I want to import partial template in other partial.
For example, I'm already using header partial.
Current Structure is
-- header.blade.php
--+ partials
|__ nave.blade.php
In this case, I want to use nav partial in header partial.
But I was not available to add nav to header. I could see not found error.
Is there any special way to solve this issue?
Assuming you have a main.blade.php page.
The content is like this:
<section> Main Content {{$slot}} </section>
In header.blade.php, here is your content:
<div class="container">
<div id="app">
On your nav.blade.php page, here could be your content:
<nav id="navbar"> Nav Item </nav>
Then finally, in your footer partial, you can close the opened divs up:
</div>{{-- Closes the #app id --}}
</div> {{-- Closes the Container class --}}
<script>Your JS links and sources</script>
So, in essence, what all these suggest is that within any file, if you call the file path correctly, you can use and
embed any partial from anywhere. Note, the (dot) indentation suggests a level deep down in the files structure.
Which means, in your Views folder, this will be the structure of your subfolders:
- Views
- layouts.blade.php
- header.blade.php
- nav.blade.php
- footer.blade.php
- home.blade.php
I'am new to Laravel I just want to know the difference between #extends and #include
can I use #include to add template file in my laravel project.
To simply put it:
Using #include('') function you are including or adding an existing file.
Using #extends('') your are sending a portion of your file to the extended file.
Which is usually wrapped inside a #section('') function.
As per Laravel Documentation:
Blade's #include directive allows you to include a Blade view from
within another view. All variables that are available to the parent
view will be made available to the included view:
<!-- Form Contents -->
When defining a child view, use the Blade #extends directive to
specify which layout the child view should "inherit". Views which
extend a Blade layout may inject content into the layout's sections
using #section directives. Remember, as seen in the example above, the
contents of these sections will be displayed in the layout using
<!-- Stored in resources/views/child.blade.php -->
#section('title', 'Page Title')
<p>This is appended to the master sidebar.</p>
<p>This is my body content.</p>
Laravel -> Blade Templates -> Including Subviews
I was hoping someone could help me with my understanding when using the #sectoin and #yield commands inside a themosis 1.2 scout template.
Basically I have a view "/views/my-page.scout.php" with some basic html markup:
<div> some content </div>
enter code here
Then inside of another file located in "views/extras/extra-content.scout.php" I have the following:
<div>Some extra content</div>
Im not sure why my #yield is not working, I know I could just use #include but I wanted to get a better understanding of using #yield. Ive checked out the laravel and themosis documentation but im still confused.
Any help would be most appreciated. :)
File location: /views/extras/extra-content.scout.php
File name: extra-content.scout.php
File Contents:
<div>Some extra content</div>
File location: /views/my-page.scout.php
File name: my-page.scout.php
File Contents:
<div> some content </div>
File : my-page.scout.php
<div> some content </div>
{{-- or include here #include('extras.extra-content') --}}
{{-- or include here #include('extras.extra-content') --}}
the file extra-content should be included explicitily in this file or any file it's extending/including.
yield will just store the content in a variable with will be available in this file.
In your use case, including may be the best way, because your file contains only that section. imagine a extra-content file where you will output some content and handle 'extra-content` variable
section content will always be placed where you yield it.
this code
i want to place to place this content somewhere
will be interpreted as:
$sections['my-content'] = 'i want to place to place this content somewhere';
is intepreted as
echo isset($sections['my-content']) ? $section['my-content']:'';
Edit imagine your file extra-content where you define the section doesn't contains only the section definition:
File: extra-content
this is yielded content displayed where you use yield('my-content')
<p> this will be displayed where the file is included</p>
I have the site with the structure like:
First: master.blade.php : this contain section('content')
Second index.blade.php : contain section('content').
<div id="container">
<div id="news">
<div id="apartment">
</div> <!-- ./container -->
Third: news.blade.php : this simple to show all news
#foreach($posts as $post)
Final file: apartment.blade.php : this simple to show all apartment.
#foreach($apartments as $apartment)
My route direct to master.blade.php.
My question is:
When I include news with #yield('news') in index.blade.php. It shows correct all news in my database.
But when I delete #yield('news') in index.blade.php. It also show news from my database (but it's lost css/js for that).
Why I deleted #yield('news'), it's should don't show any news on my page?
Seem Laravel Blade not support two #yield in #section. When I add only 1 row #yield('news') into index.blade.php file. It shows list news on my index page. When I continues add #yield('apartment'). Don't have any apartment shown on the index page. I certainly it has values when foreach to get data. I also test with HTML statics but don't have anything changes.
My route direct to master.blade.php.
Index extends master, so point your route to index view.
If sections continue to be yielded, after #yield removal, I think the framework is loading a cached view.
Try clearing the view cache php artisan view:clear or use php artisan --help view:clear for help.
Also #yield yields a section in a parent child relationship.
Change yields to include like #include('partial.news') if news are in partial folder or to whatever the path. Rendering could be manipulated using #isset or #empty statements or even #forelse loops.
Blade Control Structures.
I have inherited a Laravel project to which I need to add a new page with some functionality that I have created. What I've got appears to be a main "app.blade.php" file, which includes some stuff that will always be visible.. like sidebar, login auth stuff and so on.
Now adding stuff to this is no problem. But what I want is a separate .php file that is loaded in the main content area of the app.blade.php when I go to a certain URL, let's call it "mypage.com/newpage". (Essentially, I want a link in the sidebar to load this new content.)
So my custom content should appear in the main content area, but the standard sidebar, etc, should still be there. I'm guessing it's something with routes, but... How do I proceed? Which files do I edit? What do I add and where? I already got my new HTML and Javascript code ready - I simply need to add it into the Laravel project the right way.
Suppose , bellow code is your app.blade.php file which you want to inherit.
<title>App Name - #yield('title')</title>
This is the master sidebar.
<div class="container">
and you want to load the app.blade.php file here. You need to extends the page and declare the sections like this.
#section('title', 'Page Title')
<p>This is appended to the master sidebar.</p>
<p>This is my body content.</p>
Extending a layout on laravel This may help you.
What you're looking for is template inheritance. You create a layout template that you use as the main layout and your pages inherit that main layout template. See the Laravel Blade documentation: https://laravel.com/docs/5.2/blade#template-inheritance
Is it possible to include multiple view in route? What is the best practice for doing this, let say I want config file, header, content, and footer file to join and load in a view? If do it in the route, then I can easily change the content based on route request.
Thank you.
You need to take a futher look at Laravel's Blade templating. With Blade templating, you can create layouts and cascade them onto each other really nicely. For example, let's take the following routes...
Route::get('about', function()
return View::make('about');
Route::get('contact', function()
return View::make('content')
As you can see, we have two different views for those two different request. However, with Blade templating, and sections, we can create a master layout and only change the content that we need. So, here is what our master layout would look like.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Site Title</title>
This is our master layout. We have our nav that will always stay the same, our HTML and head and everything that we don't want to write over and over again. But, we are also using yield in blade to accept content and place it there. This is where our actual views come into play from routes.php.
<p>This is the about me content.</p>
We can simply extend the master layout, and place our content within the content section, which we can name anything we want. Same with the other page, contact.
<p>This is the contact page content.</p>
As you can see, it's not so much as including multiple views...but rather it's about extending different views and putting them together using Blade.
Alternate way to include header / footer in another view will as below.
#include('templates.header') // views/templates/header.blade.php
<!-- Form Contents -->