Pass cell value from html table to another page - php

I have form1.php and preview.php files.In form1.php file,i have an html table which contains data from database.In every row,i have a column called "Preview" and there is an icon inside the cell.When the user clicks the icon,i want to redirect to preview.php and based on rowID,i will build a query and fill the form with extra data.Any ideas?
In form1.php file:
function GetValue()
var X = document.getElementById("myTable").rows[x.rowIndex].cells[5].innerHTML;
With alert() function i test the above script and it's working( eg. X = 3 ).How can i pass this variable into preview.php and create an if statement based on this variable?I tried $_SESSION variables but i couldnt find a solution.Thanks in advance!

you can use $_GET[rowid] to get valu through URL
function GetValue()
var X = document.getElementById("myTable").rows[x.rowIndex].cells[5].innerHTML;
in preview.php
use $_GET[rowid] to get row value from form1.php
echo $_GET[rowid];//it will print value passed from form1.php


Issue with displaying PHP code in HTML

I am using a slider in one HTML page and sending its value to the next page using a hidden textbox like this :
<script type="text/javascript">
var flowPercent = document.querySelector('#flow');
function sliderFunc()
var f = function(){
var x = flowPercent.value;'Page3.html?val=x','_parent');
And then I would like to display this in the next HTML page using PHP echo like this :
echo "Value is $val";
But neither the value nor "Hello" is being displayed. Why is this ?
How do I fix this ?
Thanks !
If your PHP-Code is contained in Page3.html, that page should have a .php-extension in order to execute the code. And also you are not posting anything, so $_POST will be useless...
Try window.opener.getElementById('textbox') instead to query the value...
Just change your page3.html to page3.php because you can't use php code in html file but you can use html code in php

jquery target input value inside divs with class checked

I am foreaching a number of suppliers in a quotation form, each with a checkbox element to tick which should be contacted. suppliers are in divs with class names supplier-checkbox, moreover upon selecting supplier the supplier-checkbox div gets appended with "checkedsupplier" or "uncheckedsupplier" class name.
<div class="supplier-checkbox checkedsupplier">
<input type="hidden" name="supplier-email" class="supplieremail" value="{$item->email}" />
</div> <!--end supplier checkbox-->
foreach supplier div I get a hidden input field within the div holding the supplier email as its value. idea is that upon submitting form I'd check for all div's with "checkedsupplier" class name and for each obtain the value of the input inside of it, hold all values in onelong variable and echo it into the To field of the email to replicate the quotation form to each supplier.
using jquery, I managed to toggle the class name and a background effect showing ticked or unticked with the below.
$(this).toggleClass('checkedsupplier uncheckedsupplier')
//$(this).children( ".supplieremail" ).attr("checked")
can anyone give me any pointers on how to foreach by class name and fetch value of each input inside every div with that class name using jquery. Im working on it and yet found the .each for looping .val for values and if (bar) for conditional. but am not yet experienced enough to put things together. have been working as a junior developer for 7 months now since graduating in networking which is a completely different field.
in the app.js file I'm obtaining the form values this way:
//this line is what i'm trying to do to get input values and store them in one var to pass them to php form that sends email $( "checksupplier" ).each(function( i ) {
thanks everyone on stack! I believe in you guys here you've all helped me throughout my studies and work.
** Update ** It's been modified to work as follows:
$( ".crew-member-con" ).click(function(){
$(this).toggleClass('whitebg greybg');
$(this).toggleClass('crew-checked crew-unchecked');
$(this).toggleClass('grey white');
if($(this).children('input').prop('checked') == true){
$(this).children('input').prop('checked', false);
$(this).children('input').prop('checked', true);
var selectedMembers='';
selectedMembers +=$(this).val()+', ';
if(selectedMembers != ''){
selectedMembers = selectedMembers.slice(0,-2);
$('#exam-member span').html(selectedMembers);
Here's an example with some notes.
$('.myform').submit(function () {
return false;
function getEmailAddresses () {
// a place to hold them
var emails = new Array();
// what will be after 'mailto'
var emailsString = "";
// get 'em
$('.checkedsupplier').each(function () {
// get the hidden email input value
var email = $(this).find('.supplieremail').val();
// check, just in case;
if (email) {
// push the value into our array
//put them all together into a string, split by a semi-colon
emailsString = emails.join(';');
// finally, stuff our mail to link.
// Not sure what you're plan is here but 'emailsString' has all of the values you eed.
$('.mailtolink').attr('href', 'mailto:'+emailsString);
$(this).toggleClass('checkedsupplier uncheckedsupplier')
//$(this).children( ".supplieremail" ).attr("checked")
var emails='';
emails +=$(this).val();
I hope this will help.

Create form dynamically in table

Using some code to create a form dynamically which I got here:
This works great. However I have a regular html table I generate with html/php to get data out of a DB. I want to replace that data with a form so when users click the edit button the original entry is replaced with a form (either textbox or pull down menu). The user makes a selection and the new table comes back with the appropriate edit.
So for example one part of the data has this in the table:
<td><?php echo $result[0] ?></td>
Using the link about to create a form dynamically I change this to:
<td id="paraID"><form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action enctype="text/plain" alt=""><?php echo $result[0] ?></form></td>
Also note the onclick event for the edit button:
This is hard to explain but hoping someone can help me with this interaction. I need some way to say:
if (user clicks edit button)
replace html table with form for each entry (for example, the table returns a name called foo and a textbox will appear with foo in it but now they can edit to change the name).
If you can start out with an id for the td then it will make things easier. Then you will need an edit button somewhere. Notice: It might be nice to replace "result_0" with the name for the value/field:
<td id="result_0_parent"><?php echo $result[0] ?><input type="button" onClick="editField('result_0','select')" value="Edit" /></td>
Then in your javascript you will have the editField function defined so that it sets the content of the td to be the dynamic form. Looking at makeForm function in the example javascript, you see this happening with appendChild(myform); The function editField will be like the makeForm function except you will pass in the field_id and field_type as parameters:
function editField(field_id, field_type)
I suggest you change the line that defines mypara to define mytd or better yet, field_parent instead since in your case it will not be a paragraph element, but a td (or possibly some other type of element):
field_parent = document.getElementById(field_id+"_parent");
The example code create a select (dropdown), but I am guessing you want to create other field input types so I recommended having field_type as a second parameter to the function. This means that it would make more sense for your implementation to use myfield instead of myselect and then use the field_type parameter to decide what myfield will be.
Replace the line in the makeForm / editField function:
One more thing: To set the initial value of the input field to be the displayed content, you will need to copy the "innerHTML" of the "parent" element. So place something like this right after defining field_parent:
initial_value = field_parent.innerHTML;
and I think you can figure out the rest. If not, I can elaborate a little more.
This works great. However I have a regular html table I generate with
html/php to get data out of a DB. I want to replace that data with a
form so when users click the edit button the original entry is
replaced with a form (either textbox or pull down menu). The user
makes a selection and the new table comes back with the appropriate
This is a script that allows with a double click on values to edit them and has a button to send them back. Maybe it would be of some help to use it (or use parts of it).
echo 'You gave:<br><per>';
echo '<a href=http://localhost/temp/run.php>Start over</a>';
<script type="text/javascript">
/**formEditor Class
function formEditorCls( )
Constructor simulator
this.lastFieldEditedId = null;
/** Change span with input box, hide the eddit button and store theses IDS
function (field)
//if there was a field edited previously
if(this.lastFieldEditedId != null);
//get the inner element of the div, it can be span or input text
var childElem = document.getElementById(field).getElementsByTagName('*')[0];
//then replace the span element with a input element
document.getElementById(field).innerHTML="<input type=text name=n_"+field+
" id=id_"+field+" value="+childElem.innerText+">";
//store what was the last field edited
this.lastFieldEditedId =field;
function ()
//get the last value
var lastValue = document.getElementById(this.lastFieldEditedId).
//store it as span
document.getElementById(this.lastFieldEditedId).innerHTML="<span ondblclick="+dbq+
"formEditor.edit("+sq+this.lastFieldEditedId+sq+");"+dbq+" >"+lastValue+"</span>" ;
//now must reset the class field attribute
function (path)
{;//if ay field was edited put new values in span elements
var form = document.createElement("form");//create a new form
form.setAttribute("method", "post");
form.setAttribute("action", path);
var myDiv = document.getElementById( "fieldsDiv" );//get the div that contains the fields
var inputArr = myDiv.getElementsByTagName( "SPAN" );//get all span elements in an array
//for each span element
for (var i = 0; i < inputArr.length; i++)
var hiddenField = document.createElement("input");//create an input elemet
hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
hiddenField.setAttribute("name", i);
hiddenField.setAttribute("value", inputArr[i].innerText);
form.appendChild(hiddenField);//append the input element
document.body.appendChild(form);//append the form
form.submit();//submit the form
formEditor = new formEditorCls( );
<body onclick="rt();">
Double click any value to change it..<br><br>
<div id="fieldsDiv">
Name:<font id="nameField">
<span ondblclick="formEditor.edit('nameField');" >Mark</span>
Surname:<font id="surnameField" >
<span ondblclick="formEditor.edit('surnameField');">Smith</span>
<input type=submit name="submit"
onclick="formEditor.submit('http://localhost/temp/run.php');" value="Submit">

jquery get href value and put into ajax.load

I have a page where ID is generated dynamically and be fetch from database and I put the result inside <a> tag :
<?php while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
{ ?>
ID Number 1<br />
ID Number 2
<?php } ?>
and when user click the link, the javascript myfunc() function will be trigger.
function myFunc(){
$("#div").load("get_id.php?","id="+"SHOW THE $row['id'] HERE"); }
But I don't know how to retrieve href value and put it inside the load() method. Can someone show me the correct way?
Thank you
Make sure that you generate a complete href attribute:
ID Number 1
and then attach a click handler unobtrusively (don't mix markup and javascript):
$(function() {
$('a').click(function() {
return false;

How do I use externalInterface to allow Flash to call javascript to update a value on the screen?

I have a Flash movie that is embeded in a PHP page. The PHP page displays a value to the user (the number of images they have uploaded). When the user uploads a new image I want the value on the PHP page to reflect the change without refreshing the page.
This value is retrieved from database using MySQL. So heres what Ive done so far -
On the PHP page where I want to show the value I have a div
<div id="content_info"><script type="text/javascript" src="getInfo.php?group= <?php echo($groupid); ?> "></script></div>
This calls an external PHP file that queries the database and outputs the result like this
Header("content-type: application/x-javascript");
//do the query with PHP and get $number and then output
echo "document.write(\" (".$number.")\")";
When the page loads for the first time the correct number shows in the div and so all works fine. The next step is to call something to update the contents of this div when the value changes. So I will set up externalInterface in flash to call a javascript function to do this.
This is where Im stuck, I want to be able to do something like this -
function ReplaceContentInContainer(id) {
var container = document.getElementById(id);
container.innerHTML = getInfo.php?type=new&group= <?php echo($groupid) ?>;
and call this by
I realise this isnt going to work but can anyone show me how to get this result?
many thanks
group= <?php echo($groupid); ?> will be executed only when PHP creates the page. You should store that value inside a variable in the javascript. See if this works.
<div id="scriptDiv">
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- store the group id -->
var groupID = <?php echo($groupid); ?>;
function getGroupID()
return groupID;
function updateValue(value)
document.getElementById("content_info").innerHTML = value;
<div id="content_info">
<!-- for initial value -->
<script type="text/javascript"
src="getInfo.php?group= <?php echo($groupid); ?> ">
Now you can use flash's URLLoader:
var ldr:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var gid:String ="getGroupID");
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("getInfo.php"); = {type:"new", group:gid};
ldr.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoad);
ldr.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onError);
private function onLoad(e:Event):void
var data:String = URLLoader(;"updateValue", data);
private function onError(e:IOErrorEvent):void
