I always use left join in drop select and I dont know yet how to use it on update.
I've search a lot but I see only two tables. Im confuse when applying it in three or more table update.
Please check my query:
public function updateUser($edit_id,$username)
$stmt=$this->conn->prepare("UPDATE tbl_login LEFT JOIN activity_logs ON tbl_login.username = activity_logs.activity_logs,
LEFT JOIN tbl_files ON tbl_login.username = tbl_files.file_uploader,
LEFT JOIN tbl_manfiles ON tbl_login.username = tbl_manfiles.file_uploader,
LEFT JOIN tbl_section ON tbl_login.username = tbl_section.creator,
LEFT JOIN tbl_adfiles ON tbl_login.username = tbl_adfiles.adfile_uploader
SET tbl_login.username=:username
WHERE id=:id");
$stmt->execute(array(":id"=>$edit_id, ":username"=>$username));
return $stmt;
$query = "UPDATE profiledata t1 JOIN profileprivacy t2 ON (t1.uid = t2.uid)
SET t1.aboutyou = '$aboutyou', t1.quotes = '$quotes',
t2.aboutyouPrivacy = '$aboutyouPrivacy', t2.quotesPrivacy = '$quotesPrivacy'
WHERE t1.uid = '$sess_uid'";
update two tables at once
function search_num_rows($param){
$q = $this->db->query("select Count(0) as num_rows
from contact_new
inner join companies c on contact_new.company_id = c.id
inner join history on contact_new.id = history.receiver_email
inner join escalation_level on contact_new.escalation_level_id = escalation_level.id
inner join departments on contact_new.departmend_id = departments.id
WHERE loan_no= '$loan_no' if($company_name){ AND company_name= '$company_name'} ")->result();
return $q[0]->num_rows;
can i insert the php code as i done in where clause.Is there any other way to do this without using active records.
It's actually very easy:
function search_num_rows($param){
$company_name = (isset($param['company_name']) && !empty($param['company_name']) ? " AND company_name = '$param[company_name]'" : '');
$q = $this->db->query("select Count(0) as num_rows
from contact_new
inner join companies c on contact_new.company_id = c.id
inner join history on contact_new.id = history.receiver_email
inner join escalation_level on contact_new.escalation_level_id = escalation_level.id
inner join departments on contact_new.departmend_id = departments.id
WHERE loan_no= '$loan_no' $company_name")->result();
return $q[0]->num_rows;
I have this large query, and I just need to filter out any results where the tbl_dealinterest.Active = 'n'. There sometimes isn't an entry in that table for the product, and sometimes it might there might be and entry and set to y.
Here is the large ugly query:
SELECT tbl_product.id, tbl_productspecification.id AS specificationId,
tbl_product.ProductId, tbl_seller.CompanyName, tbl_product.ProductName, tbl_product.Description, mst_Categories.id AS 'Category',
tbl_productspecification.RetailPrice, tbl_productspecification.SalePrice,
tbl_product.image, tbl_productspecification.Discount, tbl_product.EndTime, tbl_product.Seller_Id, tbl_dealinterest.Active AS thumbsActive
FROM tbl_product
LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_seller ON tbl_seller.SelId = tbl_product.Seller_Id
LEFT OUTER JOIN mst_Categories ON (mst_Categories.id = tbl_product.Category OR mst_Categories.id = tbl_product.SubCategory)
LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_productspecification ON tbl_productspecification.ProductId = tbl_product.ProductId
LEFT OUTER JOIN mst_image ON mst_image.Product = tbl_product.ProductId
LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_dealinterest ON tbl_dealinterest.ProductId = tbl_product.ProductId AND tbl_dealinterest.BuyerId = '$token'
WHERE tbl_product.Active='y'
AND tbl_product.StartTime <= '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'
AND tbl_product.EndTime > '".date("Y-m-d")." 06:00:00'
GROUP BY tbl_productspecification.ProductId";
Thanks for any suggestions.
WHERE tbl_product.Active='y'
AND (tbl_dealinterest.Active <> 'n' OR tbl_dealinterest.Active IS NULL)
LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_dealinterest ON (tbl_dealinterest.ProductId = tbl_product.ProductId
AND tbl_dealinterest.BuyerId = '$token'
AND tbl_dealinterest.Active<>'n')
I currently have a database with 12 tables. I am doing a php query to pull the information from the database but I am not getting anything displayed. The query alone bridges all the tables starting with table schedule that have a foreign key related. Should I need to start the query from the table class and bridge with other tables?
If you like to duplicate my design- QUERY
$query = ("SELECT class_name, class_caption, class_credit_hours, class_description
FROM schedule
INNER JOIN section
ON class.id = section.class_id
INNER JOIN faculty
ON faculty.id = section.faculty_id
INNER JOIN faculty
ON faculty.id = office_hours.faculty_id
INNER JOIN faculty_titles
ON faculty_titles.faculty_id = faculty.id
INNER JOIN faculty_education
ON faculty_education.faculty_id = faculty.id
INNER JOIN section
ON section.faculty_id = faculty.id
ON class.id = section.class_id
INNER JOIN major_class_br
ON major_class_br.class_id = class.id
INNER JOIN major_minor
ON major_class_br.major_minor_id = major_minor.id
//execute query
$result = mysql_query($query);
if ($result){
$totalhours = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ))
print "<b>" . $row['class_name'] . "</b><br>";
print $row['class_caption'] . "<br>";
print $row['class_description'] . "<br>";
print $row ['class_credit_hours'] . "hrs. <br>";
print "------------------------------<br />";
$totalhours += $row['class_credit_hours'];
SQL fiddle query
SELECT class_name, class_caption, class_credit_hours, class_description
FROM schedule
INNER JOIN section
ON class.id = section.class_id
Right here there's a problem: you are doing a INNER JOIN using the field 'class.id' but the table 'class' isn't in either side of the JOIN. So it won't work.
The query should start like this:
SELECT class_name, class_caption, class_credit_hours, class_description
FROM class
INNER JOIN section
ON class.id = section.class_id
And then do the JOIN with the table 'schedule' with the table it shares a common index (I guess it would be class).
The complete query should be something like this:
SELECT class.class_name, class.class_caption, class.class_credit_hours, class.class_description
FROM class
INNER JOIN section
ON class.id = section.class_id
INNER JOIN faculty
ON faculty.id = section.faculty_id OR faculty.id = office_hours.faculty_id
INNER JOIN faculty_titles
ON faculty_titles.faculty_id = faculty.id
INNER JOIN faculty_education
ON faculty_education.faculty_id = faculty.id
INNER JOIN major_class_br
ON major_class_br.class_id = class.id
INNER JOIN major_minor
ON major_class_br.major_minor_id = major_minor.id
INNER JOIN sched_sect_br
ON sched_sect_br.section_id = section.id
INNER JOIN schedule
ON schedule.id = sched_sect_br.schedule_id
INNER JOIN semester
ON semester.id = schedule.semester_id
INNER JOIN office_hours
ON schedule.id = office_hours.schedule_id AND faculty.id = office_hours.faculty_id
This query gets info from all the tables you have in your graph, aside from the event table, that isn't related to any other. But still this query should have more fields on the SELECT (you are only selection fields from the class table, I understand you'd want data from the other 10 tables as well), to do this simple add 'tablename.field' to the list of fields from the SELECT.
I'm stuck on the inner join scenario for my tables. Can you please help me? What I am doing wrong here?
Here is the scenario that I'm trying to do:
I have billing and shipping country/states columns which I am trying to populate with inner join, but somehow it is not working. Thanks a lot for your help:
$sql = $this->connection->query("SELECT * FROM ".TBL_USERS."
INNER JOIN ".TBL_USER_LEVEL." ON ".TBL_USERS.".userlevel = ".TBL_USER_LEVEL.".user_level_id
INNER JOIN ".TBL_COUNTRIES." ON ".TBL_USERS.".country OR ".TBL_USERS.".bcountry = ".TBL_COUNTRIES.".country_id
INNER JOIN ".TBL_STATES." ON ".TBL_USERS.".states OR ".TBL_USERS.".bstates = ".TBL_STATES.".states_id
WHERE ".TBL_USERS.".username = '$username'");
i changed the query to; and the error im gettin is
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1066 Not unique table/alias: 'countries'' in
$sql = $this->connection->query("SELECT * FROM ".TBL_USERS."
INNER JOIN ".TBL_USER_LEVEL." ON ".TBL_USERS.".userlevel = ".TBL_USER_LEVEL.".user_level_id
INNER JOIN ".TBL_STATES." ON ".TBL_USERS.".states = ".TBL_STATES.".states_id
INNER JOIN ".TBL_STATES." ON ".TBL_USERS.".bstates = ".TBL_STATES.".states_id
WHERE ".TBL_USERS.".username = '$username'");
OK here is correct syntax thanks a lot to #Tiberiu-IonuČ› Stan
$sql = $this->connection->query("SELECT * FROM ".TBL_USERS."
INNER JOIN ".TBL_USER_LEVEL." ON ".TBL_USERS.".userlevel = ".TBL_USER_LEVEL.".user_level_id
LEFT JOIN ".TBL_STATES." ON ".TBL_USERS.".states = ".TBL_STATES.".states_id
LEFT JOIN ".TBL_STATES." AS ".TBL_STATES."_b ON ".TBL_USERS.".bstates=".TBL_STATES."_b.states_id
WHERE ".TBL_USERS.".username = '$username'");
You can use OR and AND inside join statements.
I do it all the time.
Here's one that works:
LEFT JOIN `currencies` ON (
Problem is here:
MySQL can't decide on which relation to join the countries table (because MySQL thinks .country and .countryb can be different - so after join it doesn't know which columns will be returned or used for conditions and ordering).
Try it like this:
In case you have really big tables, do an EXPLAIN with the full final query including conditions and ordering to find out if MySQL is doing a table copy because of "TBL_USERS AS TBL_USERS_B".
You cannot use constructs like JOIN table ON field OR another_field = expression, unless referenced field is of boolean type.
You should use constructs that will return boolean result, in your case something like this:
$sql = $this->connection->query("SELECT * FROM $TBL_USERS
JOIN $TBL_USER_LEVEL ON $TBL_USERS.userlevel = $TBL_USER_LEVEL.user_level_id
OR $TBL_USERS.bcountry = $TBL_COUNTRIES.country_id
OR $TBL_USERS.bstates = $TBL_STATES.states_id
WHERE $TBL_USERS.username = '$username'");
I have also used the variable directly, otherwise lots of string concatenations looks messy.
And your query as is now is open for SQLi.
I have a nested mysql_query.
$resultSub = mysql_query("SELECT *
FROM ensembles
WHERE en_name = $name
LEFT JOIN ensemble_names on ensembles.en_name = ensemble_names.en_nm_ID
LEFT JOIN students on ensembles.en_stu = students.s_ID
LEFT JOIN part_names on ensembles.en_part = part_names.p_nm_ID
ORDER BY $sort $orderBy");
The query works fine without the WHERE clause, which I thought may be filtering out rows for the LEFT JOIN command, but that's not the case.
The WHERE clause should be placed after the LEFT JOINs:
$resultSub = mysql_query("SELECT *
FROM ensembles
LEFT JOIN ensemble_names on ensembles.en_name = ensemble_names.en_nm_ID
LEFT JOIN students on ensembles.en_stu = students.s_ID
LEFT JOIN part_names on ensembles.en_part = part_names.p_nm_ID
WHERE en_name = $name
ORDER BY $sort $orderBy");
Well, you put the WHERE clause in the wrong place.
Read the documentation.