I am sending a POST request to an API, Curl returns 200 and the correct response.
When Implementing with GuzzleHttp\Client, I get a 400 Bad request, what is wrong with my formatting.
here is my code using Laravel Returns 400 Bad Request:
$client = new Client();
$URI = 'http://api.example.com';
$params['headers'] = ['Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'apikey' => config('app._api_key'),
'debug' => true
$params['form_params'] = [
'sender' => 'Test_sender',
'recipient' => config('app.test_recipient'),
'message_body' => 'Test body'
return $response = $client->post($URI, $params);
Curl (Returns 200):
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'apikey: 212121212’ -d '{ "message_body": "test","sender": "2018","recipient": “4453424141” }' 'http://api.example.com'
Try the below code:
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['headers' => ['Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'apikey'=> config('app._api_key'),
'debug' => true
$URI = 'http://api.example.com';
$body['message_body']='Test body';
$URI_Response = $client->request('POST',$URI,['body'=>$body]);
$URI_Response =json_decode($URI_Response->getBody(), true);
return $URI_Response;
Note: I would suggest you to handle error please refer GuzzleDocumentation
That is proper error handling:
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException;
try {
$response = $client->get(YOUR_URL, [
'connect_timeout' => 10
// Here the code for successful request
} catch (RequestException $e) {
// Catch all 4XX errors
// To catch exactly error 400 use
if ($e->getResponse()->getStatusCode() == '400') {
echo "Got response 400";
// You can check for whatever error status code you need
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// There was another exception.
Implementation: http://guzzle.readthedocs.org/en/latest/quickstart.html
You can handle errors like this
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException;
use Exception;
$client = new Client();
$response = $client->request('POST', $url,[
'headers' => $header,
'form_params' => $form-params
$body = $response->getBody();
$status = 'true';
$message = 'Data found!';
$data = json_decode($body);
}catch(ClientException $ce){
$status = 'false';
$message = $ce->getMessage();
$data = [];
}catch(RequestException $re){
$status = 'false';
$message = $re->getMessage();
$data = [];
}catch(Exception $e){
$this->status = 'false';
$this->message = $e->getMessage();
$data = [];
return ['status'=>$status,'message'=>$message,'data'=>$data];
I use Guzzle to send messages to the Slack API. It's all working fine except for the warning missing-charset. Here is my Guzzle function:
private function guzzleClient(string $method, string $url, array $parameters = [])
$client = new Client(['headers' => [
'Authorization' => "Bearer " . $this->slackOauthToken,
'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
switch (strtoupper($method)) {
case "POST":
$response = $client->post($url, [RequestOptions::JSON => $parameters]);
case "GET":
$response = $client->get($url, ["query" => $parameters]);
$json = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents());
if((is_object($json)) && ($json->ok == false)) {
return "Error: " . $json->error . "\n";
} else {
return $json;
As far as I can determine, the charset is there and in the headers. But I keep still getting the missing-chaset error - where am I going wrong?
I've tried several methods to download an mp3 file via API get request. I feel like as if I'm close but just can't seem to get the download.
My URL returns a binary mp3 file.
This is a portion of what I'm getting in my response header array returning with the get request. Hope this is helpful.
"Content-Disposition" => array:1 [
0 => "attachment; filename=RE3e327a2615b93f528fee111da9b60e17.mp3; filename*=UTF-8''sample.mp3"
Here is a sample of my code using the Guzzle client in Laravel. Trying Laravel's download method but I believe I need to get the actual file from the Content-Disposition. Much appreciated for any help. Thanks.
$client = new Client();
try {
$url = 'http://getmp3website.net/recording/sample.mp3';
$response = $client->request('GET', $url,
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'bearer ' . env("AUTH_TOKEN"),
'Content-Type' => 'audio/mp3',
return response()->download($response);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
return $ex;
#Note: this is not a tested answer, I have just provided an example to follow the comments above
$client = new Client();
try {
$url = 'http://getmp3website.net/recording/sample.mp3';
$resource = \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::tryFopen('/path/to/file', 'w');
//or you can use $myFile = fopen('/path/to/file', 'w') or die('not working');
$stream = \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::streamFor($resource);
$client->request('GET', $url , [
'save_to' => $stream,
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'bearer ' . env("AUTH_TOKEN"),
'Content-Type' => 'audio/mp3',
* // As `save_to` is deprecated(guzzle wants us to download files as stream I guess), you can use sink as well, sink will automatically stream files for you
$resource = \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::tryFopen('/path/to/file', 'w');
$client->request('GET', $url, ['sink' => $resource]);
return response()->download($pathsavedfile);
} catch(\GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException $e){
// you can catch here 400 response errors and 500 response errors
// You can either use logs here
$error['error'] = $e->getMessage();
$error['request'] = $e->getRequest();
if ($e->getResponse()->getStatusCode() == '400'){
$error['response'] = $e->getResponse();
Log::info('Error occurred in request.', ['error' => $error]);
}catch (Exception $ex) {
return $ex;
I'm learning to use an API. They provide an example of the following authentication code:
curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/json" -d " {\"Username\": \"the_username\",
\"Password\": \"the_password\"}
" "https://someurl.someapi.com:443/api/Login/Authenticate"
However I need to reproduce this with a Guzzle request. Here is what I've been trying
$headers = [
"Content-Type" => "application/json",
"Accept" => 'application/json -d " {\"Username\": \"the_username\", \"Password\": \"the_password\" }" ',
// $headers = [
// "Content-Type" => "application/json"
// ];
$extra_data = ["proxy" => $proxy,
"headers" => $headers ];
// Defining the Guzzle Client to communicate with Legacy.com
$client = new Client([
// Base URI is used with relative requests
'base_uri' => 'https://someurl.someapi.com:443/api/Login/Authenticate',
// You can set any number of default request options.
'timeout' => 10.0,
try {
$response = $client->request('POST', '', $extra_data);
However no matter what I try (this was the latest of my failed attempts), I can't get anything other than a code 400 error.
So I finally figured how to do this:
This code worked!
$str = json_decode('{ "Username": "' . $username . '", "Password": "' . $password . '"}',true);
if ($str == NULL) return;
$url_authenticate = "Login/Authenticate";
$extra_data = ["proxy" => $proxy,
"json" => $str ];
// Defining the Guzzle Client to communicate with Legacy.com
$client = new Client([
// Base URI is used with relative requests
'base_uri' => 'https://someurl.someapi.com:443/api/',
// You can set any number of default request options.
'timeout' => 10.0,
try {
$response = $client->request('POST', $url_authenticate, $extra_data);
catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception: ' . $e->getResponse()->getStatusCode() . "\n";
$body = $response->getBody();
echo $body;
The key was use the json field int the extra data and transform the json to php array using json_decode. I hope this helps someone else
This function is meant to download .zip files
function download($url, $debug = false)
$client = new Client([
'connect_timeout' => 10,
'timeout' => 60.0,
'debug' => $debug
$response = $client->request('GET', $url);
try {
if ($response->getStatusCode() == 200) {
return $response->getBody()->getContents();
} catch (RequestException $e) {
$txt = json_encode(['log_error' => $e->getResponse(), 'response' => $response->getBody()->getContents(), 'url' => $url]);
file_put_contents(storage_path() . '/logs-etiquetas/log-' . microtime(true) . '-' . auth()->user()->company_id . '.txt', $txt);
return false;
I'm getting error below
production_ERROR: Client error: GET https: //api.mercadolibre.com/shipment_labels? shipment_ids = 27868452659,27864682043,27168438675,27868264704,27868866716,27868738288,27867965828 & response_type = zpl2 & caller.id = 23264143 & access_token = 400 Bad Request response:
I've tried using Guzzle's docs to set proxy but it's not working. The official Github page for Goutte is pretty dead so can't find anything there.
Anyone know how to set a proxy?
This is what I've tried:
$client = new Client();
$client->setHeader('User-Agent', $user_agent);
$crawler = $client->request('GET', $request, ['proxy' => $proxy]);
I have solved this problem =>
$url = 'https://api.myip.com';
$client = new \Goutte\Client;
$client->setClient(new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['proxy' => 'http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080']));
$get_html = $client->request('GET', $url)->html();
You thinking rigth, but in Goutte\Client::doRequest(), when create Guzzle client
$guzzleRequest = $this->getClient()->createRequest(
options are not passed when create request object. So, if you want to use a proxy, then override the class Goutte\Client, the method doRequest(), and replace this code on
$guzzleRequest = $this->getClient()->createRequest(
Example overriding class:
namespace igancev\override;
class Client extends \Goutte\Client
protected function doRequest($request)
$headers = array();
foreach ($request->getServer() as $key => $val) {
$key = implode('-', array_map('ucfirst', explode('-', strtolower(str_replace(array('_', 'HTTP-'), array('-', ''), $key)))));
if (!isset($headers[$key])) {
$headers[$key] = $val;
$body = null;
if (!in_array($request->getMethod(), array('GET','HEAD'))) {
if (null !== $request->getContent()) {
$body = $request->getContent();
} else {
$body = $request->getParameters();
$guzzleRequest = $this->getClient()->createRequest(
foreach ($this->headers as $name => $value) {
$guzzleRequest->setHeader($name, $value);
if ($this->auth !== null) {
foreach ($this->getCookieJar()->allRawValues($request->getUri()) as $name => $value) {
$guzzleRequest->addCookie($name, $value);
if ('POST' == $request->getMethod() || 'PUT' == $request->getMethod()) {
$this->addPostFiles($guzzleRequest, $request->getFiles());
$guzzleRequest->getParams()->set('redirect.disable', true);
$curlOptions = $guzzleRequest->getCurlOptions();
if (!$curlOptions->hasKey(CURLOPT_TIMEOUT)) {
$curlOptions->set(CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
// Let BrowserKit handle redirects
try {
$response = $guzzleRequest->send();
} catch (CurlException $e) {
if (!strpos($e->getMessage(), 'redirects')) {
throw $e;
$response = $e->getResponse();
} catch (BadResponseException $e) {
$response = $e->getResponse();
return $this->createResponse($response);
And try send request
$client = new \igancev\override\Client();
$proxy = ''; // free proxy example
$crawler = $client->request('GET', $request, ['proxy' => $proxy]);
You can directly use in Goutte or Guzzle Request
$proxy = 'xx.xx.xx.xx:xxxx';
$goutte = new GoutteClient();
echo $goutte->request('GET', 'https://example.com/', ['proxy' => $proxy])->html();
Use Same method in Guzzle
$Guzzle = new Client();
$GuzzleResponse = $Guzzle->request('GET', 'https://example.com/', ['proxy' => $proxy]);
You can set a custom GuzzleClient and assign it to Goutte client.
When Guzzle makes the request through Goutte uses the default config. That config is passed in the Guzzle construct.
$guzzle = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['proxy' => '']);
$goutte = new \Goutte\Client();
$crawler = $goutte->request($method, $url);
For recent versions use:
Goutte Client instance (which extends Symfony\Component\BrowserKit\HttpBrowser)
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\HttpClient;
use Goutte\Client;
$client = new Client(HttpClient::create(['proxy' => 'http://xx.xx.xx.xx:80']));