Using slim's Container::get('settings') versus accessing array directly - php

The following three approaches produce the same effect. Which approach should be used? Are there times one should be used over another?
function getConfig() {
return $config;
$c = new \Slim\Container(['settings' => [
$c['pdo'] = function ($c) use($config){
$db1 = $c['settings']['config']['mysql'];
$db2 = $c->get('settings')['config']['mysql'];
$db3 = $config['mysql'];
return new \PDO(/* ... */);
Side note. Is it recommended to use a separate settings property for any application settings as I did with "config" to reduce the chance of conflicts with Slim's internal settings (i.e. httpVersion, responseChunkSize, outputBuffering, determineRouteBeforeAppMiddleware, displayErrorDetails, addContentLengthHeader, routerCacheFile)?

The get all settings just call the get() method like this:
$settings = $container->get('settings');


Modifying Pimple/Slim container

I would like to be able to modify an array on a Pimple container, however, because the services are frozen by Pimple this seems to be impossible.
I have tried the extend() method on the container, however, due to my array not being an object I am unable to modify it.
$container = new Slim\Container();
$container['config'] = ['foo'=>'bar'];
// .... do some other stuff.
$container['config']['baz'] = 'Harry'; // throws an error regarding indirect modification
Using extend
$container = new Slim\Container();
$container['config'] = ['foo'=>'bar'];
$config['baz'] = 'Harry';
return $config;
// throws an error PHP Fatal error: Uncaught InvalidArgumentException: Identifier "config" does not contain an object definition.
Is there no way to modify a definition inside Pimple container? Currently I am passing around a $config array by reference prior to instantiating the container which is less than ideal!
Thanks in advance
You can do this by unsetting the container value first.
Pimple freezes values but will allow you to remove them.
$container = new Slim\Container();
$container['config'] = ['foo'=>'bar'];
$config['baz'] = 'Harry';
return $config;
Sorry, it turns out that I can just wrap the $config in a function to achieve desired results.
$container = new Slim\Container();
$config = ['foo'=>'bar'];
$container['config'] = function($container) use($config){
return $config;
$container->extend('config',function($config,$container) {
return $config;
// foo=>bar, baz=>Harry

How to access dynamic references from other container items?

How can I pass a dynamic dependency from one registered container definition to another? In this case, a generic Database object wants to inherit from a generic Config object. The twist is config is not static, but loaded depending on a given environment variable.
Config pertinent methods
public function __construct()
$configFile = 'example.config.yml';
$yamlParser = new Parser();
$reader = new Config\Reader($yamlParser);
$configYaml = $reader->parse(file_get_contents($configFile));
$config = new Config\Environment(getenv('SITE'), $configYaml);
$this->config = $config;
public function getEnvironmentConfig()
return $this->config;
Registering config is as simple as
$container->register('config', 'Config');
Database is currently added to the container as follows:
->register('database', 'Database')
->addArgument($config->getEnvironmentConfig('Database', 'db.username'))
->addArgument($config->getEnvironmentConfig('Database', 'db.password'))
But I want to do something like
->register('database', 'Database')
->addArgument(new Reference('config')->getEnvironmentConfig('Database', 'db.username'))
->addArgument(new Reference('config')->getEnvironmentConfig('Database', 'db.password'))
The $config in-PHP variable makes migrating from a PHP-built config impossible. I want to define the services in yaml force the container to:
Instantiate Config
Parse the config yaml file and create an environment-specific version
Return this on a call to getEnvironmentConfig
Is this possible?
This was solved by using the Expression Language Component
So you can easily chain method calls, for example:
use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Expression;
$container->register('database', 'Database')
->addArgument(new Expression('service("config").getEnvironmentConfig("Database", "db.username")'));

When should one pass an object as a parameter vs instantiating?

I am curious about the best practices and any performance or other considerations relating to passing an instance of an object as a parameter to another function in the same class vs creating another instance of that object in the new function. Here's a quick example:
Option 1: Pass both instance of Trainee AND TraineeController to other functions
protected function startTraining($traineeID) {
$traineeController = new TraineeController();
$trainee = $traineeController->findTrainee($traineeID);
$this->initializeTraining($trainee, $traineeController);
$this->doSomeOtherStuffWithTrainee($trainee, $traineeController);
return Redirect::back()->with('trainee', $trainee);
protected function initializeTraining($trainee, $traineeController) {
$trainee->blah1 = 'red';
$trainee->blah2 = 'blue';
$propertiesToUpdate = [
'blah1' => $trainee->blah1,
'blah2' => $trainee->blah2
$traineeController->updateTrainee($trainee->traineeID, $propertiesToUpdate);
Option 2: Pass $trainee ONLY, instantiate a new TaineeController each time
protected function startTraining($traineeID) {
$traineeController = new TraineeController();
$trainee = $traineeController->findTrainee($traineeID);
return Redirect::back()->with('trainee', $trainee);
protected function initializeTraining($trainee) {
$trainee->blah1 = 'red';
$trainee->blah2 = 'blue';
$propertiesToUpdate = [
'blah1' => $trainee->blah1,
'blah2' => $trainee->blah2
$traineeController = new TraineeController();
$traineeController->updateTrainee($trainee->traineeID, $propertiesToUpdate);
In the above I need to pass $trainee across all functions each time instead of creating a new trainee from $traineeID because some other stuff goes on behind the scenes during the 'training' process that would otherwise be lost before relevant data is saved to the db. However, this is not required for TraineeController - I can either pass it as a parameter or instantiate a new TraineeController as much as I want. Which is the better choice?
I saw this question relating to C#, where the accepted answer was that passing an entire object is usually more efficient and instantiating another one because you are passing by reference. Does this hold true for PHP? Ie is the most efficient approach to pass the entire object by reference to required functions using &?
There is nothing wrong with passing an object as reference, but note that php expects that your function argument needs to expect a reference rather than just passing a variable by reference (php docs). php 5.4.0 will even raise a fatal error if this is not respected:
protected function initializeTraining($trainee, &$traineeController) {}
$this->initializeTraining($trainee, $traineeController);
protected function initializeTraining($trainee, $traineeController) {}
$this->initializeTraining($trainee, &$traineeController);
Passing objects by reference will in most cases have better performance than initiating the object again, but passing by reference could become tricky if your object has its own properties:
class TraineeController {
$fooCalled = false;
function foo(){ $this->fooCalled = true; }
function isFooCalled(){ return $this->fooCalled; }
$traineeController = new TraineeController();
//&$traineeController->isFooCalled() will be different from
//new TraineeController()->isFooCalled().

How to write and use config files in Zend Framework 2

In Zend Framwork 1, I used to have an application\configs\appsettings.xml, where I used to store params and values like hostnames for Rest API URLs, debug settings and other application specific settings for dev, test and prod environments. This registry was available to me across all controllers and models and was created in index.php
$applicationEnvironment = 'development';
$config = new Zend_Config_Xml( APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/appsettings.xml',
$applicationEnvironment, true );
Zend_Registry::set( 'config', $config );
How do I achieve similar thing in Zend Framework 2?
There is no such thing as a Registry in ZF2 because it is kind of an anti pattern. It's just a fancy substitution for global variables, which can cause all sort of unwanted side effects in your application.
In ZF2 you have the serviceManager and this allow to cleanly inject all your dependencies into your controllers/models/services. All config files in the config/autoload directory are automaticaly merged into one single array by ZF2 and you can retrieve this from the service manager using $serviceLocator->get('Config'). Whenever you need to use configuration in your controller just create a serviceFactory and inject the config.
class FooController
protected $config;
public __construct($config)
$this->config = $config;
public barAction()
//use $this->config
class Module
public function getControllerConfig()
return array(
'factories' => array(
'fooController' => function(ControllerManager $cm)
$sm = $cm->getServiceLocator();
$config = $sm->get('Config');
$controller = new FooController($config);
return $controller;
For sake of simplicity the factory above is defined as a closure, but I'd suggest to create a seperate factory class. There are many resources which explain how to do that.
In this example we are injecting the complete configuration, but depending on your use case it will generally be better to only inject the config keys you need.
Alternatively you can wrap certain config values into a dedicated config object with explicit getters and setters and inject this into your controller. Zend\StdLib\AbstractOptions can help you.
If you wish to work with config files and you dont have access to the Service Manager or you wish to write content to it, you can use Zend\Config
To read from, you can do something like:
$config = new Config(include 'config/autoload/');
$details = $config->get('array_key')->get(sub_key)->toArray();
To write to, you can do:
// Create the config object
$config = new Zend\Config\Config(array(), true);
$config->production = array();
$config->production->webhost = '';
$config->production->database = array();
$config->production->database->params = array();
$config->production->database->params->host = 'localhost';
$config->production->database->params->username = 'production';
$config->production->database->params->password = 'secret';
$config->production->database->params->dbname = 'dbproduction';
$writer = new Zend\Config\Writer\Xml();
echo $writer->toString($config);
The class support ini, xml, phpArray, json, yaml
You can read more at:

Unable to access variable from included file

As the title says there is a problem accessing variable (associative array) inside class from included file. Here is the source code both class and include file:
private $dbObj;
private $DisplayOutput = "";
public function __construct($PageParams)
$dbObj = new CW_DB($dbConfig['hostname'],$dbConfig['username'],$dbConfig['password'],$dbConfig['name'],$dbConfig['port']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new ErrorException($e);
The other part has nothing to do with $dbConfig.
Also this is the included file (config/dbConfig.php):
Testing configuration for MySQL database
$dbConfig['username'] = "phpcoursework"; // changed on demand
$dbConfig['password'] = "phpcoursework"; // changed on demand
$dbConfig['hostname'] = "localhost"; // changed on demand
$dbConfig['name'] = "students"; // changed on demand
$dbConfig['port'] = 3306; // default for MySQL
First, $dbObj will not automatically assume class member scope, it will create a local copy of CW_DB and discard it when __construct returns. You need to explicitly reference the property;
$this->dbObj = ...
Anyway, global state using global as suggested by others will "work", but if you're using OOP practices you're best not to do that. You can actually return from an include(), so an option would be to do the following:
// your config file dbConfig.php
return array(
'username' => "phpcoursework",
'password' => "phpcoursework",
'hostname' => "localhost",
'name' => "students",
'port' => 3306,
And inject it into the object, via constructor or method (here's constructor)
private $dbObj;
public function __construct($dbConfig, $PageParams)
$dbObj = new CW_DB($dbConfig['hostname'], $dbConfig['username'],
$dbConfig['password'], $dbConfig['name'], $dbConfig['port']);
// ...
// include() here, will actually return the array from the config file
$appAssesments = new \APP_ASSESMENTS(include('dbConfig.php'), $PageParams);
It would be recommended that you go another level up: instead, inject the database object itself, taking the dependency out of your APP_ASSESSMENTS class.
(Also, PascalCase is the typical convention of class naming, such as AppAssessments and CwDb)
$dbObj = new CwDb(include('dbConfig.php'));
$appAssessments = new AppAssessments($dbObj, $etc, $etc);
This simple change allows you to remove the dependency from AppAssessments on CwDb. That way, if you extend CwDb for some reason, you can just pass in an instance of the extended class without having to change any code in AppAssessments
You can change the AppAssessments constructor like so:
public function __construct(CwDb $db, $etc, $etc){
$this->db = $db;
// ...
This takes advantage of PHPs (limited, albeit still useful) type-hinting, ensuring the first argument is always of the correct type.
This plays into part of the open/closed principle: classes should be open to extension but closed for modification.
Includes are used in the scope of access. So, to access the variables you need to include the files within your class. As earlier mentioned global will let you access variables from another scope too. But global should be used with caution! See the documentation.
See the manual for more information.
Edit: I need to make it clear that globals are never a good alternative for handling these kind of critical variables..
public function __construct($PageParams){
global $dbConfig;
$dbObj = new CW_DB($dbConfig['hostname'],$dbConfig['username'],$dbConfig['password'],$dbConfig['name'],$dbC onfig['port']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new ErrorException($e);
or you could use $GLOBALS['dbConfig'].
