Retrieving attribute values from XML file using SimpleXML - php

I need help with this XML located here.
I want get attributes JMENO and HLASY_PROC_1KOLO of the KANDIDAT element:
What I've tried so far:
$xml = simplexml_load_file("");
foreach($xml as $item) {
echo $item['CR'],"<br>";

See this playground for an example:
$xml = simplexml_load_file("");
foreach($xml->CR->KANDIDAT as $item) {
$jmeno = $item->attributes()['JMENO'];
$hlasy = $item->attributes()['HLASY_PROC_1KOLO'];
echo $jmeno, ' : ', $hlasy, '<br />';


How to get values and atributes of this XML in php?

I have such php code:
$xml = #simplexml_load_file('2.xml', 'SimpleXMLElement',LIBXML_NOCDATA);
How to get values of:
DialingNumber,StartTime,AnswerTime ?
foreach ($xml as $show)
echo (string)$show['DialedNumber'];
echo (string)$show['AnswerNumber'];
echo (string)$show['WaitDuration'];
NOT WORKING ! How to get values of: DialingNumber,StartTime,AnswerTime ?
There are problems with the the XML file itself, which can be 'corrected' with just replacing some of the entities with some dummy data. The second part is to reference the correct path to the data you want to output.
$filename = '2.xml';
$data = file_get_contents($filename);
$data = str_replace(["&rs", "&rc"], "", $data); // Remove entity references
$xml = simplexml_load_string($data);
foreach ($xml->Tablix1->DialedNumber_Collection->DialedNumber->Details_Collection->Details
as $details)
echo (string)$details['DialedNumbers'].PHP_EOL;
echo (string)$details['AnswerNumber'].PHP_EOL;
echo (string)$details['WaitDuration'].PHP_EOL;
Can you try as below?
foreach ($xml as $show)
echo (string)$show[0]['DialedNumber'];
echo (string)$show[0]['AnswerNumber'];
echo (string)$show[0]['WaitDuration'];

How Can i get the child element using class using php DOMXPath?

I want to get the child element with specific class form html I have manage to find the element using tag name but can't figureout how can I get the child emlement with specific class?
Here is my CODE:
$html = file_get_contents('myfileurl'); //get the html returned from the following url
$pokemon_doc = new DOMDocument();
libxml_use_internal_errors(TRUE); //disable libxml errors
if (!empty($html)) { //if any html is actually returned
libxml_clear_errors(); //remove errors for yucky html
$pokemon_xpath = new DOMXPath($pokemon_doc);
//get all the h2's with an id
$pokemon_row = $pokemon_xpath->query("//li[#class='content']");
if ($pokemon_row->length > 0) {
foreach ($pokemon_row as $row) {
$title = $row->getElementsByTagName('h3');
foreach ($title as $a) {
echo "Title: ";
echo strip_tags($a->nodeValue). '<br>';
$links = $row->getElementsByTagName('a');
foreach ($links as $l) {
echo "Link: ";
echo strip_tags($l->nodeValue). '<br>';
$desc = $row->getElementsByTagName('span');
//I tried that but didnt work..... iwant to get the span with class desc
//$desc = $row->query("//span[#class='desc']");
foreach ($desc as $d) {
echo "DESC: ";
echo strip_tags($d->nodeValue) . '<br><br>';
// echo $row->nodeValue . "<br/>";
Please let me know if this is a duplicate but I cant find out or you think question is not good or not explaining well please let me know in comments.

nested selector failed in using simple html dom parser

I want to get the link and scrape its content but I can';t event reach there. What's wrong with my nested selector?
my php
$dom = file_get_html('');
$tables = $dom->find('.iB');
$firstRow = $tables->find('tr',1)->find('td',4);
foreach ($firstRow as $value) {
echo $value;
here is how the DOM look like
You just have a problem on pointing/traversing the correct element.
$dom = file_get_html('');
$firstRow = $dom->find('table.iB', 0)->find('tr', 1)->find('td', 3);
$link = $firstRow->find('a', 0);
echo $link->href . '<br/>' . $link->title;
Should output:
心跳 歌詞 王力宏

PHP how to count xml elements in object returned by simplexml_load_file(),

I have inherited some PHP code (but I've little PHP experience) and can't find how to count some elements in the object returned by simplexml_load_file()
The code is something like this
$xml = simplexml_load_file($feed);
for ($x=0; $x<6; $x++) {
$title = $xml->channel[0]->item[$x]->title[0];
echo "<li>" . $title . "</li>\n";
It assumes there will be at least 6 <item> elements but sometimes there are fewer so I get warning messages in the output on my development system (though not on live).
How do I extract a count of <item> elements in $xml->channel[0]?
Here are several options, from my most to least favourite (of the ones provided).
One option is to make use of the SimpleXMLIterator in conjunction with LimitIterator.
$xml = simplexml_load_file($feed, 'SimpleXMLIterator');
$items = new LimitIterator($xml->channel->item, 0, 6);
foreach ($items as $item) {
echo "<li>{$item->title}</li>\n";
If that looks too scary, or not scary enough, then another is to throw XPath into the mix.
$xml = simplexml_load_file($feed);
$items = $xml->xpath('/rss/channel/item[position() <= 6]');
foreach ($items as $item) {
echo "<li>{$item->title}</li>\n";
Finally, with little change to your existing code, there is also.
$xml = simplexml_load_file($feed);
for ($x=0; $x<6; $x++) {
// Break out of loop if no more items
if (!isset($xml->channel[0]->item[$x])) {
$title = $xml->channel[0]->item[$x]->title[0];
echo "<li>" . $title . "</li>\n";
The easiest way is to use SimpleXMLElement::count() as:
$xml = simplexml_load_file($feed);
$num = $xml->channel[0]->count();
for ($x=0; $x<$num; $x++) {
$title = $xml->channel[0]->item[$x]->title[0];
echo "<li>" . $title . "</li>\n";
Also note that the return of $xml->channel[0] is a SimpleXMLElement object. This class implements the Traversable interface so we can use it directly in a foreach loop:
$xml = simplexml_load_file($feed);
foreach($xml->channel[0] as $item {
$title = $item->title[0];
echo "<li>" . $title . "</li>\n";
You get count by count($xml).
I always do it like this:
$xml = simplexml_load_file($feed);
foreach($xml as $key => $one_row) {
echo $one_row->some_xml_chield;

PHP SimpleXML Namespace Problem

I'm trying to get the entry->id and entry->cap:parameter->value for every entry in the RSS feed.... below is the code I'm using. It is displaying the id correctly however it is not displaying the value field.... please help.
$url = '';
$cap = simplexml_load_file($url);
foreach($cap->entry as $entry){
echo 'ID: ', $entry->id, "\n";
echo 'VTEC: ', $entry->children('cap', true)->parameter->value, "\n";
echo "<hr>";
Thanks for the help in advance.
The <value> element is not in the same namespace as <cap:parameter>:
So you have to call children() again.
Code (demo)
$feed = simplexml_load_file('');
foreach ($feed->entry as $entry){
"ID: %s\nVTEC: %s\n<hr>",
$entry->children('cap', true)->parameter->children()->value
