When I try to open my Laravel app I get the following error:
The stream or file "/laravel/storage/logs/laravel.log" could not be opened:
failed to open stream: Permission denied
Why is this and how can I fix it?
Write the following within terminal and ensure you are in the projects directory:
sudo chmod -R 777 storage/*
on FINDER right clic on STORAGE (inside ::your disk:: /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/laravel) folder and go to INFORMATION, go to bottom SHARING AND PERMISSIONS, there you must give READ AND WRITE permissions to EVERYONE. This option worked for me
NOTE: my OS languaje is SPANISH, may be text have some little variations; please, excuse my english
Maybe if you have installed Cent OS have to disable selinux.
setenforce 0
it will works.
I have a website made with Laravel, I need to upload it to windows server (Plesk Cpanel) i have set the database and everything is good, but when trying to open the website it shows me :
The stream or file "D:\Inetpub.....\storage\logs/laravel.log" could not be opened in append mode: failed to open stream: Permission denied
no solution found for windows any help, please?
You must change permissions for this file, or for all "storage" dir.
I found this in Google for Plesk - Link for Plesk and for Cpanel - Lunk for CPanel.
You must set 777 or read, write, execute permissions for all groups.
Or read here what permissions you need.
Good luck!
sudo chmod 777 path/to/project/storage/logs/laravel.log
I have inherited a PHP application and need to investigate various issues. I am not a PHP programmer so bear with me.
I wrote a function to log messages to a custom log file.
function my_logger($log_msg)
error_log("USER INFO:::::",0);
file_put_contents('/var/www/html/myproject/ulogs/my-log.log', date('G:i:s') . ">>$ " . $log_msg . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
After a lot of 500 errors and no information I discovered that the following line is being written to the error_log.log
PHP Warning:
file_put_contents(/var/www/html/myproject/ulogs/my-log.log): Failed to
open stream: Permission denied in
/var/www/html/myproject/app/lib/log_fns.php on line 11
I have put in a call to get_current_user and whoami which shows me:
[07-Apr-2021 14:26:04 UTC] USER INFO::::
[07-Apr-2021 14:26:04 UTC] root
[07-Apr-2021 14:26:04 UTC] apache
I am calling this at the moment from a simple php page called at http:///test_log.php:
my_logger("This is a test message from test_log.php");
I tried to chmod the files to 777 in the ./lib directory but was still getting this error. I have hard coded the path you can see above creating the ulogs directory.
I have tried combinations of chmod the ulogs directory to 777 and chown the directory to apache:apache but still get this error.
Any ideas where I can look next or how to solve?
Run this command
sudo chmod 777 /var/www/html/myproject/ulogs/
With this work you file_put_contents can generate or edit the file in this directory
This happened to me and no changing of file/folder permissions worked. The issue in the end was SELinux, which is setup as enforcing by default on CentOS.
To disable it, edit /etc/selinux/config, and change
Reboot and it should work.
I have a simple script that outputs Permission denied warning in the browser:
rename('/opt/web/test.tmp', '/opt/web/test.tmp1')
Script path is /opt/web/test_rename.php
/opt/, /opt/web/ and /opt/web/test_rename.php are 777 and have apache owner / group.
httpd process owner is apache
test.tmp is 777 and have apache owner as well
It works fine with cli.
What else could I do to make it work via apache?
The problem was with SELinux. It can block php rename function.
I've found the answer here: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-111081.html
On the Fedora Core 3 Linux distribution, you may get a "failed to open stream: Permission denied in ..." message. In fact changing the permission of the directory will not work (even if you set to 0777).
It is because of the new SELinux kernel that allow apache user to write only in /tmp dir (I think). In order to solve the problem you must to disable the SELinux (at least for apache service) to allow the server to write in other directories. To do that, run the system-config-securitylevel app and disable the SE to apache service. Reboot your system and continue your work.
I am having a hard time deploying a PHP website built using Grav on CentOS.
Whenever I try to open the website I get 500 Server Error. The logs say:
Uncaught exception 'RuntimeException' with message 'Creating directory '/var/www/html/glug_site/cache//compiled/files' failed on error mkdir(): Permission denied' in /var/www/html/glug_site/vendor/rockettheme/toolbox/File/src/File.php:420\nStack trace:\...
I followed the guide mentioned here but it didn't helped.
Then, I did chmod 777 -R glug_nith/ but still it doesn't work. I even logged into apache user using sudo -u apache bash to see if I am able to create folders and files inside myapp and I was successful. I tried deleting the .htaccess file to see if that would help but it didn't.
I cannot understand instead of having all the permission why its showing permission denied. Also I couldn't find any thing that might be blocking the permission. Please help.
try uncommenting the 12th line in ur .htaccess file
Modify this
# RewriteBase /
RewriteBase /
I have checked the install.php and it gives me the green light on the logs file. However, my application gets an error saying
ErrorException [ 2 ]: file_put_contents(/my/app/path/logs/2013/03/04.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied ~ SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Log/File.php [ 90 ]
I am also faced the same issue,i solved it with help of below comment to make all sub directories writable.
chmod -R 777 cache/ logs/
This may help future referrer.
Even if logs/ directory exists and have proper permissions set, it's subdirectories (like logs/2013/ and logs/2013/03) could have improper permissions, for example due to some file copying or so...
Be sure that all subdirectories allow writting for user/group/other.