How to show decimal value after multiplication - php

I have value which stored in database like price. 123.00
When i tried to see the subtotal which is quantity * price.
So 123.00*1 = 123.00
But in view it shows 123 instead of 123.00 where price showing like 123.00 in same table.
How can i show decimal value after multiplication?

You need to format the number using number format PHP function. Consider
$price = 125;
$quantity = 1;
echo number_format($quantity*$price,2);
You can also have extra comma separated values that set the decimal separator, i.e. "." and the thousands separator also i.e. ",". See


How to correctly do maths with higher numbers in PHP

I am trying to display the total amount which is product price times quantity.
This works perfectly for numbers under 1000, but above that a dot is added and my script breaks. How can I fix that?
I have these numbers:
They are looped with variable $price.
I then replace all commas for dots like this:
$subtotalreken = str_replace(',','.',$price);
$subtotalreken then contains:
I then multiply this with the quantity amount like this:
$totalfinal = $subtotalreken * $cart['quantity'];
The quantity is 2 for both products, and if I echo $totalfinal, this is my result:
Why is it 2.4? And not 2.400?
I need the european/dutch format, so dots for every three numbers and cents after the comma. How can I do that?
Assuming that the "number" uses comma as decimal and dots as thousands separator: remove all dots and replace the comma with dot so that 1.234,56 becomes 1234.56:
$value = (float) strtr("1.234,56", ["." => "", "," => "."]); // 1234.56
You can format the value again using number_format:
echo number_format($value, 2, ",", "."); // 1.234,56
Before calculations remove any formatting from your number (just make sure you always have 2 decimal places number):
$number = preg_replace('/[^\d]/', '', $input);
Then do your calculations (number is in cents) and show to user formatted number:
echo number_format($number * $qunatity / 100, '.', ',', 2);

PHP - Separate a string with comma

I am getting value from a API to get the amound spend.
Currently I got this:
Total invested: € 17101
Total invested(formatted): € Eu 17101,00
What I want:
I want to make the total invested string (fx 17101) to a currency number (171,01).
I have tried to do it with:
number_format($jsonData->amount_spent, 2, ',')
Sadly nothing was given the result I wanted
If the input is a string '17101' in Euro-Cents devide by 100 and then do the format:
$input = "17101";
echo number_format($input/100, 2, ',', '');
// output: 171,01
Also note that
This function accepts either one, two, or four parameters (not three):
from the Docs

Php ignores decimals while adding two numbers

When adding two number it ignores the decimals, in database the product_price and product_shipping_cost data type is decimal(10,2)
$product_price = 272.70; $product_price = 189.00;
$product_shipping_cost 14.00;
The total should be 475.70 but i get 475.7 as the output how do i fix this i have tried adding (float) but still same
foreach($mycart as $row_checker){
$CKItemSubtotal += (float)(($row_checker->product_discount>0) ? $row_checker->product_price * ((100-$row_checker->product_discount) / 100) * $row_checker->cart_qty : $row_checker->product_price * $row_checker->cart_qty) + $row_checker->product_shipping_cost;
Please can anyone help me
number_format($number, 2)
If two parameters are given, number will be formatted with decimals decimals with a dot (".") in front, and a comma (",") between every group of thousands.
You may also format number using printf. In your case: printf('%.2f', 475.7);, but that's up to you.

I'd like to format a record containing a number with a comma

I'd like the format of a record containing a number to be displayed with a comma separating every 1,000. The value in the record is the total price of a product.
In a very simplistic format:
$strSQL = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE model='A'";
$rs = mysql_query($strSQL);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
echo $row['totalprice'] ;
The 'totalprice' record in the table for this example model contains the amount 32830
So the current output is 32830.
The desired output I'd like is 32,830
I can't hard code the number in the code as there are many products to display with different costs.
string number_format ( float $number , int $decimals , string $dec_point , string $thousands_sep )
So, what you want is:
echo number_format($row['totalprice']);
If only one parameter is given, number will be formatted without
decimals, but with a comma (",") between every group of thousands.

php round number include zero if .50

I want to round a number for e.g 269.00 and I round it like
round($price, 2)
which outputs 269 but when I have a value like 269.50 it ouputs 269.5 and I want to have the zero at the end this is for pricing products
Use number_format afterwards:
$price = number_format(round($price, 2), 2);
This also adds commas as thousands separators.
