MySQL INSERT in PHP no error feedback - php

I am trying to input data to MySQL using PHP. Don't know what's wrong. The connection succeeds, no errors but at the end there is not data being written to the database.
$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbname = "listings";
$un = $_POST["un"];
$pass = $_POST["pass"];
$name = $_POST["name"];
$des = $_POST["des"];
$quan = $_POST["quantity"];
$specs = $_POST["specs"];
$price = $_POST["price"];
$url1 = ".";
$url2 = ".";
$url3 = ".";
$url4 = ".";
$connection = mysqli_connect($dbhost,$un,$pass,$dbname);
if (!$connection) {
} else {
echo "Database connection successfull ".$des;
$query = "INSERT INTO items
(name,description,quantity,specs,price,url1,url2,url3,url4) VALUES
echo "Hellos";
$exeute_query = mysqli_query($query,$connection);
die("error ".mysqli_error());
echo "query error";
} else {
echo "Query successfull";
Any help?

There are several small mistakes in your code:
$query = "INSERT INTO items (name,description,quantity,specs,price,url1,url2,url3,url4) VALUES ('$name','$des','$quan','$specs','$price','$url1','$url2','$url3','$url4')";
echo "Hellos";
**$exeute_query** = mysqli_query($query,$connection); // $execute_query instead of $exeute_query
if(!**execute_query**){ //$execute_query instead of execute_query
die("error ".mysqli_error());
echo "query error";
else{echo "Query successfull";}
Your code breaks at the if statement because no fucntion with that name is found (if you do not use the dollarsign to show it is a variable, php will interpret it as a function. Also, when initiating your variable you forgot a 'c' so make sure to check if you have the correct variable name or php won't find your variable. Now your query will work or give an error message in case of wrong data formats or bad connection. Use code listed below to debug your php in the future.
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');


How to update status in database if status is empty without submitting a form in php?

How to update a status from database if status is empty in using php? I have this condition in php. I have this if condition that decides if $getstatus is empty it will update from database to Avail. I tried refreshing the page after querying the database. But it will not update in database. Is there anyway to update this without using form submit in php?
include "includes/connection.php";
// Display all parking slots
$sql = $connection->prepare('SELECT * FROM parkingslot where parkingslotid = 1');
$sql->execute(); // execute query
$result = $sql->get_result(); // fetch result
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$getstatus = $row["status"];
echo $getstatus;
if (empty($getstatus)) {
$sql = $connection->prepare("UPDATE parkingslot SET status = 'Avail' where parkingslotid = 1 ");
Codes in connection for connecting to database
$server = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
// create connection
$connection = mysqli_connect($server,$username,$password);
// check connection
die("No connection found." . mysqli_connect_error());
else {
// select a database
$select_db = mysqli_select_db($connection,'smartparkingsystem');
$sql = 'CREATE DATABASE sample';
// create database if no db found
if(mysqli_query($connection,$sql)) {
echo "Database Created";
else {
echo "Database not found" . mysqli_connect_error() . '\n';
else {
// Database already existed
// do nothing...
If I understand your goal of: For row(s) whereparkingslotid=1 - Update status to 'Avail' but only if status is not currently set, this might help:
include "includes/connection.php";
$connection->prepare("UPDATE `parkingslot` SET `status`=? WHERE `parkingslotid`=? AND (`status` IS NULL OR `status`=?)");
$connection->bind_param("sis", $status, $parkingslotid, $empty_str);
$status = 'Avail';
$parkingslotid = 1;
$empty_str = '';
echo $connection->affected_rows.' rows affected';
This saves a bit of processing by not checking with PHP first.
You can use this query:
"UPDATE parkingslot SET status = 'Avail' where status IS NULL OR status = '' "
#lumonald gave the right anwser in the comment. You're not executing your second SQL statement.

Not able to insert the data from url to database in php

Here I am trying to get the data from the url using GET method and trying to insert into the database. I was able to insert the data for first few rows after that the data is not inserted. Can anyone help me regarding this?
when I try to run the url:
the data is not inserting.
$name = $_GET['name'];
$glucose = $_GET['glucose'];
$temp = $_GET['temp'];
$battery = $_GET['battery'];
$tgs_a = $_GET['tgs_a'];
$tgs_g = $_GET['tgs_g'];
$heartrate = $_GET['heartrate'];
$spo2 = $_GET['spo2'];
$rr = $_GET['rr'];
$hb = $_GET['hb'];
$ina22 = $_GET['ina22'];
$accucheck = $_GET['accucheck'];
$isactive = $_GET['isactive'];
$address = $_GET['address'];
$deviceno = $_GET['deviceno'];
$sql_insert = "insert into query (name,glucose,temp,battery,tgs_a,tgs_g,heartrate,spo2,rr,hb,ina22,accucheck,isactive,address,deviceno) values ('$name','$glucose','$temp',$battery','$tgs_a','$tgs_g','$heartrate','$spo2','$rr','$hb','$ina22','$accucheck','$isactive','$address','$deviceno')";
echo "Saving succeed";
//echo $date_time;
echo "Error occured";
This is my database config php file.
$user = "m33root";
$password = "me3i434";
$host = "localhost";
$connection = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$password);
$select = mysqli_select_db('miiyy',$connection);
echo "connection succesfull<br>";
else {
echo "Error";
Make sure that all columns can contain NULL so that not filled fields will stay NULL instead of throwing an error.
Try below to see mysql error:
echo mysql_error()
Try these
Change the table name of query to some other name. Because "query" is reserved in SQL
In code
if (!mysqli_query($con,$sql_insert ))
echo("Error description: " . mysqli_error($con));
echo "Success";
Use mysqli_error() function

How to update values in table

I cannot update the values in my table with this code, if the update is successful the page should redirect in ('Location:ui.php'), how can this be achieved?
$pcost = $_POST['pcost'];
$tcost = $_POST['tcost'];
$cash = $_POST['cash'];
$change = $_POST['change'];
if (($cash == '0'))
$updated=mysql_query("UPDATE tbl_stallowner SET
paymentstatus='$pstatus', penaltycost='$pcost', totalcost='$tcost', cash='$cash', change='$change'
WHERE stallcode='$code'")or die();
$msg="Successfully Updated!!";
} //update ends here
As you redirects users by checking if($updated) is true, this will not work, you should check the number of affected rows instead using mysql_num_rows.
Also remember to exit; after header() to stop the execution.
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($updated);
if($num_rows > 0)
$msg="Successfully Updated!!";
Tip: You should not be using MySQL as it has already been deprecated, use MySQLi instead.
You want to use mysqli, not it's predecessor, mysql. Mysql is vulnerable and open to exploitation, here's what you should write in each of your files:
$conn = mysqli_connect("localhost","my_user","my_password","my_db");
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
updatestallowner.php (or whatever you named it)
$code = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_GET['stallcode']);
$pcost = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['pcost']);
$tcost = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['tcost']);
$cash = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['cash']);
$change = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['change']);
if ($cash == '0') {
} else{
$sql = "UPDATE tbl_stallowner SET paymentstatus='$pstatus', penaltycost='$pcost', totalcost='$tcost', cash='$cash', change='$change' WHERE stallcode='$code';";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
if($result) {
$msg="Successfully Updated!!";
header('Location: ui.php');
} else {
die("Error updating!");
Good luck!

Resource id #6 error, Not sure how to fix it

I keep getting a 'Resource id # 6' failure when submitting a script on my website. The code I'm using is the same type of code I use for registering for the website and that works but this script doesn't work at all. What my code does is send a booking request with the fields as shown to the database. I keep getting a Resource id#6 error , and I've googled what that is but I can't seem to figure out whats wrong. I am a beginner at php , so any tips on whats to look for to avoid a resource id # 6 error would be a lot of help
$Name_of_Person = $_POST['Name_of_Person'];
$Name_of_Group = $_POST['Name_of_Group'];
$room = $_POST['room'];
$How_Many_People = $_POST['How_Many_People'];
$Date_of_Booking = $_POST['Date_of_Booking'];
$End_time = $_POST['End_time'];
$Purpose = $_POST['Purpose'];
$Contact_Number = $_POST['Contact_Number'];
$Contact_Email = $_POST['Contact_Email'];
$Alcohol = $_POST['Alcohol'];
$Security = $_POST['Security'];
$Projector = $_POST['Projector'];
$Extra_Chairs = $_POST['Extra_Chairs'];
$Extra_Info = $_POST['Extra_Info'];
$Activated = '0';
$con = mysql_connect('localhost','root','test123') or die("couldn't connect");
mysql_select_db('bookerdb') or die("couldn't connect to DB");
//if(filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){//(preg_match($pattern, $_POST['Contact_Email'])){
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `booking_table` WHERE Date_of_Booking='".$Date_of_Booking."' AND room='".$room."'");
$numrows = mysql_num_rows($query);
echo $query;
$sql="INSERT INTO `booking_table` (Name_of_Person,Name_of_Group,room,How_Many_People,Date_of_Booking,End_time,Purpose,Contact_Number,Contact_Email,Alcohol,Security,Projector,Extra_Chairs,Extra_Info, Activated) VALUES ('$Name_of_Person','$Name_of_Group','$room','$How_Many_People','$Date_of_Booking','$End_time','$Purpose','$Contact_Number','$Alcohol','$Security','$Projector','$Extra_Chairs','$Extra_Info',$Activated)";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
echo "Sent to be approved";
$redirect_page = '../ASC.php';
$redirect = true;
header('Location: ' .$redirect_page);
echo "Failed";
echo"There is already a requested booking on that date & time";
$redirect_page = '../EAR.php';
$redirect = true;
header('Location: ' .$redirect_page);
echo "error";
$redirect_page = '../EWF.php';
$redirect = true;
header('Location: ' .$redirect_page);
You have error in your second SQL query. You try to insert 14 values into 15 columns (in values you forgot $Contact_Email).
$sql="INSERT INTO `booking_table` (Name_of_Person,Name_of_Group,room,How_Many_People,Date_of_Booking,End_time,Purpose,Contact_Number,Contact_Email,Alcohol,Security,Projector,Extra_Chairs,Extra_Info, Activated) VALUES ('$Name_of_Person','$Name_of_Group','$room','$How_Many_People','$Date_of_Booking','$End_time','$Purpose','$Contact_Number','$Contact_Email','$Alcohol','$Security','$Projector','$Extra_Chairs','$Extra_Info',$Activated)";
Than remove echo $query from your code, line 30.
In $query isn't query, but mysql result object. You can't work with that by this way, you can't echo it.

PHP certain part of code is not executing

Hi I am facing a unique issue with my PHP script.Here is my code. After writeToDB() is executed I dont see the echo ("<script></script>");
Can someone let me know why my script stops executing after writing to db?
function writeToDB($access_token,$uid,$username,$birthday,$gender,$age)
/* Database Connection */
$user = "xxxx";
$password = "xxxx";
$host = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
//connect to database, where tsnames.ora is setup
$connect_obj = oci_connect($user, $password, $host);
if ($connect_obj) {
error_log("connected okay");
} else {
$err = OCIError();
echo "Oracle connection error " . $err[text];
$select_query = "SELECT USER_ID FROM FBTABLE WHERE USER_ID= '$uid'";
$select_sql_stmt = oci_parse($connect_obj, $select_query);
//execute statement
try {
$r = oci_execute($select_sql_stmt, OCI_DEFAULT);
if (!$r) {
$p = oci_error($select_sql_stmt);
echo "Oci Execute error";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "<br>Failed to get database info" . $e->getMessage();
$user_id_in_db = null;
while (oci_fetch($select_sql_stmt)) {
$user_id_in_db = oci_result($select_sql_stmt, 'USER_ID');
// User already exists in db so update instead of insert
if ($user_id_in_db != null) {
$query ="UPDATE FBTABLE SET ACCESS_TOKEN='$access_token' WHERE USER_ID='$uid'";
} else {
//create sql statement
$sql_statement = oci_parse($connect_obj, $query);
//execute statement
try {
$r = oci_execute($sql_statement, OCI_DEFAULT);
if (!$r) {
$p = oci_error($sql_statement);
echo "Oci Execute error";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "<br>Failed to get database info" . $e->getMessage();
//Commit transaction
$committed = oci_commit($connect_obj);
//Test whether commit was successful. If error occurred, return error message
if (!$committed) {
$error = oci_error($conn);
echo 'Commit failed. Oracle reports: ' . $error['message'];
//close the connection
if (oci_close($connect_obj)) {
echo " oci connection not closed!!!";
//close the connection
$access_token = $_GET['access_token'];
$uid = $_GET['uid'];
$username = $_GET['username'];
$birthday = $_GET['birthday'];
$gender = $_GET['gender'];
$age = $_GET['age'];
echo $username;
echo ("<script></script>");
i think error is in $oci_free_statement($sql_statement); must be oci_free_statement($sql_statement); extra $ before oci_free_statement
no any error show because of error_display is off
Your JavaScript code should be
echo ("<script> top.location.href='';</script>");
It's happen because writeToDB() causes error. You don't see this error because error_display is off or error_reporting = 0
Also maybe you didn't install OCI8. So when you call oci_connect it will cause error.
you are not using quotes around the string: should be ''
