XenForo Avatar upload fails, $image == false - PHP7 - php

I'm stumped on a XenForo 1.5.7 / php7 issue. I've read that tempnam() was changed as of php7 (based on temp dir permissions), but I've chmod'd the directory as that link states, still to no avail.
I printed out $newTempFile which returns /var/www/forum/internal_data/temp/xfJ9FLyG (looks correct). It's the next line, the $image variable, that does not get set, and then throws the error in the if() below.
$newTempFile = tempnam(XenForo_Helper_File::getTempDir(), 'xf');
$image = XenForo_Image_Abstract::createFromFile($fileName, $imageType);
if (!$image)
throw new XenForo_Exception(new XenForo_Phrase('image_could_be_processed_try_another_contact_owner'), true);
Here is the code for createFromFile() in Image\Abstract.php:
* Creates an image from an existing file.
* #param string $fileName
* #param integer $inputType IMAGETYPE_XYZ constant representing image type
* #return XenForo_Image_Abstract|false
public static function createFromFileDirect($fileName, $inputType)
throw new XenForo_Exception('Must be overridden');
public static function createFromFile($fileName, $inputType)
$class = self::_getDefaultClassName();
return call_user_func(array($class, 'createFromFileDirect'), $fileName, $inputType);
Because it looks like createFromFileDirect() is called from createFromFile(), my thought was that a "Must be overriden" error would be thrown, but this doesn't appear to be the case.
Any ideas?


Magento 1.702 fatal error after migration to new server

Just finished migrating a Magento website to a new server. Using the following steps:
-Backup the database in the backend
-Import the database on new server
-Copy all files from old server to new server
-Set correct file permissions
-Update /app/etc/local.xml
-Update secure and unsecure base_url in database
-Remove cache and session files
The website itself works fine, but it seems to give a fatal error on the order button now (see screenshot of source)
This is the block of code the error refers to:
* Product type instance factory
* #param Mage_Catalog_Model_Product $product
* #param bool $singleton
* #return Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type_Abstract
public static function factory($product, $singleton = false)
$types = self::getTypes();
$typeId = $product->getTypeId();
if (!empty($types[$typeId]['model'])) {
$typeModelName = $types[$typeId]['model'];
} else {
$typeModelName = self::DEFAULT_TYPE_MODEL;
$typeId = self::DEFAULT_TYPE;
if ($singleton === true) {
$typeModel = Mage::getSingleton($typeModelName);
else {
$typeModel = Mage::getModel($typeModelName);
$typeModel->setConfig($types[$typeId]); /**this is line 80**/
return $typeModel;
I also tried to make a fresh install and copy the needed files, but that did not work either.
This is my first time working with Magento, and searching online for a solution did not bring up anything useful to me. Could anyone point me to the right direction?

manually creating an Symfony UploadedFile

I'm facing following problem and can't seem to figure this one out.
I wrote an API endpoint accepting a POST with binary data (header: content-type:image/jpeg).
I know i can read out the raw string with file_get_content('php://input') or Laravel's $request->getContent().
PHP also has a function createimagefromstring($string) which also seems to read the string in correctly.
What i'd like to do is create an UploadedFile from this raw data , so that I can handle it with already written functions.
Is this possible?
Thank you in advance
I think I found it... Still curious if there are improvements that can be made..
$imgRaw = imagecreatefromstring( $request->getContent() );
if ($imgRaw !== false) {
imagejpeg($imgRaw, storage_path().'/tmp/tmp.jpg',100);
$file = new UploadedFile( storage_path().'/tmp/tmp.jpg', 'tmp.jpg', 'image/jpeg',null,null,true);
// DO STUFF WITH THE UploadedFile
You can try to use base64 encoding. Symfony have some nice stuff for this.
Your code will be smthng like this:
$base64Content = $request->request->get('base64Content'); // this is your post data
$yourFile = new UploadedBase64EncodedFile(new Base64EncodedFile($base64Content)); // this is an instance of UploadedFile
Hope it helps!
As per Laravel 8
Just follow the constructor:
* #param string $path The full temporary path to the file
* #param string $originalName The original file name of the uploaded file
* #param string|null $mimeType The type of the file as provided by PHP; null defaults to application/octet-stream
* #param int|null $error The error constant of the upload (one of PHP's UPLOAD_ERR_XXX constants); null defaults to UPLOAD_ERR_OK
* #param bool $test Whether the test mode is active
$file = new UploadedFile(
There is no need to manually create it, Symfony parses received $_FILES array for you. Http Request object has a FileBag property called $files with a get() method which returns an UploadedFile instance.
/** #var UploadedFile $file */
$file = $request->files->get('user-pictures-upload')[0];
$cmd = new UploadPictureCmd($file, $this->getUser()->getId());
Here is the example of generating images files using fzaninotto/faker in Symfony 4 Fixtures
class FileFixtures extends Fixture
private $faker;
private $parameterBag;
public function __construct(ParameterBagInterface $parameterBag)
$this->faker = Factory::create();
$this->parameterBag = $parameterBag;
public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
$tempFixturesPath = $this->parameterBag->get('kernel.project_dir') . '/tmp';
if (!file_exists($tempFixturesPath)) {
$fileName = $this->faker->image($tempFixturesPath, 640, 480, 'cats', false, true);
$file = new UploadedFile($tempFixturesPath . '/' . $fileName, $fileName, 'image/jpeg', null, null, true);
//do something with $file
If it counts for anything, this is how I did it in Laravel 5.4. In my case, I wanted to be able to easily resize an image and be able to do something like this.
request()->file('image')->resize(250, 250)->store('path/to/storage');
This is what I did to the UploadedFile class.
Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile.php ~this file ships with the Laravel framework
public function resize($w, $h) {
$image = Intervention::make($this)->fit($w, $h)->save($this->getPathname());
$filesize = filesize($this->getPathname());
return new static(
Using Intervention, I resized the image that is stored in the /tmp/ folder when files are uploaded and then I saved it in the same place. Now all I do after that is create an instance of UploadedFile so that I can keep using Laravel's methods on request()->file('image'). Hope this helps.

Search through a directory in PHP, beginning at the end [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to use return inside a recursive function in PHP
(4 answers)
Closed 9 months ago.
I have this PHP code, but I have only written one recursive function before. I want to begin in a particular subdirectory and check for the presence of a file. If it doesn't exist in the directory I want to check the parent folder for the file and then recursively go on until I either don't find the file and return "" or find the file and return its contents. Here is my function:
* Recursive function to get sidebar from path and look up tree until we either
* find it or return blank.
class MyClass{
public function findSidebarFromPath($path){
if(file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . implode("/", $path) . "/sidebar.html")){
return file_get_contents($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . implode("/", $path) . "/sidebar.html");
} else {
if(count($path) > 0){
# Pop element off end of array.
$discard = array_pop($path);
} else {
return "";
So when I call it, I do this:
$myclass = new MyClass();
$myclass->findSidebarFromPath(array("segment1", "segment2", "segment3"));
Let's say the file I am trying to find is in a directory called "segment2". The function never finds it. The array_pop function doesn't pop off the element off the end of the array and then call the findSidebarFromPath function.
If you write this as a standalone function, it will probably be more useful to you in other areas. After we understand how it works, we'll show you how you can add a public function to your class that can utilize it.
* #param $root string - the shallowest path to search in
* #param $path string - the deepest path to search; this gets appended to $root
* #param $filename string - the file to search for
* #return mixed - string file contents or false if no file is found
function findFile($root, $path, $filename) {
// create auxiliary function that takes args in format we want
$findFileAux = function($cwd, $filename) use (&$findFileAux, $root) {
// resolve the complete filename
$file = "{$cwd}/{$filename}";
// if the file exists, return the contents
if (file_exists($file)) return file_get_contents($file);
// if the cwd has already reached the root, do not go up a directory; return false instead
if ($cwd === $root) return false;
// otherwise check the above directory
return $findFileAux(dirname($cwd), $filename);
// starting checking for the file at the deepest segment
return $findFileAux("{$root}/{$path}", $filename);
Check the example output on ideone.
So here's how to use it
findFile($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"], "foo/bar/qux", "sidebar.html");
Here's how you would integrate it with your class. Notice that this public function has the same API as in your original code
class MyClass {
* #param $path array - path segments to search in
* #return mixed - string file contents or false if sidebar is not found
public function findSidebarFromPath($path) {
// Here we call upon the function we wrote above
// making sure to `join` the path segments into a string
return findFile($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"], join("/", $path), "sidebar.html";
Additional explanation
If $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] is /var/www...
Check /var/www/foo/bar/qux/sidebar.html, return if exists
Check /var/www/foo/bar/sidebar.html, return if exists
Check /var/www/foo/sidebar.html, return if exists
Check /var/www/sidebar.html, return if exists
Because we got to the root (/var/www) no further searches will happen
return false if sidebar.html did not exist in any of the above
Here's the same function with the explanatory comments removed
* #param $root string - the shallowest path to search in
* #param $path string - the deepest path to search; this gets appended to $root
* #param $filename string - the file to search for
* #return mixed - string file contents or false if no file is found
function findFile($root, $path, $filename) {
$findFileAux = function($cwd, $filename) use (&$findFileAux, $root) {
$file = "{$cwd}/{$filename}";
if (file_exists($file)) return file_get_contents($file);
if ($cwd === $root) return false;
return $findFileAux(dirname($cwd), $filename);
return $findFileAux("{$root}/{$path}", $filename);
You might also want to consider using DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR instead of the hard-coded "/" so that this code could be used reliably on a variety of platforms.

Is there any way to compile a blade template from a string?

How can I compile a blade template from a string rather than a view file, like the code below:
$string = '<h2>{{ $name }}</h2>';
echo Blade::compile($string, array('name' => 'John Doe'));
I found the solution by extending BladeCompiler.
<?php namespace Laravel\Enhanced;
use Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler as LaravelBladeCompiler;
class BladeCompiler extends LaravelBladeCompiler {
* Compile blade template with passing arguments.
* #param string $value HTML-code including blade
* #param array $args Array of values used in blade
* #return string
public function compileWiths($value, array $args = array())
$generated = parent::compileString($value);
ob_start() and extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
// We'll include the view contents for parsing within a catcher
// so we can avoid any WSOD errors. If an exception occurs we
// will throw it out to the exception handler.
// If we caught an exception, we'll silently flush the output
// buffer so that no partially rendered views get thrown out
// to the client and confuse the user with junk.
catch (\Exception $e)
ob_get_clean(); throw $e;
$content = ob_get_clean();
return $content;
Small modification to the above script.
You can use this function inside any class without extending the BladeCompiler class.
public function bladeCompile($value, array $args = array())
$generated = \Blade::compileString($value);
ob_start() and extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
// We'll include the view contents for parsing within a catcher
// so we can avoid any WSOD errors. If an exception occurs we
// will throw it out to the exception handler.
// If we caught an exception, we'll silently flush the output
// buffer so that no partially rendered views get thrown out
// to the client and confuse the user with junk.
catch (\Exception $e)
ob_get_clean(); throw $e;
$content = ob_get_clean();
return $content;
For anyone still interested in this, they've added it to Laravel 9
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Blade;
return Blade::render('Hello, {{ $name }}', ['name' => 'Julian Bashir']);
I just stumbled upon the same requirement! For me, i had to fetch a blade template stored in DB & render it to send email notifications.
I did this in laravel 5.8 by kind-of Extending \Illuminate\View\View. So, basically i created the below class & named him StringBlade (I couldn't find a better name atm :/)
namespace App\Central\Libraries\Blade;
use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;
class StringBlade implements StringBladeContract
* #var Filesystem
protected $file;
* #var \Illuminate\View\View|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory
protected $viewer;
* StringBlade constructor.
* #param Filesystem $file
public function __construct(Filesystem $file)
$this->file = $file;
$this->viewer = view();
* Get Blade File path.
* #param $bladeString
* #return bool|string
protected function getBlade($bladeString)
$bladePath = $this->generateBladePath();
$content = \Blade::compileString($bladeString);
return $this->file->put($bladePath, $content)
? $bladePath
: false;
* Get the rendered HTML.
* #param $bladeString
* #param array $data
* #return bool|string
public function render($bladeString, $data = [])
// Put the php version of blade String to *.php temp file & returns the temp file path
$bladePath = $this->getBlade($bladeString);
if (!$bladePath) {
return false;
// Render the php temp file & return the HTML content
$content = $this->viewer->file($bladePath, $data)->render();
// Delete the php temp file.
return $content;
* Generate a blade file path.
* #return string
protected function generateBladePath()
$cachePath = rtrim(config('cache.stores.file.path'), '/');
$tempFileName = sha1('string-blade' . microtime());
$directory = "{$cachePath}/string-blades";
if (!is_dir($directory)) {
mkdir($directory, 0777);
return "{$directory}/{$tempFileName}.php";
As you can already see from the above, below are the steps followed:
First converted the blade string to the php equivalent using \Blade::compileString($bladeString).
Now we have to store it to a physical file. For this storage, the frameworks cache directory is used - storage/framework/cache/data/string-blades/
Now we can ask \Illuminate\View\Factory native method 'file()' to compile & render this file.
Delete the temp file immediately (In my case i didn't need to keep the php equivalent file, Probably same for you too)
And Finally i created a facade in a composer auto-loaded file for easy usage like below:
if (! function_exists('string_blade')) {
* Get StringBlade Instance or returns the HTML after rendering the blade string with the given data.
* #param string $html
* #param array $data
* #return StringBladeContract|bool|string
function string_blade(string $html, $data = [])
return !empty($html)
? app(StringBladeContract::class)->render($html, $data)
: app(StringBladeContract::class);
Now i can call it from anywhere like below:
$html = string_blade('<span>My Name is {{ $name }}</span>', ['name' => 'Nikhil']);
// Outputs HTML
// <span>My Name is Nikhil</span>
Hope this helps someone or at-least maybe inspires someone to re-write in a better way.
I'm not using blade this way but I thought that the compile method accepts only a view as argument.
Maybe you're looking for:
It's a old question. But I found a package which makes the job easier.
Laravel Blade String Compiler renders the blade templates from the string value. Check the documentation on how to install the package.
Here is an example:
$template = '<h1>{{ $name }}</h1>'; // string blade template
return view (['template' => $template], ['name' => 'John Doe']);
Note: The package is now updated to support till Laravel 6.
I know its pretty old thread, but today also requirement is same.
Following is the way I solved this on my Laravel 5.7 (but this will work with any laravel version greater than version 5), I used the knowledge gained from this thread and few other threads to get this working (will leave links to all threads at the end, if this help up-vote those too)
I added this to my helper.php (I used this technique to add helper to my project, but you can use this function directly as well)
if (! function_exists('inline_view')) {
* Get the evaluated view contents for the given blade string.
* #param string $view
* #param array $data
* #param array $mergeData
* #return \Illuminate\View\View|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory
function inline_view($view = null, $data = [], $mergeData = [])
/* Create a file with name as hash of the passed string */
$filename = hash('sha1', $view);
/* Putting it in storage/framework/views so that these files get cleared on `php artisan view:clear*/
$file_location = storage_path('framework/views/');
$filepath = storage_path('framework/views/'.$filename.'.blade.php');
/* Create file only if it doesn't exist */
if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
file_put_contents($filepath, $view);
/* Add storage/framework/views as a location from where view files can be picked, used in make function below */
/* call the usual view helper to render the blade file created above */
return view($filename, $data, $mergeData);
Usage is exactly same as laravel's view() helper, only that now first parameter is the blade string
$view_string = '#if(strlen($name_html)>6)
<strong>{{ $name_html }}</strong>
return inline_view($view_string)->with('name_html', $user->name);
return inline_view($view_string, ['name_html' => $user->name]);
Laravel 9 :
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Blade;
return Blade::render('Your Blade Content {{ $parameter1}}', ['parameter1' => 'Name']);

How to use Minify PHP with YUI compressor?

I would like to use YUI compressor with minify PHP rather than the default JSmin. Does anyone have experience setting this up?
Right now I am using the groupsConfig.php to combine the JS.
return array(
'jsAll' => array('//contenido/themes/bam/assets/js/jquery.js', '//contenido/themes/bam/assets/js/modernizr.js','//contenido/themes/bam/assets/js/imgpreload.js', '//contenido/themes/bam/assets/js/imgpreload.js', '//contenido/themes/bam/assets/js/history.js','//contenido/themes/bam/assets/js/ajaxify.js', '//contenido/themes/bam/assets/js/isotope.js'),
'jsHome' => array('//contenido/themes/bam/assets/js/easing.js','//contenido/themes/bam/assets/js/scrollable.js', '//contenido/themes/bam/assets/js/home.js'),
'cssAll' => array('//contenido/themes/bam/bam.css'),
As it says on the homepage:
Uses an enhanced port of Douglas Crockford's JSMin library and custom classes to minify CSS and HTML
I have the following code in config.php, but I get a 500 error when trying to view the combined js file:
function yuiJs($js) {
require_once '/lib/Minify/YUICompressor.php';
Minify_YUICompressor::$jarFile = '/lib/yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar';
Minify_YUICompressor::$tempDir = '/temp';
return Minify_YUICompressor::minifyJs($js);
$min_serveOptions['minifiers']['application/x-javascript'] = 'yuiJs';
It also appears that there are several lines in lib/Minify/YUICompressor.php that need to be configured, and I'm not sure if I'm doing it right:
class Minify_YUICompressor {
* Filepath of the YUI Compressor jar file. This must be set before
* calling minifyJs() or minifyCss().
* #var string
public static $jarFile = '../yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar';
* Writable temp directory. This must be set before calling minifyJs()
* or minifyCss().
* #var string
public static $tempDir = '../../temp/';
* Filepath of "java" executable (may be needed if not in shell's PATH)
* #var string
public static $javaExecutable = 'java';
I had the same problem on windows. It seems jar file needs to be executable in order to run yui compressor. So, i have to remove excutable check from YUICompressor.php
private static function _prepare()
if (! is_file(self::$jarFile)) {
throw new Exception('Minify_YUICompressor : $jarFile('.self::$jarFile.') is not a valid file.');
// if (! is_executable(self::$jarFile)) {
// throw new Exception('Minify_YUICompressor : $jarFile('.self::$jarFile.') is not executable.');
// }
if (! is_dir(self::$tempDir)) {
throw new Exception('Minify_YUICompressor : $tempDir('.self::$tempDir.') is not a valid direcotry.');
if (! is_writable(self::$tempDir)) {
throw new Exception('Minify_YUICompressor : $tempDir('.self::$tempDir.') is not writable.');
and that works fine.
