How do I install the ffmpeg on xaamp with php version 5.6?
It is installed on the local machine and converting videos format through CMD, but not coordination with the local server.
You can follow steps from here or do the following steps.
Download ffmpeg from here:
Copy php_ffmpeg.dll from the php5 folder to the
Copy files from common to the windows/system32 folder
Add extension=php_ffmpeg.dll to php.ini file ( \apache...php.ini )
Restarted all services (Apache, PHP...)
And enable "extension=php_ffmpeg.dll" directive in your php.ini.
I know this is one of those questions that is as old as Internet and I have looked everywhere and followed the steps that majority of previous answers point to, but still number of supported formats by imagick in phpinfo() is zero for Windows 10.
Let me list the steps that I carried out:
Install Apache 2.4.25-win64-vc14 built by Apache lounge.
Install PHP 7.1 thread safe version VC14 x64
So far so good. I see everything I want to see sans Imagick. I think my problem starts from below:
Install ImageMagick-7.0.5-2Q16-X64-dll.exe from
Copy everything from "C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.5-Q16\coders" to "C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.5-Q16"
Copy everything from "C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.5-Q16\filters" to "C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.5-Q16"
Copy everything from "C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.5-Q16\coders" to "C:\Apache24\bin"
Copy everything from "C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.5-Q16\filters" to "C:\Apache24\bin"
Set the environment variable MAGICK_HOME to "C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.5-Q16"
Download PHP 7.1 Thread Safe x64 version of Imagick dll for php extension from
Copy php_imagick.dll from the package to "C:\php7\ext", the PHP folder
Copy all the "CORE_RL_xxx.dll" to "C:\Apache24\bin", the Apache bin folder
Change the php.ini in the PHP folder to include "extension = php_imagick.dll". Save the file.
Restart Apache, no luck.
Restart PC and then start Apache, no luck.
What am I missing?
Please download the latest stable versions of both ImageMagick and Imagick from:
Installing versions that are downloaded from different places isn't likely to work.
Download php_imagick from - for PHP 7.0 or - for PHP 7.1
Download imagemagick from: instead of ImageMagick-7.0.5-Q16
Extract from to the ext directory only the php_imagick.dll file of your PHP installation
Extract to the directory c:\ImageMagick- for example
add to environmental PATH to c:\ImageMagick\bin. Attention: bin!!!
Add this line to your php.ini file: extension=php_imagick.dll
Restart Apache
Result <?php phpinfo(); ?>:
I have installed xampp 1.7.4 with php version 5.3.5 on windows xp.
How to install ffmpeg in xampp with php 5.3.5 on windows xp?'s method worked, but some things need to be clarified.
copy ffmpeg.exe somewhere and remember the path for later use
move php_ffmpeg.dll to php extension dir (usually c:\xampp\php\ext)
move all other files to Windows\System32 (except COPYING.GPLv3.txt, readme.txt)
add extension=php_ffmpeg.dll to php.ini (usually c:\xampp\php\php.ini)
restart apache with fingers crossed
If you are using windows 64bit, you will also need to to copy all of those dll files to C:\Windows\SysWOW64 along with C:\Windows\System32.
You will probably have problems with toGdImage(), I have no idea how to fix this...
If above solution not working, one thing you can do is as below:
Go to this url:
Download 32 or 64 bit (as per your system) static FFMPEG.
After download you can see "ffmpeg.exe' file, copy and paste this file in your xampp directory. (e.g. C:\xampp)
Then, set "C:\xampp" this path in your application.
Go to You will find a link to ffmpeg 0.6.0 for php 5.3.1 there.
Copy php_ffmpeg.dll to xampp\php\ext.
Copy ffmpeg.exe into root of your site or anywhere else as long you know where (you will have to define path to it in your php file)...
Copy everything else to windows/system32.
Add "extension=php_ffmpeg.dll" or remove ";" on the beginning of that line in php.ini file (xampp\php\php.ini )
Restart apache server... and voila :)
It worked for me on PHP 5.3.1 and 5.3.5 :)
I found this on
Good luck :)
You can follow steps from here or do the following steps.
Download ffmpeg from here:
Copy php_ffmpeg.dll from the php5 folder to the C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.9-2\ext
Copy files from common to the windows/system32 folder
Add extension=php_ffmpeg.dll to php.ini file ( \apache...php.ini )
Restarted all services (Apache, PHP...)
And enable "extension=php_ffmpeg.dll" directive in your php.ini.
I've probably spent over 12 hours trying to install FFMPEG on WAMP. I'm aware that other people have had this question answered on this site, however it does not work for my setup.
I have tried the below:
Download ffmpeg_new
Copy php_ffmpeg.dll from the php5 folder to the C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.9-2\ext
Copy files from common to the windows/system32 folder
Add extension=php_ffmpeg.dll to php.ini file
Restarted all services (Apache, PHP...)
My current setup is PHP 5.2.1, Apache 2.0.63. I have a Windows 7 64bit computer.
I get the following error in my PHP error log:
[22-Jun-2012 01:39:31] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.2.1/ext/php_ffmpeg.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
in Unknown on line 0
Obviously I have placed the module in the ext folder.
Phpinfo.php verifies that the FFMPEG module is not being loaded. I have tried installing PHP 5.3 (with a later FFMPEG version), 5.2.6 and 5.2.9-2, but the module still fails to load. Is there anything else I should try? Does having a 64bit Windows 7 computer make any difference?
Yes, having a 64-bit computer may make a difference. Try putting the "common" files in C:\Windows\SysWow64 instead of system32.
If that doesn't work, try using DependencyWalker to check the missing DLLs (open php_ffmpeg.dll with it)
Steps to install ffmpeg:
activate GD2 Php Extension
Download ffmpeg.exe (
Unpack the downloaded zip file. There will be three files inside: ffmpeg.exe, ffplay.exe, and pthreadGC2.dll
Download the FFMPEG windows dll files from
Unpack the downloaded zip file. You will need three files: php_ffmpeg.dll, avcodec.dll and avformat.dll.
Copy php_ffmpeg.dll in your wamp php extension folder: bin\php\php5.2.16\ext
Add the line "extension=php_ffmpeg.dll" (without the quotes) into php.ini right on the end of the extension= section
Copy avcodec.dll and avformat.dll and pthreadGC2.dll to C:\windows\system32
Click on the WAMP icon and click restart all services. Wait for WAMP to restart.
Copy ffmpeg.exe to C:\wamp\bin (Note: If you have installed WAMP to a different directory, copy the file to the /bin folder in your WAMP directory).
The path to FFMPEG is now: C:\wamp\bin\ffmpeg.exe
thanxxx... :)
I did the same as Manjeet Barnala but copied ffmpeg.exe, ffprobe.exe, and ffplay.exe into the Windows/System32 and my application worked then.
I think it has something to do with where your application might be pointing # the use of the exec command.
Running: PHP 7.4.0
PHP Extension gd2 confirmed initialised via going to WAMP icon and left-clicking..
WAMP > PHP > Extensions.
..and the command I was trying to execute in PHP was:
$cmd = "$ffmpeg -ss $Second -i $Filename -frames:v 1 -f mjpeg -map 0:v:0 $Thumbnail";
$return = `$cmd`;
I have installed xampp 1.7.4 with php version 5.3.5 on windows xp.
How to install ffmpeg in xampp with php 5.3.5 on windows xp?'s method worked, but some things need to be clarified.
copy ffmpeg.exe somewhere and remember the path for later use
move php_ffmpeg.dll to php extension dir (usually c:\xampp\php\ext)
move all other files to Windows\System32 (except COPYING.GPLv3.txt, readme.txt)
add extension=php_ffmpeg.dll to php.ini (usually c:\xampp\php\php.ini)
restart apache with fingers crossed
If you are using windows 64bit, you will also need to to copy all of those dll files to C:\Windows\SysWOW64 along with C:\Windows\System32.
You will probably have problems with toGdImage(), I have no idea how to fix this...
If above solution not working, one thing you can do is as below:
Go to this url:
Download 32 or 64 bit (as per your system) static FFMPEG.
After download you can see "ffmpeg.exe' file, copy and paste this file in your xampp directory. (e.g. C:\xampp)
Then, set "C:\xampp" this path in your application.
Go to You will find a link to ffmpeg 0.6.0 for php 5.3.1 there.
Copy php_ffmpeg.dll to xampp\php\ext.
Copy ffmpeg.exe into root of your site or anywhere else as long you know where (you will have to define path to it in your php file)...
Copy everything else to windows/system32.
Add "extension=php_ffmpeg.dll" or remove ";" on the beginning of that line in php.ini file (xampp\php\php.ini )
Restart apache server... and voila :)
It worked for me on PHP 5.3.1 and 5.3.5 :)
I found this on
Good luck :)
You can follow steps from here or do the following steps.
Download ffmpeg from here:
Copy php_ffmpeg.dll from the php5 folder to the C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.9-2\ext
Copy files from common to the windows/system32 folder
Add extension=php_ffmpeg.dll to php.ini file ( \apache...php.ini )
Restarted all services (Apache, PHP...)
And enable "extension=php_ffmpeg.dll" directive in your php.ini.
I have done the following:
Downloaded ffmpeg from
Copied php_ffmpeg.dll from the php5 folder to the
Copied files from common to the windows/system32 folder
Added the extension=php_ffmpeg.dll to php.ini file
Restarted all services (Apache, PHP...)
enabled extension=php_ffmpeg.dll directive in my php.ini.
But it still doesn't show up when I do a php info page. I thought it might have something to do with that fact that I'm using php version 5.3.0. I have googled for a php_ffmpeg.dll for php version 5.3.0 and haven't had any luck.
Have you installed ffmpeg software on to the system first, before installing this?