Laravel - Initialize class only for specific routes - php

In my app I've got a group of routes which need some bootstraping before dispatching.
To illustrate the situation:
There is a special routes group with prefix 'app'. All of this routes have also some params:
Without these params user shouldn't be allowed to access route. I've got it done by creating a simple route middleware.
if (!$request->exists('age') || !$request->exists('else')) {
return redirect('/');
Next step is to initialize a class which takes route parameters as a construct arguments. Then param "else" is being used as a argument to db calls. I need to access this class in every route from /app route group.
In order to achive that I tried setting up a serviceprovider:
public function register()
$this->app->singleton(Dual::class, function ($app) {
return new Dual($this->app->request->all());
Then I created a special controller extending BaseController and passing Dual class to its constructor.
class DualController extends Controller
public function __construct(Request $request, Dual $dual)
$this->dual = $dual;
And then every single controller is extending DualController and accessing Dual class by $this->dual->method().
It is working if route params are in their place and there is already a row in a database.
The problem
This middleware is executed AFTER ServiceProvider & DualController are initializing class Dual. So, middleware is not really working. If route params are not present it is going to fail.
Moreover, in case that there is no required row in database for some reason, Dual class will not be initialized (as it depends on calls to db) and whole app will crash saying that I am trying to perform operations on null.
Desired behaviour
First check route for params presence.
Second, check if there is row in db with key from route.
Third - try to initialize Dual class and pass it to all controllers used by route group /app.
If any of the steps fail -> display proper message.
Part of dual class:
class Dual
protected $client = null;
public $config = [];
public function __construct($config)
$this->config = $config;
public function getEli()
$eli = Eli::where(['else' => $this->config['else']])->first();
return $eli;
public function instantiateClient()
$client = Client::factory(Client::ADAPTER_OAUTH, [
'entrypoint' => $this->getEli()->eli_url,
'client_id' => '111',
'client_secret' => '111',
return $client;
public function getClient()
if ($this->client === null)
throw new \Exception('Client is NOT instantiated');
return $this->client;
public function bootstrap()
$this->client = $this->instantiateClient();

You can do this in middleware:
$isElseExists = Model::where('else', request('else'))->first();
if (request('age') && request('else') && $isElseExists) {
return $next($request);
} else {
return back()->with('error', 'You are not allowed');
If everything is fine, controller method will be executed. Then you'll be able to inject Dual class without any additional logic.
If something is wrong, a user will be redirected to previous URI with error message flashed into session.


Laravel Validator Not Returning Key

I am creating a new API call for our project.
We have a table with different locales. Ex:
ID Code
1 fr_CA
2 en_CA
However, when we are calling the API to create Invoices, we do not want to send the id but the code.
Here's a sample of the object we are sending:
"locale_code": "fr_CA",
"billing_first_name": "David",
"billing_last_name": "Etc"
In our controller, we are modifying the locale_code to locale_id using a function with an extension of FormRequest:
// This function is our method in the controller
public function createInvoice(InvoiceCreateRequest $request)
$validated = $request->convertLocaleCodeToLocaleId()->validated();
// this function is part of ApiRequest which extend FormRequest
// InvoiceCreateRequest extend ApiRequest
// So it goes FormRequest -> ApiRequest -> InvoiceCreateRequest
public function convertLocaleCodeToLocaleId()
return $this;
$localeCode = $this->input('locale_code');
return $this['locale_id'] = NULL;
$locale = Locale::where(Locale::REFERENCE_COLUMN, $localeCode)->firstOrFail();
$this['locale_id'] = $locale['locale_id'];
return $this;
If we do a dump of $this->input('locale_id') inside the function, it return the proper ID (1). However, when it goes through validated();, it doesn't return locale_id even if it's part of the rules:
public function rules()
return [
'locale_id' => 'sometimes'
I also tried the function merge, add, set, etc and nothing work.
Any ideas?
The FormRequest will run before it ever gets to the controller. So trying to do this in the controller is not going to work.
The way you can do this is to use the prepareForValidation() method in the FormRequest class.
// InvoiceCreateRequest
protected function prepareForValidation()
// logic here
'locale_id' => $localeId,

Laravel constructor and method injection

I am having an issue setting up an injection on both the constructor and the method in a controller.
What I need to achieve is to be able to set up a global controller variable without injecting the same on the controller method.
From below route;
Route::group(['prefix' => 'test/{five}'], function(){
Route::get('/index/{admin}', 'TestController#index');
I want the five to be received by the constructor while the admin to be available to the method.
Below is my controller;
class TestController extends Controller
private $five;
public function __construct(PrimaryFive $five, Request $request)
$this->five = $five;
public function index(Admin $admin, Request $request)
dd($request->segments(), $admin);
return 'We are here: ';
When I run the above, which I'm looking into using, I get an error on the index method:
Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError thrown with message "Argument 1 passed to App\Http\Controllers\TestController::index() must be an instance of App\Models\Admin, string given"
Below works, but I don't need the PrimaryFive injection at the method.
class TestController extends Controller
private $five;
public function __construct(PrimaryFive $five, Request $request)
$this->five = $five;
public function index(PrimaryFive $five, Admin $admin, Request $request)
dd($request->segments(), $five, $admin);
return 'We are here: ';
Is there a way I can set the constructor injection with a model (which works) and set the method injection as well without having to inject the model set in the constructor?
One way you could do this is to use controller middleware:
public function __construct()
$this->middleware(function (Request $request, $next) {
$this->five = PrimaryFive::findOrFail($request->route('five'));
return $next($request);
The above is assuming that PrimaryFive is an Eloquent model.
This will mean that $this->five is set for the controller, however, since we're using forgetParameter() it will no longer be passed to your controller methods.
If you've specific used Route::model() or Route::bind() to resolve your five segment then you can retrieve the instance straight from $request->route('five') i.e.:
$this->five = $request->route('five');
The error is because of you cannot pass a model through the route. it should be somethiing like /index/abc or /index/123.
you can use your index function as below
public function index($admin,Request $request){}
This will surely help you.
Route::group(['prefix' => 'test/{five}'], function () {
Route::get('/index/{admin}', function ($five, $admin) {
$app = app();
$ctr = $app->make('\App\Http\Controllers\TestController');
return $ctr->callAction("index", [$admin]);
Another way to call controller from the route. You can control what do you want to pass from route to controller

Passing variable from middleware to controllers __construct to prevent repeating myself

I'm doing an existence check within a middleware, by checking a route-parameter.
If the check succeeds, I'm attaching it's model to the request to make it available throughout the rest of the request-cycle, application.
// App\Http\Middleware\CheckForExistence.php:
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
// some checks...
// success
'company' => $someModel
I now have a controller which 'needs' this information in a couple of methods. So my thought was to add it to the construct of the controller and add it as a protected var in the whole controller:
// App\Http\Controllers\MyController.php
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class MyController extends Controller
protected $company;
public function __construct(Request $request)
$this->company = $request->attributes->get('company');
public function index()
dd($this->company); // returns null
This controllers index() returns null instead of the give model.
If I change the index() method to:
public function index(Request $request)
return $request->attributes->get('company');
This returns the model; as expected.
Why is this happening? It looks like the middleware is not run when the controller is constructed.... Is there a way to circumvent it?
Or am I missing the obvious here.....
I could off course repeat myself in each method; but that is not very DRY ;)
You can't access the session or authenticated user in your controller's constructor because the middleware has not run yet, So you can do it like this :
public function __construct()
$this->middleware(function ($request, $next) {
$this->company = $request->attributes->get('company');
return $next($request);
For reasons currently unclear to me, the controller object is constructed before the request changes are reflected in the request object. In short the request is not considered properly constructed when a controller is constructed. This post seems to imply that.
There's two ways to work around this (if for a second we ignore what you're trying to do).
Use request dependency injection
public function index(Request $request)
$compary = $request->attributes->get('company');
This is not really WET because you're just swapping $this->company with $request->attributes->get('company') it's just a refactor. You should be injecting the request in the controller action anyway and if you don't want to do that you can use the request() helper.
Use a callback middleware in the constructor (Maraboc's answer explains how)
Now if you want a more case specific solution though you can use case specific dependency injection:
If you need to bind a model to a specific route parameter you can use route model binding and add the following in your RouteServiceProvider (or any provider).
Route::bind("companyAsARouteVarName", function () {
// this is why more details in the question are invaluable. I don't know if this is the right way for you.
// success
return $someModel;
Then you will register your route as:
Route::get("/something/{companyAsARouteVarName}", "SomeController#index");
and your controller will be:
public function index(Company $companyAsARouteVarName) {
Controller constructor will be initialized before middleware execution.
You can get data from Injected $request object in controller functions.

Having some trouble understanding Facades and Service Providers

I've been reading the documentation up and down now, still not sure what I'm doing wrong. In my opinion the documentation is very difficult to understand for a beginner.
Anyway, I'm trying to make something akin to the Auth::user() method, where it returns additional data about a logged in user that I will be needing for this application.
I have this helper class here:
namespace App\Helpers;
use Auth;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Models\Grouping\User;
use App\Models\Grouping\Client;
use App\Models\Grouping\Rank;
class ClientUser {
public function __construct($request) {
$this->request = $request;
public function client() {
return Client::find($this->request->session()->get('client_id'));
public function auth() {
if (Auth::check()) {
// Get the client
$client = $this->client();
// Get the client's user
$user = $client->users()->find(Auth::user()['id']);
// Get the rank of the logged in user
$rank = Rank::find($user->pivot->rank_id);
return [
'user' => $user,
'rank' => $rank,
'client' => $client
return null;
This is responsible for doing what I described, returning additional data that I can't get through Auth::user(). Now I'm trying to register this class in the AuthServiceProvider
public function register()
// Register client auth
$request = $this->app->request;
$this->app->singleton(ClientUser::class, function ($app) {
return new ClientUser($request);
Now what I don't understand is how I'm supposed to make this globally accessible throughout my app like Auth::user() is.
The problem with just making "importing" it is that it needs the request object, which is why I'm passing it through the service container.
Now here's where I'm stuck. I'm not able to access app in my controller or anywhere, and I can't define a Facade because a Facade expects you to return a string of the bound service that it should "alias?"
Change your service provider like this :
$this->app->bind('client.user', function ($app) {
return new ClientUser($app->request);
Create another class extended from Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade.
namespace App\Facades;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
class ClientUserFacade extends Facade {
public static function getFacadeAccessor(){
return "client.user";
Add 'ClientUser => ClientUserFacade::class in alias key of app.php

Laravel 5 requests: Authorizing and then parsing object to controller

I am not sure if I am using this correctly, but I am utilising the requests in Laravel 5, to check if the user is logged in and if he is the owner of an object. To do this I need to get the actual object in the request class, but then I need to get the same object in the controller?
So instead of fetching it twice, I thought, why not just set the object as a variable on the request class, making it accessible to the controller?
It works, but I feel dirty? Is there a more appropriate way to handle this?
Request Class
class DeleteCommentRequest extends Request {
var $comment = null;
public function authorize() {
$this->comment = comment::find(Input::get('comment_id'));
$user = Auth::user();
if($this->comment->user == $user)
return true;
return false;
public function rules() {
return [
'comment_id' => 'required|exists:recipes_comments,id'
Ex. Controller:
public function postDeleteComment(DeleteCommentRequest $request) {
$comment = $request->comment;
return $comment;
So what is my question? How do I best handle having to use the object twice when using the new Laravel 5 requests? Am I possibly overextending the functionality of the application? Is it ok to store the object in the application class so I can reach it later in my controller?
I would require ownership on the query itself and then check if the collection is empty.
class DeleteCommentRequest extends Request {
var $comment = null;
public function authorize() {
$this->comment = comment::where('id',Input::get('comment_id'))->where('user_id',Auth::id())->first();
return false;
return true;
public function rules() {
return [
'comment_id' => 'required|exists:recipes_comments,id'
Since you're wanting to use the Model in two different places, but only query it once I would recommenced you use route-model binding.
In your RouteServiceProvider class (or any relevant provider) you'll want to bind the comment query from inside the boot method. The first parameter of bind() will be value that matches the wildcard in your route.
public function boot()
app()->router->bind( 'comment_id', function ($comment_id) {
return comment::where('id',$comment_id)->where('user_id',Auth::id())->first();
} );
Once that's set up you can access the Model from your DeleteCommentRequest like so
Note: The variable is Comment_id because that's what matches your route, but it will contain the actual model.
From your controller you just inject it like so
public function postDeleteComment(Comment $comment, DeleteCommentRequest $request) {
return $comment;
