Laravel Carbon addHours response modification - php

I have a booking table where there's a bookingtime datetime field and duration field.
The duration field is integer.
In my get query for the calendar, I am showing the duration so I am trying to :
add the duration to the booking time date.
I am using this in the end of my query:
for ($i=0;$i<count($query);$i++){
$durationdate = Carbon::parse($query[$i]->bookingtime)->addHours($query[$i]->duration);
$query[$i]->end = $durationdate;
return $query.
The query is returning everything fine. but the "end" is returning an object
end{ date:"..." , timezone_type:3, timezon: "UTC"}
I want to modify the end to be returned like the other data in my query response as :
end : "2018-02-01 12:00:00" for example

Use the toDateTimeString() method like this:
$query[$i]->end = $durationdate->toDateTimeString();
Or the format() method:
$query[$i]->end = $durationdate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

The object returns is of type DateTime, so you can use the format() function to get the expect date 2018-02-01 12:00:00
$query[$i]->end = $durationdate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');


Function to Search by date

This is function for search by datetime .. i want to search just by date ( yy-mm-dd ) what i need to search just with date withount datetime .
I have tried all the options, but no one makes what I need.
Thank you.
if it is Mysql then you can use DATE function
as something like this
$qb->AndWhere("DATE(m.startDate) = :start");
for Postgres like this
$qb->AndWhere("m.startDate::date = :start");
Doctrine have to be setup before
$emConfig = $this->getEntityManager()->getConfiguration();
$emConfig->addCustomDatetimeFunction('DATE', 'DoctrineExtensions\Query\Mysql\Date');

How to convert ZF2 Doctrine createQueryBuilder date field to timezone

This is my query :
$casesData = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository('Cases\Entity\Cases')
cases.CreatedDate is currently have "US Canada" timezone, now I want to convert base on timezone dropdown value, and I can't found any solution to convert timezone as per above query, please help me.
Actually with query builder you can't change the time zone, you have to use loop as doctrine return datetime object than you can modify the time as you wish
foreach($data as item){
$date = $item['CreatedDate']->modify('....')

How to structure database and populate Calendar in CodeIgniter 2 project?

I've searched SO and Google and can't quite find what I need.
I'm building a simple Event Calendar with CodeIgniter 2. As per the CodeIgniter documentation, this is the basic code structure and it's working...
// $data[2] contains the data for day #2, etc.
$data[2] = 'event title 1';
$data[8] = 'event title 2<br/>event title 3';
$data[13] = 'event title';
$data[24] = 'event title';
// {content} in template is where $data is inserted for each day
$prefs = array (
// my calendar options
'template' => '
{cal_cell_content_today}<div class="highlight">{day}<br/>{content}</div>{/cal_cell_content_today}'
$this->load->library('calendar', $prefs);
$year = ($year === FALSE ? date('Y') : $year);
$month = ($month === FALSE ? date('m') : $month);
echo $this->calendar->generate($year, $month, $data);
Now comes how I've set up my database table...
Each Event has a title field and that creates the $slug. (~/events/view/title-slug)
Each Event has a date field and the data format is mm/dd/yyyy
Now, I'm thinking about how I'd query the database for a particular month/year and extract the data to insert into each $data[] variable.
It seems like I'll need to do the following:
create new columns in my database table for month, day, and year.
take my date input data, after it's validated, and save it into date column.
split apart my date input data, and save each piece into month, day, and year columns.
Then I would simply query my database for year & month, then loop through these results to construct my $data[] array for each day.
Is this the correct way I should be approaching this problem? It seems very redundant to have a date column as well as month, day, and year columns. Can it be done with only the date (mm/dd/yyyy) column? Too simple? Too complex? I'd like to avoid giving the user more than one field for entering a date, and ultimately I'll have a jQuery date-picker to help ensure the proper data format.
I know this may seem like a simple problem, but I've failed to locate simple code examples online. Most of the ones I've found are out of date (CI instead of CI2), too complex for what I'm doing, or use daily content items which have URI segments that already contain the date (~/events/view/yyyy/mm/dd).
This is how my Model is presently setup:
return $this->db->get_where('events', array('yyyy' => $year, 'mm' => $month))->result_array();
You can leave everything as-is and just structure your query to return the month and year as separate columns:
in SQL:
MONTH(date_field) as event_month,
YEAR(date_field) as event_year
FROM my_table
... etc ...
and in Active Record (taken from here):
$this->db->select("MONTH(date_field) AS event_month");
$this->db->select("YEAR(date_field) AS event_year");
$query = $this->db->get('my_table');
$results = $query->result();
Firstly, I changed my date column into the MySQL "date" format, yyyy-mm-dd, in order to take advantage of the built-in MySQL date functions.
My original $query is as follows, where the 'yyyy' and 'mm' are my redundant "year" and "month" columns:
$this->db->get_where('events', array('yyyy' => $year, 'mm' => $month))->result_array();
I simply changed it into the following using the built-in MySQL date functions:
$this->db->get_where('events', array('YEAR(date)' => $year, 'MONTH(date)' => $month))->result_array();
This solved the question. Now I no longer need to maintain the extra columns for "year" and "month".
Additionally, I can assign the "day" portion of the date column to a virtual column called dd by using the MySQL "alias" function:
$this->db->select('DAY(date) AS dd');
However, this would fail since it over-rides CI's default select('*'). So you'll have to select() all the relevant columns first or it will give an error:
$this->db->select('DAY(date) AS dd');
And putting it all together in the Model:
// select all relevant columns
/* use MySQL date functions to creates virtual column called 'dd' containing
"day" portion of the real 'date' column. */
$this->db->select('DAY(date) AS dd');
/* use MySQL date functions to match $year and $month to "year" and "month"
portions of real 'date' column. */
return $this->db->get_where('events', array('YEAR(date)' => $year, 'MONTH(date)' => $month))->result_array();

MongoDB using timestamps to sort

I have a mongodb that will be storing visitor data. I need to delete the data after ten minutes of not being active and will run a command through a cron. How would I do this?
Currently the collection is setup like so:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4fd33e0b0feeda3b2406f6be"), "name" : "Dugley Reanimator", "updated" : "Some form of timestmap" }
How should I go about storing a timestamp that I search the collection with I.E for my MySql version:
$sql = mysql_query('DELETE FROM `visitors` WHERE NOW() > DATE_ADD(`last_seen`, INTERVAL 10 MINUTE)');
The ObjectId has a timestamp component to it. see the docs here. This essentially gives you a free insert time that you can use for sorting and querying.
The mongodb drives should give you a way to created an ObjectId off of a timestamp.
In Python:
gen_time = datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1)
dummy_id = ObjectId.from_datetime(gen_time)
In Java:
Date d = new Date(some timestamp in ms);
ObjectId id = new ObjectId(d)
So once you've created an ObjectId based on "10 minutes ago" you can do a delete query using $lt
in the js console it would be:
db.collectionName.remove({_id: {$lt: <Your Object Id that represents 10 minutes ago>})
The best way to do it (if the timestamp is the same when you insert) its by using the _id field.
The _id field can indicate you the time, and you can do a $lte query to delete old values.
I've written about it here:
Your driver will use a MongoDate time (this may map to a more native representation in PHP).
You can then query using something like the following mongo statement:
db.myCollection.find({updated : { $lte : new ISODate("2012-06-09T16:22:50Z") } })
A rough translation for PHP would be:
$search = array(
'updated' => array(
'$lte' => new MongoDate($tenMinutesAgo))
Or (Caveat: not tested):
$tenMinutesAgo = new DateTime();
$tenMinutesAgo->modify('-10 minutes');
$search = array('updated' => array('$lte' => $tenMinutesAgo));

Yii date, hour, minute -> datetime string -> MySQL datetime

I'm using Yii to construct a web application. One of my input forms has a CJuiDatePicker for the date. I have two drop down lists, one for the hours, and one for the minutes.
My problem is in the data model, where I'm trying to convert the date, hour, and minute from the form into a MySQL datetime string. I have to produce a datetime string that looks like this - 2011-02-27 20:11:56, so Yii can convert the string into a MySQL datetime and insert the value into the row.
In the model, I have a rule that looks like this:
array('event_datetime_from', 'createDatetime',
'date'=>'event_date_from', 'hour'=>'event_hour_from',
The createDateTime validator function looks like this:
public function createDatetime($attribute, $params) {
if (!$this->hasErrors()) {
$date = $this->$params['date'];
$hour = $this->$params['hour'];
$minute = $this->$params['minute'];
if (trim($date) === '') {
$this->$attribute = null;
} else {
$parse = CDateTimeParser::parse(
$date.' '.$hour.':'.$minute,
'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm');
$this->$attribute = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $parse);
Now, I'm not a PHP developer. However, it appears to me that $params['date'] is returning the string value event_date_from, rather than the value of event_date_from.
My PHP question is, how do I get the value of event_date_from inside the createDateTime validator function?
My apologies if I overlooked the answer somewhere in the Yii documentation. I couldn't find many examples of validator functions. The Yii validator classes have a different parameter signature than validator functions.
Edited based on thaddeusmt's answer:
I tried extending CActiveRecord and coded an afterValidate method, but I couldn't find a place to define my working date, hour, and minute variables. I defined them in the extended method, and the afterValidate method couldn't see them. I got a PHP undefined variable error in the afterValidate method.
In the controller, I coded the following function:
protected function createDateTime($dateString, $hour, $minute) {
if (trim($dateString) == '') {
return null;
} else {
$timeString = $dateString.' '.$hour.':'.$minute;
return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($timeString));
It should be a cinch to call a function in PHP, right?
I tried both of these calls in the actionCreate() function:
$model->event_datetime_from =
$model->event_datetime_from =
My controller code dies with either of these calls, and I get a blank (no HTML) response page.
I thought what I wanted to do was pretty simple. I want to take a date, hour, and minute string, and convert the concatenation to a datetime string. What am I missing?
What I do is, in the POST action in the Controller (where the POST vars are assigned), I convert the posted date and time values into a MySQL datetime with the date() and mktime() function, then validate/save. So, here is an example of the post action:
public function actionUpdate() {
if(isset($_POST['Model'])) {
$model->attributes = $_POST['Model']; // assign the rest of the POST vars here
$model->event_datetime_from = date(
'Y-m-d H:i:s', // convert the timestamp to the mySQL format
mktime( // create the timestamp from the posted date and time vars
$_POST['my-hour-var'], // set the hour
$_POST['my-minute-var'], // set the min
$_POST['my-second-var'], // set the sec
date("m"), // set the month
date("d"), // set the day
date("Y") // set the year
); // create a MySQL Y-m-d H:i:s format date from the POST vars
$model->save(); // this run the validation rules, naturally
(This assumes a model called "Model", POSTed hour, minute and second variables called my-hour-var, my-minute-var and my-second-var respectively, and that you are setting the DATE part to today.)
And here is an example of validation rule in the Model model using the CTypeValidator:
public function rules() {
return array(
array('event_datetime_from', 'type', 'type'=>'datetime', 'datetimeFormat'=>'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss', 'message' => '{attribute} is not a date and time!'),
I hope this helps!
I'd highly recommend checking out this extension:
It does some of this behavior automatically. You may need to update it a bit depending on how you expect your incoming dates to look. One way is to always run the property through strtotime() (built in php date parsing function) instead of the specific date parser in the extension.
I finally got my date, hour, and minute strings to convert to a datetime string.
Here's the code that I put in the actionCreate method and the actionUpdate method of the CalendarEventController:
// new code
$timeString = $_POST['CalendarEvent']['event_date_from'].' '.
$model->event_datetime_from =
date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($timeString));
if (trim($_POST['CalendarEvent']['event_date_to']) === '') {
$model->event_datetime_to = null;
} else {
$timeString = $_POST['CalendarEvent']['event_date_to'].' '.
$model->event_datetime_to =
date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($timeString));
I had two datetime fields in this model, with the second field optional. This code didn't work when I put it in a function. It only worked when I put the code inline in the two action methods.
I guess I don't understand PHP function calls. But, in case anyone else comes across this question, here's the answer that worked.
