Laravel adding normal PHP package - php

I have a new Laravel 5.6 application. I wanted to see if I could an existing library (see link). The idea is that I could use the controller to parse the fit file and display the data in a view.
I have added the package adriangibbons/php-fit-file-analysis in my composer.json file.
Then the documentation mentions:
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; // this file is in the project's root folder
$pFFA = new adriangibbons\phpFITFileAnalysis('fit_files/');
How can this be done in Laravel? Normally I would add something in the 'providers' section of my app.php but don't know how I can add the above snippet in there.
Any ideas?

Laravel already loads the Composer autoload file so can skip the require line. Adding a provider to the providers array in app.php allows Laravel specific packages to hook into Laravel features/config. Since this package is not Laravel specific you can just use it directly in your controller.
$pFFA = new \adriangibbons\phpFITFileAnalysis('fit_files/');
Or a slightly more "Laravel" way
add use adriangibbons\phpFITFileAnalysis at the top of your controller. Then in the method add:
$pFFA = new phpFITFileAnalysis(storage_path('fit_files/'));


How laravel's helper functions are available globally in every file?

I have just started exploring laravel but I have one confusion . I know how to create own custom function file and make it available globally using compose.json file but I was trying to figure out how laravel's helper function like route() , view() are accessible without including there source file and I can't find any auto discovery in composer.json file neither in any Service Provider .
PS : I have only checked in in Providers/ Directory.
Can anyone tell me how this thing works?
Through composer Laravel has defined which files should be autoloaded. With the line in the composer.json file in Laravel/framework it specifies what should be autoloaded.
It loads the following file.
You can create similar autoloaders if you prefer, but having to much logic in such helpers could easily become an anti pattern. As the logic, is a little more hidden than class based logic, when people have to look through your projet.
On your composer.json file on the root directory of your laravel app, look for the entry autoload.
This means all methods on those directories are autoloaded.
That is why if you have (newly) created a method / function within those directory and it doesn't work (or not found) as expected, you need to run composer dump-autoload to make sure that everything has been loaded.
That's also where I put my custom helper file:
"files": [
All function here will then be available on all controllers, traits and views.

Overriding configuration files of composer packages in Lumen

I have a Lumen project with external Composer packages installed. As usual with Lumen, they're stored in the vendor directory, each in their respective folder. Some of these packages have configuration files, which I would like to override with custom ones.
I have registered the files in my bootstrap/app.php using $app->configure() right after I register the application itself, so it looks like this:
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
try {
(new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__ . '/../'))->load();
} catch (Dotenv\Exception\InvalidPathException $e) {
$app = new Laravel\Lumen\Application(
realpath(__DIR__ . '/../')
The files are present in their respective directories, and contain the settings I want Lumen to use instead of the defaults, which are located, respectively, at:
The problem I run into is that with this configuration, Lumen seems to ignore my custom files, and instead uses the defaults. What am I doing wrong here?
Put your configuration files in config/ and register them in bootstrap/app.php by their filename, without the .php file ending.
// Your custom config in config/jwt-auth.php
I don't think any of the above answers is truly answering what the OP wanted to know how to do.
What they appear to want, is to load a composer package and register that packages configuration into the app without having to do any kind of manual configuration.
Sort of like when you import a standard composer package which builds a logger using environment variables and autoconfigures its setup without having to add that configuration to the app. So then things are simpler.
Although I'm assuming the OP knows that this leads to a few problems, in that you're stuck with a composer package configuring your app, with a few options to override those settings locally.
But I assume you're happy with that. So therefore, I'd like to propose this solution
In your composer package, create a providers folder, then add this code into a lumen service provider class, in my case I've called it TestProvider
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace YourLibrary\Providers;
class TestProvider extends \Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider
public function boot()
// Because we're using 'require', this needs to be a valid path
$path = __DIR__.'/vendor_config.php';
// Get a configuration object from the service container
$config = app()->make('config');
// An example: Set into the 'app' configuration at a specific subkey
// just to show you can modify the default app configuration
$config->set('app.subkey', require $path);
// An example: Set into the 'vendor.test' configuration at a specific subkey
$config->set('vendor.test', require $path);
As you can see, you can use the dot notation for the first parameter to set() to insert your configuration into the applications config, but be careful with the naming cause in theory I guess you could override any setting like this, it could be that you end up overwriting the entire config('app') and all it's settings which would lead to a partially non-functioning app.
Then inside your bootstrap.php file in your app, you need to register this service provider, like so:
I've tested it with an app I was working on locally and this works and I'm already using it for a library that has a very static configuration, everything is working pretty great.

Laravel File equivalent in Lumen

I can access the list of files in a directory in Laravel using this:
use File;
$files = File::files($path);
However, I get this error in lumen:
Class 'File' not found
Any idea how I can access list of files in a folder in lumen.
File is only avaiable in Laravel by default. Although you can still used it on Lumen Framework by doing the following.
Enable the facade in boostrap/app.php by uncommenting the following code.
After that, you will be able to access the File class in any of your controller by adding it as:
use Illuminate\Http\File;
or you can use the Facade Class.
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
Please do a composer dump-autoload to update autoload.

How to use third party package in Laravel?

I'm using Laravel 4 and I want to use a third party package within this framework. I did this to install it:
1) Add package name to composer.json file
2) Run composer update command
Now I have package available in /vendors folder. My question is, how to use it inside the Laravel now?
Looking in the config/app.php file, I can not add it to "providers" array as far as I can see, nor "aliases".
When I try to instantiate that package class directly in controller I get the error "Class not found" ( I tried full name to the class: $pack = new /vendor/package.../class.php )
Any help on how to include and use the class in the laravel greatly appreciated
If the package provides a ServiceProvider, add it to app/config/app.php.
Otherwise composer has already took care of autoloading for you, so you just have to:
$package = new Package;
In the cases where the package is namespaced, you'll have to:
$package = new PackageNamespace\Package;
To be sure, take a look at the vendor/composer/autoload_* files, usually vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php, search for the package name or class name and you'll see how it is named. Or just take a look at the main package souce file, usually in:
vendor/vendorName/packageName/[src or lib or whatever]/Package.php
I just installed it here and did:
Route::get('test', function()
dd(new WideImage\WideImage);
Works like a charm. This package is in the 'namespaced' case I wrote above.

Laravel: How to include file from Vendor folder in Laravel

I am trying to include the YouTube Analytics Service of Google but I can not access it through the Vendor folder.
It is not working, because it defaults to the App folder.
How can I get out of the App folder and into the Vendor folder (where the YouTube Analytics file is at)?
The error is {
failed to open stream: No such file or directory
From where do you want to include that file ?
Place a reference to your file in composer.json autoload object:
"autoload": {
Run composer dumpautoload, and you'll have your file :)
Actually you have in the helpers function the path so basically the function base_path give the direction to the root of your project so
echo base_path() . '/vendor';
Should be the route to your vendor folder.
You can se all the documentation in
Helper Functions Laravel
Be sure that you are seeing the documentation of the laravel version that you are using (I put the link for the 4.2 version).
This question was asked a long time ago and the answers reflect that. Most the time now all you need to do is import it using the "use" statement if you installed it with composer. Composer will already reference all the important directories.
It should be something like this, but it will vary depending on the project.
use FolderNameUsuallyGitHubUserName\ClassNameorGitHubProjectName\Class;
That could include a base class as well as some exception classes.
use FolderNameUsuallyGitHubUserName\ClassNameorGitHubProjectName\ClassException;
Usually most packages if compliant with modern composer and php standards work in this fashion.
