CyberSource Secure Acceptance integration with REST Api in php - php

I'm trying to integrate Cyber Source Payment gateway in php using REST API. And I found following reference link in github
After required changes finally I can able to login (Authenticate) to Cyber source but, Im getting below error. (I can check the logs from Cyber Source)
req_reference_number: 474 => ERROR 101 - Request parameters are invalid or missing
signed: true
[auth_trans_ref_no] => 474
[decision] => ERROR
[message] => Request parameters are invalid or missing
[reason_code] => 101
[req_access_key] => 5e00e27842d73381b0**************
[req_amount] => 569
[req_bill_to_address_city] => Mountain View
[req_bill_to_address_country] => US
[req_bill_to_address_line1] => 1 My Apartment
[req_bill_to_address_line2] => 2 nd street
[req_bill_to_address_postal_code] => 94043
[req_bill_to_address_state] => CA
[req_bill_to_email] =>
[req_bill_to_forename] => Elavarasan
[req_bill_to_phone] => 6508764564
[req_bill_to_surname] => Natarajan
[req_currency] => USD
[req_customer_ip_address] =>
[req_device_fingerprint_id] => v1rh0p44gpnhag1a7mfp9tst25
[req_item_0_code] => KFLTFDIV
[req_item_0_name] => KFLTFDIV
[req_item_0_quantity] => 1
[req_item_0_sku] => sku001
[req_item_0_unit_price] => 20.00
[req_item_1_code] => KFLTFD70
[req_item_1_name] => KFLTFD70
[req_item_1_quantity] => 1
[req_item_1_sku] => sku002
[req_item_1_unit_price] => 10.00
[req_line_item_count] => 2
[req_locale] => en-us
[req_merchant_defined_data1] => MDD1
[req_merchant_defined_data2] => MDD2
[req_merchant_defined_data3] => MDD3
[req_merchant_defined_data4] => MDD4
[req_merchant_descriptor] => Krungsri
[req_override_custom_cancel_page] => http://localhost/cyphp/sa-wm/response.php
[req_override_custom_receipt_page] => http://localhost/cyphp/sa-wm/response.php
[req_profile_id] => *******************************
[req_reference_number] => 474
[req_transaction_type] => sale
[req_transaction_uuid] => 5aa6329409169
[required_fields] => payment_method
[signature] => IJ0iEsOJLZe2W4dNrogdzp8op8Evon2wU1KvA3W6SzM=
[signed_date_time] => 2018-03-12T07:57:00Z
[signed_field_names] => decision,req_access_key,req_profile_id,req_transaction_uuid,req_transaction_type,req_reference_number,req_amount,req_currency,req_line_item_count,req_locale,req_override_custom_receipt_page,req_override_custom_cancel_page,auth_trans_ref_no,req_item_0_code,req_item_0_name,req_item_0_quantity,req_item_0_sku,req_item_0_unit_price,req_item_1_code,req_item_1_name,req_item_1_quantity,req_item_1_sku,req_item_1_unit_price,req_bill_to_forename,req_bill_to_surname,req_bill_to_email,req_bill_to_phone,req_bill_to_address_line1,req_bill_to_address_line2,req_bill_to_address_city,req_bill_to_address_state,req_bill_to_address_country,req_bill_to_address_postal_code,req_customer_ip_address,req_device_fingerprint_id,req_merchant_defined_data1,req_merchant_defined_data2,req_merchant_defined_data3,req_merchant_defined_data4,req_merchant_descriptor,required_fields,reason_code,message,signed_field_names,signed_date_time
[utf8] => ✓
If I rename or remove any parameter, then authentication is failed. So I hope that, I'm passing some wrong value. But I couldn't find out which one is..
I tried to change almost every field values which I'm passing, but every time getting same error
ERROR 101 - Request parameters are invalid or missing

Finally I found sample code (php) from Cyber Source, we just have to configure as per the credential. Here is the link
Source Code
You have to define you Secret key in security.php file
define ('SECRET_KEY', '7f15d699ff14461b9a84*****');
access_key and profile_id in signeddatafields.php file
<input type="hidden" name="access_key" value="5e00e27842d73******">
<input type="hidden" name="profile_id" value="43C533AC-****-****-****-*********">
That's it.

I only did the SOAP as well, but after a look at their rest v1 example, it looks like the api key and secret key are passed to create a paytoken in the Apiclient. An authorization payment should be something like this(after u install the sdk):
use \CyberSource\Authorizations as Authorizations;
use \CyberSource\Configuration as Configuration;
class CyberSource {
private $config;
function __construct($apiKey, $secretKey) {
// pass apikey and secretkey to configuration
$this->config = new Configuration($apiKey, $secretKey);
private function runAuth($this->config) {
$api = new Authorizations($this->config);
$jsonPayload = // ur json request payload
// pass the request json payload object
$response = $api->createAuthorization($jsonPayload);
} catch (\E $e) {
//throw error here
if you have to use v2 then u need to read this pdf there are several things you need to add to the header for account authentication.


How to register webhook url on Twitter app using Abraham library in PHP

I'm trying to register a webhook url on twitter app and I'm using this package twitteroauth.
But facing following error after executing Twitter endpoint to register webhook.
stdClass Object(
[errors] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[code] => 214
[message] => Webhook URL does not meet the requirements. Invalid CRC token or json response format.
I was tried to register webhook through code as follows:
$connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, $_POST['oauth_token'], $_POST['oauth_token_secret']); $webhookURL = ""; $ucontent = $connection->post('account_activity/all/my_env_name/webhooks', array('url' => $webhookURL));
After reading some posts regarding this issue, I was tried the following code with url encoding:
$connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, $_POST['oauth_token'], $_POST['oauth_token_secret']); $webhookURL = ""; $ucontent = $connection->post('account_activity/all/my_env_name/webhooks', array('url' => urlencode($webhookURL)));
I also read in some articles and regenerate the keys, tokens of my app and newly generated key, tokens in code.
But not get success to register webhook url.
Execute the Twitter endpoint to get the webhook related details, but its giving empty array
{ "environments": [ { "environment_name": "my-environment-name", "webhooks": [] } ] }
Expected output after successful webhook url registration in this array response:
{ "environments": [ { "environment_name": "my-environment-name", "webhooks": [ { "id" => webhook-id-here, "url" =>, "valid" => 1, "created_timestamp" => some-date-time } ] } ] }
Please help me for this issue.

Get Whatsapp Password from Whatsapp api

How to get the whatsapp password using the whatsapp api?
I am still learning on using the api and have no idea to use it. I'am using sublime code editor for the code. Below is the sample code that I receive from one of the tutorials.
username = "6012xxxxxxx";
$debug = true;
// Create a instance of Registration class.
$r = new Registration($username, $debug);
$r->codeRequest('sms'); // could be 'voice' too`
When I execute it, I receive this error:
Array ( [cc] => 60 [in] => 6012xxxxxxx [lg] => en [lc] => MY [id] => 蜀��|#b�պ�`���x [token] => IAW+aljx1hbtx0Vh/sqxJmKytyc= [mistyped] => 6 [network_radio_type] => 1 [simnum] => 1 [s] => [copiedrc] => 1 [hasinrc] => 1 [rcmatch] => 1 [pid] => 5138 [rchash] => 6557f1fa8776a69cc3427a6196467690cb85cc651b36cc7be02062470a72a742 [anhash] => 3c24581d24189c24a487cae2ef84d1c3 [extexist] => 1 [extstate] => 1 [mcc] => 502 [mnc] => 000 [sim_mcc] => 502 [sim_mnc] => 000 [method] => sms ) stdClass Object ( [login] => 6012xxxxxxx [status] => fail [reason] => old_version )
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'There was a problem trying to request the code.' in C:\xampp\htdocs\tutorial\whatsapp-api\Chat-API\src\Registration.php:316 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\tutorial\whatsapp-api\requestCode.php(33): Registration->codeRequest('sms') #1 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\tutorial\whatsapp-api\Chat-API\src\Registration.php on line 316
I tried to use Wart application as well but still unable to get the password with the error of bad_token
Is there any other functions or application that I need to add. Is there also a good tutorial or video for this?
I also tried this lib, but got "fail [reason] => old_version". This library is unsupported since 10 Aug 2016. So I think it won't be working.
Try this one :
in src/Constants.php on line 22, change into
const WHATSAPP_VER = '2.17.242';
in src/Constants.php on line 27, change into
const WHATSAPP_USER_AGENT = 'WhatsApp/2.17.242 Android/4.3 Device/Xiaomi-HM_1SW';
in src/token.php on line 10, change into
$classesMd5 = 'ziYneeSZm5qExsEFX/AoMQ=='; // 2.17.242
Hope this helps.
I have changed the value of the constant variables in the file
src/Constants.php :
const WHATSAPP_VER = '2.18.371';
const WHATSAPP_USER_AGENT = 'WhatsApp/2.18.371 Android/4.3 Device/Xiaomi-HM_1SW';
and in the file src/token.php
$classesMd5 = 'sdGH+cA0CQfRGvQVnhZWDw==';
After that, I don't get an old_version message.
Try this one:
Note property a and d from those json. When I write this answer, the values are>> a: 5eItLCbGXx3CKpybxo81/A== and d: 2.19.15
_MD5_CLASSES = "5eItLCbGXx3CKpybxo81/A=="
_VERSION = "2.19.15"

Doctrine 2 and OAuth2.0 Server PHP Client Credentials are invalid

I am trying to implement OAuth2 with Doctrine as an entity manager. I followed this tutorial exactly:
Here is my code that is called when a user makes a request to the API:
// obtaining the entity manager
$entityManager = EntityManager::create($conn, $config);
$clientStorage = $entityManager->getRepository('OAuthClient');
$clients = $clientStorage->findAll();
print_r($clients); // We are getting the clients from the database.
$userStorage = $entityManager->getRepository('OAuthUser');
$accessTokenStorage = $entityManager->getRepository('OAuthAccessToken');
$authorizationCodeStorage = $entityManager->getRepository('OAuthAuthorizationCode');
$refreshTokenStorage = $entityManager->getRepository('OAuthRefreshToken');
//Pass the doctrine storage objects to the OAuth2 server class
$server = new \OAuth2\Server([
'client_credentials' => $clientStorage,
'user_credentials' => $userStorage,
'access_token' => $accessTokenStorage,
'authorization_code' => $authorizationCodeStorage,
'refresh_token' => $refreshTokenStorage,
], [
'auth_code_lifetime' => 30,
'refresh_token_lifetime' => 30,
$server->addGrantType(new OAuth2\GrantType\ClientCredentials($clientStorage));
// handle the request
Whenever a call using the correct credentials is made, I get this response:
[0] => OAuthClient Object
[id:OAuthClient:private] => 1
[client_identifier:OAuthClient:private] => testclient
[client_secret:OAuthClient:private] => testpass
[redirect_uri:OAuthClient:private] =>
[hashOptions:protected] => Array
[cost] => 11
[1] => OAuthClient Object
[id:OAuthClient:private] => 2
[client_identifier:OAuthClient:private] => trevor
[client_secret:OAuthClient:private] => hutto
[redirect_uri:OAuthClient:private] =>
[hashOptions:protected] => Array
[cost] => 11
{"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"The client credentials are invalid"}
So we are getting the clients from the database, we should be checking them, and returning that they in fact exists and issuing an access token. However, for some reason, OAuth2 Server (can be seen here) can not match the given credentials with the stored credentials.
I do not think this is a Doctrine problem because I can retrieve the results fairly easily using findAll().
My question is:
Why is this happening, and how can I fix it?
I found the problem. In the tutorial ( they fail to mention that when the client secret is checked with against a hashed version of the provided client secret.
In the tutorial they do not hash the example client secret when they put it in the database.
If you hash your client secret when inserting it into the database, it will work as expected.

Posting photo via Facebook graph no longer working

I'm trying to post a photo using the php-sdk - all was working for months successfully but all of the sudden no dice.
Other functions are still working with the same code base (ie: posting messages to wall) - its just the posting of photos that broke on my side.
try {
$data = $facebook->api('/me/photos', 'post', $args);
} catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
Is dumping:
FacebookApiException Object ( [result:protected] => Array ( [error_code] => 3 [error] => Array ( [message] => No URL set! [type] => CurlException ) ) [message:protected] => No URL set! [string:private] => [code:protected] => 3 [file:protected] => /locationofmy/base_facebook.php [line:protected] => 818 [trace:private] => Array ( [0] => Array [..............]
From the FB php-sdk lines 818:
if ($result === false) {
$e = new FacebookApiException(array(
'error_code' => curl_errno($ch),
'error' => array(
'message' => curl_error($ch),
'type' => 'CurlException',
throw $e;
return $result;
This was working for a long time - has something changed on Facebooks side?
EDIT: php-sdk version: 3.1.1
$tag = array(
'tag_uid' => 'acct_num',
'x' => 0,
'y' => 0
$tags[] = $tag;
$args = array(
'message' => $item_description,
'image' => '#' . realpath($temp_path . $tempFile),
'tags' => $tags,
Probably that the file doesnt exist, or the file system can't serve it anymore. Can you confirm "$temp_path . $tempFile" - the error is no URL, usually that means no real path to image. I suspect, that the images are missing and/or your servers filled up and no local images are saving. (Yes, this has happened to me before!)
Try changing the image to source. I believe this should fix your issue.
The Facebook API requires a source field but I did not see anything about an image field.
You may also have to pass the actual file contents instead of the real_path (based on the example). Or, alternatively, pass an external URL (based on my understanding of the documentation).

ADYEN Payment - SOAP Error on test SoapFault Object ( [message:protected] => security 010 Not allowed

This is my first post in this forum.
I'm trying to develop all the payments to Adyen using the WS, instead of the skin/post method that I was using until now.
So, I downloaded from their example, this code (I'm posting also the class method to connect by WS)
function Adyen($login, $password, $host ="live", $debug=FALSE ) {
$this->DEBUG = $debug;
$this->client = new SoapClient( "https://pal-$",
"login" => $login,
"password" => $password,
'trace' => 1,
'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1,
'style' => SOAP_DOCUMENT,
'encoding' => SOAP_LITERAL
function authorise( $amount,$currencyCode,$cardHolder,$cardNumber,$expm,$expy,$cvc,$reference) {
global $merchantAccount;
$response = $this->client->authorise( array(
"paymentRequest" => array
"amount" => array (
"value" => $amount,
"currency" => $currencyCode),
"card" => array (
"cvc" => $cvc,
"expiryMonth" => $expm,
"expiryYear" => $expy,
"holderName" => $cardHolder,
"number" => $cardNumber,
"merchantAccount" => $merchantAccount,
"reference" => $reference,
When I'm executing this code, it returns this error
#!/usr/bin/php SOAP Error on test SoapFault Object ( [message:protected] => security 010 Not allowed [string:Exception:private] =>
Do you have any suggestions to solve it?
Best Regards.
It's too strange, cause with the same method, but with different parameters (In case of the recurring payment, I haven't this error. This the case runs
$response = $this->client->authorise(
"paymentRequest" =>
"amount" => array("value" => $amount,
"currency" => $currencyCode),
"merchantAccount" => $merchantAccount,
"reference" => $reference,
"shopperReference" => $reference",
"shopperEmail" => $email,
"recurring" => array("contract" => "RECURRING"),
"selectedRecurringDetailReference" => "LATEST",
"shopperInteraction" => "ContAuth"
Had the same question, here is the support answer:
You are trying to make an API payment. Please be aware that there are a few downsides using the direct integration API.
Most important, due to strict industry regulations, the Merchant is required to be PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliant at Level 1 or 2. The PCI DSS certification process requires a big contribution from you in both time and money.
The direct integration also offers a limited set of payment methods and might require you to implement features like the 3D secure mechanism.
The normal integration works as follow:
Redirect the shopper from your website to our Hosted Payment Pages.
Shopper can choose several payment methods and makes the payment.
Shopper is redirected back to your website and we pass back a result code of the payment.
We sent also a notification via SOAP or HTTP Post.
From Adyen documentation
010 Not allowed You are not allowed to perform this action
I think you should send email to their support. May be your account not ready for use.
You need to add your ip in the ca admin area for the user 'Edit Allowed User IP Range'.
I think in this code you have mistakenly put extra double quotes( "shopperReference" => $reference",).
$response = $this->client->authorise(
"paymentRequest" =>
"amount" => array("value" => $amount,
"currency" => $currencyCode),
"merchantAccount" => $merchantAccount,
"reference" => $reference,
"shopperReference" => $reference",
"shopperEmail" => $email,
"recurring" => array("contract" => "RECURRING"),
"selectedRecurringDetailReference" => "LATEST",
"shopperInteraction" => "ContAuth"
