How do I get the value of a specific attribute? I use the code:
$attributes = $this->model_catalog_product->getProductAttributes($product['product_id']);
if (!empty($attributes)) {
foreach ($attributes as $attr) {
if($attr['attribute_id'] == 15) {
$attr_text = $attr['text'] ;
$attr = $this->dd->createElement('param');
$attr->setAttribute('code', 'color');
$attr->setAttribute('name', 'Color');
But it does not work. How to get the value of a variable in OpenCart 2.3
First off all, new get grouped attributes from getProductAttributes(), you need to create new function in model for attribute information by ID.
public function getProductAttributeById($product_id, $attribute_id) {
$product_attribute_query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "product_attribute WHERE product_id = '" . (int)$product_id . "' AND attribute_id = '" . (int)$attribute_id . "'");
return $query->row;
Code not tested!!!
And then you use it like this:
$attributes_by_id = $this->model_catalog_product->getProductAttributeById($product['product_id'], 15);
if (!empty($attributes_by_id )) {
$attr_text = $attributes_by_id ['text'] ;
$attr = $this->dd->createElement('param');
$attr->setAttribute('code', 'color');
$attr->setAttribute('name', 'Color');
} else {
// default code
I have the following code that is overwriting my array on the second pass through of the while loop.
Here is my code:
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
require_once 'constants/constants.php';
use net\authorize\api\contract\v1 as AnetAPI;
use net\authorize\api\controller as AnetController;
define("AUTHORIZENET_LOG_FILE", "phplog");
function getUnsettledTransactionList()
//get orders that are in the exp status
$orders_pending_query = tep_db_query("select orders_id as invoice_number from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " where orders_status = '14' order by invoice_number");
$orders_pending = array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($orders_pending_query, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
$orders_pending[] = $row;
/* Create a merchantAuthenticationType object with authentication details
retrieved from the constants file */
$merchantAuthentication = new AnetAPI\MerchantAuthenticationType();
// Set the transaction's refId
$refId = 'ref' . time();
$pagenum = 1;
do {
$request = new AnetAPI\GetUnsettledTransactionListRequest();
$paging = new AnetAPI\PagingType;
$controller = new AnetController\GetUnsettledTransactionListController($request);
$response = $controller->executeWithApiResponse(\net\authorize\api\constants\ANetEnvironment::PRODUCTION);
$transactionArray = array();
$resulttrans = array();
if (($response != null) && ($response->getMessages()->getResultCode() == "Ok")) {
if (null != $response->getTransactions()) {
foreach ($response->getTransactions() as $tx) {
$transactionArray[] = array(
'transaction_id' => $tx->getTransId(),
'invoice_number' => $tx->getInvoiceNumber()
// echo "TransactionID: " . $tx->getTransId() . "order ID:" . $tx->getInvoiceNumber() . "Amount:" . $tx->getSettleAmount() . "<br/>";
$invoiceNumbers = array_column($orders_pending, "invoice_number");
$result = array_filter($transactionArray, function ($x) use ($invoiceNumbers) {
return in_array($x["invoice_number"], $invoiceNumbers);
$resulttrans = array_column($result, "transaction_id");
} else {
echo "No unsettled transactions for the merchant." . "\n";
} else {
echo "ERROR : Invalid response\n";
$errorMessages = $response->getMessages()->getMessage();
echo "Response : " . $errorMessages[0]->getCode() . " " . $errorMessages[0]->getText() . "\n";
$numResults = (int) $response->getTotalNumInResultSet();
} while ($numResults === 1000);
return $resulttrans;
the print_r($resulttrans); is actually printing 2 separate arrays, instead of my desired 1 array.
If I move the print_r($resulttrans) to after the while loop, I am only seeing the second array, meaning the first array was overwritten. I am not seeing where this is happening though as to me it seems like all results should be added onto the array.
Your code is supposed to work as you described because you are reassigning the array variable in your loop like this
$resulttrans = array_column($result, "transaction_id");
If you need to get all the resulting values in the same array you need to append it to the array. you can do that by merging the new result into your array variable like this
$resulttrans = array_merge($resulttrans, array_column($result, "transaction_id"));
public function test_passing_string() {
$this - > load - > model(array('registration/Registration_model', 'Jawaban_lab_model'));
$registration = new Registration_model();
$jawaban_lab = new Jawaban_lab_model();
$id = "kuda4";
$jawaban_lab - > load($id); //load jawaban_lab from id
$manualy_written_registration_number = "REG/FM/130102-0001";
echo "registration number from jawaban_lab->registration_number : ".$jawaban_lab - > registration_number
"<br> registration number from manualy_written_registration_number : ".$manualy_written_registration_number;
$registration - > load($manualy_written_registration_number);
echo "<br> patient id : ".json_encode($registration - > PatientID);
Before go to the question, I will explain my code.
On test_passing_string() function, I call 2 model, and create object for each model there are $registration and $jawaban_lab.
To load data from model I create a load() function. load() has two parameters: column_value and column_name. The default value for column_name is that model's Primary Key.
The problem comes from
I can't retrieve any $registration object data, then I test it by passing the value manually by write this:
$manualy_written_registration_number = "REG/FM/130102-0001";
$registration - > load($manualy_written_registration_number);
And the result appear, doesn't that mean my load() function is fine?
Then I check value inside $jawaban_lab->registration_number by echoing it, surprisingly it display same value as my $manualy_written_registration_number variable.
This is screenshoot in my browser when I run test_passing_string() function:
Using $manualy_written_registration_number value
Using $jawaban_lab->registration_number value
Why can't I use the value from
$jawaban_lab->registration_number even though it has the same value as
my manually writen registraiton number?
public function load($column_value, $column_name = NULL) {
$query = NULL;
if ($column_name != NULL) {
// using custom column.
$query = $this->dbs->get_where($this::DB_TABLE, array(
$column_name => $column_value
} else {
// using column primary key .
$query = $this->dbs->get_where($this::DB_TABLE, array(
$this::DB_TABLE_PK => $column_value
if ($query->row()) {
I use multiple database using CodeIgniter 3, registration_model from SQL server and jawaban_lab from MySQL, jawaban lab have column registration_number to store registration_model primary key
First of all thanks to rlanvin and Nirajan N Raju
from rlanvin's comment, i find out the problem is come from codeigniter's query helper, because when i enable codeigniter profiling sql server query return "SELECT CASE WHEN (##OPTIONS | 256) = ##OPTIONS THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS qi"
so i think codeigniter might be cannot generate query so i create the query manually
i change
public function load($column_value, $column_name = NULL) {
$query = NULL;
if ($column_name != NULL) {
// using custom column.
$query = $this->dbs->get_where($this::DB_TABLE, array(
$column_name => $column_value
} else {
// using column primary key .
$query = $this->dbs->get_where($this::DB_TABLE, array(
$this::DB_TABLE_PK => $column_value
if ($query->row()) {
to this
public function load($column_value, $column_name = NULL) {
$query = NULL;
if ($column_name != NULL) {
$query = $this->dbs->query("SELECT * FROM " . $this::DB_TABLE . " WHERE " . $column_name . " LIKE '" . trim($column_value) . "'");
} else {
$query = $this->dbs->query("SELECT * FROM " . $this::DB_TABLE . " WHERE " . $this::DB_TABLE_PK . " LIKE '" . trim($column_value) . "'");
if ($query->row()) {
I have this HTML form which has so many fields that someone can use to query data from MySQL table using multiple conditions. The form has select boxes, text boxes and check boxes, and date inputs.
I have this function which is ineffective
public function search(Request $request)
// loop through the defined fields
foreach($this->fields as $field){
// if the field is set and not empty
foreach ($request->get($field) as $value) {
$this->conditions[] = "`$field` = '" . $value . "'";
} else {
if(isset($_POST[$field]) && $request->get($field) != '') {
$data = $request->get($field);
if($field == 'bf_ref_no'){
$data = is_numeric( substr($request->get($field), 0, 2) ) ? 'BF'.$request->get($field) : $request->get($field) ;
$this->conditions[] = "`$field` = '" . $data . "'";
// builds the query
$query = "SELECT as inv_id, invoices.created_at as inv_date, invoices.amount_paid, invoices.amount, csv_data_final.* FROM csv_data_final
LEFT JOIN invoices ON invoices.parent_id = ";
// if there are conditions defined
if(count($this->conditions) > 0) {
// append the conditions
$query .= "WHERE " . implode (' AND ', $this->conditions); // you can change to 'OR', but I suggest to apply the filters cumulative
$results = DB::select( $query );
$borders = DB::table('borders')->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->get();
return view('track.track-withdata', compact('results', 'borders'));
This code doesn't work for dates using BETWEEN keyword.
I am overriding on my module the sales grid to get different reports and i was trying to set a different color if order status is "complete" etc.
Here is my approach , it is not giving errors but doesn't seem to work.
class Mycustom_Salesorderitemgrid_Block_Adminhtml_Order_Items_Grid_Renderer_Order
extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid_Column_Renderer_Abstract
public function render(Varien_Object $row)
$value = $row->getData($this->getColumn()->getIndex());
$html ='<a href="' . $this->getUrl('adminhtml/sales_order/view', array('order_id' => $row->getData('order_id'), 'key' => $this->getCacheKey())) . '" target="_blank" title="' . $value . '" >' . $row->getData($this->getColumn()->getIndex()) . '</a>';
return $html;
// here i am trying to add the color to mass status, after finding solution i will add seperate colors based on status
$truncateLength = 255;
// stringLength() is for legacy purposes
if ($this->getColumn()->getStringLimit()) {
$truncateLength = $this->getColumn()->getStringLimit();
if ($this->getColumn()->getTruncate()) {
$truncateLength = $this->getColumn()->getTruncate();
$text = Mage::helper('core/string')->truncate(parent::_getValue($row), $truncateLength);
if ($this->getColumn()->getEscape()) {
$text = $this->escapeHtml($text);
if ($this->getColumn()->getNl2br()) {
$text = nl2br($text);
if ($this->getColumn()->getStatusLabel() == array('processing', 'waiting', 'pending', 'almost', 'telephone')) {
$yesterday = strtotime("-24 hours", Mage::getModel('core/date')->gmtTimestamp());
$yesterday = Mage::getModel('core/date')->date(null, $yesterday);
if ($row->getCreatedAt() > $yesterday) {
$text = '<span style="color: red !important; font-weight: bold;">' . $text . '</span>';
return $text;
You need to add the method below to your Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Sales_Order_Grid class (or to the class which overrides it):
public function getRowClass($order)
if ($order->getStatus() == 'canceled') {
return 'red-row';
This code will add class="red-row" for every row where the order status is "canceled".
Hope that this will help
I am trying to delete all sublevels of a category by using a class. Currently I can only make it delete two sublevels, not three.
The database table:
CREATE TABLE betyg_category (
Item varchar(100) NOT NULL,
Parent int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
The PHP class:
class ItemTree
var $itemlist = array();
function ItemTree($query)
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ('Database Error (' . mysql_errno() . ') ' . mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
$this->itemlist[$row['CID']] = array(
'name' => $row['Name'],
'parent' => $row['Parent']
function get_tree($parent, $with_parent=0)
$item_tree = array();
if ($with_parent == 1 && $parent != 0)
$item_tree[$parent]['name'] = $this->itemlist[$parent]['name'];
$item_tree[$parent]['parent'] = $this->itemlist[$parent]['parent'];
$item_tree[$parent]['child'] = $this->get_tree($parent);
return $item_tree;
foreach ($this->itemlist as $key => $val)
if ($val['parent'] == $parent)
$item_tree[$key]['name'] = $val['name'];
$item_tree[$key]['parent'] = $val['parent'];
$item_tree[$key]['child'] = $this->get_tree($key);
return $item_tree;
function make_optionlist ($id, $class='', $delimiter='/')
$option_list = '';
$item_tree = $this->get_tree(0);
$options = $this->make_options($item_tree, '', $delimiter);
if (!is_array($id))
$id = array($id);
foreach($options as $row)
list($index, $text) = $row;
$selected = in_array($index, $id) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
$option_list .= "<option value=\"$index\" class=\"$class\"$selected>$text</option>\n";
return $option_list;
function make_options ($item_tree, $before, $delimiter='/')
$before .= empty($before) ? '' : $delimiter;
$options = array();
foreach ($item_tree as $key => $val)
$options[] = array($key, '- '.$before.$val['name']);
if (!empty($val['child'])) {
$options = array_merge($options, $this->make_options($val['child'], $before.$val['name'], $delimiter));
return $options;
function get_navlinks ($navid, $tpl, $startlink='', $delimiter=' ยป ')
// $tpl typ: {name}
$search = array('{id}', '{name}');
$navlink = array();
while (isset($this->itemlist[$navid]))
$replace = array($navid, $this->itemlist[$navid]['name']);
$navlink[] = str_replace($search, $replace, $tpl);
$navid = $this->itemlist[$navid]['parent'];
if (!empty($startlink))
$navlink[] = str_replace($search, array(0, $startlink), $tpl);
$navlink = array_reverse($navlink);
return implode($delimiter, $navlink);
function show_tree ($parent=0, $tpl='%s', $ul_class='', $li_class='')
$item_tree = $this->get_tree($parent);
return $this->get_node($item_tree, $parent, $tpl, $ul_class, $li_class);
function get_node ($item_tree, $parent, $tpl, $ul_class, $li_class)
// $tpl typ: {name}
$search = array('{id}', '{name}');
$output = "\n<ul class=\"$ul_class\">\n";
foreach ($item_tree as $id => $item)
$replace = array($id, $item['name']);
$output .= "<li class=\"$li_class\">".str_replace($search, $replace, $tpl);
$output .= !empty($item['child']) ? "<br />".$this->get_node ($item['child'], $id, $tpl, $ul_class, $li_class) : '';
$output .= "</li>\n";
return $output . "</ul>\n";
function get_id_in_node ($id)
$id_list = array($id);
if (isset($this->itemlist[$id]))
foreach ($this->itemlist as $key => $row)
if ($row['parent'] == $id)
if (!empty($row['child']))
$id_list = array_merge($id_list, get_id_in_node($key));
} else
$id_list[] = $key;
return $id_list;
function get_parent ($id)
return isset($this->itemlist[$id]) ? $this->itemlist[$id]['parent'] : false;
function get_item_name ($id)
return isset($this->itemlist[$id]) ? $this->itemlist[$id]['name'] : false;
Say you have the following structure in a :
-- Integration of sources
---- Test 1
It will result in the following in the database table:
When I try to delete this sublevel, it will leave the last sublevel in the database while it should delete it. The result will be:
The PHP code:
//Check if delete button is set
if (isset($_POST['submit-deletecategory']))
//Get $_POST variables for category id
$CategoryParent = intval($_POST['CategoryList']);
//Check if category is selected
if ($CategoryParent != "#")
//Get parent category and subsequent child categories
$query = "SELECT CID, Item AS Name, Parent FROM " . TB_CATEGORY . " ORDER BY Name";
$items = new ItemTree($query);
if ($items->get_item_name($_POST['CategoryList']) !== false)
//Build up erase list
$CategoryErase = $items->get_id_in_node($CategoryParent);
$CategoryEraseList = implode(", ", $CategoryErase);
$CategoryEraseList = 0;
//Remove categories from database
$query = "DELETE FROM " . TB_CATEGORY . " WHERE CID IN ($CategoryEraseList)";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ('Database Error (' . mysql_errno() . ') ' . mysql_error());
//Return a confirmation notice
header("Location: settings.php");
Thank you in advance for any guidance I can get to solve the issue.
Here is a way to do it : use a recursive function, which will first look for the leaf item (the deepest in your tree). You remove children first, then the parent. And for each child, you remove child's children first, etc...
function deleteSub($cat_id) {
$request = "SELECT * FROM ". TB_CATEGORY ." WHERE Parent = ".$cat_id;
$results = mysql_query($request);
while($child = mysql_fetch_array($results))
$request = "DELETE FROM ". TB_CATEGORY ." WHERE CID = ".$cat_id;
return mysql_query($request);
A better way could be use this kind of recursive function to store CIDs in an array, then make a single DELETE request, but I think you'll be able to adapt this code.
I'm not going to read or try to understand the entire code, but it seems to me you need some sort of recursion function. What I basicly would do is create a function that goes up in the hierachy and one that goes down.
Note: It has been a while since i've written anything in procedural mysql, so please check if the mysql_num_rows(),mysql_fetch_array and so on is written in the correct manner
EDIT: I've just noticed you only wanted a downwards deletion and therefore zessx's answer is more valid
function recursiveParent($id) {
$sql = 'SELECT parent FROM betyg_category WHERE CID=' . $id;
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while($r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
$sql = 'DELETE FROM betyg_category WHERE CID=' . $id;
function recursiveChild($parent) {
$sql = 'SELECT CID FROM betyg_category WHERE parent=' . $parent;
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while($r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
$sql = 'DELETE FROM betyg_category WHERE parent=' . $parent;
function delete($id) {
This is my way to do. instead of recursive the query to run, i get all the child's id first then only run query. here the code refer:-
First, defined a variable called $delete_node_list as array. (to store all node id that need to be delete)
function delete_child_nodes($node_id)
$childs_node = $this->edirectory_model->get_child_nodes($node_id);
foreach($childs_node as $node)
$this->delete_node_list[] = $node_id;
in mysql..
$sql = 'DELETE FROM betyg_category WHERE CID IN '.$this->delete_node_list;