So basically I have a php file in /var/www/ I'm trying to make it read a file from /root/changelog.txt, however it keeps saying that the file does not exist. I've tried to include ./root and just /root but they both say that the file doesn't exist. Is there a way I could possibly get changelog.php to include changelog.txt?
Website is running on a DigitalOcean VPS (Apache/Ubuntu) if that helps.
<?php include '/var/www/'; ?>
<body align="left">
<h1 style="margin-left:20px;">
<pre><xmp style="font-family:monospace;background-color:#ffffff;display:inline-block;margin-left:20px;padding:10px;border-radius:10px;"><?php include '/root/changelog.txt'; ?></xmp></pre>
<?php include '/var/www/'; ?>
I've run into problem whereby I'm not able to include a header file into a PHP file
In the code below, I've removed the original content as it's quite big & anyway what the code does is irrelevant to including the header file
php content
<body >
header content
I would like to have the following code in the header.php file & include it on all pages.
header content
When I do so with the main.php file looking as below, the page draws blank.
php content
<body >
<? php include('header.php') ?>
I've tried debugging this & following a few solutions on stackoverflow, but evidently have failed to achieve what I'm after.
Could I please request a second pair of eyes to help me spot the problem?
Well, first of all, I don't think you copied the code correctly to here.
As my debugging eyes can see, you got 2 issues:
Line 1: < is missing at the start. Change it to <?php. (Maybe
copy paste error?)
<?php include('header.php'); is missing closing tag. Change it to:
<?php include('header.php'); ?>
If you get a blank page, you probably have some errors. Try finding the "error.log" file in you working directory or add the following code at the start of the page:
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
I added some php to some of my pages, but its not coming up on any of the pages.
<body class="menu">
<!-- Slide bar starts here -->
<?php require ('/Php/Slider.php');?>
<!--Slide Bar Ends Here-->
<div class="body">
Store Comming Soon
<script src="store.js"></script>
in the php file I had this.
<a href="#" class="menu-toggle">
<div class="bar"></div>
<div class="bar"></div>
<div class="bar"></div>
<nav class="menu-side">
<div class="listing">
<div class="box"><a class="list" href="/"><h1>Home</h1></a></div>
<div class="box"><a class="list" href="/DayZ_Home/"><h1>DayZ</h1></a></div>
<div class="box"><a class="list" href="/Photos/"><h1>Photos</h1></a></div>
<div class="box"><a class="list" href="/Store/"><h1>Store</h1></a></div>
This is the exact same for all my pages, and nothing is coming up.
This is the error I get:
[02-Oct-2015 22:44:59 America/Denver] PHP Warning: include(): Failed
opening '/Php/Slider.php' for inclusion
(include_path='.:/usr/php/54/usr/lib64:/usr/php/54/usr/share/pear') in
/home2/itskeega/public_html/index.php on line 14
Any Idea what is wrong?
Simply try this first : Remove slash in front of php in the path and run again.
If that don't work continue reading.
Let me help you as much as I can.
First thing first, this
[02-Oct-2015 22:44:59 America/Denver] PHP Warning: include(): Failed
opening'/Php/Slider.php' for inclusion
(include_path='.:/usr/php/54/usr/lib64:/usr/php/54/usr/share/pear') in
/home2/itskeega/public_html/index.php on line 14
(just stating the obvious to me) This means,
There is a FIle called 'index.php' in public_html directory
It has a function "include()" on line 14 in its code.
The include function have a path in parenthesis following it.
There is a error in that path.
Either file "Slider.php" is not there or the script can't read it.
how do i know it for sure ?
Failed opening'/Php/Slider.php' for inclusion
Why did I tell this ?
It will help to understand errors next time.
Now let's try to solve the error, what I would do first to confirm the file permissions and every other thing is
Move the file to "public_html" folder itself.
new Path will be just Slider.php (Take note of the case).
Run your script and look for errors now.
That is the simplest way to do it.
Be very very precise in the "case" becuase I see you are not using the php conventions of naming everything.
Report back with the directory structure so we can help further.
'/Php/Slider.php' I assume you have Slider.php inside Php directory, Now the correct way to include would be:
require ('../Php/Slider.php');
Which will go back first, open the Php directory folder and look for Slider.php file.
<body class="menu">
<!-- Slide bar starts here -->
<?php require ('../Php/Slider.php');?>
<!--Slide Bar Ends Here-->
<div class="body">
Store Comming Soon
<script src="store.js"></script>
Moving forward from the comments under this answer, you stated your directory structure as:
/public_html/index.php (home page)
Which means the approach I stated was fine.
To go from index.php to Slider.php the way would be:
../ (Go back)
Php/ (Open the Php directory)
Slider.php (Look for Slider.php)
Hence, require ('../Php/Slider.php');
As you mentioned that you are including this file in whole project , yet you did not mention the dirctory structure . It is always better to include files with absolute path .
try as below -
<body class="menu">
<!-- Slide bar starts here -->
$file=$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."<--your project dir-->".'/Php/Slider.php';
require ($file);
<!--Slide Bar Ends Here-->
<div class="body">
Store Comming Soon
<script src="store.js"></script>
<?php require ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/path/to/file.php");?>
$_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]. Makes your path start at /public_html/
so I have the include saved in a folder called "include" and the file name is menu. When I upload the site, it doesn't show. Do I need an extension? Do I have to do it with php? Help me please. Here's my code. the website is
<div id="container">
<div id="header_line">
<div class="header">
<!--#include virtual="/inlcude/menu.html" -->
The #include tag is nothing to do with PHP, but is an Apache module. That module itself is, however, rarely used these days, and so you may do better to indeed use PHP, though you will have to name the file with a .php extension for that to be parsed.
<div class="header">
include "/include/menu.html";
<p>MARTIN SHABA</p> <!-- etc.... -->
Trying to load my first php site in a browser; Firefox displays odd coding tags, IE asks if I want to "open" the file, instead of loading the page. I think I copied a tutorial 100%, so I suppose it really should work.. Is there anything else I need to do to make this work, or may I have some code error?
function displayContent($content) {
echo implode($content);
function displaySidebar($sidebar) {
echo implode($sidebar);
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="author" content="SS" />
<link href="site.css" rel="stylesheet"type="text/css" />
<div class="container">
<div class="header">
<div class="sidebar">
<?php displaySidebar($sidebar); ?>
<div class="content">
<?php displayContent($content); ?>
<div class="footer">
//include our functions
require_once ('functions.php');
// declare arrays
//handle page request
if($t == 'about') {
//display about page //can we load a full template?
} else {
//display the home page
$content[]="<h2>home page</h2>";
//Important this is on bottom
//I guess content must be ready on load.
include ('template.php');
OUTPUT: (Firefox)
about"; $content[]="
"; $sidebar[]=""; } else { //display the home page $content[]="
home page
"; $content[]="
"; $sidebar[]=""; } //Important this is on bottom //I guess content must be ready on load. include ('template.php'); ?>
Uh, have you already installed Apache and PHP, and have you put the files in Apache's web root? Because PHP is not HTML: it's not parsed by the browser. It's executed by the server, which then returns the HTML response to the browser.
If you are working locally, try installing wamp or xampp, if you're working on a host. I suggest looking for one that supports php and mysql.
It could be that your server doesn't have PHP set up, or maybe your files aren't ending in .php.
To check, I'd remove what you've done so far, and make a new file called index.php. In it, I'd just write:
echo "Hi!";
Then go to the page. If that works, then you know your script has some issue, if not, then you know the server isn't set up correctly.
If that does work, you may want to change echo "Hi!"; to say phpinfo();. That tells you all about the PHP install, which may come in handy to know at some point!
My form create by php script and between teo file:
In index.php, i try in
<div class="art-header-png"></div>
<div class="art-header-jpeg"></div>
<?php include("header.php"); ?>
<div class="art-nav">
<div class="l"></div>
<div class="r"></div>
and my header.php
<div class="art-logo">
<h1 id="name-text" class="art-logo-name">Your Title Goes Here</h1>
<div id="slogan-text" class="art-logo-text">Your Slogan Goes Here</div>
But it didn't show content inside header.php.
How can i make it work?
First thing, either place header.php in the same folder as index.php or specify the correct path relative to index.php when you are using include (same apply to require).
PHP Include
also check to see if your php is configured correctly as well. Save the following line of code in a php file. Run it and see if you get php window: