Replace Instagram URL to Embed - php

How to replace Instagram URLs from a text in embed format with regex?
$text = 'There is and then there was';
//Expected output
$text = 'There is <iframe src="//"></iframe> and then there was <iframe src="//"></iframe>';

Regex is for matching Strings, not replacements or something similar.
If you want to convert your text into an embed link, this is a way to go:
$text = 'There is and then there was';
$words = explode(' ', $text);
$output = array();
foreach ($words as $word) {
if(preg_match('/^https:\/\/www\.instagram\.com\/p\/.{6,}\?/', $word)) {
$code = explode("/", $word)[4];
$word = '<iframe src="//$code/embed"></iframe>';
array_push($output, $word);
echo implode(' ', $output);
Output here:


PHP find tags in content text and wrap in <a> tags and set limit the number of links

Im finding keywords "denounce,and,demoralized" in a string, and wrapping it in "html a" tags to change it to link with following function...
function link2tags($text, $tags){
$tags = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', trim($tags));
$words = explode(',', $tags);
$linked = array();
foreach ( $words as $word ){
$linked[] = ''.$word.'';
return str_replace($words, $linked, $text);
echo link2tags('we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment', 'denounce,and,demoralized');
The output of the above function is as follows...
we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment
Here, the word "and" is linked 2 times I want to limit the number of links to a word
Repeat words are only linked once
You need to get only first occurrence of words and then need to replace those. Check below code:
function link2tags($text, $tags){
$tags = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', trim($tags));
$words = explode(',', $tags);
$linked = array();
$existingLinks = array();
foreach ( $words as $word ){
if (!in_array($word, $existingLinks)) {
$existingLinks[] = $word;
$linked[] = ''.$word.'';
foreach ($existingLinks as $key => $value) {
$text = preg_replace("/".$value."/", $linked[$key], $text, 1);
return $text;
Hope it helps you.
Here you can check existing word as below:
if(!in_array($word,$alreadyusedword)) {
$linked[] = ''.$word.'';
$alreadyusedword[] = $word;

Preg Replace in PHP for Heading Tags

I have a markdown text content which I have to replace without using library functions.So I used preg replace for this.It works fine for some cases.For cases like heading
for eg Heading
should be converted to <h1>Heading</h1> and also
##Sub heading should be converted to <h2>Sub heading</h2>
###Sub heading should be converted to <h3>Sub heading</h3>
I have tried
$text = preg_replace('/##(.+?)\n/s', '<h2>$1</h2>', $text);
The above code works but I need to have count of hash symbol and based on that I have to assign heading tags.
Anyone help me please....
Try using preg_replace_callback.
Something like this -
$regex = '/(#+)(.+?)\n/s';
$line = "##Sub heading\n ###sub-sub heading\n";
$line = preg_replace_callback(
$h_num = strlen($matches[1]);
return "<h$h_num>".$matches[2]."</h$h_num>";
echo $line;
The output would be something like this -
<h2>Sub heading</h2> <h3>sub-sub heading</h3>
For the combined problem of using = for headings and # for sub-headings, the regex gets a bit more complicated, but the principle remains the same using preg_replace_callback.
Try this -
$regex = '/(?:(#+)(.+?)\n)|(?:(.+?)\n\s*=+\s*\n)/';
$line = "Heading\n=======\n##Sub heading\n ###sub-sub heading\n";
$line = preg_replace_callback(
if($matches[1] == ""){
return "<h1>".$matches[3]."</h1>";
$h_num = strlen($matches[1]);
return "<h$h_num>".$matches[2]."</h$h_num>";
echo $line;
Whose Output is -
<h1>Heading</h1><h2>Sub heading</h2> <h3>sub-sub heading</h3>
Do a preg_match_all like this:
$string = "#####asdsadsad";
preg_match_all("/^#/", $string, $matches);
var_dump ($matches);
And based on count of matches you can do whatever you want.
Or, use the preg_replace_callback function.
$input = "#This is my text";
$pattern = '/^(#+)(.+)/';
$mytext = preg_replace_callback($pattern, 'parseHashes', $input);
function parseHashes($input) {
$matches = array();
preg_match_all('/(#)/', $input[1], $matches);
$cnt = count($matches[0]);
if ($cnt <= 6 && $cnt > 0) {
return '<h' . $cnt . ' class="if you want class here">' . $input[2] . '</h' . $cnt . '>';
} else {
//This is not a valid h tag. Do whatever you want.
return false;

Regular expression for finding multiple patterns from a given string

I am using regular expression for getting multiple patterns from a given string.
Here, I will explain you clearly.
$string = "about us";
$newtag = preg_replace("/ /", "_", $string);
The above is my code.
Here, i am finding the space in a word and replacing the space with the special character what ever i need, right??
Now, I need a regular expression that gives me patterns like
about_us, about-us, aboutus as output if i give about us as input.
Is this possible to do.
Please help me in that.
Thanks in advance!
And finally, my answer is
$string = "contact_us";
$a = array('-','_',' ');
foreach($a as $b){
$separators = array('-','_','',' ');
$outputs = array();
foreach ($separators as $sep) {
$outputs[] = preg_replace("/".$b."/", $sep, $string);
You need to do a loop to handle multiple possible outputs :
$separators = array('-','_','');
$string = "about us";
$outputs = array();
foreach ($separators as $sep) {
$outputs[] = preg_replace("/ /", $sep, $string);
You can try without regex:
$string = 'about us';
$specialChar = '-'; // or any other
$newtag = implode($specialChar, explode(' ', $string));
If you put special characters into an array:
$specialChars = array('_', '-', '');
$newtags = array();
foreach ($specialChars as $specialChar) {
$newtags[] = implode($specialChar, explode(' ', $string));
Also you can use just str_replace()
foreach ($specialChars as $specialChar) {
$newtags[] = str_replace(' ', $specialChar, $string);
Not knowing exactly what you want to do I expect that you might want to replace any occurrence of a non-word (1 or more times) with a single dash.
preg_replace('/\W+/', '-', $string);
If you just want to replace the space, use \s
$string = "about us";
$replacewith = "_";
$newtag = preg_replace("/\s/", $replacewith, $string);
I am not sure that regexes are the good tool for that. However you can simply define this kind of function:
function rep($str) {
return array( strtr($str, ' ', '_'),
strtr($str, ' ', '-'),
str_replace(' ', '', $str) );
$result = rep('about us');
Matches any character that is not a word character
$string = "about us";
$newtag = preg_replace("/(\W)/g", "_", $string);
in case its just that... you would get problems if it's a longer string :)

Extracting Twitter hashtag from string in PHP

I need some help with twitter hashtag, I need to extract a certain hashtag as string variable in PHP.
Until now I have this
$hash = preg_replace ("/#(\\w+)/", "#$1", $tweet_text);
but this just transforms hashtag_string into link
Use preg_match() to identify the hash and capture it to a variable, like so:
$string = 'Tweet #hashtag';
preg_match("/#(\\w+)/", $string, $matches);
$hash = $matches[1];
var_dump( $hash); // Outputs 'hashtag'
I think this function will help you:
echo get_hashtags($string);
function get_hashtags($string, $str = 1) {
$i = 0;
if ($str) {
foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
$count = count($matches[1]);
$keywords .= "$match";
if ($count > $i) $keywords .= ", ";
} else {
foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
$keyword[] = $match;
$keywords = $keyword;
return $keywords;
As i understand you are saying that
in text/pargraph/post you want to show tag with hash sign(#) like this:- #tag
and in url you want to remove # sign because the string after # is not sended to server in request so i have edited your code and try out this:-
$string=" is best #SocialNetworking #website";
$text=preg_replace('/#(\\w+)/','<a href=/hash/$1>$0</a>',$string);
echo $text; // output will be is best <a href=search/SocialNetworking>#SocialNetworking</a> <a href=/search/website>#website</a>
Extract multiple hashtag to array
$body = 'My #name is #Eminem, I am rap #god, #Yoyoya check it #out';
$hashtag_set = [];
$array = explode('#', $body);
foreach ($array as $key => $row) {
$hashtag = [];
if (!empty($row)) {
$hashtag = explode(' ', $row);
$hashtag_set[] = '#' . $hashtag[0];
You can use preg_match_all() PHP function
preg_match_all('/(?<!\w)#\w+/', $description, $allMatches);
will give you only hastag array
preg_match_all('/#(\w+)/', $description, $allMatches);
will give you hastag and without hastag array
You can extract a value in a string with preg_match function
preg_match("/#(\w+)/", $tweet_text, $matches);
$hash = $matches[1];
preg_match will store matching results in an array. You should take a look at the doc to see how to play with it.
Here's a non Regex way to do it:
$tweet = "Foo bar #hashTag hello world";
$hashPos = strpos($tweet,'#');
$hashTag = '';
while ($tweet[$hashPos] !== ' ') {
$hashTag .= $tweet[$hashPos++];
echo $hashTag;
Note: This will only pickup the first hashtag in the tweet.

Swap all youtube urls to embed via preg_replace()

Hello I'm trying to convert youtube links into embed code.
this is what I have:
$text = $post->text;
$search = '#<a(.*?)(?:href="https?://)?(?:www\.)?(?:youtu\.be/|youtube\.com(?:/embed/|/v/|/watch?.*?v=))([\w\-]{10,12}).*$#x';
$replace = '<center><iframe width="560" height="315" src="$2" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>';
$text = preg_replace($search, $replace, $text);
echo $text;
It works for one link. However if I add two, it will only swap the last occurrence. What do I have to change?
You're not handling the end of the string properly. Remove the $, and replace it with the closing tag </a>. this will fix it.
$search = '#<a(.*?)(?:href="https?://)?(?:www\.)?(?:youtu\.be/|youtube\.com(?:/embed/|/v/|/watch?.*?v=))([\w\-]{10,12}).*<\/a>#x';
$replace = '<center><iframe width="560" height="315" src="$2" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>';
$text = preg_replace($search, $replace, $text);
Try this : preg_replace($search, $replace, $text, -1);
I know it's the default but who knows...
EDIT Try that if not working ;
$text = preg_replace($search, $replace, $text, -1, $Count);
Here are a regular expresion more efficient:, tralate this to PHP: (add "s" modifier)
$text = $post->text;
$search = '#<a (?:.*?)href=["\\\']http[s]?:\/\/(?:[^\.]+\.)*youtube\.com\/(?:v\/|watch\?(?:.*?\&)?v=|embed\/)([\w\-\_]+)["\\\']#ixs';
$replace = '<center><iframe width="560" height="315" src="$1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>';
$text = preg_replace($search, $replace, $text);
echo $text;
Test it
There are two types of youtube link for one video:
$link1 = '';
$link2 = '';
This function handles both:
function getYoutubeEmbedUrl($url)
$shortUrlRegex = '/\/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\??/i';
$longUrlRegex = '/\/((?:embed)|(?:watch))((?:\?v\=)|(?:\/))([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/i';
if (preg_match($longUrlRegex, $url, $matches)) {
$youtube_id = $matches[count($matches) - 1];
if (preg_match($shortUrlRegex, $url, $matches)) {
$youtube_id = $matches[count($matches) - 1];
return '' . $youtube_id ;
The output of $link1 or $link2 would be the same :
$output1 = getYoutubeEmbedUrl($link1);
$output2 = getYoutubeEmbedUrl($link2);
// output for both:
Now you can use the output in iframe!
