Reminder for WeChat Store Service Account user using push notification - php

We are preparing to create a eCommerce website that can be run from WeChat Store. Although there are enough information such as ICP, the developer account for the Tencent SDK, etc, but can't find information on auto-reminder-feature through WeChat app.
For example, my customer may have purchase some product from our new WeChat Store. Then, we want to sent a reminder after X days for them to refill it. Instead of spamming them through email, we were wondering whether we can utilize the push notification feature provided by WeChat Store.
Service account can sent up to 4 push messages per month, but, if we want to sent a custom message for different users, are we allow to do so?

yes, provided you have each customers open id


Which paypal SDK/API to use to send credit card payments to email address?

Is there anyway to do the following using the Paypal APIs in PHP? I can't seem to find exactly what I need.
We are a merchant - we have several businesses who list their goods on our website.
Customers will need to pay for these goods using a credit/debit card. We don't want to force Paypal use/registration - in fact, we don't really want the customer to interact with Paypal at all.
We'd like to create a payment form where they enter their credit card details - we would then use the API to pay this directly to the business' Paypal account using their email address.
Using the REST API I've been able to do this to an extent - the only problem with this is that it doesn't seem dynamic i.e. I can't set the Payee email address to receive the payment - it's linked to my account via the ClientID and ClientSecret. Obviously this is not what I need - I want to pay into the account of the owner of the goods, not mine.
I've seen 'Guest Payments' mentioned but that seems to require the user being redirected to Paypal - something I'd rather avoid.
Thanks in advance.
I don't think the REST API is quite ready for what you're doing. The Classic API will handle it with no problem, though.
If you don't want any interaction with PayPal at all then you'll need to use Payments Pro, which allows you to tie credit card payments directly into your own forms via HTTP request/response with PayPal (no redirect or iframe).
Each business would need to be signed up with their own Payments Pro account, and then they would Grant API Permissions through their PayPal account profile for your app to make API calls on their behalf. Once they've done that, you just pass their email address or PayPal merchant ID into the SUBJECT parameter of API requests and it will use their account accordingly even though you're still using your own API credentials.
The Permissions API allows you to automate this and tie the grant permissions step directly into your app so business owners can do that quickly and easily from within their profile or during signup with your site. This works with auth tokens, though, as opposed to email addresses and merchant ID's.

eCommerce membership subscription after payment

I am creating a site in which a user must pay in order to access certain parts of the site. I understand how to make certain pages available to certain users, but I would like to know how I can automatically give them access once their payment has been processed.
ex.) A user sets up a account, during the process it will ask for credit card or other payment info(I would like it to be through Paypal). Once the payment has been processed it will add the user to my database and then they can access the site.
I am new to eCommerce and would like to know what tools I can use so that when a purchase on my site has been processed, I allow the user to access the website.
note: My site is being built with PHP.
I would recommend using Instant Payment Notification (IPN) for that.
It's basically a script that sits on your server listening for data. Any time your PayPal account has a transaction that takes place it will automatically push data to your listener script in real-time. Within that script you can update your database, send out email notifications, etc.
Here's a PHP template for IPN that I developed years ago. It's a little rudimentary, but still very useful and will get you up-and-running with IPN within minutes. Then all you would need to do is make some basic additions to update your users table accordingly, but the template comes with a nice database class that makes that very simple as well (assuming you install the IPN template solution to the same DB as your users table.)

Send Push notification to specific Users

I am trying to develop an android app that verifies a transaction initiated from a browser on a PC. I want the server application to push a notification of a new transaction to the app so the user can confirm to complete the transaction. The tricky bit is the transaction is specific to a particular person (I'm using this as an alternative to sending an SMS for example). Can anyone help on how to go about this? Is it possible to do this with C2DM or GCM?
Using Android GCM is advisable. The complete reference to GCM is available at
Step by step GCM development is given in there. It is really very helpful. Hope this is helpful to you.
The critical thing you need to keep in mind before making a decision is that when you are using GCM, you need to keep a track of the users by keeping their GCM_ID in your database. You can add a gcm_id column to your users table for this and whenever the user opens your app, the gcm_id should be updated in your database. The gcm_id of the user's phone can change, from the official docs:
Note that Google may periodically refresh the registration ID, so you should design your Android application with the understanding that the intent may be called multiple times
GCM push notifications wont be able to reach your users mobile phone all the time,especially if his phone is not connected to internet or switched off.You are using this for transactions etc, so I assume that the notifications must not fail. You should keep a check in your web application to send an SMS or notify the user that this has failed. You should get a response from GCM to your server through which you can identify a failed case.

How to get transfer confirmation from bank(by PHP)?

currently in progress making my first website, about selling something.
But, i want the payments via offline. The first is direct payment and second is via bank transfer (to certain account, my account).
how the get the transaction confirmation from bank to my machine(server) and then my machine automatically send confirmation to customer?
or the bank send automatically send the confirmation right after transaction?(make some agreement to the bank)
the best and secure way is to use paypal i am not sure about that particular bank, whether that bank is offering any API or not, paypal is the best for online tansactions
currently in progress making my first website, about selling something. But, i want the payments via offline. The first is direct payment and second is via bank transfer (to certain account, my account).
You Can try the code below sir!..replace my email and test it!..'; // Test Paypal API URL
$paypal_id=''; // Business email ID

If I register multiple Android devices in C2DM, do I receive multiple Registration IDs

Regarding C2DM, if I have a phone and another device (another phone, potentially a GoogleTV, etc) and I setup a C2DM server, will I receive two different Registration ID's that I can then use to send intents to both devices?
What seems like it may happen is this: I register one device and I receive my ID. Then I register another device and I receive a different ID which invalidates the first. Is my assumption correct?
I don't want to do a lot of development only to find out that a user's account can only have one Registration ID active at a time.
Yes, you will receive different registration IDs on each device. The Google account on the device is not used for registering with C2DM. The registration ID is used to send a notification to a particular application on a particular device.
More information about how the registration ID is constructed can be found in this thread from the android-c2dm Google group.
You need an active Google account on the device so that the transport underlying C2DM is active (the same mechanism is used by Google for Gmail and Market notifications).
