP, adding data with PHP. I've tried a lots of variations of : or => or arrayUnion([]) or arrayUnion({[]}) to no avail.
Any idea what is causing this?
Looks like there's a few things going wrong here.
First, PHP uses arrays for both maps and "normal" arrays. There is no object literal ({}) in PHP. Array values are specified using the => operator, not :.
Second, DocumentReference::update() accepts a list of values you wish to change, with the path and value. So an update call would look like this:
['path' => 'foo', 'value' => 'bar']
You can use DocumentReference::set() for the behavior you desire. set() will create a document if it does not exist, where update() will raise an error if the document does not exist. set() will also replace all the existing fields in the document unless you specify merge behavior:
'foo' => 'bar'
], ['merge' => true]);
Therefore, your code can be re-written as either of the following:
$jobId = "XXXX";
$docRef = $firestore->collection('jobs')->document($jobId);
'messages' => FieldValue::arrayUnion([[
'category' => '0',
'message' => 'TEST',
'sender' => 'TEAM',
], ['merge' => true]);
$jobId = "XXXX";
$docRef = $firestore->collection('jobs')->document($jobId);
'path' => 'messages', 'value' => FieldValue::arrayUnion([[
'category' => '0',
'message' => 'TEST',
'sender' => 'TEAM',
One final thing to note: arrayUnion will not append duplicate values. So if the value you provide (including all keys and values in the nested map) already exists, it will not be appended to the document.
If you haven't already, turn up error reporting in your development environment to receive information about why your code is failing. PHP will inform you about the parse errors your snippet included, and the Firestore client will give you errors which can often be quite useful.
From Firebase Documentation:
$cityRef = $db->collection('cities')->document('DC');
// Atomically add a new region to the "regions" array field.
['path' => 'regions', 'value' => FieldValue::arrayUnion(['greater_virginia'])]
I would assume you would like something like this:
$docRef = $firestore->collection('jobs')->document($jobId);
// Atomically add new values to the "messages" array field.
['path' => 'messages', 'value' => FieldValue::arrayUnion([[
'category' : '0',
'message' : 'TEST',
'sender' : 'TEAM',
I am using mongoDB library from link with CI. I want to join two tables so I found it can be done using lookup
I am using below code for it
$this->load->library('mongo_db',array('activate' => 'default'),'mongo_db');
$res = $this->mongo_db->aggregate(
'$lookup' => array(
'from' => 'secondTable',
'localField' => '_id',
'foreignField' => 'foreignKey',
'as' => 'user',
echo '<pre>'; print_r($res);
It gives error as
Aggregation operation failed: localhost:27017: The 'cursor' option is required, except for aggregate with the explain argument
How I can add cursor in this case
I checked other similar answers but not getting how I can add cursor in this case
You can use the another codeigniter library from here. This library allows you to pass the aggregation options.
You can try below aggregation query. Set batchsize to 0 to have mongodb use server's default batch size.
$res = $this->mongo_db->aggregate(
'$lookup' => array(
'from' => 'secondTable',
'localField' => '_id',
'foreignField' => 'foreignKey',
'as' => 'user',
array('cursor' => array('batchSize' => 0))
More information here
Specify a document that contains options that control the creation of
the cursor object.
Changed in version 3.6: MongoDB 3.6 removes the use of aggregate
command without the cursor option unless the command includes the
explain option. Unless you include the explain option, you must
specify the cursor option.
To indicate a cursor with the default batch size, specify cursor: {}.
To indicate a cursor with a non-default batch size, use cursor: {
batchSize: }.
I'm currently working with the current PHP MongoDB\Driver .
I need to use an geoNear query to fetch points from my current location. The required 2dsphere index is already set, the query works in the console and delivers multiple results:
db.runCommand({geoNear: 'pois', near: [ 52.264633, 6.12485 ], spherical: true, maxDistance: 1000, distanceField: 'distance'})
Since the previous methods are deprecated, I can't use the old aggregate functions.
I'm now trying to find the right way to build the query I need with the current Query or Command classes.
What I've tried is the following:
$query = array(
'geoNear' => 'pois',
"near" => array(
"spherical" => true,
"maxDistance" => 1000,
"distanceField" => "distance"
$cmd = new MongoDB\Driver\Command($query);
$returnCursor = $this->conn->executeCommand("database.pois", $cmd);
$arrReturn = $returnCursor->toArray();
return $arrReturn;
If I use this, I will return this Runtime Error:
"exception": [
"type": "MongoDB\\Driver\\Exception\\RuntimeException",
"code": 18,
"message": "Failed to decode document from the server."
I couldn't find a solution for my case and also I couldn't find more information to this error.
If I change the Command up to a Query, the execution doesn't fail, but there are no results.
My mongodb is on the version 3.2, my PHP version is PHP Version 7.0.16-4+deb.sury.org~trusty+1 and the mongodb Exension is version 1.2.3
You can use the aggregate in the following way with new driver.
$pipeline = array(array(
'$geoNear'=> array(
'near' => array(
'spherical' => true,
'maxDistance' => 1000,
'distanceField' => "distance"
$cmd = new \MongoDB\Driver\Command([
'aggregate' => 'pois',
'pipeline' => $pipeline
$returnCursor = $this->conn->executeCommand("database", $cmd);
$arrReturn = $returnCursor->toArray();
There is also a Library from Mongo that expands the default functionality of the driver to make it a little more user friendly
but as its not built into the php website its easy to miss
MongoDB\Collection::aggregate($pipeline, $options)
$pipeline = array(array(
'$geoNear'=> array(
'near' => array(
'spherical' => true,
'maxDistance' => 1000,
'distanceField' => "distance"
Following this question I gather that upsert: false and multi: true fields need to be set for this to work.
However, when I try to code this in PHP, I have a problem:
$conn = new Mongo("mongodb://foo:bar#localhost:27017");
$db = $conn->selectDB("someDB");
$data = array('$rename' => array(
'nmae' => 'name'
'findAndModify' => 'foo',
'update' => $data,
'upsert' => 'false',
'multi' => 'true'
After running this script, only the first document with the nmae typo is changed to name; the rest still say nmae. The same as if I had run it without the upsert and multi options.
I also tried this:
$data = array('$rename' => array(
'nmae' => 'name'
'upsert' => 'false',
'multi' => 'true'
'findAndModify' => 'foo',
'update' => $data
But that does the same thing.
Any way to get this working?
The findAndModify query doesn't have a "multi" option:
What you probably want to use is update instead:
I have been able to retrieve a full list of tags from all my EC2 instances using the PHP SDK but I'm struggling to filter the results down to a particular instance...
// Collect instance information
$sInstanceId = file_get_contents(''); // 'i-52da5b1f'
$sAvailabilityZone = file_get_contents(''); // 'eu-west-1b'
$sRegion = preg_replace('/^(.*)([0-9]{1})([a-zA-Z]{1})/', '$1$2', $sAvailabilityZone);
use Aws\Common\Aws;
use Aws\Ec2\Command\DescribeTags;
use Aws\Common\Enum\Region;
// Set up the global AWS factory
$oAWS = Aws::factory(array(
'region' => $sRegion
// Query EC2 for tags
$oEC2Client = $oAWS->get('ec2');
$oModel = $oEC2Client->describeTags()->toArray();
I've tried changing the call to describeTags to...
$oModel = $oEC2Client->describeTags(array(
"Filters" => array(
array("Name" => "resource-id", "Value" => $sInstanceId)
But that seems to make no difference.
Could someone shed some light on this for me please?
The API docs for Ec2Client.describeTags show that Value should actually be Values and should be an array. Try the following:
$oModel = $oEC2Client->describeTags(array(
"Filters" => array(
array("Name" => "resource-id", "Values" => array($sInstanceId))