I am using Laravel 5.4 and building API for Android and Iphone. I have set default value to null in phpmyadmin but my mobile developers do not want null values in response. There are many APIs so I am looking for short and perfect method.
I tried to find something in Laravel model that can help me. I tried following code as well.
Also tried setting default value in phpmyadmin but it does not accepts default: "As defined" is equal to empty value.
Third option could be to loop through laravel Model response and convert null to empty or zero based on data type but that will increase processing time and will increase our most of work as well.
public static function boot() { parent::boot();
self::creating(function ($my_model) {
$my_model->some_prop = $my_model->some_prop >= 42 ? $my_model->some_prop: defaultValue();
Is there something in Laravel in Model section or somewhere else where I can set default value to empty fields when field does contain any value or is there any other solution or suggestion means how I can handle this problem?
I use Laravel 5.8, and I want simply use a default value for description if it's empty, and take summary.
// summary variable request is equal to "test"
$summary = $request->get('summary', null);
$request->get('description', $summary)
But, the field is present, empty, and description give me null instead of summary value. Summary value is "test".
To get information from a request you should use get(), input() or the name directly. There is no documentation for the get method on requests for recent Laravel versions. For the input method on Laravel 5.8 the documentation says
You may pass a default value as the second argument to the input method. This value will be returned if the requested input value is not present on the request
It says it only works if it is not present so I would do it as simple as this
$description = $request->description ? $request->description : $request->summary
It really depends on what you want to achieve after all this and how you want your data.
Possible Solutions
My first impressions were that the data may not be being sent through correctly but upon looking over your code again, I realized you are using the more deprecated function ->get('description').
Try using ->input('description) instead. I personally have never used ->get(), so maybe this could be the problem.
In my model I have the following:
protected $dates = ['start_date'];
I am using an input field of type 'date' to select the date. If the user removes the date, its value becomes a null string "".
when updating my model, I get the following error:
exception: "InvalidArgumentException"
file: "C:\www\projects\crm\vendor\nesbot\carbon\src\Carbon\Carbon.php"
line: 582
message: "Data missing"
I can avoid this error by using a mutator like this:
public function setStartDateAttribute($value)
if ($value) {
$this->attributes['start_date'] = $value;
} else {
$this->attributes['start_date'] = null;
Is there a faster/better way than using a mutator to deal with storing an empty string as a date?
Looking into this a bit deeper:
Middleware updated in 5.4
Laravel 5.4 included two new middleware in the default middleware stack: TrimStrings and ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.
These middleware will automatically trim request input values and
convert any empty strings to null. This helps you normalize the
input for every request entering into your application and not have to
worry about continually calling the trim function in every route and
From: https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/releases#laravel-5.4
So, when I am grabbing the request object, an empty date field is converted to null. The database allows null on these fields and everything works correctly.
So, through the front end, date fields can be entered and removed without error. When updating manually to an empty string as per your request
\App\Yourmodel::find(7)->update(["your_date_field" => ""]);
I had the same data missing error.
Question is, do you specifically need to pass an empty string or is making the field nullable a better option for you?
\App\Yourmodel::find(7)->update(["your_date_field" => null]);
I would like to set some default values to avoid empty fields.
I want to set the default values in the Controller not the html
Forms placeholders don't work as filled field
I want to still be able to outputs the error if some of the key value is missing
I've found just the right way to acomplish this by using array merge:
array_merge($requested, $default)
The keys from the first array will be preserved! You should check php doc.
Then proceed (create & redirect).
Unspecified keys will throw errors, also you should check 'strict' => false in the config/database.php if you run into a problem.
$default = array(['image' => 'http://placehold.it/250x225']);
$request = request(['user' => request('user')]);
$input = array_merge($request, $default);
return redirect('{view}');
BE AWARE that this method leads to MassAssigmentExeption if you didn't set the $guarder or $protected fields in the {Model}.
I am new to stack so please tell me if something is wrong, thx.
Sorry if this question is asked elsewhere, but I've searched everywhere but couldn't find the answer. Well, I'm facing this problem on Laravel 5.0, when i try to get a variable from a request, Im getting null value on Production Server but im getting an empty string on the Development Server. The value is not present on the request, ie the field was empty when the form was submitted. eg.
// ProductController
public function store(Request $request) {
// this field is actually empty in the submitted form
$price = $request->price;
// when it gets to the server this is how this value looks like :
// $price in production server : null
// $price in development server : ''
When i try to save the object to a database like
Product::save($request->only('name', 'price'));
I get this error(only on production server)
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'price'
cannot be null
NOTE that the price column has 'default 0' on mysql table
Why is this happening?
All this time i thought the request->input() method returned empty string('') if the field was not present. but just know i looked at the laravel source to see this :
public function input($key = null, $default = null)
$input = $this->getInputSource()->all() + $this->query->all();
return array_get($input, $key, $default);
here it returns null as the default value. then why am i getting empty string on development server?
This is happening because mysql inserts the default value if you don't define anything. In this case Laravel sends a value, which is null. You should not use Request::only, instead use an array.
It's always good to be specific, it makes your code readable and consistent.
Input Trimming & Normalization
By default, Laravel includes the TrimStrings and ConvertEmptyStringsToNull middleware in your application's global middleware stack. These middleware are listed in the stack by the App\Http\Kernel class. These middleware will automatically trim all incoming string fields on the request, as well as convert any empty string fields to null. This allows you to not have to worry about these normalization concerns in your routes and controllers.
If you would like to disable this behavior, you may remove the two middleware from your application's middleware stack by removing them from the $middleware property of your App\Http\Kernel class.
From: https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/requests#input-trimming-and-normalization
Either I don't understand how CCompareValidator works in Yii (sic!) or it doesn't work for me at all.
I want to check, if an ID of row / record / user being updated isn't the same, as an ID of currently logged-in user. And prohibit update, if it is.
I used CCompareValidator at first:
array('id', 'compare', 'compareValue'=>Yii::app()->user->id, 'message'=>'Boom!')
It doesn't work -- it halts editing / update of every row / record / user, no matter, what an ID actually is.
So, I rewrote it to my own, custom validator. In my opinion, the code is the same as in case of built-in one:
array('id', 'compareId', 'compareValue'=>Yii::app()->user->id, 'message'=>'Boom!')
public function compareId($attribute = null, $params = null)
if($attribute === 'id')
if($this->id == $params['compareValue'])
It works like a charm -- allows update of any row / record / user, which ID is different than currently logged-in user's ID. Blocks update, showing defined message, in case compared IDs are equal.
What am I missing? Why original Yii's built in validator fails on such simple example, while my own works?
The validator works, as supposed, my logic have failed:
CCompareValidator, throws an error, when two compared values are not equal. On the other hand, if they're equal -- it passes validation without errors. That is supposed behavior.
I wanted an error, when values are equal (which means, that user is attempting to edit himself or herself) and pass as validated, when both values are different (logged user edits different one).
That's why I need to use 'operator'=>'!=' as configuration of validator. This is the answer.
BTW: All the glory of solving this problem goes to Keith at YiiFramework.com's forum.