PHP append a variable to the end of a string - php

So here I want to append the id of the currently logged in user to the name of a table, like for example Rating_User_1, but the 1 here comes from the id of the logged in user. I assigned the id of the logged in user to $id, as shown below in the code, and append it to the table column name, but this doesn't work. I tried echoing the $id by itself and it works (i.e. it spits out the id of the logged in user but that's not what I want), but when I try to append it to the string in order to "emulate" the table name it doesn't work. Any tips on workarounds?
#foreach($data as $data)
<td> {{$loop->iteration}} </td> <!-- add number to the row -->
<a href="{{ Url('reply_thread') }}/{{ $data->id }}" class="text" >{{ $data->Judul }}</a>
<td><?php $id = Auth::user()->id;
echo $data->Rating_user_[$id]; ?> </td>
My controller:
function threads() {
return view('thread.thread', ['data'=>$data]);
and some of the tables in the table Thread has columns named Rating_user_1, Rating_user_2, etc.

Variable expansion sometimes needs curly braces to function properly. The following should work:
echo $data->{'Rating_user_' . $id}
See Variable Parsing - Complex Syntax for info on "curly brace" variable expansion.
While it doesn't look like you need it here, Variable Variables may also be useful to read up on. (aka, $a = 'b'; $b = 'hello'; echo $$a; // Same as "echo $b", outputs 'hello')

You could try:
#foreach($data as $data)
<td> {{$loop->iteration}} </td> <!-- add number to the row -->
<a href="{{ Url('reply_thread') }}/{{ $data->id }}" class="text" >
{{ $data->Judul }}
<td>{{ $data->{'Rating_user_' . $id} }}</td>

You have multiple options to achieve this, the first would be to call the property/method with the name stored in a variable:
$tableName = 'Rating_user_' . $id;
$tableName = "Rating_user_$id";
You could also use curly braces to make a hot concat on the property/method call itself as #romellem suggested:
$data->{'Rating_user_' . $id}
If you are going to access the $data->Rating_user more than once I would recommend you the first approach, if not the second one is okey aswell.

I think that your code is almost correct, and I think it's better if you use double curly than use echo like:
#foreach($data as $data)
<td> {{$loop->iteration}} </td> <!-- add number to the row -->
<a href="{{ Url('reply_thread') }}/{{ $data->id }}" class="text" >{{ $data->Judul }}</a>
<td>{{ $data->{'Rating_user_' . Auth::id()} }}</td>


ArgumentCountError Too few arguments to function Laravel unable to pull data from db and display

I am working in Laravel 7, pulling data from my db and showing the student his/her score on the scores page in percentage via the following codes.
In my StudentOperationController.php
public function show_result($id) {
$data['result_info'] = Oex_result::where('id', $id)->get()->first();
$data['student_info'] = Oex_students::select(['oex_students.*', 'oex_exam_masters.title', 'oex_exam_masters.exam_date'])->join('oex_exam_masters', 'oex_students.exam', '=', '')->where('', Session::get('id'))->get()->first();
return view('student.show_result', $data);
and in my show_result.blade.php
<h2>Result Information</h2>
<table class="table">
<td>Number Correct</td>
<td>{{ $result_info->yes_ans }}</td>
<td>Number Incorrect</td>
<td>{{ $result_info->no_ans }}</td>
<td>{{ round($result_info->yes_ans / ($result_info->yes_ans + $result_info->no_ans) * 100 , 1) }} %</td>
The reason I show this is that it works as expected. this is within the students dashboard. In my admin, I am trying to do the same thing and show that students data for his/her exam result. In my database, I have a json type data for example: {"2":"YES","3":"YES","8":"YES"}. I am still learning Laravel and am stuck on how to get this data to my admin. I am clearly doing something wrong and am in need of assistance. Here is what I have tried:
public function manage_students($id)
$data['result_info'] = Oex_result::where('id', $id)->get()->first();
// dd($data);
$data['student_info'] = Oex_students::select(['oex_students.*', 'oex_exam_masters.title', 'oex_exam_masters.exam_date'])->join('oex_exam_masters', 'oex_students.exam', '=', '')->where('', Session::get('id'))->get()->first();
$data['exams'] = Oex_exam_master::where('status', '1')->get()->toArray();
$data['students'] = Oex_students::select(['oex_students.*', 'oex_exam_masters.title as exam_name'])
->join('oex_exam_masters', 'oex_students.exam', '=', '')
return view('admin.manage_students', $data);
and in my manage_students.blade.php, I have
#foreach($students as $key => $student)
<td>{{ $key+1 }}</td>
<td>{{ $student['name'] }}</td>
<td>{{ $student['email'] }}</td>
<td>{{ $student['mobile_no'] }}</td>
<td>{{ $student['exam_name'] }}</td>
{{-- <td>N/A</td> --}}
<td>{{ round($result_info->yes_ans / ($result_info->yes_ans + $result_info->no_ans) * 100 , 1) }} % </td>
#if($student['status']== 1)
<td><input data-id="{{ $student['id'] }}" class="student_status" type="checkbox" name="status" checked></td>
<td><input data-id="{{ $student['id'] }}" class="student_status" type="checkbox" name="status"></td>
In doing this I get the error Too Few arguments to function ... 0 passed and exactly 1 expected
I am unable to replicate what I have for the student dashboard and because of my lack of Laravel knowledge, I am having trouble solving this issue. So, any help would be greatly appreciated. If I am missing anything, please let me know so I can edit my question. Thanks in advance.
Edit: manage_students route:
Route::get('admin/manage_students', 'AdminController#manage_students');
Edit Number 2:
Too few arguments to function App\Http\Controllers\AdminController::manage_students(), 0 passed and exactly 1 expected
Referring to this line:
public function manage_students($id)
Edit Number 3:
in resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php
<li class="nav-item">
<a href="{{ url('admin/manage_students') }}" class="nav-link">
<i class="nav-icon fas fa-school"></i>
Student Management
Edit number 4:
The manage_student page brings in data from a number of student's exam results
This function request $id;
public function manage_students($id)
This route doesn't pass one
Route::get('admin/manage_students', 'AdminController#manage_students');
As I can see you are filtering by results which in this case you need $result id
Route::get('admin/manage_student/{id}', 'AdminController#manage_students');
So you have to pass result ID, but lets assume there is a default results id
public function manage_students($id=2)
then this route works because $id is optional/predefined.
Route::get('admin/manage_students', 'AdminController#manage_students');
And if you pass an ID it will use
Route::get('admin/manage_student/{id}', 'AdminController#manage_students');
Make 2 routes and make parameter optional/predefined.
if you go to /admin/manage_student it will use ID 2
but if you pass /admin/manage_student/5 it will use 5

How I build if statement if the column is exit in database or not (Laravel)

How I can write if the statement if the find the attachment in the column or not?
<a href="{{ url('uploads/reports/'.$request->pdfuplode) }}" target="_blank">
<td> - </td>
I mean if the pdfuplode is not null will show the link pf report .. if it null show (-)
You just do an empty() check in your blade like so:
<td> - </td>
<a href="{{ url('uploads/reports/'.$request->pdfuplode) }}" target="_blank">
i think you are trying to check whether the request contains your file or not
// $array is not empty
// $array is empty
isEmpty() method will check if the array is null or not . if its not null then the if condition will run otherwise the else condition. You can make changing in the if else for your desired work.

Laravel 5 getting ID from URL

I have a table view in which I can click an button icon and redirect to another page carrying the id of the row that has been clicked.
#foreach ($patients as $patient)
<td>{{ $patient->pID }}</td>
<td>{{ $patient->pName }}</td>
<td>{{ $patient->pAddress }}</td>
<td>{{ $patient->pBday }}</td>
<td>{{ $patient->pPhone}}</td>
<td>{{ $patient->pEcon }}</td>
<td>{{ $patient->pDreg }}</td>
<a href="{{ URL::to('visit/'.$patient->pID) }}">
<img src="../images/viewvisit.png" style="width:30px; height:30px;">
<a href="{{ URL::to('addeditvisit/'.$patient->pID) }}">
<img src="../images/visit.png" style="width:30px; height:30px;">
<a href="{{ URL::to('editpatient/'.$patient->pID) }}">
<img src="../images/update.png" style="width:30px; height:30px;">
<a href="{{ URL::to('deletepatient/'.$patient->pID) }}">
<img src="../images/delete.png" style="width:30px; height:30px;">
what I want is to get the id from the URL and put it in a variable so that I can utilize it my other page.
I'm currently stuck with this controller function.
public function index(Request $request) {
$doctors = Doctor::where('dStatus', 0)
->lists('dName', 'dID');
$beds = Bed::where('bStatus', 0)
->lists('bName', 'bID');
$patient = Patient::patient();
// $uri = $request->path('patient');
return View::make('pages.addeditvisit', [
This is late. But for the benefit of others like me;
If you do not have to do it in a method like the answers above have shown, As of Laravel 5.0 (Not sure about previous versions), you can do
That returns the value of the id parameter on the route.
Or just use it within Blade: {{ request()->route('id') }}
Basically when you are defining the routes, you use something called route parameters, something like this
Route::get('/visit/{id}', 'Controller#someMethod');
This id will be available as a parameter in your handler funtion,
public function someMethod($id) {
// you have the id here
Simple example:
as link=>
as rout=> Route::get('user/{id}', 'UserController#user');
as UserController function
public function user($id){
echo $id;
output => 1
The trick is to declare the url's structure at routes including the id, for example:
// {{ URL::to('editpatient/'.$patient->pID) }}
Route::get('editpatient/{patientId}', 'MyController#index');
Then, just inject the id in the controller's function:
public function index($patientId){
// $patientId is the variable from url
Please refer to the answered question for how to get a parameter from a route. But if you stumbled on this old Laravel thread looking for how to retrieve a model by its ID, the simplest way is to instantiate the model in the controller's request parameter:
Route::get('/retrieve_product/{product}', 'SearchController#getProduct');
Then over in your controller, you simply need:
use App\Product;
class SearchController extends Controller
public function getProduct( Product $product ) {
return $product;
That's it. No find, no where, no get, no first etc.
So, in this example, if you visit /retrieve_product/1 the first product is returned to you.
Route::get('post/user/{id}','ProductController#allpost')->where('id', '[0-9]+');
public function allpost($id)
$products = Product::where('uploadby', $id)->orderBy('created_at','desc')->paginate(5); <br>
return view('product.user_product')->with('products', $products);

Displaying multiple columns of data [from a PHP list] in a table in Laravel View

I currently am using a Laravel View with the following HTML that displays data onto a table using the <td> tag.
<table class="table table-hover table-striped">
<?php $index = 1; ?>
#foreach($unrostered as $name => $profile)
<?= $index; $index++; ?>
href="{{ $profile }}">{{ $name }}
I am currently just using one associative list called $unrostered which contains the key and value called name and profile. This shows two columns of data, like this:
As you can see, the name variable is the name of the person, and the profile is a URL that links to their profile.
My HTML skills aren't good. I want to pass in multiple lists [of the same length] into my HTML table, so each list occupies their own column.
I tried juggling the row and data tags, however, all I was able to achieve were that all the data points occupied only one row instead of columns.
Assume the name of your other lists are $list1, $list2, ... and they have the same format as your $unrostered. Then your foreach code should be changed to:
<?php $index = 1; ?>
#foreach($unrostered as $name => $profile)
<?= $index; $index++; ?>
href="{{ $profile }}">{{ $name }}
href="{{ $list1[$name] }}">{{ $name }}
href="{{ $list2[$name] }}">{{ $name }}

2 Foreach Loop Inside A Table

I had Users table and group table, when i load a group table, it loads the user which have same group_id as the group table id. it works, but my problem is the foreach was quite a mess. the output looks like this..
however, i want to make the output look like this.
here is my code..
<?php $i = 0; ?>
#foreach ($auser as $res)
<?php $i += 1; ?>
<tr #if($i%2==0) class="bgcolor" #endif>
<td>{{ $res->id }}.</td>
<td id="showdet">{{ $res->nama }}</td>
<td>{{ $res->description }}</td>
<?php $user = DB::table('users')->where('devgroup',$res->id)->get();?>
#foreach($user as $mem)
<td>{{ $mem->name }}</td>
<a class="default-btn" href="/pms/admin/group/edit/{{ $res->id }}">Edit</a>
<a type="submit" class="default-btn del" data-id="devgroup" href="#"{{ $res->id }}">Delete</a>
what did i do wrong? thank you for your help.
You create new TD for each member. The nested foreach has to be:
#foreach($user as $mem)
{{ $mem->name }}<br>
The result will be:
Name 1<br>
Name 2<br>
Name 3<br>
I don't know the template engine you used, add inside a loop condition and don't put <br> after the last one member.
